use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet}; use std::fmt::{Debug, Write as _}; use std::fs; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::str::FromStr; use chiptool::generate::CommonModule; use chiptool::{generate, ir, transform}; use proc_macro2::TokenStream; use regex::Regex; mod data; use data::*; #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)] struct Metadata<'a> { name: &'a str, family: &'a str, line: &'a str, memory: &'a [MemoryRegion], peripherals: &'a [Peripheral], interrupts: &'a [Interrupt], dma_channels: &'a [DmaChannel], } pub struct Options { pub chips: Vec, pub out_dir: PathBuf, pub data_dir: PathBuf, } pub struct Gen { opts: Options, all_peripheral_versions: HashSet<(String, String)>, metadata_dedup: HashMap, } impl Gen { pub fn new(opts: Options) -> Self { Self { opts, all_peripheral_versions: HashSet::new(), metadata_dedup: HashMap::new(), } } fn gen_chip(&mut self, chip_core_name: &str, chip: &Chip, core: &Core, core_index: usize) { let mut ir = ir::IR::new(); let mut dev = ir::Device { interrupts: Vec::new(), peripherals: Vec::new(), }; let mut peripheral_versions: BTreeMap = BTreeMap::new(); let gpio_base = core.peripherals.iter().find(|p| == "GPIOA").unwrap().address as u32; let gpio_stride = 0x400; for p in &core.peripherals { let mut ir_peri = ir::Peripheral { name:, array: None, base_address: p.address, block: None, description: None, interrupts: HashMap::new(), }; if let Some(bi) = &p.registers { if let Some(old_version) = peripheral_versions.insert(bi.kind.clone(), bi.version.clone()) { if old_version != bi.version { panic!( "Peripheral {} has multiple versions: {} and {}", bi.kind, old_version, bi.version ); } } ir_peri.block = Some(format!("{}::{}", bi.kind, bi.block)); if bi.kind == "gpio" { assert_eq!(0, (p.address as u32 - gpio_base) % gpio_stride); } } dev.peripherals.push(ir_peri); } for irq in &core.interrupts { dev.interrupts.push(ir::Interrupt { name:, description: None, value: irq.number, }); } ir.devices.insert("".to_string(), dev); let mut extra = format!( "pub fn GPIO(n: usize) -> gpio::Gpio {{ gpio::Gpio(({} + {}*n) as _) }}", gpio_base, gpio_stride, ); for (module, version) in &peripheral_versions { self.all_peripheral_versions.insert((module.clone(), version.clone())); write!( &mut extra, "#[path=\"../../peripherals/{}_{}.rs\"] pub mod {};\n", module, version, module ) .unwrap(); } write!(&mut extra, "pub const CORE_INDEX: usize = {};\n", core_index).unwrap(); let flash = chip.memory.iter().find(|r| == "BANK_1").unwrap(); let settings = flash.settings.as_ref().unwrap(); write!(&mut extra, "pub const FLASH_BASE: usize = {};\n", flash.address).unwrap(); write!(&mut extra, "pub const FLASH_SIZE: usize = {};\n", flash.size).unwrap(); write!(&mut extra, "pub const ERASE_SIZE: usize = {};\n", settings.erase_size).unwrap(); write!(&mut extra, "pub const WRITE_SIZE: usize = {};\n", settings.write_size).unwrap(); write!(&mut extra, "pub const ERASE_VALUE: u8 = {};\n", settings.erase_value).unwrap(); // Cleanups! transform::sort::Sort {}.run(&mut ir).unwrap(); transform::Sanitize {}.run(&mut ir).unwrap(); // ============================== // Setup chip dir let chip_dir = self .opts .out_dir .join("src/chips") .join(chip_core_name.to_ascii_lowercase()); fs::create_dir_all(&chip_dir).unwrap(); // ============================== // generate let data = generate::render(&ir, &gen_opts()).unwrap().to_string(); let data = data.replace("] ", "]\n"); // Remove inner attributes like #![no_std] let data = Regex::new("# *! *\\[.*\\]").unwrap().replace_all(&data, ""); let mut file = File::create(chip_dir.join("")).unwrap(); file.write_all(data.as_bytes()).unwrap(); file.write_all(extra.as_bytes()).unwrap(); let mut device_x = String::new(); for irq in &core.interrupts { write!(&mut device_x, "PROVIDE({} = DefaultHandler);\n",; } // ============================== // generate // (peripherals, interrupts, dma_channels) are often equal across multiple chips. // To reduce bloat, deduplicate them. let mut data = String::new(); write!( &mut data, " const PERIPHERALS: &'static [Peripheral] = {}; const INTERRUPTS: &'static [Interrupt] = {}; const DMA_CHANNELS: &'static [DmaChannel] = {}; ", stringify(&core.peripherals), stringify(&core.interrupts), stringify(&core.dma_channels), ) .unwrap(); let out_dir = self.opts.out_dir.clone(); let n = self.metadata_dedup.len(); let deduped_file = self.metadata_dedup.entry(data.clone()).or_insert_with(|| { let file = format!("metadata_{:04}.rs", n); let path = out_dir.join("src/chips").join(&file); fs::write(path, data).unwrap(); file }); let data = format!( "include!(\"../{}\"); pub const METADATA: Metadata = Metadata {{ name: {:?}, family: {:?}, line: {:?}, memory: {}, peripherals: PERIPHERALS, interrupts: INTERRUPTS, dma_channels: DMA_CHANNELS, }};", deduped_file, &, &, &chip.line, stringify(&chip.memory), ); let mut file = File::create(chip_dir.join("")).unwrap(); file.write_all(data.as_bytes()).unwrap(); // ============================== // generate device.x File::create(chip_dir.join("device.x")) .unwrap() .write_all(device_x.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); // ============================== // generate default memory.x gen_memory_x(&chip_dir, &chip); } fn load_chip(&mut self, name: &str) -> Chip { let chip_path = self.opts.data_dir.join("chips").join(&format!("{}.json", name)); let chip = fs::read(chip_path).expect(&format!("Could not load chip {}", name)); serde_yaml::from_slice(&chip).unwrap() } pub fn gen(&mut self) { fs::create_dir_all(self.opts.out_dir.join("src/peripherals")).unwrap(); fs::create_dir_all(self.opts.out_dir.join("src/chips")).unwrap(); let mut chip_core_names: Vec = Vec::new(); for chip_name in &self.opts.chips.clone() { println!("Generating {}...", chip_name); let mut chip = self.load_chip(chip_name); // Cleanup for core in &mut chip.cores { for irq in &mut core.interrupts { =; } for p in &mut core.peripherals { for irq in &mut p.interrupts { irq.interrupt = irq.interrupt.to_ascii_uppercase(); } } } // Generate for (core_index, core) in chip.cores.iter().enumerate() { let chip_core_name = match chip.cores.len() { 1 => chip_name.clone(), _ => format!("{}-{}", chip_name,, }; chip_core_names.push(chip_core_name.clone()); self.gen_chip(&chip_core_name, &chip, core, core_index) } } for (module, version) in &self.all_peripheral_versions { println!("loading {} {}", module, version); let regs_path = Path::new(&self.opts.data_dir) .join("registers") .join(&format!("{}_{}.yaml", module, version)); let mut ir: ir::IR = serde_yaml::from_reader(File::open(regs_path).unwrap()).unwrap(); transform::expand_extends::ExpandExtends {}.run(&mut ir).unwrap(); transform::map_names(&mut ir, |k, s| match k { transform::NameKind::Block => *s = format!("{}", s), transform::NameKind::Fieldset => *s = format!("regs::{}", s), transform::NameKind::Enum => *s = format!("vals::{}", s), _ => {} }); transform::sort::Sort {}.run(&mut ir).unwrap(); transform::Sanitize {}.run(&mut ir).unwrap(); let items = generate::render(&ir, &gen_opts()).unwrap(); let mut file = File::create( self.opts .out_dir .join("src/peripherals") .join(format!("{}_{}.rs", module, version)), ) .unwrap(); let data = items.to_string().replace("] ", "]\n"); // Remove inner attributes like #![no_std] let re = Regex::new("# *! *\\[.*\\]").unwrap(); let data = re.replace_all(&data, ""); file.write_all(data.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } // Generate Cargo.toml const BUILDDEP_BEGIN: &[u8] = b"# BEGIN BUILD DEPENDENCIES"; const BUILDDEP_END: &[u8] = b"# END BUILD DEPENDENCIES"; let mut contents = include_bytes!("../../stm32-metapac/Cargo.toml").to_vec(); let begin = bytes_find(&contents, BUILDDEP_BEGIN).unwrap(); let end = bytes_find(&contents, BUILDDEP_END).unwrap() + BUILDDEP_END.len(); contents.drain(begin..end); fs::write(self.opts.out_dir.join("Cargo.toml"), contents).unwrap(); // copy misc files fs::write( self.opts.out_dir.join(""), include_bytes!("../../stm32-metapac/"), ) .unwrap(); fs::write( self.opts.out_dir.join("src/"), include_bytes!("../../stm32-metapac/src/"), ) .unwrap(); fs::write( self.opts.out_dir.join("src/"), chiptool::generate::COMMON_MODULE, ) .unwrap(); fs::write( self.opts.out_dir.join("src/"), include_bytes!("../../stm32-metapac/src/"), ) .unwrap(); } } fn bytes_find(haystack: &[u8], needle: &[u8]) -> Option {|window| window == needle) } fn stringify(metadata: T) -> String { let mut metadata = format!("{:?}", metadata); if metadata.starts_with('[') { metadata = format!("&{}", metadata); } metadata = metadata.replace(": [", ": &["); metadata = metadata.replace("kind: Ram", "kind: MemoryRegionKind::Ram"); metadata = metadata.replace("kind: Flash", "kind: MemoryRegionKind::Flash"); metadata } fn gen_opts() -> generate::Options { generate::Options { common_module: CommonModule::External(TokenStream::from_str("crate::common").unwrap()), } } fn gen_memory_x(out_dir: &PathBuf, chip: &Chip) { let mut memory_x = String::new(); let flash = chip.memory.iter().find(|r| == "BANK_1").unwrap(); let ram = chip.memory.iter().find(|r| == "SRAM").unwrap(); write!(memory_x, "MEMORY\n{{\n").unwrap(); write!( memory_x, " FLASH : ORIGIN = 0x{:x}, LENGTH = {}\n", flash.address, flash.size, ) .unwrap(); write!( memory_x, " RAM : ORIGIN = 0x{:x}, LENGTH = {}\n", ram.address, ram.size, ) .unwrap(); write!(memory_x, "}}").unwrap(); fs::create_dir_all(out_dir.join("memory_x")).unwrap(); let mut file = File::create(out_dir.join("memory_x").join("memory.x")).unwrap(); file.write_all(memory_x.as_bytes()).unwrap(); }