use core::cmp::{max, min}; use core::iter::zip; use embassy_net_driver_channel as ch; use embassy_net_driver_channel::driver::{HardwareAddress, LinkState}; use embassy_time::Timer; use crate::consts::*; use crate::events::{Event, EventSubscriber, Events}; use crate::fmt::Bytes; use crate::ioctl::{IoctlState, IoctlType}; use crate::structs::*; use crate::{countries, events, PowerManagementMode}; /// Control errors. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Error { /// Status code. pub status: u32, } /// Multicast errors. #[derive(Debug)] pub enum AddMulticastAddressError { /// Not a multicast address. NotMulticast, /// No free address slots. NoFreeSlots, } /// Control driver. pub struct Control<'a> { state_ch: ch::StateRunner<'a>, events: &'a Events, ioctl_state: &'a IoctlState, } impl<'a> Control<'a> { pub(crate) fn new(state_ch: ch::StateRunner<'a>, event_sub: &'a Events, ioctl_state: &'a IoctlState) -> Self { Self { state_ch, events: event_sub, ioctl_state, } } /// Initialize WiFi controller. pub async fn init(&mut self, clm: &[u8]) { const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 1024; debug!("Downloading CLM..."); let mut offs = 0; for chunk in clm.chunks(CHUNK_SIZE) { let mut flag = DOWNLOAD_FLAG_HANDLER_VER; if offs == 0 { flag |= DOWNLOAD_FLAG_BEGIN; } offs += chunk.len(); if offs == clm.len() { flag |= DOWNLOAD_FLAG_END; } let header = DownloadHeader { flag, dload_type: DOWNLOAD_TYPE_CLM, len: chunk.len() as _, crc: 0, }; let mut buf = [0; 8 + 12 + CHUNK_SIZE]; buf[0..8].copy_from_slice(b"clmload\x00"); buf[8..20].copy_from_slice(&header.to_bytes()); buf[20..][..chunk.len()].copy_from_slice(&chunk); self.ioctl(IoctlType::Set, IOCTL_CMD_SET_VAR, 0, &mut buf[..8 + 12 + chunk.len()]) .await; } // check clmload ok assert_eq!(self.get_iovar_u32("clmload_status").await, 0); debug!("Configuring misc stuff..."); // Disable tx gloming which transfers multiple packets in one request. // 'glom' is short for "conglomerate" which means "gather together into // a compact mass". self.set_iovar_u32("bus:txglom", 0).await; self.set_iovar_u32("apsta", 1).await; // read MAC addr. let mut mac_addr = [0; 6]; assert_eq!(self.get_iovar("cur_etheraddr", &mut mac_addr).await, 6); debug!("mac addr: {:02x}", Bytes(&mac_addr)); let country = countries::WORLD_WIDE_XX; let country_info = CountryInfo { country_abbrev: [country.code[0], country.code[1], 0, 0], country_code: [country.code[0], country.code[1], 0, 0], rev: if country.rev == 0 { -1 } else { country.rev as _ }, }; self.set_iovar("country", &country_info.to_bytes()).await; // set country takes some time, next ioctls fail if we don't wait. Timer::after_millis(100).await; // Set antenna to chip antenna self.ioctl_set_u32(IOCTL_CMD_ANTDIV, 0, 0).await; self.set_iovar_u32("bus:txglom", 0).await; Timer::after_millis(100).await; //self.set_iovar_u32("apsta", 1).await; // this crashes, also we already did it before...?? //Timer::after_millis(100).await; self.set_iovar_u32("ampdu_ba_wsize", 8).await; Timer::after_millis(100).await; self.set_iovar_u32("ampdu_mpdu", 4).await; Timer::after_millis(100).await; //self.set_iovar_u32("ampdu_rx_factor", 0).await; // this crashes //Timer::after_millis(100).await; // evts let mut evts = EventMask { iface: 0, events: [0xFF; 24], }; // Disable spammy uninteresting events. evts.unset(Event::RADIO); evts.unset(Event::IF); evts.unset(Event::PROBREQ_MSG); evts.unset(Event::PROBREQ_MSG_RX); evts.unset(Event::PROBRESP_MSG); evts.unset(Event::PROBRESP_MSG); evts.unset(Event::ROAM); self.set_iovar("bsscfg:event_msgs", &evts.to_bytes()).await; Timer::after_millis(100).await; // set wifi up self.up().await; Timer::after_millis(100).await; self.ioctl_set_u32(110, 0, 1).await; // SET_GMODE = auto self.ioctl_set_u32(142, 0, 0).await; // SET_BAND = any Timer::after_millis(100).await; self.state_ch.set_hardware_address(HardwareAddress::Ethernet(mac_addr)); debug!("INIT DONE"); } /// Set the WiFi interface up. async fn up(&mut self) { self.ioctl(IoctlType::Set, IOCTL_CMD_UP, 0, &mut []).await; } /// Set the interface down. async fn down(&mut self) { self.ioctl(IoctlType::Set, IOCTL_CMD_DOWN, 0, &mut []).await; } /// Set power management mode. pub async fn set_power_management(&mut self, mode: PowerManagementMode) { // power save mode let mode_num = mode.mode(); if mode_num == 2 { self.set_iovar_u32("pm2_sleep_ret", mode.sleep_ret_ms() as u32).await; self.set_iovar_u32("bcn_li_bcn", mode.beacon_period() as u32).await; self.set_iovar_u32("bcn_li_dtim", mode.dtim_period() as u32).await; self.set_iovar_u32("assoc_listen", mode.assoc() as u32).await; } self.ioctl_set_u32(86, 0, mode_num).await; } /// Join an unprotected network with the provided ssid. pub async fn join_open(&mut self, ssid: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { self.set_iovar_u32("ampdu_ba_wsize", 8).await; self.ioctl_set_u32(134, 0, 0).await; // wsec = open self.set_iovar_u32x2("bsscfg:sup_wpa", 0, 0).await; self.ioctl_set_u32(20, 0, 1).await; // set_infra = 1 self.ioctl_set_u32(22, 0, 0).await; // set_auth = open (0) let mut i = SsidInfo { len: ssid.len() as _, ssid: [0; 32], }; i.ssid[..ssid.len()].copy_from_slice(ssid.as_bytes()); self.wait_for_join(i).await } /// Join an protected network with the provided ssid and passphrase. pub async fn join_wpa2(&mut self, ssid: &str, passphrase: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { self.set_iovar_u32("ampdu_ba_wsize", 8).await; self.ioctl_set_u32(134, 0, 4).await; // wsec = wpa2 self.set_iovar_u32x2("bsscfg:sup_wpa", 0, 1).await; self.set_iovar_u32x2("bsscfg:sup_wpa2_eapver", 0, 0xFFFF_FFFF).await; self.set_iovar_u32x2("bsscfg:sup_wpa_tmo", 0, 2500).await; Timer::after_millis(100).await; let mut pfi = PassphraseInfo { len: passphrase.len() as _, flags: 1, passphrase: [0; 64], }; pfi.passphrase[..passphrase.len()].copy_from_slice(passphrase.as_bytes()); self.ioctl(IoctlType::Set, IOCTL_CMD_SET_PASSPHRASE, 0, &mut pfi.to_bytes()) .await; // WLC_SET_WSEC_PMK self.ioctl_set_u32(20, 0, 1).await; // set_infra = 1 self.ioctl_set_u32(22, 0, 0).await; // set_auth = 0 (open) self.ioctl_set_u32(165, 0, 0x80).await; // set_wpa_auth let mut i = SsidInfo { len: ssid.len() as _, ssid: [0; 32], }; i.ssid[..ssid.len()].copy_from_slice(ssid.as_bytes()); self.wait_for_join(i).await } async fn wait_for_join(&mut self, i: SsidInfo) -> Result<(), Error> {[Event::SET_SSID, Event::AUTH]); let mut subscriber =; // the actual join operation starts here // we make sure to enable events before so we don't miss any // set_ssid self.ioctl(IoctlType::Set, IOCTL_CMD_SET_SSID, 0, &mut i.to_bytes()) .await; // to complete the join, we wait for a SET_SSID event // we also save the AUTH status for the user, it may be interesting let mut auth_status = 0; let status = loop { let msg = subscriber.next_message_pure().await; if msg.header.event_type == Event::AUTH && msg.header.status != EStatus::SUCCESS { auth_status = msg.header.status; } else if msg.header.event_type == Event::SET_SSID { // join operation ends with SET_SSID event break msg.header.status; } };; if status == EStatus::SUCCESS { // successful join self.state_ch.set_link_state(LinkState::Up); debug!("JOINED"); Ok(()) } else { warn!("JOIN failed with status={} auth={}", status, auth_status); Err(Error { status }) } } /// Set GPIO pin on WiFi chip. pub async fn gpio_set(&mut self, gpio_n: u8, gpio_en: bool) { assert!(gpio_n < 3); self.set_iovar_u32x2("gpioout", 1 << gpio_n, if gpio_en { 1 << gpio_n } else { 0 }) .await } /// Start open access point. pub async fn start_ap_open(&mut self, ssid: &str, channel: u8) { self.start_ap(ssid, "", Security::OPEN, channel).await; } /// Start WPA2 protected access point. pub async fn start_ap_wpa2(&mut self, ssid: &str, passphrase: &str, channel: u8) { self.start_ap(ssid, passphrase, Security::WPA2_AES_PSK, channel).await; } async fn start_ap(&mut self, ssid: &str, passphrase: &str, security: Security, channel: u8) { if security != Security::OPEN && (passphrase.as_bytes().len() < MIN_PSK_LEN || passphrase.as_bytes().len() > MAX_PSK_LEN) { panic!("Passphrase is too short or too long"); } // Temporarily set wifi down self.down().await; // Turn off APSTA mode self.set_iovar_u32("apsta", 0).await; // Set wifi up again self.up().await; // Turn on AP mode self.ioctl_set_u32(IOCTL_CMD_SET_AP, 0, 1).await; // Set SSID let mut i = SsidInfoWithIndex { index: 0, ssid_info: SsidInfo { len: ssid.as_bytes().len() as _, ssid: [0; 32], }, }; i.ssid_info.ssid[..ssid.as_bytes().len()].copy_from_slice(ssid.as_bytes()); self.set_iovar("bsscfg:ssid", &i.to_bytes()).await; // Set channel number self.ioctl_set_u32(IOCTL_CMD_SET_CHANNEL, 0, channel as u32).await; // Set security self.set_iovar_u32x2("bsscfg:wsec", 0, (security as u32) & 0xFF).await; if security != Security::OPEN { self.set_iovar_u32x2("bsscfg:wpa_auth", 0, 0x0084).await; // wpa_auth = WPA2_AUTH_PSK | WPA_AUTH_PSK Timer::after_millis(100).await; // Set passphrase let mut pfi = PassphraseInfo { len: passphrase.as_bytes().len() as _, flags: 1, // WSEC_PASSPHRASE passphrase: [0; 64], }; pfi.passphrase[..passphrase.as_bytes().len()].copy_from_slice(passphrase.as_bytes()); self.ioctl(IoctlType::Set, IOCTL_CMD_SET_PASSPHRASE, 0, &mut pfi.to_bytes()) .await; } // Change mutlicast rate from 1 Mbps to 11 Mbps self.set_iovar_u32("2g_mrate", 11000000 / 500000).await; // Start AP self.set_iovar_u32x2("bss", 0, 1).await; // bss = BSS_UP } /// Add specified address to the list of hardware addresses the device /// listens on. The address must be a Group address (I/G bit set). Up /// to 10 addresses are supported by the firmware. Returns the number of /// address slots filled after adding, or an error. pub async fn add_multicast_address(&mut self, address: [u8; 6]) -> Result { // The firmware seems to ignore non-multicast addresses, so let's // prevent the user from adding them and wasting space. if address[0] & 0x01 != 1 { return Err(AddMulticastAddressError::NotMulticast); } let mut buf = [0; 64]; self.get_iovar("mcast_list", &mut buf).await; let n = u32::from_le_bytes(buf[..4].try_into().unwrap()) as usize; let (used, free) = buf[4..].split_at_mut(n * 6); if used.chunks(6).any(|a| a == address) { return Ok(n); } if free.len() < 6 { return Err(AddMulticastAddressError::NoFreeSlots); } free[..6].copy_from_slice(&address); let n = n + 1; buf[..4].copy_from_slice(&(n as u32).to_le_bytes()); self.set_iovar_v::<80>("mcast_list", &buf).await; Ok(n) } /// Retrieve the list of configured multicast hardware addresses. pub async fn list_mulistcast_addresses(&mut self, result: &mut [[u8; 6]; 10]) -> usize { let mut buf = [0; 64]; self.get_iovar("mcast_list", &mut buf).await; let n = u32::from_le_bytes(buf[..4].try_into().unwrap()) as usize; let used = &buf[4..][..n * 6]; for (addr, output) in zip(used.chunks(6), result.iter_mut()) { output.copy_from_slice(addr) } n } async fn set_iovar_u32x2(&mut self, name: &str, val1: u32, val2: u32) { let mut buf = [0; 8]; buf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&val1.to_le_bytes()); buf[4..8].copy_from_slice(&val2.to_le_bytes()); self.set_iovar(name, &buf).await } async fn set_iovar_u32(&mut self, name: &str, val: u32) { self.set_iovar(name, &val.to_le_bytes()).await } async fn get_iovar_u32(&mut self, name: &str) -> u32 { let mut buf = [0; 4]; let len = self.get_iovar(name, &mut buf).await; assert_eq!(len, 4); u32::from_le_bytes(buf) } async fn set_iovar(&mut self, name: &str, val: &[u8]) { self.set_iovar_v::<64>(name, val).await } async fn set_iovar_v(&mut self, name: &str, val: &[u8]) { debug!("set {} = {:02x}", name, Bytes(val)); let mut buf = [0; BUFSIZE]; buf[].copy_from_slice(name.as_bytes()); buf[name.len()] = 0; buf[name.len() + 1..][..val.len()].copy_from_slice(val); let total_len = name.len() + 1 + val.len(); self.ioctl(IoctlType::Set, IOCTL_CMD_SET_VAR, 0, &mut buf[..total_len]) .await; } // TODO this is not really working, it always returns all zeros. async fn get_iovar(&mut self, name: &str, res: &mut [u8]) -> usize { debug!("get {}", name); let mut buf = [0; 64]; buf[].copy_from_slice(name.as_bytes()); buf[name.len()] = 0; let total_len = max(name.len() + 1, res.len()); let res_len = self .ioctl(IoctlType::Get, IOCTL_CMD_GET_VAR, 0, &mut buf[..total_len]) .await; let out_len = min(res.len(), res_len); res[..out_len].copy_from_slice(&buf[..out_len]); out_len } async fn ioctl_set_u32(&mut self, cmd: u32, iface: u32, val: u32) { let mut buf = val.to_le_bytes(); self.ioctl(IoctlType::Set, cmd, iface, &mut buf).await; } async fn ioctl(&mut self, kind: IoctlType, cmd: u32, iface: u32, buf: &mut [u8]) -> usize { struct CancelOnDrop<'a>(&'a IoctlState); impl CancelOnDrop<'_> { fn defuse(self) { core::mem::forget(self); } } impl Drop for CancelOnDrop<'_> { fn drop(&mut self) { self.0.cancel_ioctl(); } } let ioctl = CancelOnDrop(self.ioctl_state); let resp_len = ioctl.0.do_ioctl(kind, cmd, iface, buf).await; ioctl.defuse(); resp_len } /// Start a wifi scan /// /// Returns a `Stream` of networks found by the device /// /// # Note /// Device events are currently implemented using a bounded queue. /// To not miss any events, you should make sure to always await the stream. pub async fn scan(&mut self) -> Scanner<'_> { const SCANTYPE_PASSIVE: u8 = 1; let scan_params = ScanParams { version: 1, action: 1, sync_id: 1, ssid_len: 0, ssid: [0; 32], bssid: [0xff; 6], bss_type: 2, scan_type: SCANTYPE_PASSIVE, nprobes: !0, active_time: !0, passive_time: !0, home_time: !0, channel_num: 0, channel_list: [0; 1], };[Event::ESCAN_RESULT]); let subscriber =; self.set_iovar_v::<256>("escan", &scan_params.to_bytes()).await; Scanner { subscriber, events: &, } } /// Leave the wifi, with which we are currently associated. pub async fn leave(&mut self) { self.ioctl(IoctlType::Set, IOCTL_CMD_DISASSOC, 0, &mut []).await; info!("Disassociated") } } /// WiFi network scanner. pub struct Scanner<'a> { subscriber: EventSubscriber<'a>, events: &'a Events, } impl Scanner<'_> { /// Wait for the next found network. pub async fn next(&mut self) -> Option { let event = self.subscriber.next_message_pure().await; if event.header.status != EStatus::PARTIAL {; return None; } if let events::Payload::BssInfo(bss) = event.payload { Some(bss) } else { None } } } impl Drop for Scanner<'_> { fn drop(&mut self) {; } }