diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/adc/mod.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/adc/mod.rs
index ec49dace..56ecd63c 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/adc/mod.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/adc/mod.rs
@@ -7,21 +7,18 @@
#[cfg_attr(adc_v4, path = "v4.rs")]
mod _version;
-#[cfg(not(any(adc_f1, adc_v1)))]
mod resolution;
mod sample_time;
pub use _version::*;
-#[cfg(not(any(adc_f1, adc_v1)))]
pub use resolution::Resolution;
pub use sample_time::SampleTime;
use crate::peripherals;
pub struct Adc<'d, T: Instance> {
adc: crate::PeripheralRef<'d, T>,
@@ -44,9 +41,9 @@ pub(crate) mod sealed {
-#[cfg(not(any(adc_f1, adc_v2, adc_v4)))]
+#[cfg(not(any(adc_f1, adc_v1, adc_v2, adc_v4)))]
pub trait Instance: sealed::Instance + crate::Peripheral
-#[cfg(any(adc_f1, adc_v2, adc_v4))]
+#[cfg(any(adc_f1, adc_v1, adc_v2, adc_v4))]
pub trait Instance: sealed::Instance + crate::Peripheral
+ crate::rcc::RccPeripheral {}
pub trait AdcPin: sealed::AdcPin {}
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/adc/resolution.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/adc/resolution.rs
index 62b52a46..67fb9b8c 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/adc/resolution.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/adc/resolution.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#[cfg(any(adc_v2, adc_v3, adc_g0))]
+#[cfg(any(adc_v1, adc_v2, adc_v3, adc_g0))]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Resolution {
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ pub enum Resolution {
impl Default for Resolution {
fn default() -> Self {
- #[cfg(any(adc_v2, adc_v3, adc_g0))]
+ #[cfg(any(adc_v1, adc_v2, adc_v3, adc_g0))]
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ impl From for crate::pac::adc::vals::Res {
Resolution::TwelveBit => crate::pac::adc::vals::Res::TWELVEBIT,
Resolution::TenBit => crate::pac::adc::vals::Res::TENBIT,
Resolution::EightBit => crate::pac::adc::vals::Res::EIGHTBIT,
- #[cfg(any(adc_v2, adc_v3, adc_g0))]
+ #[cfg(any(adc_v1, adc_v2, adc_v3, adc_g0))]
Resolution::SixBit => crate::pac::adc::vals::Res::SIXBIT,
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ impl Resolution {
Resolution::TwelveBit => (1 << 12) - 1,
Resolution::TenBit => (1 << 10) - 1,
Resolution::EightBit => (1 << 8) - 1,
- #[cfg(any(adc_v2, adc_v3, adc_g0))]
+ #[cfg(any(adc_v1, adc_v2, adc_v3, adc_g0))]
Resolution::SixBit => (1 << 6) - 1,
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/adc/sample_time.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/adc/sample_time.rs
index bc5fb1d6..0faa1e3c 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/adc/sample_time.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/adc/sample_time.rs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_sample_time {
+#[cfg(any(adc_f1, adc_v1))]
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/adc/v1.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/adc/v1.rs
index 8b137891..82a8c3ef 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/adc/v1.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/adc/v1.rs
@@ -1 +1,171 @@
+use embassy_hal_common::into_ref;
+use embedded_hal_02::blocking::delay::DelayUs;
+use crate::adc::{Adc, AdcPin, Instance, InternalChannel, Resolution, SampleTime};
+use crate::peripherals::ADC;
+use crate::Peripheral;
+pub const VDDA_CALIB_MV: u32 = 3300;
+pub const VREF_INT: u32 = 1230;
+pub struct Vbat;
+impl InternalChannel for Vbat {}
+impl super::sealed::InternalChannel for Vbat {
+ fn channel(&self) -> u8 {
+ 18
+ }
+pub struct Vref;
+impl InternalChannel for Vref {}
+impl super::sealed::InternalChannel for Vref {
+ fn channel(&self) -> u8 {
+ 17
+ }
+pub struct Temperature;
+impl InternalChannel for Temperature {}
+impl super::sealed::InternalChannel for Temperature {
+ fn channel(&self) -> u8 {
+ 16
+ }
+impl<'d, T: Instance> Adc<'d, T> {
+ pub fn new(adc: impl Peripheral + 'd, delay: &mut impl DelayUs) -> Self {
+ into_ref!(adc);
+ T::enable();
+ T::reset();
+ // Delay 1μs when using HSI14 as the ADC clock.
+ //
+ // Table 57. ADC characteristics
+ // tstab = 14 * 1/fadc
+ delay.delay_us(1);
+ let s = Self {
+ adc,
+ sample_time: Default::default(),
+ };
+ s.calibrate();
+ s
+ }
+ pub fn enable_vbat(&self, _delay: &mut impl DelayUs) -> Vbat {
+ // SMP must be ≥ 56 ADC clock cycles when using HSI14.
+ //
+ // 6.3.20 Vbat monitoring characteristics
+ // ts_vbat ≥ 4μs
+ unsafe {
+ T::regs().ccr().modify(|reg| reg.set_vbaten(true));
+ }
+ Vbat
+ }
+ pub fn enable_vref(&self, delay: &mut impl DelayUs) -> Vref {
+ // Table 28. Embedded internal reference voltage
+ // tstart = 10μs
+ unsafe {
+ T::regs().ccr().modify(|reg| reg.set_vrefen(true));
+ }
+ delay.delay_us(10);
+ Vref
+ }
+ pub fn enable_temperature(&self, delay: &mut impl DelayUs) -> Temperature {
+ // SMP must be ≥ 56 ADC clock cycles when using HSI14.
+ //
+ // 6.3.19 Temperature sensor characteristics
+ // tstart ≤ 10μs
+ // ts_temp ≥ 4μs
+ unsafe {
+ T::regs().ccr().modify(|reg| reg.set_tsen(true));
+ }
+ delay.delay_us(10);
+ Temperature
+ }
+ fn calibrate(&self) {
+ unsafe {
+ // A.7.1 ADC calibration code example
+ if T::regs().cr().read().aden() {
+ T::regs().cr().modify(|reg| reg.set_addis(true));
+ }
+ while T::regs().cr().read().aden() {
+ // spin
+ }
+ T::regs().cfgr1().modify(|reg| reg.set_dmaen(false));
+ T::regs().cr().modify(|reg| reg.set_adcal(true));
+ while T::regs().cr().read().adcal() {
+ // spin
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn set_sample_time(&mut self, sample_time: SampleTime) {
+ self.sample_time = sample_time;
+ }
+ pub fn set_resolution(&mut self, resolution: Resolution) {
+ unsafe {
+ T::regs().cfgr1().modify(|reg| reg.set_res(resolution.into()));
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn read(&mut self, pin: &mut P) -> u16
+ where
+ P: AdcPin + crate::gpio::sealed::Pin,
+ {
+ let channel = pin.channel();
+ unsafe {
+ pin.set_as_analog();
+ self.read_channel(channel)
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn read_internal(&mut self, channel: &mut impl InternalChannel) -> u16 {
+ let channel = channel.channel();
+ unsafe { self.read_channel(channel) }
+ }
+ unsafe fn read_channel(&mut self, channel: u8) -> u16 {
+ // A.7.2 ADC enable sequence code example
+ if T::regs().isr().read().adrdy() {
+ T::regs().isr().modify(|reg| reg.set_adrdy(true));
+ }
+ T::regs().cr().modify(|reg| reg.set_aden(true));
+ while !T::regs().isr().read().adrdy() {
+ // ES0233, 2.4.3 ADEN bit cannot be set immediately after the ADC calibration
+ // Workaround: When the ADC calibration is complete (ADCAL = 0), keep setting the
+ // ADEN bit until the ADRDY flag goes high.
+ T::regs().cr().modify(|reg| reg.set_aden(true));
+ }
+ T::regs().isr().modify(|reg| {
+ reg.set_eoc(true);
+ reg.set_eosmp(true);
+ });
+ // A.7.5 Single conversion sequence code example - Software trigger
+ T::regs().chselr().write(|reg| reg.set_chselx(channel as usize, true));
+ T::regs().smpr().modify(|reg| reg.set_smp(self.sample_time.into()));
+ T::regs().cr().modify(|reg| reg.set_adstart(true));
+ while !T::regs().isr().read().eoc() {
+ // spin
+ }
+ let value = T::regs().dr().read().0 as u16;
+ // A.7.3 ADC disable code example
+ T::regs().cr().modify(|reg| reg.set_adstp(true));
+ while T::regs().cr().read().adstp() {
+ // spin
+ }
+ T::regs().cr().modify(|reg| reg.set_addis(true));
+ while T::regs().cr().read().aden() {
+ // spin
+ }
+ value
+ }
diff --git a/examples/stm32f0/src/bin/adc.rs b/examples/stm32f0/src/bin/adc.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ed9f98f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/stm32f0/src/bin/adc.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+use defmt::*;
+use embassy_executor::Spawner;
+use embassy_stm32::adc::{Adc, SampleTime};
+use embassy_time::{Delay, Duration, Timer};
+use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _};
+async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
+ let p = embassy_stm32::init(Default::default());
+ info!("Hello World!");
+ let mut adc = Adc::new(p.ADC, &mut Delay);
+ adc.set_sample_time(SampleTime::Cycles71_5);
+ let mut pin = p.PA1;
+ let mut vrefint = adc.enable_vref(&mut Delay);
+ let vrefint_sample = adc.read_internal(&mut vrefint);
+ let convert_to_millivolts = |sample| {
+ // From https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32f031c6.pdf
+ // 6.3.4 Embedded reference voltage
+ const VREFINT_MV: u32 = 1230; // mV
+ (u32::from(sample) * VREFINT_MV / u32::from(vrefint_sample)) as u16
+ };
+ loop {
+ let v = adc.read(&mut pin);
+ info!("--> {} - {} mV", v, convert_to_millivolts(v));
+ Timer::after(Duration::from_millis(100)).await;
+ }