//! Example on how to read a 24C/24LC i2c eeprom with low power consumption. //! The eeprom is read every 1 second, while ensuring lowest possible power while //! sleeping between reads. //! //! Connect SDA to P0.03, SCL to P0.04 #![no_std] #![no_main] #![feature(type_alias_impl_trait)] #![allow(incomplete_features)] #[path = "../example_common.rs"] mod example_common; use core::mem; use defmt::{panic, *}; use embassy::executor::Spawner; use embassy::time::{Duration, Timer}; use embassy_nrf::twim::{self, Twim}; use embassy_nrf::{interrupt, Peripherals}; const ADDRESS: u8 = 0x50; #[embassy::main] async fn main(_spawner: Spawner, mut p: Peripherals) { info!("Started!"); let mut irq = interrupt::take!(SPIM0_SPIS0_TWIM0_TWIS0_SPI0_TWI0); loop { info!("Initializing TWI..."); let config = twim::Config::default(); // Create the TWIM instance with borrowed singletons, so they're not consumed. let mut twi = Twim::new(&mut p.TWISPI0, &mut irq, &mut p.P0_03, &mut p.P0_04, config); info!("Reading..."); let mut buf = [0u8; 16]; twi.write_then_read(ADDRESS, &mut [0x00], &mut buf).unwrap(); info!("Read: {=[u8]:x}", buf); // Drop the TWIM instance. This disables the peripehral and deconfigures the pins. // This clears the borrow on the singletons, so they can now be used again. mem::drop(twi); // Sleep for 1 second. The executor ensures the core sleeps with a WFE when it has nothing to do. // During this sleep, the nRF chip should only use ~3uA Timer::after(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } }