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//! Sub-GHz radio operating in the 150 - 960 MHz ISM band
//! ## LoRa user notice
//! The Sub-GHz radio may have an undocumented erratum, see this ST community
//! post for more information: [link]
//! [link]: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000hR8kpSAC/stm32wl55-erratum-clairification
//! NOTE: This HAL is based on https://github.com/newAM/stm32wl-hal, but adopted for use with the stm32-metapac
//! and SPI HALs.
mod bit_sync;
mod cad_params;
mod calibrate;
mod fallback_mode;
mod hse_trim;
mod irq;
mod lora_sync_word;
mod mod_params;
mod ocp;
mod op_error;
mod pa_config;
mod packet_params;
mod packet_status;
mod packet_type;
mod pkt_ctrl;
mod pmode;
mod pwr_ctrl;
mod reg_mode;
mod rf_frequency;
mod rx_timeout_stop;
mod sleep_cfg;
mod smps;
mod standby_clk;
mod stats;
mod status;
mod tcxo_mode;
mod timeout;
mod tx_params;
mod value_error;
pub use bit_sync::BitSync;
pub use cad_params::{CadParams, ExitMode, NbCadSymbol};
pub use calibrate::{Calibrate, CalibrateImage};
pub use fallback_mode::FallbackMode;
pub use hse_trim::HseTrim;
pub use irq::{CfgIrq, Irq, IrqLine};
pub use lora_sync_word::LoRaSyncWord;
pub use mod_params::BpskModParams;
pub use mod_params::{CodingRate, LoRaBandwidth, LoRaModParams, SpreadingFactor};
pub use mod_params::{FskBandwidth, FskBitrate, FskFdev, FskModParams, FskPulseShape};
pub use ocp::Ocp;
pub use op_error::OpError;
pub use pa_config::{PaConfig, PaSel};
pub use packet_params::{
AddrComp, BpskPacketParams, CrcType, GenericPacketParams, HeaderType, LoRaPacketParams,
pub use packet_status::{FskPacketStatus, LoRaPacketStatus};
pub use packet_type::PacketType;
pub use pkt_ctrl::{InfSeqSel, PktCtrl};
pub use pmode::PMode;
pub use pwr_ctrl::{CurrentLim, PwrCtrl};
pub use reg_mode::RegMode;
pub use rf_frequency::RfFreq;
pub use rx_timeout_stop::RxTimeoutStop;
pub use sleep_cfg::{SleepCfg, Startup};
pub use smps::SmpsDrv;
pub use standby_clk::StandbyClk;
pub use stats::{FskStats, LoRaStats, Stats};
pub use status::{CmdStatus, Status, StatusMode};
pub use tcxo_mode::{TcxoMode, TcxoTrim};
pub use timeout::Timeout;
pub use tx_params::{RampTime, TxParams};
pub use value_error::ValueError;
use embassy_hal_common::ratio::Ratio;
use crate::{
spi::{BitOrder, Config as SpiConfig, MisoPin, MosiPin, SckPin, Spi, MODE_0},
use embassy::util::Unborrow;
/// Passthrough for SPI errors (for now)
pub type Error = crate::spi::Error;
struct Nss {
_priv: (),
impl Nss {
pub fn new() -> Nss {
Nss { _priv: () }
/// Clear NSS, enabling SPI transactions
fn clear() {
let pwr = pac::PWR;
unsafe {
.modify(|w| w.set_nss(pac::pwr::vals::Nss::LOW));
/// Set NSS, disabling SPI transactions
fn set() {
let pwr = pac::PWR;
unsafe {
.modify(|w| w.set_nss(pac::pwr::vals::Nss::HIGH));
impl Drop for Nss {
fn drop(&mut self) {
/// Wakeup the radio from sleep mode.
/// # Safety
/// 1. This must not be called when the SubGHz radio is in use.
/// 2. This must not be called when the SubGHz SPI bus is in use.
/// # Example
/// See [`SubGhz::set_sleep`]
unsafe fn wakeup() {
// RM0453 rev 2 page 171 section 5.7.2 "Sleep mode"
// on a firmware request via the sub-GHz radio SPI NSS signal
// (keeping sub-GHz radio SPI NSS low for at least 20 μs)
// I have found this to be a more reliable mechanism for ensuring NSS is
// pulled low for long enough to wake the radio.
while rfbusys() {}
/// Returns `true` if the radio is busy.
/// This may not be set immediately after NSS going low.
/// See RM0461 Rev 4 section 5.3 page 181 "Radio busy management" for more
/// details.
fn rfbusys() -> bool {
// safety: atmoic read with no side-effects
//unsafe { (*pac::PWR::ptr()).sr2.read().rfbusys().is_busy() }
let pwr = pac::PWR;
unsafe { pwr.sr2().read().rfbusys() == pac::pwr::vals::Rfbusys::BUSY }
2021-09-02 11:31:38 +02:00
/// Returns `true` if the radio is busy or NSS is low.
/// See RM0461 Rev 4 section 5.3 page 181 "Radio busy management" for more
/// details.
fn rfbusyms() -> bool {
let pwr = pac::PWR;
unsafe { pwr.sr2().read().rfbusyms() == pac::pwr::vals::Rfbusyms::BUSY }
2021-09-02 11:31:38 +02:00
/// Sub-GHz radio peripheral
pub struct SubGhz<'d, Tx, Rx> {
spi: Spi<'d, SUBGHZSPI, Tx, Rx>,
impl<'d, Tx, Rx> SubGhz<'d, Tx, Rx> {
fn pulse_radio_reset() {
let rcc = pac::RCC;
unsafe {
rcc.csr().modify(|w| w.set_rfrst(true));
rcc.csr().modify(|w| w.set_rfrst(false));
// TODO: This should be replaced with async handling based on IRQ
fn poll_not_busy(&self) {
let mut count: u32 = 1_000_000;
while rfbusys() {
count -= 1;
if count == 0 {
let pwr = pac::PWR;
unsafe {
"rfbusys timeout pwr.sr2=0x{:X} pwr.subghzspicr=0x{:X} pwr.cr1=0x{:X}",
/// Create a new sub-GHz radio driver from a peripheral.
/// This will reset the radio and the SPI bus, and enable the peripheral
/// clock.
pub fn new(
peri: impl Unborrow<Target = SUBGHZSPI> + 'd,
sck: impl Unborrow<Target = impl SckPin<SUBGHZSPI>>,
mosi: impl Unborrow<Target = impl MosiPin<SUBGHZSPI>>,
miso: impl Unborrow<Target = impl MisoPin<SUBGHZSPI>>,
txdma: impl Unborrow<Target = Tx>,
rxdma: impl Unborrow<Target = Rx>,
) -> Self {
// see RM0453 rev 1 section 7.2.13 page 291
// The SUBGHZSPI_SCK frequency is obtained by PCLK3 divided by two.
// The SUBGHZSPI_SCK clock maximum speed must not exceed 16 MHz.
let clk = Hertz(core::cmp::min(SUBGHZSPI::frequency().0 / 2, 16_000_000));
let mut config = SpiConfig::default();
config.mode = MODE_0;
config.bit_order = BitOrder::MsbFirst;
let spi = Spi::new(peri, sck, mosi, miso, txdma, rxdma, clk, config);
unsafe { wakeup() };
SubGhz { spi }
2021-09-14 14:58:37 +02:00
pub fn is_busy(&mut self) -> bool {
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
impl<'d> SubGhz<'d, NoDma, NoDma> {
fn read(&mut self, opcode: OpCode, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let _nss: Nss = Nss::new();
self.spi.blocking_write(&[opcode as u8])?;
/// Read one byte from the sub-Ghz radio.
fn read_1(&mut self, opcode: OpCode) -> Result<u8, Error> {
let mut buf: [u8; 1] = [0; 1];
self.read(opcode, &mut buf)?;
/// Read a fixed number of bytes from the sub-Ghz radio.
fn read_n<const N: usize>(&mut self, opcode: OpCode) -> Result<[u8; N], Error> {
let mut buf: [u8; N] = [0; N];
self.read(opcode, &mut buf)?;
fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let _nss: Nss = Nss::new();
pub fn write_buffer(&mut self, offset: u8, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let _nss: Nss = Nss::new();
.blocking_write(&[OpCode::WriteBuffer as u8, offset])?;
/// Read the radio buffer at the given offset.
/// The offset and length of a received packet is provided by
/// [`rx_buffer_status`](Self::rx_buffer_status).
pub fn read_buffer(&mut self, offset: u8, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<Status, Error> {
let mut status_buf: [u8; 1] = [0];
let _nss: Nss = Nss::new();
.blocking_write(&[OpCode::ReadBuffer as u8, offset])?;
self.spi.blocking_transfer_in_place(&mut status_buf)?;
// helper to pack register writes into a single buffer to avoid multiple DMA
// transfers
macro_rules! wr_reg {
[$reg:ident, $($data:expr),+] => {
OpCode::WriteRegister as u8,
// 5.8.2
/// Register access
impl<'d> SubGhz<'d, NoDma, NoDma> {
// register write with variable length data
fn write_register(&mut self, register: Register, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let addr: [u8; 2] = register.address().to_be_bytes();
let _nss: Nss = Nss::new();
.blocking_write(&[OpCode::WriteRegister as u8, addr[0], addr[1]])?;
/// Set the LoRa bit synchronization.
pub fn set_bit_sync(&mut self, bs: BitSync) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(wr_reg![GBSYNC, bs.as_bits()])
/// Set the generic packet control register.
pub fn set_pkt_ctrl(&mut self, pkt_ctrl: PktCtrl) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(wr_reg![GPKTCTL1A, pkt_ctrl.as_bits()])
/// Set the initial value for generic packet whitening.
/// This sets the first 8 bits, the 9th bit is set with
/// [`set_pkt_ctrl`](Self::set_pkt_ctrl).
pub fn set_init_whitening(&mut self, init: u8) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(wr_reg![GWHITEINIRL, init])
/// Set the initial value for generic packet CRC polynomial.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// sg.set_crc_polynomial(0x1D0F)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_crc_polynomial(&mut self, polynomial: u16) -> Result<(), Error> {
let bytes: [u8; 2] = polynomial.to_be_bytes();
self.write(wr_reg![GCRCINIRH, bytes[0], bytes[1]])
/// Set the generic packet CRC polynomial.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// sg.set_initial_crc_polynomial(0x1021)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_initial_crc_polynomial(&mut self, polynomial: u16) -> Result<(), Error> {
let bytes: [u8; 2] = polynomial.to_be_bytes();
self.write(wr_reg![GCRCPOLRH, bytes[0], bytes[1]])
/// Set the synchronization word registers.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// const SYNC_WORD: [u8; 8] = [0x79, 0x80, 0x0C, 0xC0, 0x29, 0x95, 0xF8, 0x4A];
/// sg.set_sync_word(&SYNC_WORD)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_sync_word(&mut self, sync_word: &[u8; 8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write_register(Register::GSYNC7, sync_word)
/// Set the LoRa synchronization word registers.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{LoRaSyncWord, PacketType};
/// sg.set_packet_type(PacketType::LoRa)?;
/// sg.set_lora_sync_word(LoRaSyncWord::Public)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_lora_sync_word(&mut self, sync_word: LoRaSyncWord) -> Result<(), Error> {
let bytes: [u8; 2] = sync_word.bytes();
self.write(wr_reg![LSYNCH, bytes[0], bytes[1]])
/// Set the RX gain control.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::PMode;
/// sg.set_rx_gain(PMode::Boost)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_rx_gain(&mut self, pmode: PMode) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(wr_reg![RXGAINC, pmode as u8])
/// Set the power amplifier over current protection.
/// # Example
/// Maximum 60mA for LP PA mode.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::Ocp;
/// sg.set_pa_ocp(Ocp::Max60m)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
/// Maximum 60mA for HP PA mode.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::Ocp;
/// sg.set_pa_ocp(Ocp::Max140m)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_pa_ocp(&mut self, ocp: Ocp) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(wr_reg![PAOCP, ocp as u8])
/// Set the HSE32 crystal OSC_IN load capaitor trimming.
/// # Example
/// Set the trim to the lowest value.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::HseTrim;
/// sg.set_hse_in_trim(HseTrim::MIN)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_hse_in_trim(&mut self, trim: HseTrim) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(wr_reg![HSEINTRIM, trim.into()])
/// Set the HSE32 crystal OSC_OUT load capaitor trimming.
/// # Example
/// Set the trim to the lowest value.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::HseTrim;
/// sg.set_hse_out_trim(HseTrim::MIN)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_hse_out_trim(&mut self, trim: HseTrim) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(wr_reg![HSEOUTTRIM, trim.into()])
/// Set the SMPS clock detection enabled.
/// SMPS clock detection must be enabled fore enabling the SMPS.
pub fn set_smps_clock_det_en(&mut self, en: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(wr_reg![SMPSC0, (en as u8) << 6])
/// Set the power current limiting.
pub fn set_pwr_ctrl(&mut self, pwr_ctrl: PwrCtrl) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(wr_reg![PC, pwr_ctrl.as_bits()])
/// Set the maximum SMPS drive capability.
pub fn set_smps_drv(&mut self, drv: SmpsDrv) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(wr_reg![SMPSC2, (drv as u8) << 1])
// 5.8.3
/// Operating mode commands
impl<'d> SubGhz<'d, NoDma, NoDma> {
/// Put the radio into sleep mode.
/// This command is only accepted in standby mode.
/// The cfg argument allows some optional functions to be maintained
/// in sleep mode.
/// # Safety
/// 1. After the `set_sleep` command, the sub-GHz radio NSS must not go low
/// for 500 μs.
/// No reason is provided, the reference manual (RM0453 rev 2) simply
/// says "you must".
/// 2. The radio cannot be used while in sleep mode.
/// 3. The radio must be woken up with [`wakeup`] before resuming use.
/// # Example
/// Put the radio into sleep mode.
/// ```no_run
/// # let dp = unsafe { embassy_stm32::pac::Peripherals::steal() };
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::{
/// subghz::{wakeup, SleepCfg, StandbyClk},
/// };
/// sg.set_standby(StandbyClk::Rc)?;
/// unsafe { sg.set_sleep(SleepCfg::default())? };
/// embassy::time::Timer::after(embassy::time::Duration::from_micros(500)).await;
/// unsafe { wakeup() };
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub unsafe fn set_sleep(&mut self, cfg: SleepCfg) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(&[OpCode::SetSleep as u8, u8::from(cfg)])
/// Put the radio into standby mode.
/// # Examples
/// Put the radio into standby mode using the RC 13MHz clock.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::StandbyClk;
/// sg.set_standby(StandbyClk::Rc)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
/// Put the radio into standby mode using the HSE32 clock.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut dp = unsafe { embassy_stm32::pac::Peripherals::steal() };
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::StandbyClk;
/// dp.RCC
/// .cr
/// .modify(|_, w| w.hseon().enabled().hsebyppwr().vddtcxo());
/// while dp.RCC.cr.read().hserdy().is_not_ready() {}
/// sg.set_standby(StandbyClk::Hse)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_standby(&mut self, standby_clk: StandbyClk) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(&[OpCode::SetStandby as u8, u8::from(standby_clk)])
/// Put the subghz radio into frequency synthesis mode.
/// The RF-PLL frequency must be set with [`set_rf_frequency`] before using
/// this command.
/// Check the datasheet for more information, this is a test command but
/// I honestly do not see any use for it. Please update this description
/// if you know more than I do.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::RfFreq;
/// sg.set_rf_frequency(&RfFreq::from_frequency(915_000_000))?;
/// sg.set_fs()?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [`set_rf_frequency`]: crate::subghz::SubGhz::set_rf_frequency
pub fn set_fs(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Set the sub-GHz radio in TX mode.
/// # Example
/// Transmit with no timeout.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::Timeout;
/// sg.set_tx(Timeout::DISABLED)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_tx(&mut self, timeout: Timeout) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tobits: u32 = timeout.into_bits();
(tobits >> 16) as u8,
(tobits >> 8) as u8,
tobits as u8,
/// Set the sub-GHz radio in RX mode.
/// # Example
/// Receive with a 1 second timeout.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use core::time::Duration;
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::Timeout;
/// sg.set_rx(Timeout::from_duration_sat(Duration::from_secs(1)))?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_rx(&mut self, timeout: Timeout) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tobits: u32 = timeout.into_bits();
(tobits >> 16) as u8,
(tobits >> 8) as u8,
tobits as u8,
/// Allows selection of the receiver event which stops the RX timeout timer.
/// # Example
/// Set the RX timeout timer to stop on preamble detection.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::RxTimeoutStop;
/// sg.set_rx_timeout_stop(RxTimeoutStop::Preamble)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_rx_timeout_stop(&mut self, rx_timeout_stop: RxTimeoutStop) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Put the radio in non-continuous RX mode.
/// This command must be sent in Standby mode.
/// This command is only functional with FSK and LoRa packet type.
/// The following steps are performed:
/// 1. Save sub-GHz radio configuration.
/// 2. Enter Receive mode and listen for a preamble for the specified `rx_period`.
/// 3. Upon the detection of a preamble, the `rx_period` timeout is stopped
/// and restarted with the value 2 x `rx_period` + `sleep_period`.
/// During this new period, the sub-GHz radio looks for the detection of
/// a synchronization word when in (G)FSK modulation mode,
/// or a header when in LoRa modulation mode.
/// 4. If no packet is received during the listen period defined by
/// 2 x `rx_period` + `sleep_period`, the sleep mode is entered for a
/// duration of `sleep_period`. At the end of the receive period,
/// the sub-GHz radio takes some time to save the context before starting
/// the sleep period.
/// 5. After the sleep period, a new listening period is automatically
/// started. The sub-GHz radio restores the sub-GHz radio configuration
/// and continuous with step 2.
/// The listening mode is terminated in one of the following cases:
/// * if a packet is received during the listening period: the sub-GHz radio
/// issues a [`RxDone`] interrupt and enters standby mode.
/// * if [`set_standby`] is sent during the listening period or after the
/// sub-GHz has been requested to exit sleep mode by sub-GHz radio SPI NSS
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use core::time::Duration;
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{StandbyClk, Timeout};
/// const RX_PERIOD: Timeout = Timeout::from_duration_sat(Duration::from_millis(100));
/// const SLEEP_PERIOD: Timeout = Timeout::from_duration_sat(Duration::from_secs(1));
/// sg.set_standby(StandbyClk::Rc)?;
/// sg.set_rx_duty_cycle(RX_PERIOD, SLEEP_PERIOD)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [`RxDone`]: crate::subghz::Irq::RxDone
/// [`set_rf_frequency`]: crate::subghz::SubGhz::set_rf_frequency
/// [`set_standby`]: crate::subghz::SubGhz::set_standby
pub fn set_rx_duty_cycle(
&mut self,
rx_period: Timeout,
sleep_period: Timeout,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let rx_period_bits: u32 = rx_period.into_bits();
let sleep_period_bits: u32 = sleep_period.into_bits();
(rx_period_bits >> 16) as u8,
(rx_period_bits >> 8) as u8,
rx_period_bits as u8,
(sleep_period_bits >> 16) as u8,
(sleep_period_bits >> 8) as u8,
sleep_period_bits as u8,
/// Channel Activity Detection (CAD) with LoRa packets.
/// The channel activity detection (CAD) is a specific LoRa operation mode,
/// where the sub-GHz radio searches for a LoRa radio signal.
/// After the search is completed, the Standby mode is automatically
/// entered, CAD is done and IRQ is generated.
/// When a LoRa radio signal is detected, the CAD detected IRQ is also
/// generated.
/// The length of the search must be configured with [`set_cad_params`]
/// prior to calling `set_cad`.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use core::time::Duration;
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{CadParams, ExitMode, NbCadSymbol, StandbyClk, Timeout};
/// const RX_PERIOD: Timeout = Timeout::from_duration_sat(Duration::from_millis(100));
/// const SLEEP_PERIOD: Timeout = Timeout::from_duration_sat(Duration::from_secs(1));
/// const CAD_PARAMS: CadParams = CadParams::new()
/// .set_num_symbol(NbCadSymbol::S4)
/// .set_det_peak(0x18)
/// .set_det_min(0x10)
/// .set_exit_mode(ExitMode::Standby);
/// sg.set_standby(StandbyClk::Rc)?;
/// sg.set_cad_params(&CAD_PARAMS)?;
/// sg.set_cad()?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [`set_cad_params`]: crate::subghz::SubGhz::set_cad_params
pub fn set_cad(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Generate a continuous transmit tone at the RF-PLL frequency.
/// The sub-GHz radio remains in continuous transmit tone mode until a mode
/// configuration command is received.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// sg.set_tx_continuous_wave()?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_tx_continuous_wave(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(&[OpCode::SetTxContinuousWave as u8])
/// Generate an infinite preamble at the RF-PLL frequency.
/// The preamble is an alternating 0s and 1s sequence in generic (G)FSK and
/// (G)MSK modulations.
/// The preamble is symbol 0 in LoRa modulation.
/// The sub-GHz radio remains in infinite preamble mode until a mode
/// configuration command is received.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// sg.set_tx_continuous_preamble()?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_tx_continuous_preamble(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(&[OpCode::SetTxContinuousPreamble as u8])
// 5.8.4
/// Radio configuration commands
impl<'d> SubGhz<'d, NoDma, NoDma> {
/// Set the packet type (modulation scheme).
/// # Examples
/// FSK (frequency shift keying):
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::PacketType;
/// sg.set_packet_type(PacketType::Fsk)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
/// LoRa (long range):
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::PacketType;
/// sg.set_packet_type(PacketType::LoRa)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
/// BPSK (binary phase shift keying):
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::PacketType;
/// sg.set_packet_type(PacketType::Bpsk)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
/// MSK (minimum shift keying):
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::PacketType;
/// sg.set_packet_type(PacketType::Msk)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_packet_type(&mut self, packet_type: PacketType) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(&[OpCode::SetPacketType as u8, packet_type as u8])
/// Get the packet type.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::PacketType;
/// sg.set_packet_type(PacketType::LoRa)?;
/// assert_eq!(sg.packet_type()?, Ok(PacketType::LoRa));
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn packet_type(&mut self) -> Result<Result<PacketType, u8>, Error> {
let pkt_type: [u8; 2] = self.read_n(OpCode::GetPacketType)?;
/// Set the radio carrier frequency.
/// # Example
/// Set the frequency to 915MHz (Australia and North America).
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::RfFreq;
/// sg.set_rf_frequency(&RfFreq::F915)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_rf_frequency(&mut self, freq: &RfFreq) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Set the transmit output power and the PA ramp-up time.
/// # Example
/// Set the output power to +10 dBm (low power mode) and a ramp up time of
/// 40 microseconds.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{PaConfig, PaSel, RampTime, TxParams};
/// const TX_PARAMS: TxParams = TxParams::new()
/// .set_ramp_time(RampTime::Micros40)
/// .set_power(0x0D);
/// const PA_CONFIG: PaConfig = PaConfig::new()
/// .set_pa(PaSel::Lp)
/// .set_pa_duty_cycle(0x1)
/// .set_hp_max(0x0);
/// sg.set_pa_config(&PA_CONFIG)?;
/// sg.set_tx_params(&TX_PARAMS)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_tx_params(&mut self, params: &TxParams) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Power amplifier configuation.
/// Used to customize the maximum output power and efficiency.
/// # Example
/// Set the output power to +22 dBm (high power mode) and a ramp up time of
/// 200 microseconds.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{PaConfig, PaSel, RampTime, TxParams};
/// const TX_PARAMS: TxParams = TxParams::new()
/// .set_ramp_time(RampTime::Micros200)
/// .set_power(0x16);
/// const PA_CONFIG: PaConfig = PaConfig::new()
/// .set_pa(PaSel::Hp)
/// .set_pa_duty_cycle(0x4)
/// .set_hp_max(0x7);
/// sg.set_pa_config(&PA_CONFIG)?;
/// sg.set_tx_params(&TX_PARAMS)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_pa_config(&mut self, pa_config: &PaConfig) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Operating mode to enter after a successful packet transmission or
/// packet reception.
/// # Example
/// Set the fallback mode to standby mode.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::FallbackMode;
/// sg.set_tx_rx_fallback_mode(FallbackMode::Standby)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_tx_rx_fallback_mode(&mut self, fm: FallbackMode) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(&[OpCode::SetTxRxFallbackMode as u8, fm as u8])
/// Set channel activity detection (CAD) parameters.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use core::time::Duration;
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{CadParams, ExitMode, NbCadSymbol, StandbyClk, Timeout};
/// const RX_PERIOD: Timeout = Timeout::from_duration_sat(Duration::from_millis(100));
/// const SLEEP_PERIOD: Timeout = Timeout::from_duration_sat(Duration::from_secs(1));
/// const CAD_PARAMS: CadParams = CadParams::new()
/// .set_num_symbol(NbCadSymbol::S4)
/// .set_det_peak(0x18)
/// .set_det_min(0x10)
/// .set_exit_mode(ExitMode::Standby);
/// sg.set_standby(StandbyClk::Rc)?;
/// sg.set_cad_params(&CAD_PARAMS)?;
/// sg.set_cad()?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_cad_params(&mut self, params: &CadParams) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Set the data buffer base address for the packet handling in TX and RX.
/// There is a 256B TX buffer and a 256B RX buffer.
/// These buffers are not memory mapped, they are accessed via the
/// [`read_buffer`] and [`write_buffer`] methods.
/// # Example
/// Set the TX and RX buffer base to the start.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// sg.set_buffer_base_address(0, 0)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [`read_buffer`]: SubGhz::read_buffer
/// [`write_buffer`]: SubGhz::write_buffer
pub fn set_buffer_base_address(&mut self, tx: u8, rx: u8) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(&[OpCode::SetBufferBaseAddress as u8, tx, rx])
/// Set the (G)FSK modulation parameters.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{
/// FskBandwidth, FskBitrate, FskFdev, FskModParams, FskPulseShape, PacketType,
/// };
/// const BITRATE: FskBitrate = FskBitrate::from_bps(32_000);
/// const PULSE_SHAPE: FskPulseShape = FskPulseShape::Bt03;
/// const BW: FskBandwidth = FskBandwidth::Bw9;
/// const FDEV: FskFdev = FskFdev::from_hertz(31_250);
/// const MOD_PARAMS: FskModParams = FskModParams::new()
/// .set_bitrate(BITRATE)
/// .set_pulse_shape(PULSE_SHAPE)
/// .set_bandwidth(BW)
/// .set_fdev(FDEV);
/// sg.set_packet_type(PacketType::Fsk)?;
/// sg.set_fsk_mod_params(&MOD_PARAMS)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_fsk_mod_params(&mut self, params: &FskModParams) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Set the LoRa modulation parameters.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{
/// CodingRate, LoRaBandwidth, LoRaModParams, PacketType, SpreadingFactor,
/// };
/// const MOD_PARAMS: LoRaModParams = LoRaModParams::new()
/// .set_sf(SpreadingFactor::Sf7)
/// .set_bw(LoRaBandwidth::Bw125)
/// .set_cr(CodingRate::Cr45)
/// .set_ldro_en(false);
/// sg.set_packet_type(PacketType::LoRa)?;
/// sg.set_lora_mod_params(&MOD_PARAMS)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_lora_mod_params(&mut self, params: &LoRaModParams) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Set the BPSK modulation parameters.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{BpskModParams, FskBitrate, PacketType};
/// const MOD_PARAMS: BpskModParams = BpskModParams::new().set_bitrate(FskBitrate::from_bps(600));
/// sg.set_packet_type(PacketType::Bpsk)?;
/// sg.set_bpsk_mod_params(&MOD_PARAMS)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_bpsk_mod_params(&mut self, params: &BpskModParams) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Set the generic (FSK) packet parameters.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{
/// AddrComp, CrcType, GenericPacketParams, HeaderType, PacketType, PreambleDetection,
/// };
/// const PKT_PARAMS: GenericPacketParams = GenericPacketParams::new()
/// .set_preamble_len(8)
/// .set_preamble_detection(PreambleDetection::Disabled)
/// .set_sync_word_len(2)
/// .set_addr_comp(AddrComp::Disabled)
/// .set_header_type(HeaderType::Fixed)
/// .set_payload_len(128)
/// .set_crc_type(CrcType::Byte2)
/// .set_whitening_enable(true);
/// sg.set_packet_type(PacketType::Fsk)?;
/// sg.set_packet_params(&PKT_PARAMS)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_packet_params(&mut self, params: &GenericPacketParams) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Set the BPSK packet parameters.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{BpskPacketParams, PacketType};
/// sg.set_packet_type(PacketType::Bpsk)?;
/// sg.set_bpsk_packet_params(&BpskPacketParams::new().set_payload_len(64))?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_bpsk_packet_params(&mut self, params: &BpskPacketParams) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Set the LoRa packet parameters.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{HeaderType, LoRaPacketParams, PacketType};
/// const PKT_PARAMS: LoRaPacketParams = LoRaPacketParams::new()
/// .set_preamble_len(5 * 8)
/// .set_header_type(HeaderType::Fixed)
/// .set_payload_len(64)
/// .set_crc_en(true)
/// .set_invert_iq(true);
/// sg.set_packet_type(PacketType::LoRa)?;
/// sg.set_lora_packet_params(&PKT_PARAMS)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_lora_packet_params(&mut self, params: &LoRaPacketParams) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Set the number of LoRa symbols to be received before starting the
/// reception of a LoRa packet.
/// Packet reception is started after `n` + 1 symbols are detected.
/// # Example
/// Start reception after a single LoRa word is detected
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// // ... setup the radio for LoRa RX
/// sg.set_lora_symb_timeout(0)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_lora_symb_timeout(&mut self, n: u8) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(&[OpCode::SetLoRaSymbTimeout.into(), n])
// 5.8.5
/// Communication status and information commands
impl<'d> SubGhz<'d, NoDma, NoDma> {
/// Get the radio status.
/// The hardware (or documentation) appears to have many bugs where this
/// will return reserved values.
/// See this thread in the ST community for details: [link]
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::Status;
/// let status: Status = sg.status()?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [link]: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000hR9GQSA0/stm32wl55-getstatus-command-returns-reserved-cmdstatus
pub fn status(&mut self) -> Result<Status, Error> {
/// Get the RX buffer status.
/// The return tuple is (status, payload_length, buffer_pointer).
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{CmdStatus, Timeout};
/// sg.set_rx(Timeout::DISABLED)?;
/// loop {
/// let (status, len, ptr) = sg.rx_buffer_status()?;
/// if status.cmd() == Ok(CmdStatus::Avaliable) {
/// let mut buf: [u8; 256] = [0; 256];
/// let data: &mut [u8] = &mut buf[..usize::from(len)];
/// sg.read_buffer(ptr, data)?;
/// // ... do things with the data
/// break;
/// }
/// }
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn rx_buffer_status(&mut self) -> Result<(Status, u8, u8), Error> {
let data: [u8; 3] = self.read_n(OpCode::GetRxBufferStatus)?;
Ok((data[0].into(), data[1], data[2]))
/// Returns information on the last received (G)FSK packet.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::fmt::Write;
/// # let mut uart = String::new();
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{CmdStatus, Timeout};
/// sg.set_rx(Timeout::DISABLED)?;
/// loop {
/// let pkt_status = sg.fsk_packet_status()?;
/// if pkt_status.status().cmd() == Ok(CmdStatus::Avaliable) {
/// let rssi = pkt_status.rssi_avg();
/// writeln!(&mut uart, "Avg RSSI: {} dBm", rssi);
/// break;
/// }
/// }
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn fsk_packet_status(&mut self) -> Result<FskPacketStatus, Error> {
/// Returns information on the last received LoRa packet.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::fmt::Write;
/// # let mut uart = String::new();
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{CmdStatus, Timeout};
/// sg.set_rx(Timeout::DISABLED)?;
/// loop {
/// let pkt_status = sg.lora_packet_status()?;
/// if pkt_status.status().cmd() == Ok(CmdStatus::Avaliable) {
/// let snr = pkt_status.snr_pkt();
/// writeln!(&mut uart, "SNR: {} dB", snr);
/// break;
/// }
/// }
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn lora_packet_status(&mut self) -> Result<LoRaPacketStatus, Error> {
/// Get the instantaneous signal strength during packet reception.
/// The units are in dbm.
/// # Example
/// Log the instantaneous signal strength to UART.
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::fmt::Write;
/// # let mut uart = String::new();
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{CmdStatus, Timeout};
/// sg.set_rx(Timeout::DISABLED)?;
/// let (_, rssi) = sg.rssi_inst()?;
/// writeln!(&mut uart, "RSSI: {} dBm", rssi);
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn rssi_inst(&mut self) -> Result<(Status, Ratio<i16>), Error> {
let data: [u8; 2] = self.read_n(OpCode::GetRssiInst)?;
let status: Status = data[0].into();
let rssi: Ratio<i16> = Ratio::new_raw(i16::from(data[1]), -2);
Ok((status, rssi))
/// (G)FSK packet stats.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{FskStats, Stats};
/// let stats: Stats<FskStats> = sg.fsk_stats()?;
/// // ... use stats
/// sg.reset_stats()?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn fsk_stats(&mut self) -> Result<Stats<FskStats>, Error> {
let data: [u8; 7] = self.read_n(OpCode::GetStats)?;
/// LoRa packet stats.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{LoRaStats, Stats};
/// let stats: Stats<LoRaStats> = sg.lora_stats()?;
/// // ... use stats
/// sg.reset_stats()?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn lora_stats(&mut self) -> Result<Stats<LoRaStats>, Error> {
let data: [u8; 7] = self.read_n(OpCode::GetStats)?;
/// Reset the stats as reported in [`lora_stats`] and [`fsk_stats`].
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// sg.reset_stats()?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [`lora_stats`]: crate::subghz::SubGhz::lora_stats
/// [`fsk_stats`]: crate::subghz::SubGhz::fsk_stats
pub fn reset_stats(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
const RESET_STATS: [u8; 7] = [0x00; 7];
// 5.8.6
/// IRQ commands
impl<'d> SubGhz<'d, NoDma, NoDma> {
/// Set the interrupt configuration.
/// # Example
/// Enable TX and timeout interrupts.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{CfgIrq, Irq};
/// const IRQ_CFG: CfgIrq = CfgIrq::new()
/// .irq_enable_all(Irq::TxDone)
/// .irq_enable_all(Irq::Timeout);
/// sg.set_irq_cfg(&IRQ_CFG)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_irq_cfg(&mut self, cfg: &CfgIrq) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Get the IRQ status.
/// # Example
/// Wait for TX to complete or timeout.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::Irq;
/// loop {
/// let (_, irq_status) = sg.irq_status()?;
/// sg.clear_irq_status(irq_status)?;
/// if irq_status & Irq::TxDone.mask() != 0 {
/// // handle TX done
/// break;
/// }
/// if irq_status & Irq::Timeout.mask() != 0 {
/// // handle timeout
/// break;
/// }
/// }
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn irq_status(&mut self) -> Result<(Status, u16), Error> {
let data: [u8; 3] = self.read_n(OpCode::GetIrqStatus)?;
let irq_status: u16 = u16::from_be_bytes([data[1], data[2]]);
Ok((data[0].into(), irq_status))
/// Clear the IRQ status.
/// # Example
/// Clear the [`TxDone`] and [`RxDone`] interrupts.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::Irq;
/// sg.clear_irq_status(Irq::TxDone.mask() | Irq::RxDone.mask())?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [`TxDone`]: crate::subghz::Irq::TxDone
/// [`RxDone`]: crate::subghz::Irq::RxDone
pub fn clear_irq_status(&mut self, mask: u16) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(&[OpCode::ClrIrqStatus as u8, (mask >> 8) as u8, mask as u8])
// 5.8.7
/// Miscellaneous commands
impl<'d> SubGhz<'d, NoDma, NoDma> {
/// Calibrate one or several blocks at any time when in standby mode.
/// The blocks to calibrate are defined by `cal` argument.
/// When the calibration is ongoing, BUSY is set.
/// A falling edge on BUSY indicates the end of all enabled calibrations.
/// This function will not poll for BUSY.
/// # Example
/// Calibrate the RC 13 MHz and PLL.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{Calibrate, StandbyClk, SubGhz};
/// sg.set_standby(StandbyClk::Rc)?;
/// sg.calibrate(Calibrate::Rc13M.mask() | Calibrate::Pll.mask())?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn calibrate(&mut self, cal: u8) -> Result<(), Error> {
// bit 7 is reserved and must be kept at reset value.
self.write(&[OpCode::Calibrate as u8, cal & 0x7F])
/// Calibrate the image at the given frequencies.
/// Requires the radio to be in standby mode.
/// # Example
/// Calibrate the image for the 430 - 440 MHz ISM band.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{CalibrateImage, StandbyClk};
/// sg.set_standby(StandbyClk::Rc)?;
/// sg.calibrate_image(CalibrateImage::ISM_430_440)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn calibrate_image(&mut self, cal: CalibrateImage) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(&[OpCode::CalibrateImage as u8, cal.0, cal.1])
/// Set the radio power supply.
/// # Examples
/// Use the linear dropout regulator (LDO):
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::RegMode;
/// sg.set_regulator_mode(RegMode::Ldo)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
/// Use the switch mode power supply (SPMS):
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::RegMode;
/// sg.set_regulator_mode(RegMode::Smps)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_regulator_mode(&mut self, reg_mode: RegMode) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(&[OpCode::SetRegulatorMode as u8, reg_mode as u8])
/// Get the radio operational errors.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::OpError;
/// let (status, error_mask) = sg.op_error()?;
/// if error_mask & OpError::PllLockError.mask() != 0 {
/// // ... handle PLL lock error
/// }
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn op_error(&mut self) -> Result<(Status, u16), Error> {
let data: [u8; 3] = self.read_n(OpCode::GetError)?;
Ok((data[0].into(), u16::from_le_bytes([data[1], data[2]])))
/// Clear all errors as reported by [`op_error`].
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::OpError;
/// let (status, error_mask) = sg.op_error()?;
/// // ignore all errors
/// if error_mask != 0 {
/// sg.clear_error()?;
/// }
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [`op_error`]: crate::subghz::SubGhz::op_error
pub fn clear_error(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.write(&[OpCode::ClrError as u8, 0x00])
// 5.8.8
/// Set TCXO mode command
impl<'d> SubGhz<'d, NoDma, NoDma> {
/// Set the TCXO trim and HSE32 ready timeout.
/// # Example
/// Setup the TCXO with 1.7V trim and a 10ms timeout.
/// ```no_run
/// # let mut sg = embassy_stm32::subghz::SubGhz::new(p.SUBGHZSPI, ...);
/// use embassy_stm32::subghz::{TcxoMode, TcxoTrim, Timeout};
/// const TCXO_MODE: TcxoMode = TcxoMode::new()
/// .set_txco_trim(TcxoTrim::Volts1pt7)
/// .set_timeout(Timeout::from_millis_sat(10));
/// sg.set_tcxo_mode(&TCXO_MODE)?;
/// # Ok::<(), embassy_stm32::subghz::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_tcxo_mode(&mut self, tcxo_mode: &TcxoMode) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// sub-GHz radio opcodes.
/// See Table 41 "Sub-GHz radio SPI commands overview"
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) enum OpCode {
Calibrate = 0x89,
CalibrateImage = 0x98,
CfgDioIrq = 0x08,
ClrError = 0x07,
ClrIrqStatus = 0x02,
GetError = 0x17,
GetIrqStatus = 0x12,
GetPacketStatus = 0x14,
GetPacketType = 0x11,
GetRssiInst = 0x15,
GetRxBufferStatus = 0x13,
GetStats = 0x10,
GetStatus = 0xC0,
ReadBuffer = 0x1E,
RegRegister = 0x1D,
ResetStats = 0x00,
SetBufferBaseAddress = 0x8F,
SetCad = 0xC5,
SetCadParams = 0x88,
SetFs = 0xC1,
SetLoRaSymbTimeout = 0xA0,
SetModulationParams = 0x8B,
SetPacketParams = 0x8C,
SetPacketType = 0x8A,
SetPaConfig = 0x95,
SetRegulatorMode = 0x96,
SetRfFrequency = 0x86,
SetRx = 0x82,
SetRxDutyCycle = 0x94,
SetSleep = 0x84,
SetStandby = 0x80,
SetStopRxTimerOnPreamble = 0x9F,
SetTcxoMode = 0x97,
SetTx = 0x83,
SetTxContinuousPreamble = 0xD2,
SetTxContinuousWave = 0xD1,
SetTxParams = 0x8E,
SetTxRxFallbackMode = 0x93,
WriteBuffer = 0x0E,
WriteRegister = 0x0D,
impl From<OpCode> for u8 {
fn from(opcode: OpCode) -> Self {
opcode as u8
pub(crate) enum Register {
/// Generic bit synchronization.
GBSYNC = 0x06AC,
/// Generic packet control.
GPKTCTL1A = 0x06B8,
/// Generic whitening.
/// Generic CRC initial.
/// Generic CRC polynomial.
/// Generic synchronization word 7.
GSYNC7 = 0x06C0,
/// LoRa synchronization word MSB.
LSYNCH = 0x0740,
/// LoRa synchronization word LSB.
LSYNCL = 0x0741,
/// Receiver gain control.
/// PA over current protection.
PAOCP = 0x08E7,
/// HSE32 OSC_IN capacitor trim.
HSEINTRIM = 0x0911,
/// HSE32 OSC_OUT capacitor trim.
HSEOUTTRIM = 0x0912,
/// SMPS control 0.
SMPSC0 = 0x0916,
/// Power control.
PC = 0x091A,
/// SMPS control 2.
SMPSC2 = 0x0923,
impl Register {
pub const fn address(self) -> u16 {
self as u16