2023-04-03 01:18:27 +02:00
#[ cfg(feature = " executor-thread " ) ]
pub use thread ::* ;
#[ cfg(feature = " executor-thread " ) ]
mod thread {
use core ::arch ::asm ;
use core ::marker ::PhantomData ;
#[ cfg(feature = " nightly " ) ]
pub use embassy_macros ::main_cortex_m as main ;
use crate ::raw ::{ Pender , PenderInner } ;
use crate ::{ raw , Spawner } ;
#[ derive(Copy, Clone) ]
pub ( crate ) struct ThreadPender ;
impl ThreadPender {
pub ( crate ) fn pend ( self ) {
unsafe { core ::arch ::asm! ( " sev " ) }
/// Thread mode executor, using WFE/SEV.
/// This is the simplest and most common kind of executor. It runs on
/// thread mode (at the lowest priority level), and uses the `WFE` ARM instruction
/// to sleep when it has no more work to do. When a task is woken, a `SEV` instruction
/// is executed, to make the `WFE` exit from sleep and poll the task.
/// This executor allows for ultra low power consumption for chips where `WFE`
/// triggers low-power sleep without extra steps. If your chip requires extra steps,
/// you may use [`raw::Executor`] directly to program custom behavior.
pub struct Executor {
inner : raw ::Executor ,
not_send : PhantomData < * mut ( ) > ,
impl Executor {
/// Create a new Executor.
pub fn new ( ) -> Self {
Self {
inner : raw ::Executor ::new ( Pender ( PenderInner ::Thread ( ThreadPender ) ) ) ,
not_send : PhantomData ,
/// Run the executor.
/// The `init` closure is called with a [`Spawner`] that spawns tasks on
/// this executor. Use it to spawn the initial task(s). After `init` returns,
/// the executor starts running the tasks.
/// To spawn more tasks later, you may keep copies of the [`Spawner`] (it is `Copy`),
/// for example by passing it as an argument to the initial tasks.
/// This function requires `&'static mut self`. This means you have to store the
/// Executor instance in a place where it'll live forever and grants you mutable
/// access. There's a few ways to do this:
/// - a [StaticCell](https://docs.rs/static_cell/latest/static_cell/) (safe)
/// - a `static mut` (unsafe)
/// - a local variable in a function you know never returns (like `fn main() -> !`), upgrading its lifetime with `transmute`. (unsafe)
/// This function never returns.
pub fn run ( & 'static mut self , init : impl FnOnce ( Spawner ) ) -> ! {
init ( self . inner . spawner ( ) ) ;
loop {
unsafe {
self . inner . poll ( ) ;
asm! ( " wfe " ) ;
} ;
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#[ cfg(feature = " executor-interrupt " ) ]
pub use interrupt ::* ;
#[ cfg(feature = " executor-interrupt " ) ]
mod interrupt {
use core ::cell ::UnsafeCell ;
use core ::mem ::MaybeUninit ;
use atomic_polyfill ::{ AtomicBool , Ordering } ;
use cortex_m ::interrupt ::InterruptNumber ;
use cortex_m ::peripheral ::NVIC ;
use crate ::raw ::{ self , Pender , PenderInner } ;
#[ derive(Clone, Copy) ]
pub ( crate ) struct InterruptPender ( u16 ) ;
impl InterruptPender {
pub ( crate ) fn pend ( self ) {
// STIR is faster, but is only available in v7 and higher.
#[ cfg(not(armv6m)) ]
let mut nvic : cortex_m ::peripheral ::NVIC = unsafe { core ::mem ::transmute ( ( ) ) } ;
nvic . request ( self ) ;
#[ cfg(armv6m) ]
cortex_m ::peripheral ::NVIC ::pend ( self ) ;
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unsafe impl cortex_m ::interrupt ::InterruptNumber for InterruptPender {
fn number ( self ) -> u16 {
self . 0
/// Interrupt mode executor.
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/// This executor runs tasks in interrupt mode. The interrupt handler is set up
/// to poll tasks, and when a task is woken the interrupt is pended from software.
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/// This allows running async tasks at a priority higher than thread mode. One
/// use case is to leave thread mode free for non-async tasks. Another use case is
/// to run multiple executors: one in thread mode for low priority tasks and another in
/// interrupt mode for higher priority tasks. Higher priority tasks will preempt lower
/// priority ones.
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/// It is even possible to run multiple interrupt mode executors at different priorities,
/// by assigning different priorities to the interrupts. For an example on how to do this,
/// See the 'multiprio' example for 'embassy-nrf'.
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/// To use it, you have to pick an interrupt that won't be used by the hardware.
/// Some chips reserve some interrupts for this purpose, sometimes named "software interrupts" (SWI).
/// If this is not the case, you may use an interrupt from any unused peripheral.
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/// It is somewhat more complex to use, it's recommended to use the thread-mode
/// [`Executor`] instead, if it works for your use case.
pub struct InterruptExecutor {
started : AtomicBool ,
executor : UnsafeCell < MaybeUninit < raw ::Executor > > ,
unsafe impl Send for InterruptExecutor { }
unsafe impl Sync for InterruptExecutor { }
impl InterruptExecutor {
/// Create a new, not started `InterruptExecutor`.
#[ inline ]
pub const fn new ( ) -> Self {
Self {
started : AtomicBool ::new ( false ) ,
executor : UnsafeCell ::new ( MaybeUninit ::uninit ( ) ) ,
/// Executor interrupt callback.
/// # Safety
/// You MUST call this from the interrupt handler, and from nowhere else.
pub unsafe fn on_interrupt ( & 'static self ) {
let executor = unsafe { ( & * self . executor . get ( ) ) . assume_init_ref ( ) } ;
executor . poll ( ) ;
/// Start the executor.
/// This initializes the executor, enables the interrupt, and returns.
/// The executor keeps running in the background through the interrupt.
/// This returns a [`SendSpawner`] you can use to spawn tasks on it. A [`SendSpawner`]
/// is returned instead of a [`Spawner`](embassy_executor::Spawner) because the executor effectively runs in a
/// different "thread" (the interrupt), so spawning tasks on it is effectively
/// sending them.
/// To obtain a [`Spawner`](embassy_executor::Spawner) for this executor, use [`Spawner::for_current_executor()`](embassy_executor::Spawner::for_current_executor()) from
/// a task running in it.
/// # Interrupt requirements
/// You must write the interrupt handler yourself, and make it call [`on_interrupt()`](Self::on_interrupt).
/// This method already enables (unmasks) the interrupt, you must NOT do it yourself.
/// You must set the interrupt priority before calling this method. You MUST NOT
/// do it after.
pub fn start ( & 'static self , irq : impl InterruptNumber ) -> crate ::SendSpawner {
if self
. started
. compare_exchange ( false , true , Ordering ::Acquire , Ordering ::Relaxed )
. is_err ( )
panic! ( " InterruptExecutor::start() called multiple times on the same executor. " ) ;
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unsafe {
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( & mut * self . executor . get ( ) )
. as_mut_ptr ( )
. write ( raw ::Executor ::new ( Pender ( PenderInner ::Interrupt ( InterruptPender (
irq . number ( ) ,
) ) ) ) )
let executor = unsafe { ( & * self . executor . get ( ) ) . assume_init_ref ( ) } ;
unsafe { NVIC ::unmask ( irq ) }
executor . spawner ( ) . make_send ( )
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