2023-01-31 22:27:19 +01:00
//! CDC-NCM class implementation, aka Ethernet over USB.
//! # Compatibility
//! Windows: NOT supported in Windows 10 (though there's apparently a driver you can install?). Supported out of the box in Windows 11.
//! Linux: Well-supported since forever.
//! Android: Support for CDC-NCM is spotty and varies across manufacturers.
//! - On Pixel 4a, it refused to work on Android 11, worked on Android 12.
//! - if the host's MAC address has the "locally-administered" bit set (bit 1 of first byte),
//! it doesn't work! The "Ethernet tethering" option in settings doesn't get enabled.
//! This is due to regex spaghetti: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/refs/tags/android-mainline-12.0.0_r84/core/res/res/values/config.xml#417
//! and this nonsense in the linux kernel: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/c00c5e1d157bec0ef0b0b59aa5482eb8dc7e8e49/drivers/net/usb/usbnet.c#L1751-L1757
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
use core ::intrinsics ::copy_nonoverlapping ;
use core ::mem ::{ size_of , MaybeUninit } ;
2022-06-12 22:15:44 +02:00
2022-09-26 13:00:21 +02:00
use crate ::control ::{ self , ControlHandler , InResponse , OutResponse , Request } ;
use crate ::driver ::{ Driver , Endpoint , EndpointError , EndpointIn , EndpointOut } ;
use crate ::types ::* ;
use crate ::Builder ;
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
2022-12-07 16:03:03 +01:00
pub mod embassy_net ;
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
/// This should be used as `device_class` when building the `UsbDevice`.
pub const USB_CLASS_CDC : u8 = 0x02 ;
const USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA : u8 = 0x0a ;
const CDC_SUBCLASS_NCM : u8 = 0x0d ;
const CDC_PROTOCOL_NONE : u8 = 0x00 ;
const CDC_PROTOCOL_NTB : u8 = 0x01 ;
const CS_INTERFACE : u8 = 0x24 ;
const CDC_TYPE_HEADER : u8 = 0x00 ;
const CDC_TYPE_UNION : u8 = 0x06 ;
const CDC_TYPE_ETHERNET : u8 = 0x0F ;
const CDC_TYPE_NCM : u8 = 0x1A ;
//const REQ_GET_ETHERNET_STATISTIC: u8 = 0x44;
const REQ_GET_NTB_PARAMETERS : u8 = 0x80 ;
//const REQ_GET_NET_ADDRESS: u8 = 0x81;
//const REQ_SET_NET_ADDRESS: u8 = 0x82;
//const REQ_GET_NTB_FORMAT: u8 = 0x83;
//const REQ_SET_NTB_FORMAT: u8 = 0x84;
//const REQ_GET_NTB_INPUT_SIZE: u8 = 0x85;
const REQ_SET_NTB_INPUT_SIZE : u8 = 0x86 ;
//const REQ_GET_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE: u8 = 0x87;
//const REQ_SET_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE: u8 = 0x88;
//const REQ_GET_CRC_MODE: u8 = 0x89;
//const REQ_SET_CRC_MODE: u8 = 0x8A;
//const NOTIF_MAX_PACKET_SIZE: u16 = 8;
//const NOTIF_POLL_INTERVAL: u8 = 20;
const NTB_MAX_SIZE : usize = 2048 ;
const SIG_NTH : u32 = 0x484d434e ;
const SIG_NDP_NO_FCS : u32 = 0x304d434e ;
const SIG_NDP_WITH_FCS : u32 = 0x314d434e ;
/// Simple NTB header (NTH+NDP all in one) for sending packets
#[ repr(packed) ]
#[ allow(unused) ]
struct NtbOutHeader {
// NTH
nth_sig : u32 ,
nth_len : u16 ,
nth_seq : u16 ,
nth_total_len : u16 ,
nth_first_index : u16 ,
// NDP
ndp_sig : u32 ,
ndp_len : u16 ,
ndp_next_index : u16 ,
ndp_datagram_index : u16 ,
ndp_datagram_len : u16 ,
ndp_term1 : u16 ,
ndp_term2 : u16 ,
#[ repr(packed) ]
#[ allow(unused) ]
struct NtbParameters {
length : u16 ,
formats_supported : u16 ,
in_params : NtbParametersDir ,
out_params : NtbParametersDir ,
#[ repr(packed) ]
#[ allow(unused) ]
struct NtbParametersDir {
max_size : u32 ,
divisor : u16 ,
payload_remainder : u16 ,
out_alignment : u16 ,
max_datagram_count : u16 ,
fn byteify < T > ( buf : & mut [ u8 ] , data : T ) -> & [ u8 ] {
let len = size_of ::< T > ( ) ;
unsafe { copy_nonoverlapping ( & data as * const _ as * const u8 , buf . as_mut_ptr ( ) , len ) }
& buf [ .. len ]
2023-01-31 22:27:19 +01:00
/// Internal state for the CDC-NCM class.
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
pub struct State < ' a > {
comm_control : MaybeUninit < CommControl < ' a > > ,
data_control : MaybeUninit < DataControl > ,
shared : ControlShared ,
impl < ' a > State < ' a > {
2023-01-31 22:27:19 +01:00
/// Create a new `State`.
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
pub fn new ( ) -> Self {
Self {
comm_control : MaybeUninit ::uninit ( ) ,
data_control : MaybeUninit ::uninit ( ) ,
shared : Default ::default ( ) ,
/// Shared data between Control and CdcAcmClass
struct ControlShared {
2022-05-18 21:31:39 +02:00
mac_addr : [ u8 ; 6 ] ,
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
impl Default for ControlShared {
fn default ( ) -> Self {
2022-05-18 21:31:39 +02:00
ControlShared { mac_addr : [ 0 ; 6 ] }
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
struct CommControl < ' a > {
mac_addr_string : StringIndex ,
shared : & ' a ControlShared ,
2022-05-09 02:11:02 +02:00
mac_addr_str : [ u8 ; 12 ] ,
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
impl < ' d > ControlHandler for CommControl < ' d > {
fn control_out ( & mut self , req : control ::Request , _data : & [ u8 ] ) -> OutResponse {
match req . request {
// We don't actually support encapsulated commands but pretend we do for standards
// compatibility.
OutResponse ::Accepted
OutResponse ::Accepted
_ = > OutResponse ::Rejected ,
fn control_in < ' a > ( & ' a mut self , req : Request , buf : & ' a mut [ u8 ] ) -> InResponse < ' a > {
match req . request {
let res = NtbParameters {
length : size_of ::< NtbParameters > ( ) as _ ,
formats_supported : 1 , // only 16bit,
in_params : NtbParametersDir {
max_size : NTB_MAX_SIZE as _ ,
divisor : 4 ,
payload_remainder : 0 ,
out_alignment : 4 ,
max_datagram_count : 0 , // not used
} ,
out_params : NtbParametersDir {
max_size : NTB_MAX_SIZE as _ ,
divisor : 4 ,
payload_remainder : 0 ,
out_alignment : 4 ,
max_datagram_count : 1 , // We only decode 1 packet per NTB
} ,
} ;
InResponse ::Accepted ( byteify ( buf , res ) )
_ = > InResponse ::Rejected ,
2022-05-09 02:11:02 +02:00
fn get_string ( & mut self , index : StringIndex , _lang_id : u16 ) -> Option < & str > {
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
if index = = self . mac_addr_string {
2022-05-18 21:31:39 +02:00
let mac_addr = self . shared . mac_addr ;
2022-05-09 02:11:02 +02:00
let s = & mut self . mac_addr_str ;
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
for i in 0 .. 12 {
let n = ( mac_addr [ i / 2 ] > > ( ( 1 - i % 2 ) * 4 ) ) & 0xF ;
2022-05-09 02:11:02 +02:00
s [ i ] = match n {
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
0x0 ..= 0x9 = > b '0' + n ,
0xA ..= 0xF = > b 'A' + n - 0xA ,
_ = > unreachable! ( ) ,
2022-05-09 02:11:02 +02:00
Some ( unsafe { core ::str ::from_utf8_unchecked ( s ) } )
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
} else {
warn! ( " unknown string index requested " ) ;
struct DataControl { }
impl ControlHandler for DataControl {
fn set_alternate_setting ( & mut self , alternate_setting : u8 ) {
match alternate_setting {
ALTERNATE_SETTING_ENABLED = > info! ( " ncm: interface enabled " ) ,
ALTERNATE_SETTING_DISABLED = > info! ( " ncm: interface disabled " ) ,
_ = > unreachable! ( ) ,
2023-01-31 22:27:19 +01:00
/// CDC-NCM class
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
pub struct CdcNcmClass < ' d , D : Driver < ' d > > {
_comm_if : InterfaceNumber ,
comm_ep : D ::EndpointIn ,
data_if : InterfaceNumber ,
read_ep : D ::EndpointOut ,
write_ep : D ::EndpointIn ,
_control : & ' d ControlShared ,
impl < ' d , D : Driver < ' d > > CdcNcmClass < ' d , D > {
2023-01-31 22:27:19 +01:00
/// Create a new CDC NCM class.
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
pub fn new (
builder : & mut Builder < ' d , D > ,
state : & ' d mut State < ' d > ,
mac_address : [ u8 ; 6 ] ,
max_packet_size : u16 ,
) -> Self {
2022-05-18 21:31:39 +02:00
state . shared . mac_addr = mac_address ;
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
let mut func = builder . function ( USB_CLASS_CDC , CDC_SUBCLASS_NCM , CDC_PROTOCOL_NONE ) ;
// Control interface
let mut iface = func . interface ( ) ;
let mac_addr_string = iface . string ( ) ;
iface . handler ( state . comm_control . write ( CommControl {
mac_addr_string ,
2022-05-18 21:31:39 +02:00
shared : & state . shared ,
2022-05-09 02:11:02 +02:00
mac_addr_str : [ 0 ; 12 ] ,
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
} ) ) ;
let comm_if = iface . interface_number ( ) ;
let mut alt = iface . alt_setting ( USB_CLASS_CDC , CDC_SUBCLASS_NCM , CDC_PROTOCOL_NONE ) ;
alt . descriptor (
& [
CDC_TYPE_HEADER , // bDescriptorSubtype
0x10 ,
0x01 , // bcdCDC (1.10)
] ,
) ;
alt . descriptor (
& [
CDC_TYPE_UNION , // bDescriptorSubtype
comm_if . into ( ) , // bControlInterface
u8 ::from ( comm_if ) + 1 , // bSubordinateInterface
] ,
) ;
alt . descriptor (
& [
CDC_TYPE_ETHERNET , // bDescriptorSubtype
mac_addr_string . into ( ) , // iMACAddress
0 , // bmEthernetStatistics
0 , // |
0 , // |
0 , // |
0xea , // wMaxSegmentSize = 1514
0x05 , // |
0 , // wNumberMCFilters
0 , // |
0 , // bNumberPowerFilters
] ,
) ;
alt . descriptor (
& [
CDC_TYPE_NCM , // bDescriptorSubtype
0x00 , // bcdNCMVersion
0x01 , // |
0 , // bmNetworkCapabilities
] ,
) ;
let comm_ep = alt . endpoint_interrupt_in ( 8 , 255 ) ;
// Data interface
let mut iface = func . interface ( ) ;
iface . handler ( state . data_control . write ( DataControl { } ) ) ;
let data_if = iface . interface_number ( ) ;
let _alt = iface . alt_setting ( USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA , 0x00 , CDC_PROTOCOL_NTB ) ;
let mut alt = iface . alt_setting ( USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA , 0x00 , CDC_PROTOCOL_NTB ) ;
let read_ep = alt . endpoint_bulk_out ( max_packet_size ) ;
let write_ep = alt . endpoint_bulk_in ( max_packet_size ) ;
CdcNcmClass {
_comm_if : comm_if ,
comm_ep ,
data_if ,
read_ep ,
write_ep ,
2022-05-18 21:31:39 +02:00
_control : & state . shared ,
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2023-01-31 22:27:19 +01:00
/// Split the class into a sender and receiver.
/// This allows concurrently sending and receiving packets from separate tasks.
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
pub fn split ( self ) -> ( Sender < ' d , D > , Receiver < ' d , D > ) {
Sender {
write_ep : self . write_ep ,
seq : 0 ,
} ,
Receiver {
data_if : self . data_if ,
comm_ep : self . comm_ep ,
read_ep : self . read_ep ,
} ,
2023-01-31 22:27:19 +01:00
/// CDC NCM class packet sender.
/// You can obtain a `Sender` with [`CdcNcmClass::split`]
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
pub struct Sender < ' d , D : Driver < ' d > > {
write_ep : D ::EndpointIn ,
seq : u16 ,
impl < ' d , D : Driver < ' d > > Sender < ' d , D > {
2023-01-31 22:27:19 +01:00
/// Write a packet.
/// This waits until the packet is succesfully stored in the CDC-NCM endpoint buffers.
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
pub async fn write_packet ( & mut self , data : & [ u8 ] ) -> Result < ( ) , EndpointError > {
let seq = self . seq ;
self . seq = self . seq . wrapping_add ( 1 ) ;
const MAX_PACKET_SIZE : usize = 64 ; // TODO unhardcode
const OUT_HEADER_LEN : usize = 28 ;
let header = NtbOutHeader {
nth_sig : SIG_NTH ,
nth_len : 0x0c ,
nth_seq : seq ,
nth_total_len : ( data . len ( ) + OUT_HEADER_LEN ) as u16 ,
nth_first_index : 0x0c ,
ndp_sig : SIG_NDP_NO_FCS ,
ndp_len : 0x10 ,
ndp_next_index : 0x00 ,
ndp_datagram_index : OUT_HEADER_LEN as u16 ,
ndp_datagram_len : data . len ( ) as u16 ,
ndp_term1 : 0x00 ,
ndp_term2 : 0x00 ,
} ;
// Build first packet on a buffer, send next packets straight from `data`.
let mut buf = [ 0 ; MAX_PACKET_SIZE ] ;
let n = byteify ( & mut buf , header ) ;
assert_eq! ( n . len ( ) , OUT_HEADER_LEN ) ;
if OUT_HEADER_LEN + data . len ( ) < MAX_PACKET_SIZE {
// First packet is not full, just send it.
// No need to send ZLP because it's short for sure.
buf [ OUT_HEADER_LEN .. ] [ .. data . len ( ) ] . copy_from_slice ( data ) ;
2022-06-12 22:15:44 +02:00
self . write_ep . write ( & buf [ .. OUT_HEADER_LEN + data . len ( ) ] ) . await ? ;
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
} else {
let ( d1 , d2 ) = data . split_at ( MAX_PACKET_SIZE - OUT_HEADER_LEN ) ;
buf [ OUT_HEADER_LEN .. ] . copy_from_slice ( d1 ) ;
self . write_ep . write ( & buf ) . await ? ;
for chunk in d2 . chunks ( MAX_PACKET_SIZE ) {
self . write_ep . write ( & chunk ) . await ? ;
// Send ZLP if needed.
if d2 . len ( ) % MAX_PACKET_SIZE = = 0 {
self . write_ep . write ( & [ ] ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
2023-01-31 22:27:19 +01:00
/// CDC NCM class packet receiver.
/// You can obtain a `Receiver` with [`CdcNcmClass::split`]
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
pub struct Receiver < ' d , D : Driver < ' d > > {
data_if : InterfaceNumber ,
comm_ep : D ::EndpointIn ,
read_ep : D ::EndpointOut ,
impl < ' d , D : Driver < ' d > > Receiver < ' d , D > {
2023-01-31 22:27:19 +01:00
/// Write a network packet.
/// This waits until a packet is succesfully received from the endpoint buffers.
2022-04-23 05:24:38 +02:00
pub async fn read_packet ( & mut self , buf : & mut [ u8 ] ) -> Result < usize , EndpointError > {
// Retry loop
loop {
// read NTB
let mut ntb = [ 0 u8 ; NTB_MAX_SIZE ] ;
let mut pos = 0 ;
loop {
let n = self . read_ep . read ( & mut ntb [ pos .. ] ) . await ? ;
pos + = n ;
if n < self . read_ep . info ( ) . max_packet_size as usize | | pos = = NTB_MAX_SIZE {
break ;
let ntb = & ntb [ .. pos ] ;
// Process NTB header (NTH)
let nth = match ntb . get ( .. 12 ) {
Some ( x ) = > x ,
None = > {
warn! ( " Received too short NTB " ) ;
continue ;
} ;
let sig = u32 ::from_le_bytes ( nth [ 0 .. 4 ] . try_into ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
if sig ! = SIG_NTH {
warn! ( " Received bad NTH sig. " ) ;
continue ;
let ndp_idx = u16 ::from_le_bytes ( nth [ 10 .. 12 ] . try_into ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) as usize ;
// Process NTB Datagram Pointer (NDP)
let ndp = match ntb . get ( ndp_idx .. ndp_idx + 12 ) {
Some ( x ) = > x ,
None = > {
warn! ( " NTH has an NDP pointer out of range. " ) ;
continue ;
} ;
let sig = u32 ::from_le_bytes ( ndp [ 0 .. 4 ] . try_into ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
if sig ! = SIG_NDP_NO_FCS & & sig ! = SIG_NDP_WITH_FCS {
warn! ( " Received bad NDP sig. " ) ;
continue ;
let datagram_index = u16 ::from_le_bytes ( ndp [ 8 .. 10 ] . try_into ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) as usize ;
let datagram_len = u16 ::from_le_bytes ( ndp [ 10 .. 12 ] . try_into ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) as usize ;
if datagram_index = = 0 | | datagram_len = = 0 {
// empty, ignore. This is allowed by the spec, so don't warn.
continue ;
// Process actual datagram, finally.
let datagram = match ntb . get ( datagram_index .. datagram_index + datagram_len ) {
Some ( x ) = > x ,
None = > {
warn! ( " NDP has a datagram pointer out of range. " ) ;
continue ;
} ;
buf [ .. datagram_len ] . copy_from_slice ( datagram ) ;
return Ok ( datagram_len ) ;
/// Waits for the USB host to enable this interface
pub async fn wait_connection ( & mut self ) -> Result < ( ) , EndpointError > {
loop {
self . read_ep . wait_enabled ( ) . await ;
self . comm_ep . wait_enabled ( ) . await ;
let buf = [
0xA1 , //bmRequestType
0x00 , //bNotificationType = NETWORK_CONNECTION
0x01 , // wValue = connected
0x00 ,
self . data_if . into ( ) , // wIndex = interface
0x00 ,
0x00 , // wLength
0x00 ,
] ;
match self . comm_ep . write ( & buf ) . await {
Ok ( ( ) ) = > break , // Done!
Err ( EndpointError ::Disabled ) = > { } // Got disabled again, wait again.
Err ( e ) = > return Err ( e ) ,
Ok ( ( ) )