2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
2023-09-10 22:20:05 +02:00
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
use defmt::{assert_eq, info, panic, unwrap};
use embassy_executor::Executor;
use embassy_executor::_export::StaticCell;
use embassy_rp::multicore::{spawn_core1, Stack};
use embassy_rp::peripherals::{I2C0, I2C1};
2023-09-09 18:25:23 -04:00
use embassy_rp::{bind_interrupts, i2c, i2c_slave};
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
use embedded_hal_1::i2c::Operation;
use embedded_hal_async::i2c::I2c;
use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _, panic_probe as _, panic_probe as _};
static mut CORE1_STACK: Stack<1024> = Stack::new();
static EXECUTOR0: StaticCell<Executor> = StaticCell::new();
static EXECUTOR1: StaticCell<Executor> = StaticCell::new();
use crate::i2c::AbortReason;
bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs {
2023-09-09 18:25:23 -04:00
I2C0_IRQ => i2c::InterruptHandler<I2C0>;
I2C1_IRQ => i2c::InterruptHandler<I2C1>;
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
const DEV_ADDR: u8 = 0x42;
2023-09-09 18:25:23 -04:00
async fn device_task(mut dev: i2c_slave::I2cSlave<'static, I2C1>) -> ! {
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
info!("Device start");
let mut count = 0xD0;
loop {
let mut buf = [0u8; 128];
match dev.listen(&mut buf).await {
2023-09-09 18:25:23 -04:00
Ok(i2c_slave::Command::GeneralCall(len)) => {
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
assert_eq!(buf[..len], [0xCA, 0x11], "recieving the general call failed");
info!("General Call - OK");
2023-09-09 18:25:23 -04:00
Ok(i2c_slave::Command::Read) => {
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
loop {
2023-09-10 03:05:54 -04:00
match dev.respond_to_read(&[count]).await {
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
Ok(x) => match x {
2023-09-09 18:25:23 -04:00
i2c_slave::ReadStatus::Done => break,
i2c_slave::ReadStatus::NeedMoreBytes => count += 1,
i2c_slave::ReadStatus::LeftoverBytes(x) => {
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
info!("tried to write {} extra bytes", x);
Err(e) => match e {
2023-09-09 18:25:23 -04:00
embassy_rp::i2c_slave::Error::Abort(AbortReason::Other(n)) => panic!("Other {:b}", n),
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
_ => panic!("{}", e),
count += 1;
2023-09-09 18:25:23 -04:00
Ok(i2c_slave::Command::Write(len)) => match len {
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
1 => {
assert_eq!(buf[..len], [0xAA], "recieving a single byte failed");
info!("Single Byte Write - OK")
4 => {
assert_eq!(buf[..len], [0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD], "recieving 4 bytes failed");
info!("4 Byte Write - OK")
32 => {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
"recieving 32 bytes failed"
info!("32 Byte Write - OK")
_ => panic!("Invalid write length {}", len),
2023-09-09 18:25:23 -04:00
Ok(i2c_slave::Command::WriteRead(len)) => {
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
info!("device recieved write read: {:x}", buf[..len]);
match buf[0] {
0xC2 => {
let resp_buff = [0xD1, 0xD2, 0xD3, 0xD4];
0xC8 => {
let mut resp_buff = [0u8; 32];
for i in 0..32 {
resp_buff[i] = i as u8;
x => panic!("Invalid Write Read {:x}", x),
Err(e) => match e {
2023-09-09 18:25:23 -04:00
embassy_rp::i2c_slave::Error::Abort(AbortReason::Other(n)) => panic!("Other {:b}", n),
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
_ => panic!("{}", e),
2023-09-09 18:25:23 -04:00
async fn controller_task(mut con: i2c::I2c<'static, I2C0, i2c::Async>) {
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
info!("Device start");
let buf = [0xCA, 0x11];
con.write(0u16, &buf).await.unwrap();
info!("Controler general call write");
let mut buf = [0u8];
con.read(DEV_ADDR, &mut buf).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, [0xD0], "single byte read failed");
info!("single byte read - OK");
let mut buf = [0u8; 4];
con.read(DEV_ADDR, &mut buf).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, [0xD1, 0xD2, 0xD3, 0xD4], "single byte read failed");
info!("4 byte read - OK");
let buf = [0xAA];
con.write(DEV_ADDR, &buf).await.unwrap();
info!("Controler single byte write");
let buf = [0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD];
con.write(DEV_ADDR, &buf).await.unwrap();
info!("Controler 4 byte write");
let mut buf = [0u8; 32];
for i in 0..32 {
buf[i] = i as u8;
con.write(DEV_ADDR, &buf).await.unwrap();
info!("Controler 32 byte write");
let mut buf = [0u8; 4];
let mut ops = [Operation::Write(&[0xC2]), Operation::Read(&mut buf)];
con.transaction(DEV_ADDR, &mut ops).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, [0xD1, 0xD2, 0xD3, 0xD4], "write_read failed");
info!("write_read - OK");
let mut buf = [0u8; 32];
let mut ops = [Operation::Write(&[0xC8]), Operation::Read(&mut buf)];
con.transaction(DEV_ADDR, &mut ops).await.unwrap();
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30, 31
"write_read of 32 bytes failed"
info!("large write_read - OK")
info!("Test OK");
fn main() -> ! {
let p = embassy_rp::init(Default::default());
info!("Hello World!");
let d_sda = p.PIN_19;
let d_scl = p.PIN_18;
2023-09-09 18:25:23 -04:00
let mut config = i2c_slave::Config::default();
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
config.addr = DEV_ADDR as u16;
2023-09-09 18:25:23 -04:00
let device = i2c_slave::I2cSlave::new(p.I2C1, d_sda, d_scl, Irqs, config);
2023-08-14 16:50:57 -04:00
spawn_core1(p.CORE1, unsafe { &mut CORE1_STACK }, move || {
let executor1 = EXECUTOR1.init(Executor::new());
executor1.run(|spawner| unwrap!(spawner.spawn(device_task(device))));
let executor0 = EXECUTOR0.init(Executor::new());
let c_sda = p.PIN_21;
let c_scl = p.PIN_20;
let mut config = i2c::Config::default();
config.frequency = 5_000;
let controller = i2c::I2c::new_async(p.I2C0, c_sda, c_scl, Irqs, config);
executor0.run(|spawner| unwrap!(spawner.spawn(controller_task(controller))));