diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/dma/dma.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/dma/dma.rs
index 9157f72d..3c5c79fd 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/dma/dma.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/dma/dma.rs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use core::task::{Context, Poll, Waker};
use embassy_hal_internal::{into_ref, Peripheral, PeripheralRef};
use embassy_sync::waitqueue::AtomicWaker;
-use super::ringbuffer::{DmaCtrl, OverrunError, ReadableDmaRingBuffer};
+use super::ringbuffer::{DmaCtrl, OverrunError, ReadableDmaRingBuffer, WritableDmaRingBuffer};
use super::word::{Word, WordSize};
use super::Dir;
use crate::_generated::DMA_CHANNEL_COUNT;
@@ -806,3 +806,172 @@ impl<'a, C: Channel, W: Word> Drop for ReadableRingBuffer<'a, C, W> {
+pub struct WritableRingBuffer<'a, C: Channel, W: Word> {
+ cr: regs::Cr,
+ channel: PeripheralRef<'a, C>,
+ ringbuf: WritableDmaRingBuffer<'a, W>,
+impl<'a, C: Channel, W: Word> WritableRingBuffer<'a, C, W> {
+ pub unsafe fn new_read(
+ channel: impl Peripheral
+ 'a,
+ _request: Request,
+ peri_addr: *mut W,
+ buffer: &'a mut [W],
+ options: TransferOptions,
+ ) -> Self {
+ into_ref!(channel);
+ let len = buffer.len();
+ assert!(len > 0 && len <= 0xFFFF);
+ let dir = Dir::MemoryToPeripheral;
+ let data_size = W::size();
+ let channel_number = channel.num();
+ let dma = channel.regs();
+ // "Preceding reads and writes cannot be moved past subsequent writes."
+ fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
+ let mut w = regs::Cr(0);
+ w.set_dir(dir.into());
+ w.set_msize(data_size.into());
+ w.set_psize(data_size.into());
+ w.set_pl(vals::Pl::VERYHIGH);
+ w.set_minc(vals::Inc::INCREMENTED);
+ w.set_pinc(vals::Inc::FIXED);
+ w.set_teie(true);
+ w.set_htie(options.half_transfer_ir);
+ w.set_tcie(true);
+ w.set_circ(vals::Circ::ENABLED);
+ #[cfg(dma_v1)]
+ w.set_trbuff(true);
+ #[cfg(dma_v2)]
+ w.set_chsel(_request);
+ w.set_pburst(options.pburst.into());
+ w.set_mburst(options.mburst.into());
+ w.set_pfctrl(options.flow_ctrl.into());
+ w.set_en(true);
+ let buffer_ptr = buffer.as_mut_ptr();
+ let mut this = Self {
+ channel,
+ cr: w,
+ ringbuf: WritableDmaRingBuffer::new(buffer),
+ };
+ this.clear_irqs();
+ #[cfg(dmamux)]
+ super::dmamux::configure_dmamux(&mut *this.channel, _request);
+ let ch = dma.st(channel_number);
+ ch.par().write_value(peri_addr as u32);
+ ch.m0ar().write_value(buffer_ptr as u32);
+ ch.ndtr().write_value(regs::Ndtr(len as _));
+ ch.fcr().write(|w| {
+ if let Some(fth) = options.fifo_threshold {
+ // FIFO mode
+ w.set_dmdis(vals::Dmdis::DISABLED);
+ w.set_fth(fth.into());
+ } else {
+ // Direct mode
+ w.set_dmdis(vals::Dmdis::ENABLED);
+ }
+ });
+ this
+ }
+ pub fn start(&mut self) {
+ let ch = self.channel.regs().st(self.channel.num());
+ ch.cr().write_value(self.cr);
+ }
+ pub fn clear(&mut self) {
+ self.ringbuf.clear(DmaCtrlImpl(self.channel.reborrow()));
+ }
+ /// Write elements from the ring buffer
+ /// Return a tuple of the length written and the length remaining in the buffer
+ pub fn write(&mut self, buf: &[W]) -> Result<(usize, usize), OverrunError> {
+ self.ringbuf.write(DmaCtrlImpl(self.channel.reborrow()), buf)
+ }
+ /// Write an exact number of elements from the ringbuffer.
+ pub async fn write_exact(&mut self, buffer: &[W]) -> Result {
+ use core::future::poll_fn;
+ use core::sync::atomic::compiler_fence;
+ let mut written_data = 0;
+ let buffer_len = buffer.len();
+ poll_fn(|cx| {
+ self.set_waker(cx.waker());
+ compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
+ match self.write(&buffer[written_data..buffer_len]) {
+ Ok((len, remaining)) => {
+ written_data += len;
+ if written_data == buffer_len {
+ Poll::Ready(Ok(remaining))
+ } else {
+ Poll::Pending
+ }
+ }
+ Err(e) => Poll::Ready(Err(e)),
+ }
+ })
+ .await
+ }
+ // The capacity of the ringbuffer
+ pub fn cap(&self) -> usize {
+ self.ringbuf.cap()
+ }
+ pub fn set_waker(&mut self, waker: &Waker) {
+ STATE.ch_wakers[self.channel.index()].register(waker);
+ }
+ fn clear_irqs(&mut self) {
+ let channel_number = self.channel.num();
+ let dma = self.channel.regs();
+ let isrn = channel_number / 4;
+ let isrbit = channel_number % 4;
+ dma.ifcr(isrn).write(|w| {
+ w.set_htif(isrbit, true);
+ w.set_tcif(isrbit, true);
+ w.set_teif(isrbit, true);
+ });
+ }
+ pub fn request_stop(&mut self) {
+ let ch = self.channel.regs().st(self.channel.num());
+ // Disable the channel. Keep the IEs enabled so the irqs still fire.
+ ch.cr().write(|w| {
+ w.set_teie(true);
+ w.set_htie(true);
+ w.set_tcie(true);
+ });
+ }
+ pub fn is_running(&mut self) -> bool {
+ let ch = self.channel.regs().st(self.channel.num());
+ ch.cr().read().en()
+ }
+impl<'a, C: Channel, W: Word> Drop for WritableRingBuffer<'a, C, W> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.request_stop();
+ while self.is_running() {}
+ // "Subsequent reads and writes cannot be moved ahead of preceding reads."
+ fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
+ }
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/dma/ringbuffer.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/dma/ringbuffer.rs
index db367298..e9d33021 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/dma/ringbuffer.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/dma/ringbuffer.rs
@@ -228,9 +228,24 @@ impl<'a, W: Word> WritableDmaRingBuffer<'a, W> {
/// Return a tuple of the length written and the capacity remaining to be written in the buffer
pub fn write(&mut self, mut dma: impl DmaCtrl, buf: &[W]) -> Result<(usize, usize), OverrunError> {
let start = self.pos(dma.get_remaining_transfers());
- if start < self.end && self.end + buf.len() < self.cap() {
- // The available, unwritten portion in the ring buffer DOES NOT wrap
- // and copying elements into the buffer will not cause it to
+ if start > self.end {
+ // The occupied portion in the ring buffer DOES wrap
+ let len = self.copy_from(buf, self.end..start);
+ compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
+ // Confirm that the DMA is not inside data we could have written
+ let pos = self.pos(dma.get_remaining_transfers());
+ if (pos > self.end && pos <= start) || dma.get_complete_count() > 1 {
+ Err(OverrunError)
+ } else {
+ self.end = (self.end + len) % self.cap();
+ Ok((len, self.cap() - (start - self.end)))
+ }
+ } else if start <= self.end && self.end + buf.len() < self.cap() {
+ // The occupied portion in the ring buffer DOES NOT wrap
+ // and copying elements into the buffer WILL NOT cause it to
// Copy into the dma buffer
let len = self.copy_from(buf, self.end..self.cap());
@@ -239,36 +254,31 @@ impl<'a, W: Word> WritableDmaRingBuffer<'a, W> {
// Confirm that the DMA is not inside data we could have written
let pos = self.pos(dma.get_remaining_transfers());
- if pos > self.end || pos <= start || dma.get_complete_count() > 1 {
+ if pos > self.end || pos < start || dma.get_complete_count() > 1 {
} else {
self.end = (self.end + len) % self.cap();
Ok((len, self.cap() - (self.end - start)))
- } else if self.end > start {
- // The available, unwritten portion in the ring buffer DOES wrap
- let len = self.copy_from(buf, self.end..start);
- compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
- dma.get_complete_count();
- todo!()
- } else if start < self.end && self.end + buf.len() >= self.cap() {
- // The available, unwritten portion in the ring buffer DOES NOT wrap
- // and copying elements into the buffer will cause it to
+ } else {
+ // The occupied portion in the ring buffer DOES NOT wrap
+ // and copying elements into the buffer WILL cause it to
let tail = self.copy_from(buf, self.end..self.cap());
let head = self.copy_from(&buf[tail..], 0..start);
- dma.reset_complete_count();
+ // Confirm that the DMA is not inside data we could have written
+ let pos = self.pos(dma.get_remaining_transfers());
+ if pos > self.end || pos < start || dma.reset_complete_count() > 1 {
+ Err(OverrunError)
+ } else {
+ self.end = head;
- todo!()
- } else {
- todo!()
+ Ok((tail + head, self.cap() - (start - self.end)))
+ }
/// Copy into the dma buffer at `data_range` from `buf`