#![no_std] #![allow(async_fn_in_trait)] #![doc = include_str!("../README.md")] pub mod chip; mod device; use embassy_futures::select::{select3, Either3}; use embassy_net_driver_channel as ch; use embassy_net_driver_channel::driver::LinkState; use embassy_time::{Duration, Ticker, Timer}; use embedded_hal::digital::OutputPin; use embedded_hal_async::digital::Wait; use embedded_hal_async::spi::SpiDevice; use crate::chip::Chip; use crate::device::WiznetDevice; const MTU: usize = 1514; /// Type alias for the embassy-net driver. pub type Device<'d> = embassy_net_driver_channel::Device<'d, MTU>; /// Internal state for the embassy-net integration. pub struct State { ch_state: ch::State, } impl State { /// Create a new `State`. pub const fn new() -> Self { Self { ch_state: ch::State::new(), } } } /// Background runner for the driver. /// /// You must call `.run()` in a background task for the driver to operate. pub struct Runner<'d, C: Chip, SPI: SpiDevice, INT: Wait, RST: OutputPin> { mac: WiznetDevice, ch: ch::Runner<'d, MTU>, int: INT, _reset: RST, } /// You must call this in a background task for the driver to operate. impl<'d, C: Chip, SPI: SpiDevice, INT: Wait, RST: OutputPin> Runner<'d, C, SPI, INT, RST> { pub async fn run(mut self) -> ! { let (state_chan, mut rx_chan, mut tx_chan) = self.ch.split(); let mut tick = Ticker::every(Duration::from_millis(500)); loop { match select3( async { self.int.wait_for_low().await.ok(); rx_chan.rx_buf().await }, tx_chan.tx_buf(), tick.next(), ) .await { Either3::First(p) => { if let Ok(n) = self.mac.read_frame(p).await { rx_chan.rx_done(n); } } Either3::Second(p) => { self.mac.write_frame(p).await.ok(); tx_chan.tx_done(); } Either3::Third(()) => { if self.mac.is_link_up().await { state_chan.set_link_state(LinkState::Up); } else { state_chan.set_link_state(LinkState::Down); } } } } } } /// Create a Wiznet ethernet chip driver for [`embassy-net`](https://crates.io/crates/embassy-net). /// /// This returns two structs: /// - a `Device` that you must pass to the `embassy-net` stack. /// - a `Runner`. You must call `.run()` on it in a background task. pub async fn new<'a, const N_RX: usize, const N_TX: usize, C: Chip, SPI: SpiDevice, INT: Wait, RST: OutputPin>( mac_addr: [u8; 6], state: &'a mut State, spi_dev: SPI, int: INT, mut reset: RST, ) -> (Device<'a>, Runner<'a, C, SPI, INT, RST>) { // Reset the chip. reset.set_low().ok(); // Ensure the reset is registered. Timer::after_millis(1).await; reset.set_high().ok(); // Wait for PLL lock. Some chips are slower than others. // Slowest is w5100s which is 100ms, so let's just wait that. Timer::after_millis(100).await; let mac = WiznetDevice::new(spi_dev, mac_addr).await.unwrap(); let (runner, device) = ch::new(&mut state.ch_state, ch::driver::HardwareAddress::Ethernet(mac_addr)); ( device, Runner { ch: runner, mac, int, _reset: reset, }, ) }