#![no_std] #![no_main] #![feature(type_alias_impl_trait)] use core::time::Duration; use defmt::*; use embassy_executor::Spawner; use embassy_stm32::bind_interrupts; use embassy_stm32::ipcc::{Config, ReceiveInterruptHandler, TransmitInterruptHandler}; use embassy_stm32_wpan::ble::hci::host::uart::UartHci; use embassy_stm32_wpan::ble::hci::host::{AdvertisingFilterPolicy, EncryptionKey, HostHci, OwnAddressType}; use embassy_stm32_wpan::ble::hci::types::AdvertisingType; use embassy_stm32_wpan::ble::hci::vendor::stm32wb::command::gap::{ AdvertisingDataType, DiscoverableParameters, GapCommands, Role, }; use embassy_stm32_wpan::ble::hci::vendor::stm32wb::command::gatt::GattCommands; use embassy_stm32_wpan::ble::hci::vendor::stm32wb::command::hal::{ConfigData, HalCommands, PowerLevel}; use embassy_stm32_wpan::ble::hci::BdAddr; use embassy_stm32_wpan::lhci::LhciC1DeviceInformationCcrp; use embassy_stm32_wpan::TlMbox; use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _}; bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs{ IPCC_C1_RX => ReceiveInterruptHandler; IPCC_C1_TX => TransmitInterruptHandler; }); const BLE_GAP_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH: u8 = 7; #[embassy_executor::main] async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) { /* How to make this work: - Obtain a NUCLEO-STM32WB55 from your preferred supplier. - Download and Install STM32CubeProgrammer. - Download stm32wb5x_FUS_fw.bin, stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin, and Release_Notes.html from gh:STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeWB@2234d97/Projects/STM32WB_Copro_Wireless_Binaries/STM32WB5x - Open STM32CubeProgrammer - On the right-hand pane, click "firmware upgrade" to upgrade the st-link firmware. - Once complete, click connect to connect to the device. - On the left hand pane, click the RSS signal icon to open "Firmware Upgrade Services". - In the Release_Notes.html, find the memory address that corresponds to your device for the stm32wb5x_FUS_fw.bin file - Select that file, the memory address, "verify download", and then "Firmware Upgrade". - Once complete, in the Release_Notes.html, find the memory address that corresponds to your device for the stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin file. It should not be the same memory address. - Select that file, the memory address, "verify download", and then "Firmware Upgrade". - Select "Start Wireless Stack". - Disconnect from the device. - In the examples folder for stm32wb, modify the memory.x file to match your target device. - Run this example. Note: extended stack versions are not supported at this time. Do not attempt to install a stack with "extended" in the name. */ let p = embassy_stm32::init(Default::default()); info!("Hello World!"); let config = Config::default(); let mut mbox = TlMbox::init(p.IPCC, Irqs, config); let sys_event = mbox.sys_subsystem.read().await; info!("sys event: {}", sys_event.payload()); mbox.sys_subsystem.shci_c2_ble_init(Default::default()).await; info!("resetting BLE..."); mbox.ble_subsystem.reset().await; let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await.unwrap(); defmt::info!("{}", response); info!("config public address..."); mbox.ble_subsystem .write_config_data(&ConfigData::public_address(get_bd_addr()).build()) .await; let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await.unwrap(); defmt::info!("{}", response); info!("config random address..."); mbox.ble_subsystem .write_config_data(&ConfigData::random_address(get_random_addr()).build()) .await; let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await.unwrap(); defmt::info!("{}", response); info!("config identity root..."); mbox.ble_subsystem .write_config_data(&ConfigData::identity_root(&get_irk()).build()) .await; let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await.unwrap(); defmt::info!("{}", response); info!("config encryption root..."); mbox.ble_subsystem .write_config_data(&ConfigData::encryption_root(&get_erk()).build()) .await; let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await.unwrap(); defmt::info!("{}", response); info!("config tx power level..."); mbox.ble_subsystem.set_tx_power_level(PowerLevel::ZerodBm).await; let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await.unwrap(); defmt::info!("{}", response); info!("GATT init..."); mbox.ble_subsystem.init_gatt().await; let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await.unwrap(); defmt::info!("{}", response); info!("GAP init..."); mbox.ble_subsystem .init_gap(Role::PERIPHERAL, false, BLE_GAP_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH) .await; let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await.unwrap(); defmt::info!("{}", response); // info!("set scan response..."); // mbox.ble_subsystem.le_set_scan_response_data(&[]).await.unwrap(); // let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await.unwrap(); // defmt::info!("{}", response); info!("set discoverable..."); mbox.ble_subsystem .set_discoverable(&DiscoverableParameters { advertising_type: AdvertisingType::NonConnectableUndirected, advertising_interval: Some((Duration::from_millis(250), Duration::from_millis(250))), address_type: OwnAddressType::Public, filter_policy: AdvertisingFilterPolicy::AllowConnectionAndScan, local_name: None, advertising_data: &[], conn_interval: (None, None), }) .await .unwrap(); let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await; defmt::info!("{}", response); // remove some advertisement to decrease the packet size info!("delete tx power ad type..."); mbox.ble_subsystem .delete_ad_type(AdvertisingDataType::TxPowerLevel) .await; let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await.unwrap(); defmt::info!("{}", response); info!("delete conn interval ad type..."); mbox.ble_subsystem .delete_ad_type(AdvertisingDataType::PeripheralConnectionInterval) .await; let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await.unwrap(); defmt::info!("{}", response); info!("update advertising data..."); mbox.ble_subsystem .update_advertising_data(&eddystone_advertising_data()) .await .unwrap(); let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await.unwrap(); defmt::info!("{}", response); info!("update advertising data type..."); mbox.ble_subsystem .update_advertising_data(&[3, AdvertisingDataType::UuidCompleteList16 as u8, 0xaa, 0xfe]) .await .unwrap(); let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await.unwrap(); defmt::info!("{}", response); info!("update advertising data flags..."); mbox.ble_subsystem .update_advertising_data(&[ 2, AdvertisingDataType::Flags as u8, (0x02 | 0x04) as u8, // BLE general discoverable, without BR/EDR support ]) .await .unwrap(); let response = mbox.ble_subsystem.read().await.unwrap(); defmt::info!("{}", response); cortex_m::asm::wfi(); } fn get_bd_addr() -> BdAddr { let mut bytes = [0u8; 6]; let lhci_info = LhciC1DeviceInformationCcrp::new(); bytes[0] = (lhci_info.uid64 & 0xff) as u8; bytes[1] = ((lhci_info.uid64 >> 8) & 0xff) as u8; bytes[2] = ((lhci_info.uid64 >> 16) & 0xff) as u8; bytes[3] = lhci_info.device_type_id; bytes[4] = (lhci_info.st_company_id & 0xff) as u8; bytes[5] = (lhci_info.st_company_id >> 8 & 0xff) as u8; BdAddr(bytes) } fn get_random_addr() -> BdAddr { let mut bytes = [0u8; 6]; let lhci_info = LhciC1DeviceInformationCcrp::new(); bytes[0] = (lhci_info.uid64 & 0xff) as u8; bytes[1] = ((lhci_info.uid64 >> 8) & 0xff) as u8; bytes[2] = ((lhci_info.uid64 >> 16) & 0xff) as u8; bytes[3] = 0; bytes[4] = 0x6E; bytes[5] = 0xED; BdAddr(bytes) } const BLE_CFG_IRK: [u8; 16] = [ 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x9a, 0xbc, 0xde, 0xf0, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x9a, 0xbc, 0xde, 0xf0, ]; const BLE_CFG_ERK: [u8; 16] = [ 0xfe, 0xdc, 0xba, 0x09, 0x87, 0x65, 0x43, 0x21, 0xfe, 0xdc, 0xba, 0x09, 0x87, 0x65, 0x43, 0x21, ]; fn get_irk() -> EncryptionKey { EncryptionKey(BLE_CFG_IRK) } fn get_erk() -> EncryptionKey { EncryptionKey(BLE_CFG_ERK) } fn eddystone_advertising_data() -> [u8; 24] { const EDDYSTONE_URL: &[u8] = b"www.rust-lang.com"; let mut service_data = [0u8; 24]; let url_len = EDDYSTONE_URL.len(); service_data[0] = 6 + url_len as u8; service_data[1] = AdvertisingDataType::ServiceData as u8; // 16-bit eddystone uuid service_data[2] = 0xaa; service_data[3] = 0xFE; service_data[4] = 0x10; // URL frame type service_data[5] = 22_i8 as u8; // calibrated TX power at 0m service_data[6] = 0x03; // eddystone url prefix = https service_data[7..(7 + url_len)].copy_from_slice(EDDYSTONE_URL); service_data }