#![no_std] #![allow(async_fn_in_trait)] #![doc = include_str!("../README.md")] #![warn(missing_docs)] use core::slice; use cyw43::SpiBusCyw43; use embassy_rp::dma::Channel; use embassy_rp::gpio::{Drive, Level, Output, Pin, Pull, SlewRate}; use embassy_rp::pio::{instr, Common, Config, Direction, Instance, Irq, PioPin, ShiftDirection, StateMachine}; use embassy_rp::{Peripheral, PeripheralRef}; use fixed::FixedU32; use pio_proc::pio_asm; /// SPI comms driven by PIO. pub struct PioSpi<'d, CS: Pin, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize, DMA> { cs: Output<'d, CS>, sm: StateMachine<'d, PIO, SM>, irq: Irq<'d, PIO, 0>, dma: PeripheralRef<'d, DMA>, wrap_target: u8, } impl<'d, CS, PIO, const SM: usize, DMA> PioSpi<'d, CS, PIO, SM, DMA> where DMA: Channel, CS: Pin, PIO: Instance, { /// Create a new instance of PioSpi. pub fn new( common: &mut Common<'d, PIO>, mut sm: StateMachine<'d, PIO, SM>, irq: Irq<'d, PIO, 0>, cs: Output<'d, CS>, dio: DIO, clk: CLK, dma: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, ) -> Self where DIO: PioPin, CLK: PioPin, { #[cfg(feature = "overclock")] let program = pio_asm!( ".side_set 1" ".wrap_target" // write out x-1 bits "lp:" "out pins, 1 side 0" "jmp x-- lp side 1" // switch directions "set pindirs, 0 side 0" "nop side 1" // necessary for clkdiv=1. "nop side 0" // read in y-1 bits "lp2:" "in pins, 1 side 1" "jmp y-- lp2 side 0" // wait for event and irq host "wait 1 pin 0 side 0" "irq 0 side 0" ".wrap" ); #[cfg(not(feature = "overclock"))] let program = pio_asm!( ".side_set 1" ".wrap_target" // write out x-1 bits "lp:" "out pins, 1 side 0" "jmp x-- lp side 1" // switch directions "set pindirs, 0 side 0" "nop side 0" // read in y-1 bits "lp2:" "in pins, 1 side 1" "jmp y-- lp2 side 0" // wait for event and irq host "wait 1 pin 0 side 0" "irq 0 side 0" ".wrap" ); let mut pin_io: embassy_rp::pio::Pin = common.make_pio_pin(dio); pin_io.set_pull(Pull::None); pin_io.set_schmitt(true); pin_io.set_input_sync_bypass(true); pin_io.set_drive_strength(Drive::_12mA); pin_io.set_slew_rate(SlewRate::Fast); let mut pin_clk = common.make_pio_pin(clk); pin_clk.set_drive_strength(Drive::_12mA); pin_clk.set_slew_rate(SlewRate::Fast); let mut cfg = Config::default(); let loaded_program = common.load_program(&program.program); cfg.use_program(&loaded_program, &[&pin_clk]); cfg.set_out_pins(&[&pin_io]); cfg.set_in_pins(&[&pin_io]); cfg.set_set_pins(&[&pin_io]); cfg.shift_out.direction = ShiftDirection::Left; cfg.shift_out.auto_fill = true; //cfg.shift_out.threshold = 32; cfg.shift_in.direction = ShiftDirection::Left; cfg.shift_in.auto_fill = true; //cfg.shift_in.threshold = 32; #[cfg(feature = "overclock")] { // 125mhz Pio => 62.5Mhz SPI Freq. 25% higher than theoretical maximum according to // data sheet, but seems to work fine. cfg.clock_divider = FixedU32::from_bits(0x0100); } #[cfg(not(feature = "overclock"))] { // same speed as pico-sdk, 62.5Mhz // This is actually the fastest we can go without overclocking. // According to data sheet, the theoretical maximum is 100Mhz Pio => 50Mhz SPI Freq. // However, the PIO uses a fractional divider, which works by introducing jitter when // the divider is not an integer. It does some clocks at 125mhz and others at 62.5mhz // so that it averages out to the desired frequency of 100mhz. The 125mhz clock cycles // violate the maximum from the data sheet. cfg.clock_divider = FixedU32::from_bits(0x0200); } sm.set_config(&cfg); sm.set_pin_dirs(Direction::Out, &[&pin_clk, &pin_io]); sm.set_pins(Level::Low, &[&pin_clk, &pin_io]); Self { cs, sm, irq, dma: dma.into_ref(), wrap_target: loaded_program.wrap.target, } } /// Write data to peripheral and return status. pub async fn write(&mut self, write: &[u32]) -> u32 { self.sm.set_enable(false); let write_bits = write.len() * 32 - 1; let read_bits = 31; #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::trace!("write={} read={}", write_bits, read_bits); unsafe { instr::set_x(&mut self.sm, write_bits as u32); instr::set_y(&mut self.sm, read_bits as u32); instr::set_pindir(&mut self.sm, 0b1); instr::exec_jmp(&mut self.sm, self.wrap_target); } self.sm.set_enable(true); self.sm.tx().dma_push(self.dma.reborrow(), write).await; let mut status = 0; self.sm .rx() .dma_pull(self.dma.reborrow(), slice::from_mut(&mut status)) .await; status } /// Send command and read response into buffer. pub async fn cmd_read(&mut self, cmd: u32, read: &mut [u32]) -> u32 { self.sm.set_enable(false); let write_bits = 31; let read_bits = read.len() * 32 + 32 - 1; #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::trace!("write={} read={}", write_bits, read_bits); unsafe { instr::set_y(&mut self.sm, read_bits as u32); instr::set_x(&mut self.sm, write_bits as u32); instr::set_pindir(&mut self.sm, 0b1); instr::exec_jmp(&mut self.sm, self.wrap_target); } // self.cs.set_low(); self.sm.set_enable(true); self.sm.tx().dma_push(self.dma.reborrow(), slice::from_ref(&cmd)).await; self.sm.rx().dma_pull(self.dma.reborrow(), read).await; let mut status = 0; self.sm .rx() .dma_pull(self.dma.reborrow(), slice::from_mut(&mut status)) .await; status } } impl<'d, CS, PIO, const SM: usize, DMA> SpiBusCyw43 for PioSpi<'d, CS, PIO, SM, DMA> where CS: Pin, PIO: Instance, DMA: Channel, { async fn cmd_write(&mut self, write: &[u32]) -> u32 { self.cs.set_low(); let status = self.write(write).await; self.cs.set_high(); status } async fn cmd_read(&mut self, write: u32, read: &mut [u32]) -> u32 { self.cs.set_low(); let status = self.cmd_read(write, read).await; self.cs.set_high(); status } async fn wait_for_event(&mut self) { self.irq.wait().await; } }