use embassy_hal_common::into_ref; use super::{Channel, ConfigurableChannel, Event, Ppi, Task}; use crate::{pac, Peripheral}; const DPPI_ENABLE_BIT: u32 = 0x8000_0000; const DPPI_CHANNEL_MASK: u32 = 0x0000_00FF; pub(crate) fn regs() -> &'static pac::dppic::RegisterBlock { unsafe { &*pac::DPPIC::ptr() } } impl<'d, C: ConfigurableChannel> Ppi<'d, C, 1, 1> { /// Configure PPI channel to trigger `task` on `event`. pub fn new_one_to_one(ch: impl Peripheral
+ 'd, event: Event, task: Task) -> Self { Ppi::new_many_to_many(ch, [event], [task]) } } impl<'d, C: ConfigurableChannel> Ppi<'d, C, 1, 2> { /// Configure PPI channel to trigger both `task1` and `task2` on `event`. pub fn new_one_to_two(ch: impl Peripheral
+ 'd, event: Event<'d>, task1: Task<'d>, task2: Task<'d>) -> Self { Ppi::new_many_to_many(ch, [event], [task1, task2]) } } impl<'d, C: ConfigurableChannel, const EVENT_COUNT: usize, const TASK_COUNT: usize> Ppi<'d, C, EVENT_COUNT, TASK_COUNT> { /// Configure a DPPI channel to trigger all `tasks` when any of the `events` fires. pub fn new_many_to_many( ch: impl Peripheral
+ 'd, events: [Event<'d>; EVENT_COUNT], tasks: [Task<'d>; TASK_COUNT], ) -> Self { into_ref!(ch); let val = DPPI_ENABLE_BIT | (ch.number() as u32 & DPPI_CHANNEL_MASK); for task in tasks { if unsafe { task.subscribe_reg().read_volatile() } != 0 { panic!("Task is already in use"); } unsafe { task.subscribe_reg().write_volatile(val) } } for event in events { if unsafe { event.publish_reg().read_volatile() } != 0 { panic!("Event is already in use"); } unsafe { event.publish_reg().write_volatile(val) } } Self { ch, events, tasks } } } impl<'d, C: Channel, const EVENT_COUNT: usize, const TASK_COUNT: usize> Ppi<'d, C, EVENT_COUNT, TASK_COUNT> { /// Enables the channel. pub fn enable(&mut self) { let n =; regs().chenset.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1 << n) }); } /// Disables the channel. pub fn disable(&mut self) { let n =; regs().chenclr.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1 << n) }); } } impl<'d, C: Channel, const EVENT_COUNT: usize, const TASK_COUNT: usize> Drop for Ppi<'d, C, EVENT_COUNT, TASK_COUNT> { fn drop(&mut self) { self.disable(); for task in self.tasks { unsafe { task.subscribe_reg().write_volatile(0) } } for event in { unsafe { event.publish_reg().write_volatile(0) } } } }