use core::cell::UnsafeCell; use core::marker::PhantomData; use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU16, Ordering}; use core::task::Poll; use embassy_hal_internal::{into_ref, Peripheral}; use embassy_sync::waitqueue::AtomicWaker; use embassy_usb_driver::{ self, Bus as _, Direction, EndpointAddress, EndpointAllocError, EndpointError, EndpointIn, EndpointInfo, EndpointOut, EndpointType, Event, Unsupported, }; use futures::future::poll_fn; use super::*; use crate::gpio::sealed::AFType; use crate::interrupt; use crate::interrupt::typelevel::Interrupt; use crate::pac::otg::{regs, vals}; use crate::rcc::sealed::RccPeripheral; use crate::time::Hertz; /// Interrupt handler. pub struct InterruptHandler { _phantom: PhantomData, } impl interrupt::typelevel::Handler for InterruptHandler { unsafe fn on_interrupt() { trace!("irq"); let r = T::regs(); let state = T::state(); let ints = r.gintsts().read(); if ints.wkupint() || ints.usbsusp() || ints.usbrst() || ints.enumdne() || ints.otgint() || ints.srqint() { // Mask interrupts and notify `Bus` to process them r.gintmsk().write(|_| {}); T::state().bus_waker.wake(); } // Handle RX while r.gintsts().read().rxflvl() { let status = r.grxstsp().read(); trace!("=== status {:08x}", status.0); let ep_num = status.epnum() as usize; let len = status.bcnt() as usize; assert!(ep_num < T::ENDPOINT_COUNT); match status.pktstsd() { vals::Pktstsd::SETUP_DATA_RX => { trace!("SETUP_DATA_RX"); assert!(len == 8, "invalid SETUP packet length={}", len); assert!(ep_num == 0, "invalid SETUP packet endpoint={}", ep_num); // flushing TX if something stuck in control endpoint if r.dieptsiz(ep_num).read().pktcnt() != 0 { r.grstctl().modify(|w| { w.set_txfnum(ep_num as _); w.set_txfflsh(true); }); while r.grstctl().read().txfflsh() {} } if state.ep0_setup_ready.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == false { // SAFETY: exclusive access ensured by atomic bool let data = unsafe { &mut *state.ep0_setup_data.get() }; data[0..4].copy_from_slice(&r.fifo(0).read().0.to_ne_bytes()); data[4..8].copy_from_slice(&r.fifo(0).read().0.to_ne_bytes());, Ordering::Release); state.ep_out_wakers[0].wake(); } else { error!("received SETUP before previous finished processing"); // discard FIFO r.fifo(0).read(); r.fifo(0).read(); } } vals::Pktstsd::OUT_DATA_RX => { trace!("OUT_DATA_RX ep={} len={}", ep_num, len); if state.ep_out_size[ep_num].load(Ordering::Acquire) == EP_OUT_BUFFER_EMPTY { // SAFETY: Buffer size is allocated to be equal to endpoint's maximum packet size // We trust the peripheral to not exceed its configured MPSIZ let buf = unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(*state.ep_out_buffers[ep_num].get(), len) }; for chunk in buf.chunks_mut(4) { // RX FIFO is shared so always read from fifo(0) let data = r.fifo(0).read().0; chunk.copy_from_slice(&data.to_ne_bytes()[0..chunk.len()]); } state.ep_out_size[ep_num].store(len as u16, Ordering::Release); state.ep_out_wakers[ep_num].wake(); } else { error!("ep_out buffer overflow index={}", ep_num); // discard FIFO data let len_words = (len + 3) / 4; for _ in 0..len_words { r.fifo(0).read().data(); } } } vals::Pktstsd::OUT_DATA_DONE => { trace!("OUT_DATA_DONE ep={}", ep_num); } vals::Pktstsd::SETUP_DATA_DONE => { trace!("SETUP_DATA_DONE ep={}", ep_num); if quirk_setup_late_cnak(r) { // Clear NAK to indicate we are ready to receive more data r.doepctl(ep_num).modify(|w| w.set_cnak(true)); } } x => trace!("unknown PKTSTS: {}", x.to_bits()), } } // IN endpoint interrupt if ints.iepint() { let mut ep_mask = r.daint().read().iepint(); let mut ep_num = 0; // Iterate over endpoints while there are non-zero bits in the mask while ep_mask != 0 { if ep_mask & 1 != 0 { let ep_ints = r.diepint(ep_num).read(); // clear all r.diepint(ep_num).write_value(ep_ints); // TXFE is cleared in DIEPEMPMSK if ep_ints.txfe() { critical_section::with(|_| { r.diepempmsk().modify(|w| { w.set_ineptxfem(w.ineptxfem() & !(1 << ep_num)); }); }); } state.ep_in_wakers[ep_num].wake(); trace!("in ep={} irq val={:08x}", ep_num, ep_ints.0); } ep_mask >>= 1; ep_num += 1; } } // not needed? reception handled in rxflvl // OUT endpoint interrupt // if ints.oepint() { // let mut ep_mask = r.daint().read().oepint(); // let mut ep_num = 0; // while ep_mask != 0 { // if ep_mask & 1 != 0 { // let ep_ints = r.doepint(ep_num).read(); // // clear all // r.doepint(ep_num).write_value(ep_ints); // state.ep_out_wakers[ep_num].wake(); // trace!("out ep={} irq val={:08x}", ep_num, ep_ints.0); // } // ep_mask >>= 1; // ep_num += 1; // } // } } } macro_rules! config_ulpi_pins { ($($pin:ident),*) => { into_ref!($($pin),*); critical_section::with(|_| { $( $pin.set_as_af($pin.af_num(), AFType::OutputPushPull); #[cfg(gpio_v2)] $pin.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); )* }) }; } // From `synopsys-usb-otg` crate: // This calculation doesn't correspond to one in a Reference Manual. // In fact, the required number of words is higher than indicated in RM. // The following numbers are pessimistic and were figured out empirically. const RX_FIFO_EXTRA_SIZE_WORDS: u16 = 30; /// USB PHY type #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum PhyType { /// Internal Full-Speed PHY /// /// Available on most High-Speed peripherals. InternalFullSpeed, /// Internal High-Speed PHY /// /// Available on a few STM32 chips. InternalHighSpeed, /// External ULPI High-Speed PHY ExternalHighSpeed, } impl PhyType { /// Get whether this PHY is any of the internal types. pub fn internal(&self) -> bool { match self { PhyType::InternalFullSpeed | PhyType::InternalHighSpeed => true, PhyType::ExternalHighSpeed => false, } } /// Get whether this PHY is any of the high-speed types. pub fn high_speed(&self) -> bool { match self { PhyType::InternalFullSpeed => false, PhyType::ExternalHighSpeed | PhyType::InternalHighSpeed => true, } } fn to_dspd(&self) -> vals::Dspd { match self { PhyType::InternalFullSpeed => vals::Dspd::FULL_SPEED_INTERNAL, PhyType::InternalHighSpeed => vals::Dspd::HIGH_SPEED, PhyType::ExternalHighSpeed => vals::Dspd::HIGH_SPEED, } } } /// Indicates that [State::ep_out_buffers] is empty. const EP_OUT_BUFFER_EMPTY: u16 = u16::MAX; /// USB OTG driver state. pub struct State { /// Holds received SETUP packets. Available if [State::ep0_setup_ready] is true. ep0_setup_data: UnsafeCell<[u8; 8]>, ep0_setup_ready: AtomicBool, ep_in_wakers: [AtomicWaker; EP_COUNT], ep_out_wakers: [AtomicWaker; EP_COUNT], /// RX FIFO is shared so extra buffers are needed to dequeue all data without waiting on each endpoint. /// Buffers are ready when associated [State::ep_out_size] != [EP_OUT_BUFFER_EMPTY]. ep_out_buffers: [UnsafeCell<*mut u8>; EP_COUNT], ep_out_size: [AtomicU16; EP_COUNT], bus_waker: AtomicWaker, } unsafe impl Send for State {} unsafe impl Sync for State {} impl State { /// Create a new State. pub const fn new() -> Self { const NEW_AW: AtomicWaker = AtomicWaker::new(); const NEW_BUF: UnsafeCell<*mut u8> = UnsafeCell::new(0 as _); const NEW_SIZE: AtomicU16 = AtomicU16::new(EP_OUT_BUFFER_EMPTY); Self { ep0_setup_data: UnsafeCell::new([0u8; 8]), ep0_setup_ready: AtomicBool::new(false), ep_in_wakers: [NEW_AW; EP_COUNT], ep_out_wakers: [NEW_AW; EP_COUNT], ep_out_buffers: [NEW_BUF; EP_COUNT], ep_out_size: [NEW_SIZE; EP_COUNT], bus_waker: NEW_AW, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct EndpointData { ep_type: EndpointType, max_packet_size: u16, fifo_size_words: u16, } /// USB driver config. #[non_exhaustive] #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct Config { /// Enable VBUS detection. /// /// The USB spec requires USB devices monitor for USB cable plug/unplug and react accordingly. /// This is done by checkihg whether there is 5V on the VBUS pin or not. /// /// If your device is bus-powered (powers itself from the USB host via VBUS), then this is optional. /// (if there's no power in VBUS your device would be off anyway, so it's fine to always assume /// there's power in VBUS, i.e. the USB cable is always plugged in.) /// /// If your device is self-powered (i.e. it gets power from a source other than the USB cable, and /// therefore can stay powered through USB cable plug/unplug) then you MUST set this to true. /// /// If you set this to true, you must connect VBUS to PA9 for FS, PB13 for HS, possibly with a /// voltage divider. See ST application note AN4879 and the reference manual for more details. pub vbus_detection: bool, } impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Self { Self { vbus_detection: true } } } /// USB driver. pub struct Driver<'d, T: Instance> { config: Config, phantom: PhantomData<&'d mut T>, ep_in: [Option; MAX_EP_COUNT], ep_out: [Option; MAX_EP_COUNT], ep_out_buffer: &'d mut [u8], ep_out_buffer_offset: usize, phy_type: PhyType, } impl<'d, T: Instance> Driver<'d, T> { /// Initializes USB OTG peripheral with internal Full-Speed PHY. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `ep_out_buffer` - An internal buffer used to temporarily store recevied packets. /// Must be large enough to fit all OUT endpoint max packet sizes. /// Endpoint allocation will fail if it is too small. pub fn new_fs( _peri: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, _irq: impl interrupt::typelevel::Binding> + 'd, dp: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, dm: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, ep_out_buffer: &'d mut [u8], config: Config, ) -> Self { into_ref!(dp, dm); dp.set_as_af(dp.af_num(), AFType::OutputPushPull); dm.set_as_af(dm.af_num(), AFType::OutputPushPull); Self { config, phantom: PhantomData, ep_in: [None; MAX_EP_COUNT], ep_out: [None; MAX_EP_COUNT], ep_out_buffer, ep_out_buffer_offset: 0, phy_type: PhyType::InternalFullSpeed, } } /// Initializes USB OTG peripheral with external High-Speed PHY. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `ep_out_buffer` - An internal buffer used to temporarily store recevied packets. /// Must be large enough to fit all OUT endpoint max packet sizes. /// Endpoint allocation will fail if it is too small. pub fn new_hs_ulpi( _peri: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, _irq: impl interrupt::typelevel::Binding> + 'd, ulpi_clk: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, ulpi_dir: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, ulpi_nxt: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, ulpi_stp: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, ulpi_d0: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, ulpi_d1: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, ulpi_d2: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, ulpi_d3: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, ulpi_d4: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, ulpi_d5: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, ulpi_d6: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, ulpi_d7: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, ep_out_buffer: &'d mut [u8], config: Config, ) -> Self { assert!(T::HIGH_SPEED == true, "Peripheral is not capable of high-speed USB"); config_ulpi_pins!( ulpi_clk, ulpi_dir, ulpi_nxt, ulpi_stp, ulpi_d0, ulpi_d1, ulpi_d2, ulpi_d3, ulpi_d4, ulpi_d5, ulpi_d6, ulpi_d7 ); Self { config, phantom: PhantomData, ep_in: [None; MAX_EP_COUNT], ep_out: [None; MAX_EP_COUNT], ep_out_buffer, ep_out_buffer_offset: 0, phy_type: PhyType::ExternalHighSpeed, } } // Returns total amount of words (u32) allocated in dedicated FIFO fn allocated_fifo_words(&self) -> u16 { RX_FIFO_EXTRA_SIZE_WORDS + ep_fifo_size(&self.ep_out) + ep_fifo_size(&self.ep_in) } fn alloc_endpoint( &mut self, ep_type: EndpointType, max_packet_size: u16, interval_ms: u8, ) -> Result, EndpointAllocError> { trace!( "allocating type={:?} mps={:?} interval_ms={}, dir={:?}", ep_type, max_packet_size, interval_ms, D::dir() ); if D::dir() == Direction::Out { if self.ep_out_buffer_offset + max_packet_size as usize >= self.ep_out_buffer.len() { error!("Not enough endpoint out buffer capacity"); return Err(EndpointAllocError); } }; let fifo_size_words = match D::dir() { Direction::Out => (max_packet_size + 3) / 4, // INEPTXFD requires minimum size of 16 words Direction::In => u16::max((max_packet_size + 3) / 4, 16), }; if fifo_size_words + self.allocated_fifo_words() > T::FIFO_DEPTH_WORDS { error!("Not enough FIFO capacity"); return Err(EndpointAllocError); } let eps = match D::dir() { Direction::Out => &mut self.ep_out, Direction::In => &mut self.ep_in, }; // Find free endpoint slot let slot = eps.iter_mut().enumerate().find(|(i, ep)| { if *i == 0 && ep_type != EndpointType::Control { // reserved for control pipe false } else { ep.is_none() } }); let index = match slot { Some((index, ep)) => { *ep = Some(EndpointData { ep_type, max_packet_size, fifo_size_words, }); index } None => { error!("No free endpoints available"); return Err(EndpointAllocError); } }; trace!(" index={}", index); if D::dir() == Direction::Out { // Buffer capacity check was done above, now allocation cannot fail unsafe { *T::state().ep_out_buffers[index].get() = self.ep_out_buffer.as_mut_ptr().offset(self.ep_out_buffer_offset as _); } self.ep_out_buffer_offset += max_packet_size as usize; } Ok(Endpoint { _phantom: PhantomData, info: EndpointInfo { addr: EndpointAddress::from_parts(index, D::dir()), ep_type, max_packet_size, interval_ms, }, }) } } impl<'d, T: Instance> embassy_usb_driver::Driver<'d> for Driver<'d, T> { type EndpointOut = Endpoint<'d, T, Out>; type EndpointIn = Endpoint<'d, T, In>; type ControlPipe = ControlPipe<'d, T>; type Bus = Bus<'d, T>; fn alloc_endpoint_in( &mut self, ep_type: EndpointType, max_packet_size: u16, interval_ms: u8, ) -> Result { self.alloc_endpoint(ep_type, max_packet_size, interval_ms) } fn alloc_endpoint_out( &mut self, ep_type: EndpointType, max_packet_size: u16, interval_ms: u8, ) -> Result { self.alloc_endpoint(ep_type, max_packet_size, interval_ms) } fn start(mut self, control_max_packet_size: u16) -> (Self::Bus, Self::ControlPipe) { let ep_out = self .alloc_endpoint(EndpointType::Control, control_max_packet_size, 0) .unwrap(); let ep_in = self .alloc_endpoint(EndpointType::Control, control_max_packet_size, 0) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 0); assert_eq!(, 0); trace!("start"); ( Bus { config: self.config, phantom: PhantomData, ep_in: self.ep_in, ep_out: self.ep_out, phy_type: self.phy_type, inited: false, }, ControlPipe { _phantom: PhantomData, max_packet_size: control_max_packet_size, ep_out, ep_in, }, ) } } /// USB bus. pub struct Bus<'d, T: Instance> { config: Config, phantom: PhantomData<&'d mut T>, ep_in: [Option; MAX_EP_COUNT], ep_out: [Option; MAX_EP_COUNT], phy_type: PhyType, inited: bool, } impl<'d, T: Instance> Bus<'d, T> { fn restore_irqs() { T::regs().gintmsk().write(|w| { w.set_usbrst(true); w.set_enumdnem(true); w.set_usbsuspm(true); w.set_wuim(true); w.set_iepint(true); w.set_oepint(true); w.set_rxflvlm(true); w.set_srqim(true); w.set_otgint(true); }); } } impl<'d, T: Instance> Bus<'d, T> { fn init(&mut self) { #[cfg(stm32l4)] critical_section::with(|_| crate::pac::PWR.cr2().modify(|w| w.set_usv(true))); #[cfg(stm32f7)] { // Enable ULPI clock if external PHY is used let ulpien = !self.phy_type.internal(); critical_section::with(|_| { crate::pac::RCC.ahb1enr().modify(|w| { if T::HIGH_SPEED { w.set_usb_otg_hsulpien(ulpien); } else { w.set_usb_otg_hsen(ulpien); } }); // Low power mode crate::pac::RCC.ahb1lpenr().modify(|w| { if T::HIGH_SPEED { w.set_usb_otg_hsulpilpen(ulpien); } else { w.set_usb_otg_hslpen(ulpien); } }); }); } #[cfg(stm32h7)] { // If true, VDD33USB is generated by internal regulator from VDD50USB // If false, VDD33USB and VDD50USB must be suplied directly with 3.3V (default on nucleo) // TODO: unhardcode let internal_regulator = false; // Enable USB power critical_section::with(|_| { crate::pac::PWR.cr3().modify(|w| { w.set_usb33den(true); w.set_usbregen(internal_regulator); }) }); // Wait for USB power to stabilize while !crate::pac::PWR.cr3().read().usb33rdy() {} // Use internal 48MHz HSI clock. Should be enabled in RCC by default. critical_section::with(|_| { crate::pac::RCC .d2ccip2r() .modify(|w| w.set_usbsel(crate::pac::rcc::vals::Usbsel::HSI48)) }); // Enable ULPI clock if external PHY is used let ulpien = !self.phy_type.internal(); critical_section::with(|_| { crate::pac::RCC.ahb1enr().modify(|w| { if T::HIGH_SPEED { w.set_usb_otg_hs_ulpien(ulpien); } else { w.set_usb_otg_fs_ulpien(ulpien); } }); crate::pac::RCC.ahb1lpenr().modify(|w| { if T::HIGH_SPEED { w.set_usb_otg_hs_ulpilpen(ulpien); } else { w.set_usb_otg_fs_ulpilpen(ulpien); } }); }); } #[cfg(stm32u5)] { // Enable USB power critical_section::with(|_| { crate::pac::PWR.svmcr().modify(|w| { w.set_usv(true); w.set_uvmen(true); }) }); // Wait for USB power to stabilize while !crate::pac::PWR.svmsr().read().vddusbrdy() {} // Select HSI48 as USB clock source. critical_section::with(|_| { crate::pac::RCC.ccipr1().modify(|w| { w.set_iclksel(crate::pac::rcc::vals::Iclksel::HSI48); }) }); } ::enable_and_reset(); T::Interrupt::unpend(); unsafe { T::Interrupt::enable() }; let r = T::regs(); let core_id = r.cid().read().0; trace!("Core id {:08x}", core_id); // Wait for AHB ready. while !r.grstctl().read().ahbidl() {} // Configure as device. r.gusbcfg().write(|w| { // Force device mode w.set_fdmod(true); // Enable internal full-speed PHY w.set_physel(self.phy_type.internal() && !self.phy_type.high_speed()); }); // Configuring Vbus sense and SOF output match core_id { 0x0000_1200 | 0x0000_1100 => { assert!(self.phy_type != PhyType::InternalHighSpeed); r.gccfg_v1().modify(|w| { // Enable internal full-speed PHY, logic is inverted w.set_pwrdwn(self.phy_type.internal()); }); // F429-like chips have the GCCFG.NOVBUSSENS bit r.gccfg_v1().modify(|w| { w.set_novbussens(!self.config.vbus_detection); w.set_vbusasen(false); w.set_vbusbsen(self.config.vbus_detection); w.set_sofouten(false); }); } 0x0000_2000 | 0x0000_2100 | 0x0000_2300 | 0x0000_3000 | 0x0000_3100 => { // F446-like chips have the GCCFG.VBDEN bit with the opposite meaning r.gccfg_v2().modify(|w| { // Enable internal full-speed PHY, logic is inverted w.set_pwrdwn(self.phy_type.internal() && !self.phy_type.high_speed()); w.set_phyhsen(self.phy_type.internal() && self.phy_type.high_speed()); }); r.gccfg_v2().modify(|w| { w.set_vbden(self.config.vbus_detection); }); // Force B-peripheral session r.gotgctl().modify(|w| { w.set_bvaloen(!self.config.vbus_detection); w.set_bvaloval(true); }); } _ => unimplemented!("Unknown USB core id {:X}", core_id), } // Soft disconnect. r.dctl().write(|w| w.set_sdis(true)); // Set speed. r.dcfg().write(|w| { w.set_pfivl(vals::Pfivl::FRAME_INTERVAL_80); w.set_dspd(self.phy_type.to_dspd()); }); // Unmask transfer complete EP interrupt r.diepmsk().write(|w| { w.set_xfrcm(true); }); // Unmask and clear core interrupts Bus::::restore_irqs(); r.gintsts().write_value(regs::Gintsts(0xFFFF_FFFF)); // Unmask global interrupt r.gahbcfg().write(|w| { w.set_gint(true); // unmask global interrupt }); // Connect r.dctl().write(|w| w.set_sdis(false)); } fn init_fifo(&mut self) { trace!("init_fifo"); let r = T::regs(); // Configure RX fifo size. All endpoints share the same FIFO area. let rx_fifo_size_words = RX_FIFO_EXTRA_SIZE_WORDS + ep_fifo_size(&self.ep_out); trace!("configuring rx fifo size={}", rx_fifo_size_words); r.grxfsiz().modify(|w| w.set_rxfd(rx_fifo_size_words)); // Configure TX (USB in direction) fifo size for each endpoint let mut fifo_top = rx_fifo_size_words; for i in 0..T::ENDPOINT_COUNT { if let Some(ep) = self.ep_in[i] { trace!( "configuring tx fifo ep={}, offset={}, size={}", i, fifo_top, ep.fifo_size_words ); let dieptxf = if i == 0 { r.dieptxf0() } else { r.dieptxf(i - 1) }; dieptxf.write(|w| { w.set_fd(ep.fifo_size_words); w.set_sa(fifo_top); }); fifo_top += ep.fifo_size_words; } } assert!( fifo_top <= T::FIFO_DEPTH_WORDS, "FIFO allocations exceeded maximum capacity" ); // Flush fifos r.grstctl().write(|w| { w.set_rxfflsh(true); w.set_txfflsh(true); w.set_txfnum(0x10); }); loop { let x = r.grstctl().read(); if !x.rxfflsh() && !x.txfflsh() { break; } } } fn configure_endpoints(&mut self) { trace!("configure_endpoints"); let r = T::regs(); // Configure IN endpoints for (index, ep) in self.ep_in.iter().enumerate() { if let Some(ep) = ep { critical_section::with(|_| { r.diepctl(index).write(|w| { if index == 0 { w.set_mpsiz(ep0_mpsiz(ep.max_packet_size)); } else { w.set_mpsiz(ep.max_packet_size); w.set_eptyp(to_eptyp(ep.ep_type)); w.set_sd0pid_sevnfrm(true); w.set_txfnum(index as _); w.set_snak(true); } }); }); } } // Configure OUT endpoints for (index, ep) in self.ep_out.iter().enumerate() { if let Some(ep) = ep { critical_section::with(|_| { r.doepctl(index).write(|w| { if index == 0 { w.set_mpsiz(ep0_mpsiz(ep.max_packet_size)); } else { w.set_mpsiz(ep.max_packet_size); w.set_eptyp(to_eptyp(ep.ep_type)); w.set_sd0pid_sevnfrm(true); } }); r.doeptsiz(index).modify(|w| { w.set_xfrsiz(ep.max_packet_size as _); if index == 0 { w.set_rxdpid_stupcnt(1); } else { w.set_pktcnt(1); } }); }); } } // Enable IRQs for allocated endpoints r.daintmsk().modify(|w| { w.set_iepm(ep_irq_mask(&self.ep_in)); // OUT interrupts not used, handled in RXFLVL // w.set_oepm(ep_irq_mask(&self.ep_out)); }); } fn disable_all_endpoints(&mut self) { for i in 0..T::ENDPOINT_COUNT { self.endpoint_set_enabled(EndpointAddress::from_parts(i, Direction::In), false); self.endpoint_set_enabled(EndpointAddress::from_parts(i, Direction::Out), false); } } fn disable(&mut self) { T::Interrupt::disable(); ::disable(); #[cfg(stm32l4)] crate::pac::PWR.cr2().modify(|w| w.set_usv(false)); // Cannot disable PWR, because other peripherals might be using it } } impl<'d, T: Instance> embassy_usb_driver::Bus for Bus<'d, T> { async fn poll(&mut self) -> Event { poll_fn(move |cx| { if !self.inited { self.init(); self.inited = true; // If no vbus detection, just return a single PowerDetected event at startup. if !self.config.vbus_detection { return Poll::Ready(Event::PowerDetected); } } let r = T::regs(); T::state().bus_waker.register(cx.waker()); let ints = r.gintsts().read(); if ints.srqint() { trace!("vbus detected"); r.gintsts().write(|w| w.set_srqint(true)); // clear Self::restore_irqs(); if self.config.vbus_detection { return Poll::Ready(Event::PowerDetected); } } if ints.otgint() { let otgints = r.gotgint().read(); r.gotgint().write_value(otgints); // clear all Self::restore_irqs(); if otgints.sedet() { trace!("vbus removed"); if self.config.vbus_detection { self.disable_all_endpoints(); return Poll::Ready(Event::PowerRemoved); } } } if ints.usbrst() { trace!("reset"); self.init_fifo(); self.configure_endpoints(); // Reset address critical_section::with(|_| { r.dcfg().modify(|w| { w.set_dad(0); }); }); r.gintsts().write(|w| w.set_usbrst(true)); // clear Self::restore_irqs(); } if ints.enumdne() { trace!("enumdne"); let speed = r.dsts().read().enumspd(); let trdt = calculate_trdt(speed, T::frequency()); trace!(" speed={} trdt={}", speed.to_bits(), trdt); r.gusbcfg().modify(|w| w.set_trdt(trdt)); r.gintsts().write(|w| w.set_enumdne(true)); // clear Self::restore_irqs(); return Poll::Ready(Event::Reset); } if ints.usbsusp() { trace!("suspend"); r.gintsts().write(|w| w.set_usbsusp(true)); // clear Self::restore_irqs(); return Poll::Ready(Event::Suspend); } if ints.wkupint() { trace!("resume"); r.gintsts().write(|w| w.set_wkupint(true)); // clear Self::restore_irqs(); return Poll::Ready(Event::Resume); } Poll::Pending }) .await } fn endpoint_set_stalled(&mut self, ep_addr: EndpointAddress, stalled: bool) { trace!("endpoint_set_stalled ep={:?} en={}", ep_addr, stalled); assert!( ep_addr.index() < T::ENDPOINT_COUNT, "endpoint_set_stalled index {} out of range", ep_addr.index() ); let regs = T::regs(); match ep_addr.direction() { Direction::Out => { critical_section::with(|_| { regs.doepctl(ep_addr.index()).modify(|w| { w.set_stall(stalled); }); }); T::state().ep_out_wakers[ep_addr.index()].wake(); } Direction::In => { critical_section::with(|_| { regs.diepctl(ep_addr.index()).modify(|w| { w.set_stall(stalled); }); }); T::state().ep_in_wakers[ep_addr.index()].wake(); } } } fn endpoint_is_stalled(&mut self, ep_addr: EndpointAddress) -> bool { assert!( ep_addr.index() < T::ENDPOINT_COUNT, "endpoint_is_stalled index {} out of range", ep_addr.index() ); let regs = T::regs(); match ep_addr.direction() { Direction::Out => regs.doepctl(ep_addr.index()).read().stall(), Direction::In => regs.diepctl(ep_addr.index()).read().stall(), } } fn endpoint_set_enabled(&mut self, ep_addr: EndpointAddress, enabled: bool) { trace!("endpoint_set_enabled ep={:?} en={}", ep_addr, enabled); assert!( ep_addr.index() < T::ENDPOINT_COUNT, "endpoint_set_enabled index {} out of range", ep_addr.index() ); let r = T::regs(); match ep_addr.direction() { Direction::Out => { critical_section::with(|_| { // cancel transfer if active if !enabled && r.doepctl(ep_addr.index()).read().epena() { r.doepctl(ep_addr.index()).modify(|w| { w.set_snak(true); w.set_epdis(true); }) } r.doepctl(ep_addr.index()).modify(|w| { w.set_usbaep(enabled); }); // Flush tx fifo r.grstctl().write(|w| { w.set_txfflsh(true); w.set_txfnum(ep_addr.index() as _); }); loop { let x = r.grstctl().read(); if !x.txfflsh() { break; } } }); // Wake `Endpoint::wait_enabled()` T::state().ep_out_wakers[ep_addr.index()].wake(); } Direction::In => { critical_section::with(|_| { // cancel transfer if active if !enabled && r.diepctl(ep_addr.index()).read().epena() { r.diepctl(ep_addr.index()).modify(|w| { w.set_snak(true); // set NAK w.set_epdis(true); }) } r.diepctl(ep_addr.index()).modify(|w| { w.set_usbaep(enabled); w.set_cnak(enabled); // clear NAK that might've been set by SNAK above. }) }); // Wake `Endpoint::wait_enabled()` T::state().ep_in_wakers[ep_addr.index()].wake(); } } } async fn enable(&mut self) { trace!("enable"); // TODO: enable the peripheral once enable/disable semantics are cleared up in embassy-usb } async fn disable(&mut self) { trace!("disable"); // TODO: disable the peripheral once enable/disable semantics are cleared up in embassy-usb //Bus::disable(self); } async fn remote_wakeup(&mut self) -> Result<(), Unsupported> { Err(Unsupported) } } impl<'d, T: Instance> Drop for Bus<'d, T> { fn drop(&mut self) { Bus::disable(self); } } trait Dir { fn dir() -> Direction; } /// Marker type for the "IN" direction. pub enum In {} impl Dir for In { fn dir() -> Direction { Direction::In } } /// Marker type for the "OUT" direction. pub enum Out {} impl Dir for Out { fn dir() -> Direction { Direction::Out } } /// USB endpoint. pub struct Endpoint<'d, T: Instance, D> { _phantom: PhantomData<(&'d mut T, D)>, info: EndpointInfo, } impl<'d, T: Instance> embassy_usb_driver::Endpoint for Endpoint<'d, T, In> { fn info(&self) -> &EndpointInfo { & } async fn wait_enabled(&mut self) { poll_fn(|cx| { let ep_index =; T::state().ep_in_wakers[ep_index].register(cx.waker()); if T::regs().diepctl(ep_index).read().usbaep() { Poll::Ready(()) } else { Poll::Pending } }) .await } } impl<'d, T: Instance> embassy_usb_driver::Endpoint for Endpoint<'d, T, Out> { fn info(&self) -> &EndpointInfo { & } async fn wait_enabled(&mut self) { poll_fn(|cx| { let ep_index =; T::state().ep_out_wakers[ep_index].register(cx.waker()); if T::regs().doepctl(ep_index).read().usbaep() { Poll::Ready(()) } else { Poll::Pending } }) .await } } impl<'d, T: Instance> embassy_usb_driver::EndpointOut for Endpoint<'d, T, Out> { async fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result { trace!("read start len={}", buf.len()); poll_fn(|cx| { let r = T::regs(); let index =; let state = T::state(); state.ep_out_wakers[index].register(cx.waker()); let doepctl = r.doepctl(index).read(); trace!("read ep={:?}: doepctl {:08x}",, doepctl.0,); if !doepctl.usbaep() { trace!("read ep={:?} error disabled",; return Poll::Ready(Err(EndpointError::Disabled)); } let len = state.ep_out_size[index].load(Ordering::Relaxed); if len != EP_OUT_BUFFER_EMPTY { trace!("read ep={:?} done len={}",, len); if len as usize > buf.len() { return Poll::Ready(Err(EndpointError::BufferOverflow)); } // SAFETY: exclusive access ensured by `ep_out_size` atomic variable let data = unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(*state.ep_out_buffers[index].get(), len as usize) }; buf[..len as usize].copy_from_slice(data); // Release buffer state.ep_out_size[index].store(EP_OUT_BUFFER_EMPTY, Ordering::Release); critical_section::with(|_| { // Receive 1 packet T::regs().doeptsiz(index).modify(|w| { w.set_xfrsiz( as _); w.set_pktcnt(1); }); // Clear NAK to indicate we are ready to receive more data T::regs().doepctl(index).modify(|w| { w.set_cnak(true); }); }); Poll::Ready(Ok(len as usize)) } else { Poll::Pending } }) .await } } impl<'d, T: Instance> embassy_usb_driver::EndpointIn for Endpoint<'d, T, In> { async fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), EndpointError> { trace!("write ep={:?} data={:?}",, buf); if buf.len() > as usize { return Err(EndpointError::BufferOverflow); } let r = T::regs(); let index =; let state = T::state(); // Wait for previous transfer to complete and check if endpoint is disabled poll_fn(|cx| { state.ep_in_wakers[index].register(cx.waker()); let diepctl = r.diepctl(index).read(); let dtxfsts = r.dtxfsts(index).read(); trace!( "write ep={:?}: diepctl {:08x} ftxfsts {:08x}",, diepctl.0, dtxfsts.0 ); if !diepctl.usbaep() { trace!("write ep={:?} wait for prev: error disabled",; Poll::Ready(Err(EndpointError::Disabled)) } else if !diepctl.epena() { trace!("write ep={:?} wait for prev: ready",; Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } else { trace!("write ep={:?} wait for prev: pending",; Poll::Pending } }) .await?; if buf.len() > 0 { poll_fn(|cx| { state.ep_in_wakers[index].register(cx.waker()); let size_words = (buf.len() + 3) / 4; let fifo_space = r.dtxfsts(index).read().ineptfsav() as usize; if size_words > fifo_space { // Not enough space in fifo, enable tx fifo empty interrupt critical_section::with(|_| { r.diepempmsk().modify(|w| { w.set_ineptxfem(w.ineptxfem() | (1 << index)); }); }); trace!("tx fifo for ep={} full, waiting for txfe", index); Poll::Pending } else { trace!("write ep={:?} wait for fifo: ready",; Poll::Ready(()) } }) .await } // Setup transfer size r.dieptsiz(index).write(|w| { w.set_mcnt(1); w.set_pktcnt(1); w.set_xfrsiz(buf.len() as _); }); critical_section::with(|_| { // Enable endpoint r.diepctl(index).modify(|w| { w.set_cnak(true); w.set_epena(true); }); }); // Write data to FIFO for chunk in buf.chunks(4) { let mut tmp = [0u8; 4]; tmp[0..chunk.len()].copy_from_slice(chunk); r.fifo(index).write_value(regs::Fifo(u32::from_ne_bytes(tmp))); } trace!("write done ep={:?}",; Ok(()) } } /// USB control pipe. pub struct ControlPipe<'d, T: Instance> { _phantom: PhantomData<&'d mut T>, max_packet_size: u16, ep_in: Endpoint<'d, T, In>, ep_out: Endpoint<'d, T, Out>, } impl<'d, T: Instance> embassy_usb_driver::ControlPipe for ControlPipe<'d, T> { fn max_packet_size(&self) -> usize { usize::from(self.max_packet_size) } async fn setup(&mut self) -> [u8; 8] { poll_fn(|cx| { let state = T::state(); state.ep_out_wakers[0].register(cx.waker()); let r = T::regs(); if state.ep0_setup_ready.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { let data = unsafe { *state.ep0_setup_data.get() };, Ordering::Release); // EP0 should not be controlled by `Bus` so this RMW does not need a critical section // Receive 1 SETUP packet r.doeptsiz(|w| { w.set_rxdpid_stupcnt(1); }); // Clear NAK to indicate we are ready to receive more data if !quirk_setup_late_cnak(r) { r.doepctl(|w| w.set_cnak(true)); } trace!("SETUP received: {:?}", data); Poll::Ready(data) } else { trace!("SETUP waiting"); Poll::Pending } }) .await } async fn data_out(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8], _first: bool, _last: bool) -> Result { trace!("control: data_out"); let len =; trace!("control: data_out read: {:?}", &buf[..len]); Ok(len) } async fn data_in(&mut self, data: &[u8], _first: bool, last: bool) -> Result<(), EndpointError> { trace!("control: data_in write: {:?}", data); self.ep_in.write(data).await?; // wait for status response from host after sending the last packet if last { trace!("control: data_in waiting for status"); []).await?; trace!("control: complete"); } Ok(()) } async fn accept(&mut self) { trace!("control: accept"); self.ep_in.write(&[]).await.ok(); trace!("control: accept OK"); } async fn reject(&mut self) { trace!("control: reject"); // EP0 should not be controlled by `Bus` so this RMW does not need a critical section let regs = T::regs(); regs.diepctl(|w| { w.set_stall(true); }); regs.doepctl(|w| { w.set_stall(true); }); } async fn accept_set_address(&mut self, addr: u8) { trace!("setting addr: {}", addr); critical_section::with(|_| { T::regs().dcfg().modify(|w| { w.set_dad(addr); }); }); // synopsys driver requires accept to be sent after changing address self.accept().await } } /// Translates HAL [EndpointType] into PAC [vals::Eptyp] fn to_eptyp(ep_type: EndpointType) -> vals::Eptyp { match ep_type { EndpointType::Control => vals::Eptyp::CONTROL, EndpointType::Isochronous => vals::Eptyp::ISOCHRONOUS, EndpointType::Bulk => vals::Eptyp::BULK, EndpointType::Interrupt => vals::Eptyp::INTERRUPT, } } /// Calculates total allocated FIFO size in words fn ep_fifo_size(eps: &[Option]) -> u16 { eps.iter().map(|ep||ep| ep.fifo_size_words).unwrap_or(0)).sum() } /// Generates IRQ mask for enabled endpoints fn ep_irq_mask(eps: &[Option]) -> u16 { eps.iter().enumerate().fold( 0, |mask, (index, ep)| { if ep.is_some() { mask | (1 << index) } else { mask } }, ) } /// Calculates MPSIZ value for EP0, which uses special values. fn ep0_mpsiz(max_packet_size: u16) -> u16 { match max_packet_size { 8 => 0b11, 16 => 0b10, 32 => 0b01, 64 => 0b00, other => panic!("Unsupported EP0 size: {}", other), } } fn calculate_trdt(speed: vals::Dspd, ahb_freq: Hertz) -> u8 { match speed { vals::Dspd::HIGH_SPEED => { // From RM0431 (F72xx), RM0090 (F429), RM0390 (F446) if ahb_freq.0 >= 30_000_000 { 0x9 } else { panic!("AHB frequency is too low") } } vals::Dspd::FULL_SPEED_EXTERNAL | vals::Dspd::FULL_SPEED_INTERNAL => { // From RM0431 (F72xx), RM0090 (F429) match ahb_freq.0 { 0..=14_199_999 => panic!("AHB frequency is too low"), 14_200_000..=14_999_999 => 0xF, 15_000_000..=15_999_999 => 0xE, 16_000_000..=17_199_999 => 0xD, 17_200_000..=18_499_999 => 0xC, 18_500_000..=19_999_999 => 0xB, 20_000_000..=21_799_999 => 0xA, 21_800_000..=23_999_999 => 0x9, 24_000_000..=27_499_999 => 0x8, 27_500_000..=31_999_999 => 0x7, // 27.7..32 in code from CubeIDE 32_000_000..=u32::MAX => 0x6, } } _ => unimplemented!(), } } fn quirk_setup_late_cnak(r: crate::pac::otg::Otg) -> bool { r.cid().read().0 & 0xf000 == 0x1000 }