use core::cmp; use core::future::poll_fn; use core::task::Poll; use atomic_polyfill::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use embassy_embedded_hal::SetConfig; use embassy_hal_common::drop::OnDrop; use embassy_hal_common::{into_ref, PeripheralRef}; use embassy_sync::waitqueue::AtomicWaker; use crate::dma::NoDma; use crate::gpio::sealed::AFType; use crate::gpio::Pull; use crate::i2c::{Error, Instance, SclPin, SdaPin}; use crate::interrupt::InterruptExt; use crate::pac::i2c; use crate::time::Hertz; use crate::Peripheral; #[non_exhaustive] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct Config { pub sda_pullup: bool, pub scl_pullup: bool, } impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Self { Self { sda_pullup: false, scl_pullup: false, } } } pub struct State { waker: AtomicWaker, chunks_transferred: AtomicUsize, } impl State { pub(crate) const fn new() -> Self { Self { waker: AtomicWaker::new(), chunks_transferred: AtomicUsize::new(0), } } } pub struct I2c<'d, T: Instance, TXDMA = NoDma, RXDMA = NoDma> { _peri: PeripheralRef<'d, T>, tx_dma: PeripheralRef<'d, TXDMA>, #[allow(dead_code)] rx_dma: PeripheralRef<'d, RXDMA>, } impl<'d, T: Instance, TXDMA, RXDMA> I2c<'d, T, TXDMA, RXDMA> { pub fn new( peri: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, scl: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, sda: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, irq: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, tx_dma: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, rx_dma: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, freq: Hertz, config: Config, ) -> Self { into_ref!(peri, irq, scl, sda, tx_dma, rx_dma); T::enable(); T::reset(); unsafe { scl.set_as_af_pull( scl.af_num(), AFType::OutputOpenDrain, match config.scl_pullup { true => Pull::Up, false => Pull::None, }, ); sda.set_as_af_pull( sda.af_num(), AFType::OutputOpenDrain, match config.sda_pullup { true => Pull::Up, false => Pull::None, }, ); } unsafe { T::regs().cr1().modify(|reg| { reg.set_pe(false); reg.set_anfoff(false); }); } let timings = Timings::new(T::frequency(), freq.into()); unsafe { T::regs().timingr().write(|reg| { reg.set_presc(timings.prescale); reg.set_scll(timings.scll); reg.set_sclh(timings.sclh); reg.set_sdadel(timings.sdadel); reg.set_scldel(timings.scldel); }); } unsafe { T::regs().cr1().modify(|reg| { reg.set_pe(true); }); } irq.set_handler(Self::on_interrupt); irq.unpend(); irq.enable(); Self { _peri: peri, tx_dma, rx_dma, } } unsafe fn on_interrupt(_: *mut ()) { let regs = T::regs(); let isr = regs.isr().read(); if isr.tcr() || { let state = T::state(); state.chunks_transferred.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); state.waker.wake(); } // The flag can only be cleared by writting to nbytes, we won't do that here, so disable // the interrupt critical_section::with(|_| { regs.cr1().modify(|w| w.set_tcie(false)); }); } fn master_stop(&mut self) { unsafe { T::regs().cr2().write(|w| w.set_stop(true)); } } unsafe fn master_read( address: u8, length: usize, stop: Stop, reload: bool, restart: bool, check_timeout: impl Fn() -> Result<(), Error>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { assert!(length < 256); if !restart { // Wait for any previous address sequence to end // automatically. This could be up to 50% of a bus // cycle (ie. up to 0.5/freq) while T::regs().cr2().read().start() { check_timeout()?; } } // Set START and prepare to receive bytes into // `buffer`. The START bit can be set even if the bus // is BUSY or I2C is in slave mode. let reload = if reload { i2c::vals::Reload::NOTCOMPLETED } else { i2c::vals::Reload::COMPLETED }; T::regs().cr2().modify(|w| { w.set_sadd((address << 1 | 0) as u16); w.set_add10(i2c::vals::Addmode::BIT7); w.set_dir(i2c::vals::Dir::READ); w.set_nbytes(length as u8); w.set_start(true); w.set_autoend(stop.autoend()); w.set_reload(reload); }); Ok(()) } unsafe fn master_write( address: u8, length: usize, stop: Stop, reload: bool, check_timeout: impl Fn() -> Result<(), Error>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { assert!(length < 256); // Wait for any previous address sequence to end // automatically. This could be up to 50% of a bus // cycle (ie. up to 0.5/freq) while T::regs().cr2().read().start() { check_timeout()?; } let reload = if reload { i2c::vals::Reload::NOTCOMPLETED } else { i2c::vals::Reload::COMPLETED }; // Set START and prepare to send `bytes`. The // START bit can be set even if the bus is BUSY or // I2C is in slave mode. T::regs().cr2().modify(|w| { w.set_sadd((address << 1 | 0) as u16); w.set_add10(i2c::vals::Addmode::BIT7); w.set_dir(i2c::vals::Dir::WRITE); w.set_nbytes(length as u8); w.set_start(true); w.set_autoend(stop.autoend()); w.set_reload(reload); }); Ok(()) } unsafe fn master_continue( length: usize, reload: bool, check_timeout: impl Fn() -> Result<(), Error>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { assert!(length < 256 && length > 0); while !T::regs().isr().read().tcr() { check_timeout()?; } let reload = if reload { i2c::vals::Reload::NOTCOMPLETED } else { i2c::vals::Reload::COMPLETED }; T::regs().cr2().modify(|w| { w.set_nbytes(length as u8); w.set_reload(reload); }); Ok(()) } fn flush_txdr(&self) { //if $ { //$i2c.txdr.write(|w| w.txdata().bits(0)); //} unsafe { if T::regs().isr().read().txis() { T::regs().txdr().write(|w| w.set_txdata(0)); } if T::regs().isr().read().txe() { T::regs().isr().modify(|w| w.set_txe(true)) } } // If TXDR is not flagged as empty, write 1 to flush it //if $ { //$i2c.isr.write(|w| w.txe().set_bit()); //} } fn wait_txe(&self, check_timeout: impl Fn() -> Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), Error> { loop { unsafe { let isr = T::regs().isr().read(); if isr.txe() { return Ok(()); } else if isr.berr() { T::regs().icr().write(|reg| reg.set_berrcf(true)); return Err(Error::Bus); } else if isr.arlo() { T::regs().icr().write(|reg| reg.set_arlocf(true)); return Err(Error::Arbitration); } else if isr.nackf() { T::regs().icr().write(|reg| reg.set_nackcf(true)); self.flush_txdr(); return Err(Error::Nack); } } check_timeout()?; } } fn wait_rxne(&self, check_timeout: impl Fn() -> Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), Error> { loop { unsafe { let isr = T::regs().isr().read(); if isr.rxne() { return Ok(()); } else if isr.berr() { T::regs().icr().write(|reg| reg.set_berrcf(true)); return Err(Error::Bus); } else if isr.arlo() { T::regs().icr().write(|reg| reg.set_arlocf(true)); return Err(Error::Arbitration); } else if isr.nackf() { T::regs().icr().write(|reg| reg.set_nackcf(true)); self.flush_txdr(); return Err(Error::Nack); } } check_timeout()?; } } fn wait_tc(&self, check_timeout: impl Fn() -> Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), Error> { loop { unsafe { let isr = T::regs().isr().read(); if { return Ok(()); } else if isr.berr() { T::regs().icr().write(|reg| reg.set_berrcf(true)); return Err(Error::Bus); } else if isr.arlo() { T::regs().icr().write(|reg| reg.set_arlocf(true)); return Err(Error::Arbitration); } else if isr.nackf() { T::regs().icr().write(|reg| reg.set_nackcf(true)); self.flush_txdr(); return Err(Error::Nack); } } check_timeout()?; } } fn read_internal( &mut self, address: u8, buffer: &mut [u8], restart: bool, check_timeout: impl Fn() -> Result<(), Error>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let completed_chunks = buffer.len() / 255; let total_chunks = if completed_chunks * 255 == buffer.len() { completed_chunks } else { completed_chunks + 1 }; let last_chunk_idx = total_chunks.saturating_sub(1); unsafe { Self::master_read( address, buffer.len().min(255), Stop::Automatic, last_chunk_idx != 0, restart, &check_timeout, )?; } for (number, chunk) in buffer.chunks_mut(255).enumerate() { if number != 0 { // NOTE(unsafe) We have &mut self unsafe { Self::master_continue(chunk.len(), number != last_chunk_idx, &check_timeout)?; } } for byte in chunk { // Wait until we have received something self.wait_rxne(&check_timeout)?; unsafe { *byte = T::regs().rxdr().read().rxdata(); } } } Ok(()) } fn write_internal( &mut self, address: u8, bytes: &[u8], send_stop: bool, check_timeout: impl Fn() -> Result<(), Error>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let completed_chunks = bytes.len() / 255; let total_chunks = if completed_chunks * 255 == bytes.len() { completed_chunks } else { completed_chunks + 1 }; let last_chunk_idx = total_chunks.saturating_sub(1); // I2C start // // ST SAD+W // NOTE(unsafe) We have &mut self unsafe { Self::master_write( address, bytes.len().min(255), Stop::Software, last_chunk_idx != 0, &check_timeout, )?; } for (number, chunk) in bytes.chunks(255).enumerate() { if number != 0 { // NOTE(unsafe) We have &mut self unsafe { Self::master_continue(chunk.len(), number != last_chunk_idx, &check_timeout)?; } } for byte in chunk { // Wait until we are allowed to send data // (START has been ACKed or last byte when // through) self.wait_txe(&check_timeout)?; unsafe { T::regs().txdr().write(|w| w.set_txdata(*byte)); } } } // Wait until the write finishes self.wait_tc(&check_timeout)?; if send_stop { self.master_stop(); } Ok(()) } async fn write_dma_internal( &mut self, address: u8, bytes: &[u8], first_slice: bool, last_slice: bool, check_timeout: impl Fn() -> Result<(), Error>, ) -> Result<(), Error> where TXDMA: crate::i2c::TxDma, { let total_len = bytes.len(); let completed_chunks = total_len / 255; let total_chunks = if completed_chunks * 255 == total_len { completed_chunks } else { completed_chunks + 1 }; let dma_transfer = unsafe { let regs = T::regs(); regs.cr1().modify(|w| { w.set_txdmaen(true); if first_slice { w.set_tcie(true); } }); let dst = regs.txdr().ptr() as *mut u8; let ch = &mut self.tx_dma; let request = ch.request(); crate::dma::write(ch, request, bytes, dst) }; let state = T::state();, Ordering::Relaxed); let mut remaining_len = total_len; let _on_drop = OnDrop::new(|| { let regs = T::regs(); unsafe { regs.cr1().modify(|w| { if last_slice { w.set_txdmaen(false); } w.set_tcie(false); }) } }); // NOTE(unsafe) self.tx_dma does not fiddle with the i2c registers if first_slice { unsafe { Self::master_write( address, total_len.min(255), Stop::Software, (total_chunks != 1) || !last_slice, &check_timeout, )?; } } else { unsafe { Self::master_continue(total_len.min(255), (total_chunks != 1) || !last_slice, &check_timeout)?; T::regs().cr1().modify(|w| w.set_tcie(true)); } } poll_fn(|cx| { state.waker.register(cx.waker()); let chunks_transferred = state.chunks_transferred.load(Ordering::Relaxed); if chunks_transferred == total_chunks { return Poll::Ready(Ok(())); } else if chunks_transferred != 0 { remaining_len = remaining_len.saturating_sub(255); let last_piece = (chunks_transferred + 1 == total_chunks) && last_slice; // NOTE(unsafe) self.tx_dma does not fiddle with the i2c registers unsafe { if let Err(e) = Self::master_continue(remaining_len.min(255), !last_piece, &check_timeout) { return Poll::Ready(Err(e)); } T::regs().cr1().modify(|w| w.set_tcie(true)); } } Poll::Pending }) .await?; dma_transfer.await; if last_slice { // This should be done already self.wait_tc(&check_timeout)?; self.master_stop(); } Ok(()) } async fn read_dma_internal( &mut self, address: u8, buffer: &mut [u8], restart: bool, check_timeout: impl Fn() -> Result<(), Error>, ) -> Result<(), Error> where RXDMA: crate::i2c::RxDma, { let total_len = buffer.len(); let completed_chunks = total_len / 255; let total_chunks = if completed_chunks * 255 == total_len { completed_chunks } else { completed_chunks + 1 }; let dma_transfer = unsafe { let regs = T::regs(); regs.cr1().modify(|w| { w.set_rxdmaen(true); w.set_tcie(true); }); let src = regs.rxdr().ptr() as *mut u8; let ch = &mut self.rx_dma; let request = ch.request(); crate::dma::read(ch, request, src, buffer) }; let state = T::state();, Ordering::Relaxed); let mut remaining_len = total_len; let _on_drop = OnDrop::new(|| { let regs = T::regs(); unsafe { regs.cr1().modify(|w| { w.set_rxdmaen(false); w.set_tcie(false); }) } }); // NOTE(unsafe) self.rx_dma does not fiddle with the i2c registers unsafe { Self::master_read( address, total_len.min(255), Stop::Software, total_chunks != 1, restart, &check_timeout, )?; } poll_fn(|cx| { state.waker.register(cx.waker()); let chunks_transferred = state.chunks_transferred.load(Ordering::Relaxed); if chunks_transferred == total_chunks { return Poll::Ready(Ok(())); } else if chunks_transferred != 0 { remaining_len = remaining_len.saturating_sub(255); let last_piece = chunks_transferred + 1 == total_chunks; // NOTE(unsafe) self.rx_dma does not fiddle with the i2c registers unsafe { if let Err(e) = Self::master_continue(remaining_len.min(255), !last_piece, &check_timeout) { return Poll::Ready(Err(e)); } T::regs().cr1().modify(|w| w.set_tcie(true)); } } Poll::Pending }) .await?; dma_transfer.await; // This should be done already self.wait_tc(&check_timeout)?; self.master_stop(); Ok(()) } // ========================= // Async public API pub async fn write(&mut self, address: u8, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> where TXDMA: crate::i2c::TxDma, { if bytes.is_empty() { self.write_internal(address, bytes, true, || Ok(())) } else { self.write_dma_internal(address, bytes, true, true, || Ok(())).await } } pub async fn write_vectored(&mut self, address: u8, bytes: &[&[u8]]) -> Result<(), Error> where TXDMA: crate::i2c::TxDma, { if bytes.is_empty() { return Err(Error::ZeroLengthTransfer); } let mut iter = bytes.iter(); let mut first = true; let mut current =; while let Some(c) = current { let next =; let is_last = next.is_none(); self.write_dma_internal(address, c, first, is_last, || Ok(())).await?; first = false; current = next; } Ok(()) } pub async fn read(&mut self, address: u8, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> where RXDMA: crate::i2c::RxDma, { if buffer.is_empty() { self.read_internal(address, buffer, false, || Ok(())) } else { self.read_dma_internal(address, buffer, false, || Ok(())).await } } pub async fn write_read(&mut self, address: u8, bytes: &[u8], buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> where TXDMA: super::TxDma, RXDMA: super::RxDma, { if bytes.is_empty() { self.write_internal(address, bytes, false, || Ok(()))?; } else { self.write_dma_internal(address, bytes, true, true, || Ok(())).await?; } if buffer.is_empty() { self.read_internal(address, buffer, true, || Ok(()))?; } else { self.read_dma_internal(address, buffer, true, || Ok(())).await?; } Ok(()) } // ========================= // Blocking public API pub fn blocking_read_timeout( &mut self, address: u8, buffer: &mut [u8], check_timeout: impl Fn() -> Result<(), Error>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { self.read_internal(address, buffer, false, &check_timeout) // Automatic Stop } pub fn blocking_read(&mut self, address: u8, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { self.blocking_read_timeout(address, buffer, || Ok(())) } pub fn blocking_write_timeout( &mut self, address: u8, bytes: &[u8], check_timeout: impl Fn() -> Result<(), Error>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { self.write_internal(address, bytes, true, &check_timeout) } pub fn blocking_write(&mut self, address: u8, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { self.blocking_write_timeout(address, bytes, || Ok(())) } pub fn blocking_write_read_timeout( &mut self, address: u8, bytes: &[u8], buffer: &mut [u8], check_timeout: impl Fn() -> Result<(), Error>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { self.write_internal(address, bytes, false, &check_timeout)?; self.read_internal(address, buffer, true, &check_timeout) // Automatic Stop } pub fn blocking_write_read(&mut self, address: u8, bytes: &[u8], buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { self.blocking_write_read_timeout(address, bytes, buffer, || Ok(())) } pub fn blocking_write_vectored_timeout( &mut self, address: u8, bytes: &[&[u8]], check_timeout: impl Fn() -> Result<(), Error>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { if bytes.is_empty() { return Err(Error::ZeroLengthTransfer); } let first_length = bytes[0].len(); let last_slice_index = bytes.len() - 1; // NOTE(unsafe) We have &mut self unsafe { Self::master_write( address, first_length.min(255), Stop::Software, (first_length > 255) || (last_slice_index != 0), &check_timeout, )?; } for (idx, slice) in bytes.iter().enumerate() { let slice_len = slice.len(); let completed_chunks = slice_len / 255; let total_chunks = if completed_chunks * 255 == slice_len { completed_chunks } else { completed_chunks + 1 }; let last_chunk_idx = total_chunks.saturating_sub(1); if idx != 0 { // NOTE(unsafe) We have &mut self unsafe { Self::master_continue( slice_len.min(255), (idx != last_slice_index) || (slice_len > 255), &check_timeout, )?; } } for (number, chunk) in slice.chunks(255).enumerate() { if number != 0 { // NOTE(unsafe) We have &mut self unsafe { Self::master_continue( chunk.len(), (number != last_chunk_idx) || (idx != last_slice_index), &check_timeout, )?; } } for byte in chunk { // Wait until we are allowed to send data // (START has been ACKed or last byte when // through) self.wait_txe(&check_timeout)?; // Put byte on the wire //self.i2c.txdr.write(|w| w.txdata().bits(*byte)); unsafe { T::regs().txdr().write(|w| w.set_txdata(*byte)); } } } } // Wait until the write finishes self.wait_tc(&check_timeout)?; self.master_stop(); Ok(()) } pub fn blocking_write_vectored(&mut self, address: u8, bytes: &[&[u8]]) -> Result<(), Error> { self.blocking_write_vectored_timeout(address, bytes, || Ok(())) } } mod eh02 { use super::*; impl<'d, T: Instance> embedded_hal_02::blocking::i2c::Read for I2c<'d, T> { type Error = Error; fn read(&mut self, address: u8, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.blocking_read(address, buffer) } } impl<'d, T: Instance> embedded_hal_02::blocking::i2c::Write for I2c<'d, T> { type Error = Error; fn write(&mut self, address: u8, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.blocking_write(address, bytes) } } impl<'d, T: Instance> embedded_hal_02::blocking::i2c::WriteRead for I2c<'d, T> { type Error = Error; fn write_read(&mut self, address: u8, bytes: &[u8], buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.blocking_write_read(address, bytes, buffer) } } } /// I2C Stop Configuration /// /// Peripheral options for generating the STOP condition #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] enum Stop { /// Software end mode: Must write register to generate STOP condition Software, /// Automatic end mode: A STOP condition is automatically generated once the /// configured number of bytes have been transferred Automatic, } impl Stop { fn autoend(&self) -> i2c::vals::Autoend { match self { Stop::Software => i2c::vals::Autoend::SOFTWARE, Stop::Automatic => i2c::vals::Autoend::AUTOMATIC, } } } struct Timings { prescale: u8, scll: u8, sclh: u8, sdadel: u8, scldel: u8, } impl Timings { fn new(i2cclk: Hertz, freq: Hertz) -> Self { let i2cclk = i2cclk.0; let freq = freq.0; // Refer to RM0433 Rev 7 Figure 539 for setup and hold timing: // // t_I2CCLK = 1 / PCLK1 // t_PRESC = (PRESC + 1) * t_I2CCLK // t_SCLL = (SCLL + 1) * t_PRESC // t_SCLH = (SCLH + 1) * t_PRESC // // t_SYNC1 + t_SYNC2 > 4 * t_I2CCLK // t_SCL ~= t_SYNC1 + t_SYNC2 + t_SCLL + t_SCLH let ratio = i2cclk / freq; // For the standard-mode configuration method, we must have a ratio of 4 // or higher assert!(ratio >= 4, "The I2C PCLK must be at least 4 times the bus frequency!"); let (presc_reg, scll, sclh, sdadel, scldel) = if freq > 100_000 { // Fast-mode (Fm) or Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) // here we pick SCLL + 1 = 2 * (SCLH + 1) // Prescaler, 384 ticks for sclh/scll. Round up then subtract 1 let presc_reg = ((ratio - 1) / 384) as u8; // ratio < 1200 by pclk 120MHz max., therefore presc < 16 // Actual precale value selected let presc = (presc_reg + 1) as u32; let sclh = ((ratio / presc) - 3) / 3; let scll = (2 * (sclh + 1)) - 1; let (sdadel, scldel) = if freq > 400_000 { // Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) assert!(i2cclk >= 17_000_000); // See table in datsheet let sdadel = i2cclk / 8_000_000 / presc; let scldel = i2cclk / 4_000_000 / presc - 1; (sdadel, scldel) } else { // Fast-mode (Fm) assert!(i2cclk >= 8_000_000); // See table in datsheet let sdadel = i2cclk / 4_000_000 / presc; let scldel = i2cclk / 2_000_000 / presc - 1; (sdadel, scldel) }; (presc_reg, scll as u8, sclh as u8, sdadel as u8, scldel as u8) } else { // Standard-mode (Sm) // here we pick SCLL = SCLH assert!(i2cclk >= 2_000_000); // See table in datsheet // Prescaler, 512 ticks for sclh/scll. Round up then // subtract 1 let presc = (ratio - 1) / 512; let presc_reg = cmp::min(presc, 15) as u8; // Actual prescale value selected let presc = (presc_reg + 1) as u32; let sclh = ((ratio / presc) - 2) / 2; let scll = sclh; // Speed check assert!(sclh < 256, "The I2C PCLK is too fast for this bus frequency!"); let sdadel = i2cclk / 2_000_000 / presc; let scldel = i2cclk / 500_000 / presc - 1; (presc_reg, scll as u8, sclh as u8, sdadel as u8, scldel as u8) }; // Sanity check assert!(presc_reg < 16); // Keep values within reasonable limits for fast per_ck let sdadel = cmp::max(sdadel, 2); let scldel = cmp::max(scldel, 4); //(presc_reg, scll, sclh, sdadel, scldel) Self { prescale: presc_reg, scll, sclh, sdadel, scldel, } } } #[cfg(feature = "unstable-traits")] mod eh1 { use super::*; impl embedded_hal_1::i2c::Error for Error { fn kind(&self) -> embedded_hal_1::i2c::ErrorKind { match *self { Self::Bus => embedded_hal_1::i2c::ErrorKind::Bus, Self::Arbitration => embedded_hal_1::i2c::ErrorKind::ArbitrationLoss, Self::Nack => { embedded_hal_1::i2c::ErrorKind::NoAcknowledge(embedded_hal_1::i2c::NoAcknowledgeSource::Unknown) } Self::Timeout => embedded_hal_1::i2c::ErrorKind::Other, Self::Crc => embedded_hal_1::i2c::ErrorKind::Other, Self::Overrun => embedded_hal_1::i2c::ErrorKind::Overrun, Self::ZeroLengthTransfer => embedded_hal_1::i2c::ErrorKind::Other, } } } impl<'d, T: Instance, TXDMA, RXDMA> embedded_hal_1::i2c::ErrorType for I2c<'d, T, TXDMA, RXDMA> { type Error = Error; } impl<'d, T: Instance> embedded_hal_1::i2c::I2c for I2c<'d, T, NoDma, NoDma> { fn read(&mut self, address: u8, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.blocking_read(address, buffer) } fn write(&mut self, address: u8, buffer: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.blocking_write(address, buffer) } fn write_iter(&mut self, _address: u8, _bytes: B) -> Result<(), Self::Error> where B: IntoIterator, { todo!(); } fn write_iter_read(&mut self, _address: u8, _bytes: B, _buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> where B: IntoIterator, { todo!(); } fn write_read(&mut self, address: u8, wr_buffer: &[u8], rd_buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.blocking_write_read(address, wr_buffer, rd_buffer) } fn transaction<'a>( &mut self, _address: u8, _operations: &mut [embedded_hal_1::i2c::Operation<'a>], ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { todo!(); } fn transaction_iter<'a, O>(&mut self, _address: u8, _operations: O) -> Result<(), Self::Error> where O: IntoIterator>, { todo!(); } } } #[cfg(all(feature = "unstable-traits", feature = "nightly"))] mod eha { use core::future::Future; use super::super::{RxDma, TxDma}; use super::*; impl<'d, T: Instance, TXDMA: TxDma, RXDMA: RxDma> embedded_hal_async::i2c::I2c for I2c<'d, T, TXDMA, RXDMA> { type ReadFuture<'a> = impl Future> + 'a where Self: 'a; fn read<'a>(&'a mut self, address: u8, buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self::ReadFuture<'a> {, buffer) } type WriteFuture<'a> = impl Future> + 'a where Self: 'a; fn write<'a>(&'a mut self, address: u8, bytes: &'a [u8]) -> Self::WriteFuture<'a> { self.write(address, bytes) } type WriteReadFuture<'a> = impl Future> + 'a where Self: 'a; fn write_read<'a>( &'a mut self, address: u8, bytes: &'a [u8], buffer: &'a mut [u8], ) -> Self::WriteReadFuture<'a> { self.write_read(address, bytes, buffer) } type TransactionFuture<'a, 'b> = impl Future> + 'a where Self: 'a, 'b: 'a; fn transaction<'a, 'b>( &'a mut self, address: u8, operations: &'a mut [embedded_hal_async::i2c::Operation<'b>], ) -> Self::TransactionFuture<'a, 'b> { let _ = address; let _ = operations; async move { todo!() } } } } impl<'d, T: Instance> SetConfig for I2c<'d, T> { type Config = Hertz; fn set_config(&mut self, config: &Self::Config) { let timings = Timings::new(T::frequency(), *config); unsafe { T::regs().timingr().write(|reg| { reg.set_presc(timings.prescale); reg.set_scll(timings.scll); reg.set_sclh(timings.sclh); reg.set_sdadel(timings.sdadel); reg.set_scldel(timings.scldel); }); } } }