2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
use embedded_hal ::digital ::v2 ::OutputPin ;
use embedded_hal_async ::digital ::Wait ;
use embedded_hal_async ::spi ::SpiBus ;
use super ::mod_params ::* ;
use super ::LoRa ;
// Internal frequency of the radio
const SX126X_XTAL_FREQ : u32 = 32000000 ;
// Scaling factor used to perform fixed-point operations
const SX126X_PLL_STEP_SHIFT_AMOUNT : u32 = 14 ;
// PLL step - scaled with SX126X_PLL_STEP_SHIFT_AMOUNT
const SX126X_PLL_STEP_SCALED : u32 = SX126X_XTAL_FREQ > > ( 25 - SX126X_PLL_STEP_SHIFT_AMOUNT ) ;
// Maximum value for parameter symbNum
const SX126X_MAX_LORA_SYMB_NUM_TIMEOUT : u8 = 248 ;
// Provides board-specific functionality for Semtech SX126x-based boards
2022-10-08 14:32:22 -05:00
impl < SPI , CTRL , WAIT , BUS > LoRa < SPI , CTRL , WAIT >
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
SPI : SpiBus < u8 , Error = BUS > ,
2022-10-08 14:32:22 -05:00
CTRL : OutputPin ,
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
WAIT : Wait ,
// Initialize the radio driver
pub ( super ) async fn sub_init ( & mut self ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
self . brd_reset ( ) . await ? ;
self . brd_wakeup ( ) . await ? ;
self . sub_set_standby ( StandbyMode ::RC ) . await ? ;
self . brd_io_tcxo_init ( ) . await ? ;
self . brd_io_rf_switch_init ( ) . await ? ;
self . image_calibrated = false ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Wakeup the radio if it is in Sleep mode and check that Busy is low
pub ( super ) async fn sub_check_device_ready ( & mut self ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
let operating_mode = self . brd_get_operating_mode ( ) ;
if operating_mode = = RadioMode ::Sleep | | operating_mode = = RadioMode ::ReceiveDutyCycle {
self . brd_wakeup ( ) . await ? ;
self . brd_wait_on_busy ( ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Save the payload to be sent in the radio buffer
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_payload ( & mut self , payload : & [ u8 ] ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
self . brd_write_buffer ( 0x00 , payload ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Read the payload received.
pub ( super ) async fn sub_get_payload ( & mut self , buffer : & mut [ u8 ] ) -> Result < u8 , RadioError < BUS > > {
let ( size , offset ) = self . sub_get_rx_buffer_status ( ) . await ? ;
if ( size as usize ) > buffer . len ( ) {
Err ( RadioError ::PayloadSizeMismatch ( size as usize , buffer . len ( ) ) )
} else {
self . brd_read_buffer ( offset , buffer ) . await ? ;
Ok ( size )
// Send a payload
pub ( super ) async fn sub_send_payload ( & mut self , payload : & [ u8 ] , timeout : u32 ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
self . sub_set_payload ( payload ) . await ? ;
self . sub_set_tx ( timeout ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Get a 32-bit random value generated by the radio. A valid packet type must have been configured before using this command.
// The radio must be in reception mode before executing this function. This code can potentially result in interrupt generation. It is the responsibility of
// the calling code to disable radio interrupts before calling this function, and re-enable them afterwards if necessary, or be certain that any interrupts
// generated during this process will not cause undesired side-effects in the software.
// The random numbers produced by the generator do not have a uniform or Gaussian distribution. If uniformity is needed, perform appropriate software post-processing.
pub ( super ) async fn sub_get_random ( & mut self ) -> Result < u32 , RadioError < BUS > > {
let mut reg_ana_lna_buffer_original = [ 0x00 u8 ] ;
let mut reg_ana_mixer_buffer_original = [ 0x00 u8 ] ;
let mut reg_ana_lna_buffer = [ 0x00 u8 ] ;
let mut reg_ana_mixer_buffer = [ 0x00 u8 ] ;
let mut number_buffer = [ 0x00 u8 , 0x00 u8 , 0x00 u8 , 0x00 u8 ] ;
self . brd_read_registers ( Register ::AnaLNA , & mut reg_ana_lna_buffer_original )
. await ? ;
reg_ana_lna_buffer [ 0 ] = reg_ana_lna_buffer_original [ 0 ] & ( ! ( 1 < < 0 ) ) ;
self . brd_write_registers ( Register ::AnaLNA , & reg_ana_lna_buffer ) . await ? ;
self . brd_read_registers ( Register ::AnaMixer , & mut reg_ana_mixer_buffer_original )
. await ? ;
reg_ana_mixer_buffer [ 0 ] = reg_ana_mixer_buffer_original [ 0 ] & ( ! ( 1 < < 7 ) ) ;
self . brd_write_registers ( Register ::AnaMixer , & reg_ana_mixer_buffer )
. await ? ;
// Set radio in continuous reception
self . sub_set_rx ( 0xFFFFFF u32 ) . await ? ;
self . brd_read_registers ( Register ::GeneratedRandomNumber , & mut number_buffer )
. await ? ;
self . sub_set_standby ( StandbyMode ::RC ) . await ? ;
self . brd_write_registers ( Register ::AnaLNA , & reg_ana_lna_buffer_original )
. await ? ;
self . brd_write_registers ( Register ::AnaMixer , & reg_ana_mixer_buffer_original )
. await ? ;
Ok ( Self ::convert_u8_buffer_to_u32 ( & number_buffer ) )
// Set the radio in sleep mode
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_sleep ( & mut self , sleep_config : SleepParams ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
2022-10-08 14:32:22 -05:00
self . brd_ant_sleep ( ) ? ;
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
if ! sleep_config . warm_start {
self . image_calibrated = false ;
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetSleep , & [ sleep_config . value ( ) ] )
. await ? ;
self . brd_set_operating_mode ( RadioMode ::Sleep ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the radio in configuration mode
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_standby ( & mut self , mode : StandbyMode ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetStandby , & [ mode . value ( ) ] ) . await ? ;
if mode = = StandbyMode ::RC {
self . brd_set_operating_mode ( RadioMode ::StandbyRC ) ;
} else {
self . brd_set_operating_mode ( RadioMode ::StandbyXOSC ) ;
2022-10-08 14:32:22 -05:00
self . brd_ant_sleep ( ) ? ;
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the radio in FS mode
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_fs ( & mut self ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
// antenna settings ???
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetFS , & [ ] ) . await ? ;
self . brd_set_operating_mode ( RadioMode ::FrequencySynthesis ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the radio in transmission mode with timeout specified
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_tx ( & mut self , timeout : u32 ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
let buffer = [
Self ::timeout_1 ( timeout ) ,
Self ::timeout_2 ( timeout ) ,
Self ::timeout_3 ( timeout ) ,
] ;
2022-10-08 14:32:22 -05:00
self . brd_ant_set_tx ( ) ? ;
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
self . brd_set_operating_mode ( RadioMode ::Transmit ) ;
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetTx , & buffer ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the radio in reception mode with timeout specified
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_rx ( & mut self , timeout : u32 ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
let buffer = [
Self ::timeout_1 ( timeout ) ,
Self ::timeout_2 ( timeout ) ,
Self ::timeout_3 ( timeout ) ,
] ;
2022-10-08 14:32:22 -05:00
self . brd_ant_set_rx ( ) ? ;
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
self . brd_set_operating_mode ( RadioMode ::Receive ) ;
self . brd_write_registers ( Register ::RxGain , & [ 0x94 u8 ] ) . await ? ;
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetRx , & buffer ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the radio in reception mode with Boosted LNA gain and timeout specified
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_rx_boosted ( & mut self , timeout : u32 ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
let buffer = [
Self ::timeout_1 ( timeout ) ,
Self ::timeout_2 ( timeout ) ,
Self ::timeout_3 ( timeout ) ,
] ;
2022-10-08 14:32:22 -05:00
self . brd_ant_set_rx ( ) ? ;
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
self . brd_set_operating_mode ( RadioMode ::Receive ) ;
// set max LNA gain, increase current by ~2mA for around ~3dB in sensitivity
self . brd_write_registers ( Register ::RxGain , & [ 0x96 u8 ] ) . await ? ;
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetRx , & buffer ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the Rx duty cycle management parameters
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_rx_duty_cycle ( & mut self , rx_time : u32 , sleep_time : u32 ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
let buffer = [
( ( rx_time > > 16 ) & 0xFF ) as u8 ,
( ( rx_time > > 8 ) & 0xFF ) as u8 ,
( rx_time & 0xFF ) as u8 ,
( ( sleep_time > > 16 ) & 0xFF ) as u8 ,
( ( sleep_time > > 8 ) & 0xFF ) as u8 ,
( sleep_time & 0xFF ) as u8 ,
] ;
// antenna settings ???
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetRxDutyCycle , & buffer ) . await ? ;
self . brd_set_operating_mode ( RadioMode ::ReceiveDutyCycle ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the radio in CAD mode
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_cad ( & mut self ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
2022-10-08 14:32:22 -05:00
self . brd_ant_set_rx ( ) ? ;
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetCAD , & [ ] ) . await ? ;
self . brd_set_operating_mode ( RadioMode ::ChannelActivityDetection ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the radio in continuous wave transmission mode
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_tx_continuous_wave ( & mut self ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
2022-10-08 14:32:22 -05:00
self . brd_ant_set_tx ( ) ? ;
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetTxContinuousWave , & [ ] ) . await ? ;
self . brd_set_operating_mode ( RadioMode ::Transmit ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the radio in continuous preamble transmission mode
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_tx_infinite_preamble ( & mut self ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
2022-10-08 14:32:22 -05:00
self . brd_ant_set_tx ( ) ? ;
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetTxContinuousPremable , & [ ] ) . await ? ;
self . brd_set_operating_mode ( RadioMode ::Transmit ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Decide which interrupt will stop the internal radio rx timer.
// false timer stop after header/syncword detection
// true timer stop after preamble detection
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_stop_rx_timer_on_preamble_detect (
& mut self ,
enable : bool ,
) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetStopRxTimerOnPreamble , & [ enable as u8 ] )
. await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the number of symbols the radio will wait to validate a reception
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_lora_symb_num_timeout ( & mut self , symb_num : u16 ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
let mut exp = 0 u8 ;
let mut reg ;
let mut mant = ( ( core ::cmp ::min ( symb_num , SX126X_MAX_LORA_SYMB_NUM_TIMEOUT as u16 ) as u8 ) + 1 ) > > 1 ;
while mant > 31 {
mant = ( mant + 3 ) > > 2 ;
exp + = 1 ;
reg = mant < < ( ( 2 * exp ) + 1 ) ;
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetLoRaSymbTimeout , & [ reg ] ) . await ? ;
if symb_num ! = 0 {
reg = exp + ( mant < < 3 ) ;
self . brd_write_registers ( Register ::SynchTimeout , & [ reg ] ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the power regulators operating mode (LDO or DC_DC). Using only LDO implies that the Rx or Tx current is doubled
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_regulator_mode ( & mut self , mode : RegulatorMode ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetRegulatorMode , & [ mode . value ( ) ] )
. await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Calibrate the given radio block
pub ( super ) async fn sub_calibrate ( & mut self , calibrate_params : CalibrationParams ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::Calibrate , & [ calibrate_params . value ( ) ] )
. await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Calibrate the image rejection based on the given frequency
pub ( super ) async fn sub_calibrate_image ( & mut self , freq : u32 ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
let mut cal_freq = [ 0x00 u8 , 0x00 u8 ] ;
if freq > 900000000 {
cal_freq [ 0 ] = 0xE1 ;
cal_freq [ 1 ] = 0xE9 ;
} else if freq > 850000000 {
cal_freq [ 0 ] = 0xD7 ;
cal_freq [ 1 ] = 0xDB ;
} else if freq > 770000000 {
cal_freq [ 0 ] = 0xC1 ;
cal_freq [ 1 ] = 0xC5 ;
} else if freq > 460000000 {
cal_freq [ 0 ] = 0x75 ;
cal_freq [ 1 ] = 0x81 ;
} else if freq > 425000000 {
cal_freq [ 0 ] = 0x6B ;
cal_freq [ 1 ] = 0x6F ;
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::CalibrateImage , & cal_freq ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Activate the extention of the timeout when a long preamble is used
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_long_preamble ( & mut self , _enable : u8 ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
Ok ( ( ) ) // no operation currently
// Set the transmission parameters
// hp_max 0 for sx1261, 7 for sx1262
// device_sel 1 for sx1261, 0 for sx1262
// pa_lut 0 for 14dBm LUT, 1 for 22dBm LUT
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_pa_config (
& mut self ,
pa_duty_cycle : u8 ,
hp_max : u8 ,
device_sel : u8 ,
pa_lut : u8 ,
) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetPAConfig , & [ pa_duty_cycle , hp_max , device_sel , pa_lut ] )
. await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Define into which mode the chip goes after a TX / RX done
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_rx_tx_fallback_mode ( & mut self , fallback_mode : u8 ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetTxFallbackMode , & [ fallback_mode ] )
. await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the IRQ mask and DIO masks
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_dio_irq_params (
& mut self ,
irq_mask : u16 ,
dio1_mask : u16 ,
dio2_mask : u16 ,
dio3_mask : u16 ,
) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
let mut buffer = [ 0x00 u8 ; 8 ] ;
buffer [ 0 ] = ( ( irq_mask > > 8 ) & 0x00FF ) as u8 ;
buffer [ 1 ] = ( irq_mask & 0x00FF ) as u8 ;
buffer [ 2 ] = ( ( dio1_mask > > 8 ) & 0x00FF ) as u8 ;
buffer [ 3 ] = ( dio1_mask & 0x00FF ) as u8 ;
buffer [ 4 ] = ( ( dio2_mask > > 8 ) & 0x00FF ) as u8 ;
buffer [ 5 ] = ( dio2_mask & 0x00FF ) as u8 ;
buffer [ 6 ] = ( ( dio3_mask > > 8 ) & 0x00FF ) as u8 ;
buffer [ 7 ] = ( dio3_mask & 0x00FF ) as u8 ;
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::CfgDIOIrq , & buffer ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Return the current IRQ status
pub ( super ) async fn sub_get_irq_status ( & mut self ) -> Result < u16 , RadioError < BUS > > {
let mut irq_status = [ 0x00 u8 , 0x00 u8 ] ;
self . brd_read_command ( OpCode ::GetIrqStatus , & mut irq_status ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ( irq_status [ 0 ] as u16 ) < < 8 ) | ( irq_status [ 1 ] as u16 ) )
// Indicate if DIO2 is used to control an RF Switch
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_dio2_as_rf_switch_ctrl ( & mut self , enable : bool ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetRFSwitchMode , & [ enable as u8 ] ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Indicate if the radio main clock is supplied from a TCXO
// tcxo_voltage voltage used to control the TCXO on/off from DIO3
// timeout duration given to the TCXO to go to 32MHz
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_dio3_as_tcxo_ctrl (
& mut self ,
tcxo_voltage : TcxoCtrlVoltage ,
timeout : u32 ,
) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
let buffer = [
tcxo_voltage . value ( ) & 0x07 ,
Self ::timeout_1 ( timeout ) ,
Self ::timeout_2 ( timeout ) ,
Self ::timeout_3 ( timeout ) ,
] ;
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetTCXOMode , & buffer ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the RF frequency (Hz)
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_rf_frequency ( & mut self , frequency : u32 ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
let mut buffer = [ 0x00 u8 ; 4 ] ;
if ! self . image_calibrated {
self . sub_calibrate_image ( frequency ) . await ? ;
self . image_calibrated = true ;
let freq_in_pll_steps = Self ::convert_freq_in_hz_to_pll_step ( frequency ) ;
buffer [ 0 ] = ( ( freq_in_pll_steps > > 24 ) & 0xFF ) as u8 ;
buffer [ 1 ] = ( ( freq_in_pll_steps > > 16 ) & 0xFF ) as u8 ;
buffer [ 2 ] = ( ( freq_in_pll_steps > > 8 ) & 0xFF ) as u8 ;
buffer [ 3 ] = ( freq_in_pll_steps & 0xFF ) as u8 ;
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetRFFrequency , & buffer ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the radio for the given protocol (LoRa or GFSK). This method has to be called before setting RF frequency, modulation paramaters, and packet paramaters.
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_packet_type ( & mut self , packet_type : PacketType ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
self . packet_type = packet_type ;
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetPacketType , & [ packet_type . value ( ) ] )
. await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Get the current radio protocol (LoRa or GFSK)
pub ( super ) fn sub_get_packet_type ( & mut self ) -> PacketType {
self . packet_type
// Set the transmission parameters
// power RF output power [-18..13] dBm
// ramp_time transmission ramp up time
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_tx_params (
& mut self ,
mut power : i8 ,
ramp_time : RampTime ,
) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
if self . brd_get_radio_type ( ) = = RadioType ::SX1261 {
if power = = 15 {
self . sub_set_pa_config ( 0x06 , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x01 ) . await ? ;
} else {
self . sub_set_pa_config ( 0x04 , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x01 ) . await ? ;
if power > = 14 {
power = 14 ;
} else if power < - 17 {
power = - 17 ;
} else {
// Provide better resistance of the SX1262 Tx to antenna mismatch (see DS_SX1261-2_V1.2 datasheet chapter 15.2)
let mut tx_clamp_cfg = [ 0x00 u8 ] ;
self . brd_read_registers ( Register ::TxClampCfg , & mut tx_clamp_cfg ) . await ? ;
tx_clamp_cfg [ 0 ] = tx_clamp_cfg [ 0 ] | ( 0x0F < < 1 ) ;
self . brd_write_registers ( Register ::TxClampCfg , & tx_clamp_cfg ) . await ? ;
self . sub_set_pa_config ( 0x04 , 0x07 , 0x00 , 0x01 ) . await ? ;
if power > 22 {
power = 22 ;
} else if power < - 9 {
power = - 9 ;
// power conversion of negative number from i8 to u8 ???
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetTxParams , & [ power as u8 , ramp_time . value ( ) ] )
. await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the modulation parameters
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_modulation_params ( & mut self ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
if self . modulation_params . is_some ( ) {
let mut buffer = [ 0x00 u8 ; 4 ] ;
// Since this driver only supports LoRa, ensure the packet type is set accordingly
self . sub_set_packet_type ( PacketType ::LoRa ) . await ? ;
let modulation_params = self . modulation_params . unwrap ( ) ;
buffer [ 0 ] = modulation_params . spreading_factor . value ( ) ;
buffer [ 1 ] = modulation_params . bandwidth . value ( ) ;
buffer [ 2 ] = modulation_params . coding_rate . value ( ) ;
buffer [ 3 ] = modulation_params . low_data_rate_optimize ;
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetModulationParams , & buffer ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
} else {
Err ( RadioError ::ModulationParamsMissing )
// Set the packet parameters
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_packet_params ( & mut self ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
if self . packet_params . is_some ( ) {
let mut buffer = [ 0x00 u8 ; 6 ] ;
// Since this driver only supports LoRa, ensure the packet type is set accordingly
self . sub_set_packet_type ( PacketType ::LoRa ) . await ? ;
let packet_params = self . packet_params . unwrap ( ) ;
buffer [ 0 ] = ( ( packet_params . preamble_length > > 8 ) & 0xFF ) as u8 ;
buffer [ 1 ] = ( packet_params . preamble_length & 0xFF ) as u8 ;
buffer [ 2 ] = packet_params . implicit_header as u8 ;
buffer [ 3 ] = packet_params . payload_length ;
buffer [ 4 ] = packet_params . crc_on as u8 ;
buffer [ 5 ] = packet_params . iq_inverted as u8 ;
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetPacketParams , & buffer ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
} else {
Err ( RadioError ::PacketParamsMissing )
// Set the channel activity detection (CAD) parameters
// symbols number of symbols to use for CAD operations
// det_peak limit for detection of SNR peak used in the CAD
// det_min minimum symbol recognition for CAD
// exit_mode operation to be done at the end of CAD action
// timeout timeout value to abort the CAD activity
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_cad_params (
& mut self ,
symbols : CADSymbols ,
det_peak : u8 ,
det_min : u8 ,
exit_mode : CADExitMode ,
timeout : u32 ,
) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
let mut buffer = [ 0x00 u8 ; 7 ] ;
buffer [ 0 ] = symbols . value ( ) ;
buffer [ 1 ] = det_peak ;
buffer [ 2 ] = det_min ;
buffer [ 3 ] = exit_mode . value ( ) ;
buffer [ 4 ] = Self ::timeout_1 ( timeout ) ;
buffer [ 5 ] = Self ::timeout_2 ( timeout ) ;
buffer [ 6 ] = Self ::timeout_3 ( timeout ) ;
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetCADParams , & buffer ) . await ? ;
self . brd_set_operating_mode ( RadioMode ::ChannelActivityDetection ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Set the data buffer base address for transmission and reception
pub ( super ) async fn sub_set_buffer_base_address (
& mut self ,
tx_base_address : u8 ,
rx_base_address : u8 ,
) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::SetBufferBaseAddress , & [ tx_base_address , rx_base_address ] )
. await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Get the current radio status
pub ( super ) async fn sub_get_status ( & mut self ) -> Result < RadioStatus , RadioError < BUS > > {
let status = self . brd_read_command ( OpCode ::GetStatus , & mut [ ] ) . await ? ;
Ok ( RadioStatus {
cmd_status : ( status & ( 0x07 < < 1 ) ) > > 1 ,
chip_mode : ( status & ( 0x07 < < 4 ) ) > > 4 ,
} )
// Get the instantaneous RSSI value for the last packet received
pub ( super ) async fn sub_get_rssi_inst ( & mut self ) -> Result < i8 , RadioError < BUS > > {
let mut buffer = [ 0x00 u8 ] ;
self . brd_read_command ( OpCode ::GetRSSIInst , & mut buffer ) . await ? ;
2022-10-10 12:35:42 -05:00
let rssi : i8 = ( ( - ( buffer [ 0 ] as i32 ) ) > > 1 ) as i8 ; // check this ???
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
Ok ( rssi )
// Get the last received packet buffer status
pub ( super ) async fn sub_get_rx_buffer_status ( & mut self ) -> Result < ( u8 , u8 ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
if self . packet_params . is_some ( ) {
let mut status = [ 0x00 u8 ; 2 ] ;
let mut payload_length_buffer = [ 0x00 u8 ] ;
self . brd_read_command ( OpCode ::GetRxBufferStatus , & mut status ) . await ? ;
if ( self . sub_get_packet_type ( ) = = PacketType ::LoRa ) & & self . packet_params . unwrap ( ) . implicit_header {
self . brd_read_registers ( Register ::PayloadLength , & mut payload_length_buffer )
. await ? ;
} else {
payload_length_buffer [ 0 ] = status [ 0 ] ;
let payload_length = payload_length_buffer [ 0 ] ;
let offset = status [ 1 ] ;
Ok ( ( payload_length , offset ) )
} else {
Err ( RadioError ::PacketParamsMissing )
// Get the last received packet payload status
pub ( super ) async fn sub_get_packet_status ( & mut self ) -> Result < PacketStatus , RadioError < BUS > > {
let mut status = [ 0x00 u8 ; 3 ] ;
self . brd_read_command ( OpCode ::GetPacketStatus , & mut status ) . await ? ;
// check this ???
2022-10-10 12:35:42 -05:00
let rssi = ( ( - ( status [ 0 ] as i32 ) ) > > 1 ) as i8 ;
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
let snr = ( ( status [ 1 ] as i8 ) + 2 ) > > 2 ;
2022-10-10 12:35:42 -05:00
let signal_rssi = ( ( - ( status [ 2 ] as i32 ) ) > > 1 ) as i8 ;
2022-09-27 21:55:41 -05:00
let freq_error = self . frequency_error ;
Ok ( PacketStatus {
rssi ,
snr ,
signal_rssi ,
freq_error ,
} )
// Get the possible system errors
pub ( super ) async fn sub_get_device_errors ( & mut self ) -> Result < RadioSystemError , RadioError < BUS > > {
let mut errors = [ 0x00 u8 ; 2 ] ;
self . brd_read_command ( OpCode ::GetErrors , & mut errors ) . await ? ;
Ok ( RadioSystemError {
rc_64khz_calibration : ( errors [ 1 ] & ( 1 < < 0 ) ) ! = 0 ,
rc_13mhz_calibration : ( errors [ 1 ] & ( 1 < < 1 ) ) ! = 0 ,
pll_calibration : ( errors [ 1 ] & ( 1 < < 2 ) ) ! = 0 ,
adc_calibration : ( errors [ 1 ] & ( 1 < < 3 ) ) ! = 0 ,
image_calibration : ( errors [ 1 ] & ( 1 < < 4 ) ) ! = 0 ,
xosc_start : ( errors [ 1 ] & ( 1 < < 5 ) ) ! = 0 ,
pll_lock : ( errors [ 1 ] & ( 1 < < 6 ) ) ! = 0 ,
pa_ramp : ( errors [ 0 ] & ( 1 < < 0 ) ) ! = 0 ,
} )
// Clear all the errors in the device
pub ( super ) async fn sub_clear_device_errors ( & mut self ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::ClrErrors , & [ 0x00 u8 , 0x00 u8 ] ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Clear the IRQs
pub ( super ) async fn sub_clear_irq_status ( & mut self , irq : u16 ) -> Result < ( ) , RadioError < BUS > > {
let mut buffer = [ 0x00 u8 , 0x00 u8 ] ;
buffer [ 0 ] = ( ( irq > > 8 ) & 0xFF ) as u8 ;
buffer [ 1 ] = ( irq & 0xFF ) as u8 ;
self . brd_write_command ( OpCode ::ClrIrqStatus , & buffer ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// Utility functions
fn timeout_1 ( timeout : u32 ) -> u8 {
( ( timeout > > 16 ) & 0xFF ) as u8
fn timeout_2 ( timeout : u32 ) -> u8 {
( ( timeout > > 8 ) & 0xFF ) as u8
fn timeout_3 ( timeout : u32 ) -> u8 {
( timeout & 0xFF ) as u8
// check this ???
fn convert_u8_buffer_to_u32 ( buffer : & [ u8 ; 4 ] ) -> u32 {
let b0 = buffer [ 0 ] as u32 ;
let b1 = buffer [ 1 ] as u32 ;
let b2 = buffer [ 2 ] as u32 ;
let b3 = buffer [ 3 ] as u32 ;
( b0 < < 24 ) | ( b1 < < 16 ) | ( b2 < < 8 ) | b3
fn convert_freq_in_hz_to_pll_step ( freq_in_hz : u32 ) -> u32 {
// Get integer and fractional parts of the frequency computed with a PLL step scaled value
let steps_int = freq_in_hz / SX126X_PLL_STEP_SCALED ;
let steps_frac = freq_in_hz - ( steps_int * SX126X_PLL_STEP_SCALED ) ;
( steps_int < < SX126X_PLL_STEP_SHIFT_AMOUNT )
+ ( ( ( steps_frac < < SX126X_PLL_STEP_SHIFT_AMOUNT ) + ( SX126X_PLL_STEP_SCALED > > 1 ) ) / SX126X_PLL_STEP_SCALED )