none of these are safe. the x/y functions mangle the fifos, the set
functions require the state machine to be stopped to be in any way safe,
the out functions do both of those things at once. only the jump
instruction is marginally safe, but running this on an active program is
bound to cause problems.
it's only any good for PioPin because there it follows a pattern of gpio
pin alternate functions being named like that, everything else can just
as well be referred to as `pio::Thing`
this *finally* allows sound implementions of bidirectional transfers
without blocking. the futures previously allowed only a single direction
to be active at any given time, and the dma transfers didn't take a
mutable reference and were thus unsound.
move all methods into PioStateMachine instead. the huge trait wasn't
object-safe and thus didn't have any benefits whatsoever except for
making it *slightly* easier to write bounds for passing around state
machines. that would be much better solved with generics-less instances.