#![deny(clippy::pedantic)] #![allow(clippy::doc_markdown)] #![no_main] #![no_std] // Needed unitl https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/63063 is stablised. #![feature(type_alias_impl_trait)] #![feature(associated_type_bounds)] #![allow(clippy::missing_errors_doc)] // This example works on a ANALOG DEVICE EVAL-ADIN110EBZ board. // Settings switch S201 "HW CFG": // - Without SPI CRC: OFF-ON-OFF-OFF-OFF // - With SPI CRC: ON -ON-OFF-OFF-OFF // Settings switch S303 "uC CFG": CFG0: On = static ip, Off = Dhcp // The webserver shows the actual temperature of the onboard i2c temp sensor. use core::marker::PhantomData; use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicI32, Ordering}; use defmt::{error, info, println, unwrap, Format}; use defmt_rtt as _; // global logger use embassy_executor::Spawner; use embassy_futures::select::{select, Either}; use embassy_futures::yield_now; use embassy_net::tcp::TcpSocket; use embassy_net::{Ipv4Address, Ipv4Cidr, Stack, StackResources, StaticConfigV4}; use embassy_time::{Delay, Duration, Ticker, Timer}; use embedded_hal_async::i2c::I2c as I2cBus; use embedded_io::Write as bWrite; use embedded_io_async::Write; use hal::gpio::{Input, Level, Output, Speed}; use hal::i2c::{self, I2c}; use hal::rcc::{self}; use hal::rng::{self, Rng}; use hal::{bind_interrupts, exti, pac, peripherals}; use heapless::Vec; use rand::RngCore; use static_cell::make_static; use {embassy_stm32 as hal, panic_probe as _}; bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs { I2C3_EV => i2c::InterruptHandler; RNG => rng::InterruptHandler; }); use embassy_net_adin1110::{self, Device, Runner, ADIN1110}; use embedded_hal_bus::spi::ExclusiveDevice; use hal::gpio::Pull; use hal::i2c::Config as I2C_Config; use hal::rcc::{ClockSrc, PLLClkDiv, PLLMul, PLLSource, PLLSrcDiv}; use hal::spi::{Config as SPI_Config, Spi}; use hal::time::Hertz; // Basic settings // MAC-address used by the adin1110 const MAC: [u8; 6] = [0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff]; // Static IP settings const IP_ADDRESS: Ipv4Cidr = Ipv4Cidr::new(Ipv4Address([192, 168, 1, 5]), 24); // Listen port for the webserver const HTTP_LISTEN_PORT: u16 = 80; pub type SpeSpi = Spi<'static, peripherals::SPI2, peripherals::DMA1_CH1, peripherals::DMA1_CH2>; pub type SpeSpiCs = ExclusiveDevice, Delay>; pub type SpeInt = exti::ExtiInput<'static, peripherals::PB11>; pub type SpeRst = Output<'static, peripherals::PC7>; pub type Adin1110T = ADIN1110; pub type TempSensI2c = I2c<'static, peripherals::I2C3, peripherals::DMA1_CH6, peripherals::DMA1_CH7>; static TEMP: AtomicI32 = AtomicI32::new(0); #[embassy_executor::main] async fn main(spawner: Spawner) { defmt::println!("Start main()"); let mut config = embassy_stm32::Config::default(); // 80Mhz clock (Source: 8 / SrcDiv: 1 * PLLMul 20 / ClkDiv 2) // 80MHz highest frequency for flash 0 wait. config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL( PLLSource::HSE(Hertz(8_000_000)), PLLClkDiv::Div2, PLLSrcDiv::Div1, PLLMul::Mul20, None, ); config.rcc.hsi48 = true; // needed for rng config.rcc.rtc_mux = rcc::RtcClockSource::LSI32; let dp = embassy_stm32::init(config); // RM0432rev9, 5.1.2: Independent I/O supply rail // After reset, the I/Os supplied by VDDIO2 are logically and electrically isolated and // therefore are not available. The isolation must be removed before using any I/O from // PG[15:2], by setting the IOSV bit in the PWR_CR2 register, once the VDDIO2 supply is present pac::PWR.cr2().modify(|w| w.set_iosv(true)); let reset_status = pac::RCC.bdcr().read().0; defmt::println!("bdcr before: 0x{:X}", reset_status); defmt::println!("Setup IO pins"); // Setup LEDs let _led_uc1_green = Output::new(dp.PC13, Level::Low, Speed::Low); let mut led_uc2_red = Output::new(dp.PE2, Level::High, Speed::Low); let led_uc3_yellow = Output::new(dp.PE6, Level::High, Speed::Low); let led_uc4_blue = Output::new(dp.PG15, Level::High, Speed::Low); // Read the uc_cfg switches let uc_cfg0 = Input::new(dp.PB2, Pull::None); let _uc_cfg1 = Input::new(dp.PF11, Pull::None); let _uc_cfg2 = Input::new(dp.PG6, Pull::None); let _uc_cfg3 = Input::new(dp.PG11, Pull::None); // Setup I2C pins let temp_sens_i2c = I2c::new( dp.I2C3, dp.PG7, dp.PG8, Irqs, dp.DMA1_CH6, dp.DMA1_CH7, Hertz(100_000), I2C_Config::default(), ); // Setup IO and SPI for the SPE chip let spe_reset_n = Output::new(dp.PC7, Level::Low, Speed::Low); let spe_cfg0 = Input::new(dp.PC8, Pull::None); let spe_cfg1 = Input::new(dp.PC9, Pull::None); let _spe_ts_capt = Output::new(dp.PC6, Level::Low, Speed::Low); let spe_int = Input::new(dp.PB11, Pull::None); let spe_int = exti::ExtiInput::new(spe_int, dp.EXTI11); let spe_spi_cs_n = Output::new(dp.PB12, Level::High, Speed::High); let spe_spi_sclk = dp.PB13; let spe_spi_miso = dp.PB14; let spe_spi_mosi = dp.PB15; // Don't turn the clock to high, clock must fit within the system clock as we get a runtime panic. let mut spi_config = SPI_Config::default(); spi_config.frequency = Hertz(25_000_000); let spe_spi: SpeSpi = Spi::new( dp.SPI2, spe_spi_sclk, spe_spi_mosi, spe_spi_miso, dp.DMA1_CH1, dp.DMA1_CH2, spi_config, ); let spe_spi = SpeSpiCs::new(spe_spi, spe_spi_cs_n, Delay); let cfg0_without_crc = spe_cfg0.is_high(); let cfg1_spi_mode = spe_cfg1.is_high(); defmt::println!( "ADIN1110: CFG SPI-MODE 1-{}, CRC-bit 0-{}", cfg1_spi_mode, cfg0_without_crc ); // Check the SPI mode selected with the "HW CFG" dip-switch if !cfg1_spi_mode { error!("Driver doesn´t support SPI Protolcol \"OPEN Alliance\".\nplease use the \"Generic SPI\"! Turn On \"HW CFG\": \"SPI_CFG1\""); loop { led_uc2_red.toggle(); Timer::after(Duration::from_hz(10)).await; } }; let state = make_static!(embassy_net_adin1110::State::<8, 8>::new()); let (device, runner) = embassy_net_adin1110::new(MAC, state, spe_spi, spe_int, spe_reset_n, !cfg0_without_crc).await; // Start task blink_led unwrap!(spawner.spawn(heartbeat_led(led_uc3_yellow))); // Start task temperature measurement unwrap!(spawner.spawn(temp_task(temp_sens_i2c, led_uc4_blue))); // Start ethernet task unwrap!(spawner.spawn(ethernet_task(runner))); let mut rng = Rng::new(dp.RNG, Irqs); // Generate random seed let seed = rng.next_u64(); let ip_cfg = if uc_cfg0.is_low() { println!("Waiting for DHCP..."); let dhcp4_config = embassy_net::DhcpConfig::default(); embassy_net::Config::dhcpv4(dhcp4_config) } else { embassy_net::Config::ipv4_static(StaticConfigV4 { address: IP_ADDRESS, gateway: None, dns_servers: Vec::new(), }) }; // Init network stack let stack = &*make_static!(Stack::new( device, ip_cfg, make_static!(StackResources::<2>::new()), seed )); // Launch network task unwrap!(spawner.spawn(net_task(stack))); let cfg = wait_for_config(stack).await; let local_addr = cfg.address.address(); // Then we can use it! let mut rx_buffer = [0; 4096]; let mut tx_buffer = [0; 4096]; let mut mb_buf = [0; 4096]; loop { let mut socket = TcpSocket::new(stack, &mut rx_buffer, &mut tx_buffer); socket.set_timeout(Some(Duration::from_secs(1))); info!("Listening on http://{}:{}...", local_addr, HTTP_LISTEN_PORT); if let Err(e) = socket.accept(HTTP_LISTEN_PORT).await { defmt::error!("accept error: {:?}", e); continue; } loop { let _n = match socket.read(&mut mb_buf).await { Ok(0) => { defmt::info!("read EOF"); break; } Ok(n) => n, Err(e) => { defmt::error!("{:?}", e); break; } }; led_uc2_red.set_low(); let status_line = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"; let contents = PAGE; let length = contents.len(); let _ = write!( &mut mb_buf[..], "{status_line}\r\nContent-Length: {length}\r\n\r\n{contents}\r\n\0" ); let loc = mb_buf.iter().position(|v| *v == b'#').unwrap(); let temp = TEMP.load(Ordering::Relaxed); let cel = temp / 1000; let mcel = temp % 1000; info!("{}.{}", cel, mcel); let _ = write!(&mut mb_buf[loc..loc + 7], "{cel}.{mcel}"); let n = mb_buf.iter().position(|v| *v == 0).unwrap(); if let Err(e) = socket.write_all(&mb_buf[..n]).await { error!("write error: {:?}", e); break; } led_uc2_red.set_high(); } } } async fn wait_for_config(stack: &'static Stack>) -> embassy_net::StaticConfigV4 { loop { if let Some(config) = stack.config_v4() { return config; } yield_now().await; } } #[embassy_executor::task] async fn heartbeat_led(mut led: Output<'static, peripherals::PE6>) { let mut tmr = Ticker::every(Duration::from_hz(3)); loop { led.toggle(); tmr.next().await; } } // ADT7422 #[embassy_executor::task] async fn temp_task(temp_dev_i2c: TempSensI2c, mut led: Output<'static, peripherals::PG15>) -> ! { let mut tmr = Ticker::every(Duration::from_hz(1)); let mut temp_sens = ADT7422::new(temp_dev_i2c, 0x48).unwrap(); loop { led.set_low(); match select(temp_sens.read_temp(), Timer::after(Duration::from_millis(500))).await { Either::First(i2c_ret) => match i2c_ret { Ok(value) => { led.set_high(); let temp = i32::from(value); println!("TEMP: {:04x}, {}", temp, temp * 78 / 10); TEMP.store(temp * 78 / 10, Ordering::Relaxed); } Err(e) => defmt::println!("ADT7422: {}", e), }, Either::Second(_) => println!("Timeout"), } tmr.next().await; } } #[embassy_executor::task] async fn ethernet_task(runner: Runner<'static, SpeSpiCs, SpeInt, SpeRst>) -> ! { runner.run().await } #[embassy_executor::task] async fn net_task(stack: &'static Stack>) -> ! { stack.run().await } // same panicking *behavior* as `panic-probe` but doesn't print a panic message // this prevents the panic message being printed *twice* when `defmt::panic` is invoked #[defmt::panic_handler] fn panic() -> ! { cortex_m::asm::udf() } #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] #[repr(C)] pub enum Registers { Temp_MSB = 0x00, Temp_LSB, Status, Cfg, T_HIGH_MSB, T_HIGH_LSB, T_LOW_MSB, T_LOW_LSB, T_CRIT_MSB, T_CRIT_LSB, T_HYST, ID, SW_RESET = 0x2F, } pub struct ADT7422<'d, BUS: I2cBus> { addr: u8, phantom: PhantomData<&'d ()>, bus: BUS, } #[derive(Debug, Format)] pub enum Error { I2c(I2cError), Address, } impl<'d, BUS> ADT7422<'d, BUS> where BUS: I2cBus, BUS::Error: Format, { pub fn new(bus: BUS, addr: u8) -> Result> { if !(0x48..=0x4A).contains(&addr) { return Err(Error::Address); } Ok(Self { bus, phantom: PhantomData, addr, }) } pub async fn init(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut cfg = 0b000_0000; // if self.int.is_some() { // // Set 1 SPS mode // cfg |= 0b10 << 5; // } else { // One shot mode cfg |= 0b01 << 5; // } self.write_cfg(cfg).await } pub async fn read(&mut self, reg: Registers) -> Result> { let mut buffer = [0u8; 1]; self.bus .write_read(self.addr, &[reg as u8], &mut buffer) .await .map_err(Error::I2c)?; Ok(buffer[0]) } pub async fn write_cfg(&mut self, cfg: u8) -> Result<(), Error> { let buf = [Registers::Cfg as u8, cfg]; self.bus.write(self.addr, &buf).await.map_err(Error::I2c) } pub async fn read_temp(&mut self) -> Result> { let mut buffer = [0u8; 2]; // if let Some(int) = &mut self.int { // // Wait for interrupt // int.wait_for_low().await.unwrap(); // } else { // Start: One shot let cfg = 0b01 << 5; self.write_cfg(cfg).await?; Timer::after(Duration::from_millis(250)).await; self.bus .write_read(self.addr, &[Registers::Temp_MSB as u8], &mut buffer) .await .map_err(Error::I2c)?; Ok(i16::from_be_bytes(buffer)) } } // Web page const PAGE: &str = r#" ADIN1110 with Rust


Temp Sensor ADT7422: #00.00 °C