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2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
//! This example runs on the RAK4631 WisBlock, which has an nRF52840 MCU and Semtech Sx126x radio.
//! Other nrf/sx126x combinations may work with appropriate pin modifications.
//! It demonstates LORA P2P functionality in conjunction with example lora_p2p_report.rs.
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
use defmt::*;
use embassy_executor::Spawner;
use embassy_lora::sx126x::*;
use embassy_nrf::gpio::{Input, Level, Output, OutputDrive, Pin as _, Pull};
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
use embassy_nrf::{interrupt, spim};
use embassy_sync::blocking_mutex::raw::CriticalSectionRawMutex;
use embassy_sync::pubsub::{PubSubChannel, Publisher};
use embassy_time::{Duration, Timer};
use lorawan_device::async_device::radio::{Bandwidth, CodingRate, PhyRxTx, RfConfig, SpreadingFactor, TxConfig};
use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _, panic_probe as _};
// Message bus: queue of 2, 1 subscriber (Lora P2P), 2 publishers (temperature, motion detection)
static MESSAGE_BUS: PubSubChannel<CriticalSectionRawMutex, Message, 2, 1, 2> = PubSubChannel::new();
#[derive(Clone, defmt::Format)]
enum Message {
async fn temperature_task(publisher: Publisher<'static, CriticalSectionRawMutex, Message, 2, 1, 2>) {
// Publish a fake temperature every 43 seconds, minimizing LORA traffic.
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
loop {
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
async fn motion_detection_task(publisher: Publisher<'static, CriticalSectionRawMutex, Message, 2, 1, 2>) {
// Publish a fake motion detection every 79 seconds, minimizing LORA traffic.
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
loop {
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let p = embassy_nrf::init(Default::default());
// set up to funnel temperature and motion detection events to the Lora Tx task
let mut lora_tx_subscriber = unwrap!(MESSAGE_BUS.subscriber());
let temperature_publisher = unwrap!(MESSAGE_BUS.publisher());
let motion_detection_publisher = unwrap!(MESSAGE_BUS.publisher());
let mut spi_config = spim::Config::default();
spi_config.frequency = spim::Frequency::M16;
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
let mut radio = {
let irq = interrupt::take!(SPIM1_SPIS1_TWIM1_TWIS1_SPI1_TWI1);
let spim = spim::Spim::new(p.TWISPI1, irq, p.P1_11, p.P1_13, p.P1_12, spi_config);
let cs = Output::new(p.P1_10.degrade(), Level::High, OutputDrive::Standard);
let reset = Output::new(p.P1_06.degrade(), Level::High, OutputDrive::Standard);
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
let dio1 = Input::new(p.P1_15.degrade(), Pull::Down);
let busy = Input::new(p.P1_14.degrade(), Pull::Down);
let antenna_rx = Output::new(p.P1_05.degrade(), Level::Low, OutputDrive::Standard);
let antenna_tx = Output::new(p.P1_07.degrade(), Level::Low, OutputDrive::Standard);
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
match Sx126xRadio::new(spim, cs, reset, antenna_rx, antenna_tx, dio1, busy, false).await {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(err) => {
info!("Sx126xRadio error = {}", err);
let mut start_indicator = Output::new(p.P1_04, Level::Low, OutputDrive::Standard);
match radio.lora.sleep().await {
Ok(()) => info!("Sleep successful"),
Err(err) => info!("Sleep unsuccessful = {}", err),
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
loop {
let message = lora_tx_subscriber.next_message_pure().await;
let tx_config = TxConfig {
// 11 byte maximum payload for Bandwidth 125 and SF 10
pw: 10, // up to 20
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
rf: RfConfig {
frequency: 903900000, // channel in Hz, not MHz
bandwidth: Bandwidth::_250KHz,
spreading_factor: SpreadingFactor::_10,
coding_rate: CodingRate::_4_8,
let mut buffer = [0x00u8];
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
match message {
Message::Temperature(temperature) => buffer[0] = temperature as u8,
Message::MotionDetected => buffer[0] = 0x01u8,
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
// unencrypted
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
match radio.tx(tx_config, &buffer).await {
Ok(ret_val) => info!("TX ret_val = {}", ret_val),
Err(err) => info!("TX error = {}", err),
match radio.lora.sleep().await {
Ok(()) => info!("Sleep successful"),
Err(err) => info!("Sleep unsuccessful = {}", err),