#![no_std] use control::Control; use embassy_futures::select::{select3, Either3}; use embassy_net_driver_channel as ch; use embassy_time::{Duration, Instant, Timer}; use embedded_hal::digital::{InputPin, OutputPin}; use embedded_hal_async::digital::Wait; use embedded_hal_async::spi::SpiDevice; use ioctl::Shared; use proto::CtrlMsg; use crate::ioctl::PendingIoctl; use crate::proto::CtrlMsgPayload; mod proto; // must be first mod fmt; mod control; mod ioctl; const MTU: usize = 1514; macro_rules! impl_bytes { ($t:ident) => { impl $t { pub const SIZE: usize = core::mem::size_of::(); #[allow(unused)] pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; Self::SIZE] { unsafe { core::mem::transmute(*self) } } #[allow(unused)] pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8; Self::SIZE]) -> &Self { let alignment = core::mem::align_of::(); assert_eq!( bytes.as_ptr().align_offset(alignment), 0, "{} is not aligned", core::any::type_name::() ); unsafe { core::mem::transmute(bytes) } } #[allow(unused)] pub fn from_bytes_mut(bytes: &mut [u8; Self::SIZE]) -> &mut Self { let alignment = core::mem::align_of::(); assert_eq!( bytes.as_ptr().align_offset(alignment), 0, "{} is not aligned", core::any::type_name::() ); unsafe { core::mem::transmute(bytes) } } } }; } #[repr(C, packed)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default)] struct PayloadHeader { /// InterfaceType on lower 4 bits, number on higher 4 bits. if_type_and_num: u8, /// Flags. /// /// bit 0: more fragments. flags: u8, len: u16, offset: u16, checksum: u16, seq_num: u16, reserved2: u8, /// Packet type for HCI or PRIV interface, reserved otherwise hci_priv_packet_type: u8, } impl_bytes!(PayloadHeader); #[allow(unused)] #[repr(u8)] enum InterfaceType { Sta = 0, Ap = 1, Serial = 2, Hci = 3, Priv = 4, Test = 5, } const MAX_SPI_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 1600; pub struct State { shared: Shared, ch: ch::State, } impl State { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { shared: Shared::new(), ch: ch::State::new(), } } } pub type NetDriver<'a> = ch::Device<'a, MTU>; pub async fn new<'a, SPI, IN, OUT>( state: &'a mut State, spi: SPI, handshake: IN, ready: IN, reset: OUT, ) -> (NetDriver<'a>, Control<'a>, Runner<'a, SPI, IN, OUT>) where SPI: SpiDevice, IN: InputPin + Wait, OUT: OutputPin, { let (ch_runner, device) = ch::new(&mut state.ch, [0; 6]); let state_ch = ch_runner.state_runner(); let mut runner = Runner { ch: ch_runner, shared: &state.shared, next_seq: 1, handshake, ready, reset, spi, }; runner.init().await; (device, Control::new(state_ch, &state.shared), runner) } pub struct Runner<'a, SPI, IN, OUT> { ch: ch::Runner<'a, MTU>, shared: &'a Shared, next_seq: u16, spi: SPI, handshake: IN, ready: IN, reset: OUT, } impl<'a, SPI, IN, OUT> Runner<'a, SPI, IN, OUT> where SPI: SpiDevice, IN: InputPin + Wait, OUT: OutputPin, { async fn init(&mut self) {} pub async fn run(mut self) -> ! { debug!("resetting..."); self.reset.set_low().unwrap(); Timer::after(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; self.reset.set_high().unwrap(); Timer::after(Duration::from_millis(1000)).await; let mut tx_buf = [0u8; MAX_SPI_BUFFER_SIZE]; let mut rx_buf = [0u8; MAX_SPI_BUFFER_SIZE]; loop { self.handshake.wait_for_high().await.unwrap(); let ioctl = self.shared.ioctl_wait_pending(); let tx = self.ch.tx_buf(); let ev = async { self.ready.wait_for_high().await.unwrap() }; match select3(ioctl, tx, ev).await { Either3::First(PendingIoctl { buf, req_len }) => { tx_buf[12..24].copy_from_slice(b"\x01\x08\x00ctrlResp\x02"); tx_buf[24..26].copy_from_slice(&(req_len as u16).to_le_bytes()); tx_buf[26..][..req_len].copy_from_slice(&unsafe { &*buf }[..req_len]); let mut header = PayloadHeader { if_type_and_num: InterfaceType::Serial as _, len: (req_len + 14) as _, offset: PayloadHeader::SIZE as _, seq_num: self.next_seq, ..Default::default() }; self.next_seq = self.next_seq.wrapping_add(1); // Calculate checksum tx_buf[0..12].copy_from_slice(&header.to_bytes()); header.checksum = checksum(&tx_buf[..26 + req_len]); tx_buf[0..12].copy_from_slice(&header.to_bytes()); } Either3::Second(packet) => { tx_buf[12..][..packet.len()].copy_from_slice(packet); let mut header = PayloadHeader { if_type_and_num: InterfaceType::Sta as _, len: packet.len() as _, offset: PayloadHeader::SIZE as _, seq_num: self.next_seq, ..Default::default() }; self.next_seq = self.next_seq.wrapping_add(1); // Calculate checksum tx_buf[0..12].copy_from_slice(&header.to_bytes()); header.checksum = checksum(&tx_buf[..12 + packet.len()]); tx_buf[0..12].copy_from_slice(&header.to_bytes()); self.ch.tx_done(); } Either3::Third(()) => { tx_buf[..PayloadHeader::SIZE].fill(0); } } if tx_buf[0] != 0 { trace!("tx: {:02x}", &tx_buf[..40]); } self.spi.transfer(&mut rx_buf, &tx_buf).await.unwrap(); let delay_until = Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(1); self.handle_rx(&mut rx_buf); Timer::at(delay_until).await; } } fn handle_rx(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) { trace!("rx: {:02x}", &buf[..40]); let buf_len = buf.len(); let h = PayloadHeader::from_bytes_mut((&mut buf[..PayloadHeader::SIZE]).try_into().unwrap()); if h.len == 0 || h.offset as usize != PayloadHeader::SIZE { return; } let payload_len = h.len as usize; if buf_len < PayloadHeader::SIZE + payload_len { warn!("rx: len too big"); return; } let if_type_and_num = h.if_type_and_num; let want_checksum = h.checksum; h.checksum = 0; let got_checksum = checksum(&buf[..PayloadHeader::SIZE + payload_len]); if want_checksum != got_checksum { warn!("rx: bad checksum. Got {:04x}, want {:04x}", got_checksum, want_checksum); return; } let payload = &mut buf[PayloadHeader::SIZE..][..payload_len]; match if_type_and_num & 0x0f { // STA 0 => match self.ch.try_rx_buf() { Some(buf) => { buf[..payload.len()].copy_from_slice(payload); self.ch.rx_done(payload.len()) } None => warn!("failed to push rxd packet to the channel."), }, // serial 2 => { trace!("serial rx: {:02x}", payload); if payload.len() < 14 { warn!("serial rx: too short"); return; } let is_event = match &payload[..12] { b"\x01\x08\x00ctrlResp\x02" => false, b"\x01\x08\x00ctrlEvnt\x02" => true, _ => { warn!("serial rx: bad tlv"); return; } }; let len = u16::from_le_bytes(payload[12..14].try_into().unwrap()) as usize; if payload.len() < 14 + len { warn!("serial rx: too short 2"); return; } let data = &payload[14..][..len]; if is_event { self.handle_event(data); } else { self.shared.ioctl_done(data); } } _ => warn!("unknown iftype {}", if_type_and_num), } } fn handle_event(&self, data: &[u8]) { let Ok(event) = noproto::read::(data) else { warn!("failed to parse event"); return }; debug!("event: {:?}", &event); let Some(payload) = &event.payload else { warn!("event without payload?"); return }; match payload { CtrlMsgPayload::EventEspInit(_) => self.shared.init_done(), _ => {} } } } fn checksum(buf: &[u8]) -> u16 { let mut res = 0u16; for &b in buf { res = res.wrapping_add(b as _); } res }