#![macro_use] use crate::interrupt::InterruptExt; use crate::Unborrow; use atomic_polyfill::{AtomicBool, AtomicU8}; use core::marker::PhantomData; use core::sync::atomic::Ordering; use core::task::Poll; use embassy::time::{block_for, Duration}; use embassy::waitqueue::AtomicWaker; use embassy_hal_common::unborrow; use embassy_usb::driver::{self, EndpointAllocError, EndpointError, Event, Unsupported}; use embassy_usb::types::{EndpointAddress, EndpointInfo, EndpointType, UsbDirection}; use futures::future::poll_fn; use futures::Future; use pac::common::{Reg, RW}; use pac::usb::vals::{EpType, Stat}; use crate::gpio::sealed::AFType; use crate::pac; use crate::pac::usb::regs; use crate::rcc::sealed::RccPeripheral; use super::{DmPin, DpPin, Instance}; const EP_COUNT: usize = 8; #[cfg(any(usb_v1_x1, usb_v1_x2))] const EP_MEMORY_SIZE: usize = 512; #[cfg(not(any(usb_v1_x1, usb_v1_x2)))] const EP_MEMORY_SIZE: usize = 1024; const NEW_AW: AtomicWaker = AtomicWaker::new(); static BUS_WAKER: AtomicWaker = NEW_AW; static EP0_SETUP: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); static EP_IN_WAKERS: [AtomicWaker; EP_COUNT] = [NEW_AW; EP_COUNT]; static EP_OUT_WAKERS: [AtomicWaker; EP_COUNT] = [NEW_AW; EP_COUNT]; static IRQ_FLAGS: AtomicU8 = AtomicU8::new(0); const IRQ_FLAG_RESET: u8 = 0x01; const IRQ_FLAG_SUSPEND: u8 = 0x02; const IRQ_FLAG_RESUME: u8 = 0x04; fn convert_type(t: EndpointType) -> EpType { match t { EndpointType::Bulk => EpType::BULK, EndpointType::Control => EpType::CONTROL, EndpointType::Interrupt => EpType::INTERRUPT, EndpointType::Isochronous => EpType::ISO, } } fn invariant(mut r: regs::Epr) -> regs::Epr { r.set_ctr_rx(true); // don't clear r.set_ctr_tx(true); // don't clear r.set_dtog_rx(false); // don't toggle r.set_dtog_tx(false); // don't toggle r.set_stat_rx(Stat(0)); r.set_stat_tx(Stat(0)); r } // Returns (actual_len, len_bits) fn calc_out_len(len: u16) -> (u16, u16) { match len { 2..=62 => ((len + 1) / 2 * 2, ((len + 1) / 2) << 10), 63..=480 => ((len + 31) / 32 * 32, (((len + 31) / 32 - 1) << 10) | 0x8000), _ => panic!("invalid OUT length {}", len), } } fn ep_in_addr(index: usize) -> Reg { T::regs().ep_mem(index * 4 + 0) } fn ep_in_len(index: usize) -> Reg { T::regs().ep_mem(index * 4 + 1) } fn ep_out_addr(index: usize) -> Reg { T::regs().ep_mem(index * 4 + 2) } fn ep_out_len(index: usize) -> Reg { T::regs().ep_mem(index * 4 + 3) } struct EndpointBuffer { addr: u16, len: u16, _phantom: PhantomData, } impl EndpointBuffer { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) { assert!(buf.len() <= self.len as usize); for i in 0..((buf.len() + 1) / 2) { let val = unsafe { T::regs().ep_mem(self.addr as usize / 2 + i).read() }; buf[i * 2] = val as u8; if i * 2 + 1 < buf.len() { buf[i * 2 + 1] = (val >> 8) as u8; } } } fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) { assert!(buf.len() <= self.len as usize); for i in 0..((buf.len() + 1) / 2) { let mut val = buf[i * 2] as u16; if i * 2 + 1 < buf.len() { val |= (buf[i * 2 + 1] as u16) << 8; } unsafe { T::regs() .ep_mem(self.addr as usize / 2 + i) .write_value(val) }; } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] struct EndpointData { ep_type: EndpointType, // only valid if used_in || used_out used_in: bool, used_out: bool, } pub struct Driver<'d, T: Instance> { phantom: PhantomData<&'d mut T>, alloc: [EndpointData; EP_COUNT], ep_mem_free: u16, // first free address in EP mem, in bytes. } impl<'d, T: Instance> Driver<'d, T> { pub fn new( _usb: impl Unborrow + 'd, irq: impl Unborrow + 'd, dp: impl Unborrow> + 'd, dm: impl Unborrow> + 'd, ) -> Self { unborrow!(irq, dp, dm); irq.set_handler(Self::on_interrupt); irq.unpend(); irq.enable(); let regs = T::regs(); #[cfg(stm32l5)] unsafe { crate::peripherals::PWR::enable(); pac::PWR .cr2() .modify(|w| w.set_usv(pac::pwr::vals::Usv::VALID)); } unsafe { ::enable(); ::reset(); regs.cntr().write(|w| { w.set_pdwn(false); w.set_fres(true); }); block_for(Duration::from_millis(100)); regs.btable().write(|w| w.set_btable(0)); dp.set_as_af(dp.af_num(), AFType::OutputPushPull); dm.set_as_af(dm.af_num(), AFType::OutputPushPull); } Self { phantom: PhantomData, alloc: [EndpointData { ep_type: EndpointType::Bulk, used_in: false, used_out: false, }; EP_COUNT], ep_mem_free: EP_COUNT as u16 * 8, // for each EP, 4 regs, so 8 bytes } } fn on_interrupt(_: *mut ()) { unsafe { let regs = T::regs(); //let x = regs.istr().read().0; //trace!("USB IRQ: {:08x}", x); let istr = regs.istr().read(); let mut flags: u8 = 0; if istr.susp() { //trace!("USB IRQ: susp"); flags |= IRQ_FLAG_SUSPEND; regs.cntr().modify(|w| { w.set_fsusp(true); w.set_lpmode(true); }) } if istr.wkup() { //trace!("USB IRQ: wkup"); flags |= IRQ_FLAG_RESUME; regs.cntr().modify(|w| { w.set_fsusp(false); w.set_lpmode(false); }) } if istr.reset() { //trace!("USB IRQ: reset"); flags |= IRQ_FLAG_RESET; // Write 0 to clear. let mut clear = regs::Istr(!0); clear.set_reset(false); regs.istr().write_value(clear); } if flags != 0 { // Send irqs to main thread. IRQ_FLAGS.fetch_or(flags, Ordering::AcqRel); BUS_WAKER.wake(); // Clear them let mut mask = regs::Istr(0); mask.set_wkup(true); mask.set_susp(true); mask.set_reset(true); regs.istr().write_value(regs::Istr(!(istr.0 & mask.0))); } if istr.ctr() { let index = istr.ep_id() as usize; let mut epr = regs.epr(index).read(); if epr.ctr_rx() { if index == 0 && epr.setup() { EP0_SETUP.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed); } //trace!("EP {} RX, setup={}", index, epr.setup()); EP_OUT_WAKERS[index].wake(); } if epr.ctr_tx() { //trace!("EP {} TX", index); EP_IN_WAKERS[index].wake(); } epr.set_dtog_rx(false); epr.set_dtog_tx(false); epr.set_stat_rx(Stat(0)); epr.set_stat_tx(Stat(0)); epr.set_ctr_rx(!epr.ctr_rx()); epr.set_ctr_tx(!epr.ctr_tx()); regs.epr(index).write_value(epr); } } } fn alloc_ep_mem(&mut self, len: u16) -> u16 { let addr = self.ep_mem_free; if addr + len > EP_MEMORY_SIZE as _ { panic!("Endpoint memory full"); } self.ep_mem_free += len; addr } fn alloc_endpoint( &mut self, ep_type: EndpointType, max_packet_size: u16, interval: u8, ) -> Result, driver::EndpointAllocError> { trace!( "allocating type={:?} mps={:?} interval={}, dir={:?}", ep_type, max_packet_size, interval, D::dir() ); let index = self.alloc.iter_mut().enumerate().find(|(i, ep)| { if *i == 0 && ep_type != EndpointType::Control { return false; // reserved for control pipe } let used = ep.used_out || ep.used_in; let used_dir = match D::dir() { UsbDirection::Out => ep.used_out, UsbDirection::In => ep.used_in, }; !used || (ep.ep_type == ep_type && !used_dir) }); let (index, ep) = match index { Some(x) => x, None => return Err(EndpointAllocError), }; ep.ep_type = ep_type; let buf = match D::dir() { UsbDirection::Out => { assert!(!ep.used_out); ep.used_out = true; let (len, len_bits) = calc_out_len(max_packet_size); let addr = self.alloc_ep_mem(len); trace!(" len_bits = {:04x}", len_bits); unsafe { ep_out_addr::(index).write_value(addr); ep_out_len::(index).write_value(len_bits); } EndpointBuffer { addr, len, _phantom: PhantomData, } } UsbDirection::In => { assert!(!ep.used_in); ep.used_in = true; let len = (max_packet_size + 1) / 2 * 2; let addr = self.alloc_ep_mem(len); unsafe { ep_in_addr::(index).write_value(addr); // ep_in_len is written when actually TXing packets. } EndpointBuffer { addr, len, _phantom: PhantomData, } } }; trace!(" index={} addr={} len={}", index, buf.addr, buf.len); Ok(Endpoint { _phantom: PhantomData, info: EndpointInfo { addr: EndpointAddress::from_parts(index, D::dir()), ep_type, max_packet_size, interval, }, buf, }) } } impl<'d, T: Instance> driver::Driver<'d> for Driver<'d, T> { type EndpointOut = Endpoint<'d, T, Out>; type EndpointIn = Endpoint<'d, T, In>; type ControlPipe = ControlPipe<'d, T>; type Bus = Bus<'d, T>; fn alloc_endpoint_in( &mut self, ep_type: EndpointType, max_packet_size: u16, interval: u8, ) -> Result { self.alloc_endpoint(ep_type, max_packet_size, interval) } fn alloc_endpoint_out( &mut self, ep_type: EndpointType, max_packet_size: u16, interval: u8, ) -> Result { self.alloc_endpoint(ep_type, max_packet_size, interval) } fn start(mut self, control_max_packet_size: u16) -> (Self::Bus, Self::ControlPipe) { let ep_out = self .alloc_endpoint(EndpointType::Control, control_max_packet_size, 0) .unwrap(); let ep_in = self .alloc_endpoint(EndpointType::Control, control_max_packet_size, 0) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(ep_out.info.addr.index(), 0); assert_eq!(ep_in.info.addr.index(), 0); let regs = T::regs(); unsafe { regs.cntr().write(|w| { w.set_pdwn(false); w.set_fres(false); w.set_resetm(true); w.set_suspm(true); w.set_wkupm(true); w.set_ctrm(true); }); #[cfg(usb_v3)] regs.bcdr().write(|w| w.set_dppu(true)) } trace!("enabled"); let mut ep_types = [EpType::BULK; EP_COUNT - 1]; for i in 1..EP_COUNT { ep_types[i - 1] = convert_type(self.alloc[i].ep_type); } ( Bus { phantom: PhantomData, ep_types, }, ControlPipe { _phantom: PhantomData, max_packet_size: control_max_packet_size, ep_out, ep_in, }, ) } } pub struct Bus<'d, T: Instance> { phantom: PhantomData<&'d mut T>, ep_types: [EpType; EP_COUNT - 1], } impl<'d, T: Instance> driver::Bus for Bus<'d, T> { type PollFuture<'a> = impl Future + 'a where Self: 'a; fn poll<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Self::PollFuture<'a> { poll_fn(move |cx| unsafe { BUS_WAKER.register(cx.waker()); let regs = T::regs(); let flags = IRQ_FLAGS.load(Ordering::Acquire); if flags & IRQ_FLAG_RESUME != 0 { IRQ_FLAGS.fetch_and(!IRQ_FLAG_RESUME, Ordering::AcqRel); return Poll::Ready(Event::Resume); } if flags & IRQ_FLAG_RESET != 0 { IRQ_FLAGS.fetch_and(!IRQ_FLAG_RESET, Ordering::AcqRel); trace!("RESET REGS WRITINGINGING"); regs.daddr().write(|w| { w.set_ef(true); w.set_add(0); }); regs.epr(0).write(|w| { w.set_ep_type(EpType::CONTROL); w.set_stat_rx(Stat::NAK); w.set_stat_tx(Stat::NAK); }); for i in 1..EP_COUNT { regs.epr(i).write(|w| { w.set_ea(i as _); w.set_ep_type(self.ep_types[i - 1]); }) } for w in &EP_IN_WAKERS { w.wake() } for w in &EP_OUT_WAKERS { w.wake() } return Poll::Ready(Event::Reset); } if flags & IRQ_FLAG_SUSPEND != 0 { IRQ_FLAGS.fetch_and(!IRQ_FLAG_SUSPEND, Ordering::AcqRel); return Poll::Ready(Event::Suspend); } Poll::Pending }) } #[inline] fn set_address(&mut self, addr: u8) { let regs = T::regs(); trace!("setting addr: {}", addr); unsafe { regs.daddr().write(|w| { w.set_ef(true); w.set_add(addr); }) } } fn endpoint_set_stalled(&mut self, ep_addr: EndpointAddress, stalled: bool) { // This can race, so do a retry loop. let reg = T::regs().epr(ep_addr.index() as _); match ep_addr.direction() { UsbDirection::In => { loop { let r = unsafe { reg.read() }; match r.stat_tx() { Stat::DISABLED => break, // if disabled, stall does nothing. Stat::STALL => break, // done! _ => { let want_stat = match stalled { false => Stat::NAK, true => Stat::STALL, }; let mut w = invariant(r); w.set_stat_tx(Stat(r.stat_tx().0 ^ want_stat.0)); unsafe { reg.write_value(w) }; } } } EP_IN_WAKERS[ep_addr.index()].wake(); } UsbDirection::Out => { loop { let r = unsafe { reg.read() }; match r.stat_rx() { Stat::DISABLED => break, // if disabled, stall does nothing. Stat::STALL => break, // done! _ => { let want_stat = match stalled { false => Stat::VALID, true => Stat::STALL, }; let mut w = invariant(r); w.set_stat_rx(Stat(r.stat_rx().0 ^ want_stat.0)); unsafe { reg.write_value(w) }; } } } EP_OUT_WAKERS[ep_addr.index()].wake(); } } } fn endpoint_is_stalled(&mut self, ep_addr: EndpointAddress) -> bool { let regs = T::regs(); let epr = unsafe { regs.epr(ep_addr.index() as _).read() }; match ep_addr.direction() { UsbDirection::In => epr.stat_tx() == Stat::STALL, UsbDirection::Out => epr.stat_rx() == Stat::STALL, } } fn endpoint_set_enabled(&mut self, ep_addr: EndpointAddress, enabled: bool) { trace!("set_enabled {:x} {}", ep_addr, enabled); // This can race, so do a retry loop. let reg = T::regs().epr(ep_addr.index() as _); trace!("EPR before: {:04x}", unsafe { reg.read() }.0); match ep_addr.direction() { UsbDirection::In => { loop { let want_stat = match enabled { false => Stat::DISABLED, true => Stat::NAK, }; let r = unsafe { reg.read() }; if r.stat_tx() == want_stat { break; } let mut w = invariant(r); w.set_stat_tx(Stat(r.stat_tx().0 ^ want_stat.0)); unsafe { reg.write_value(w) }; } EP_IN_WAKERS[ep_addr.index()].wake(); } UsbDirection::Out => { loop { let want_stat = match enabled { false => Stat::DISABLED, true => Stat::VALID, }; let r = unsafe { reg.read() }; if r.stat_rx() == want_stat { break; } let mut w = invariant(r); w.set_stat_rx(Stat(r.stat_rx().0 ^ want_stat.0)); unsafe { reg.write_value(w) }; } EP_OUT_WAKERS[ep_addr.index()].wake(); } } trace!("EPR after: {:04x}", unsafe { reg.read() }.0); } type EnableFuture<'a> = impl Future + 'a where Self: 'a; fn enable(&mut self) -> Self::EnableFuture<'_> { async move {} } type DisableFuture<'a> = impl Future + 'a where Self: 'a; fn disable(&mut self) -> Self::DisableFuture<'_> { async move {} } type RemoteWakeupFuture<'a> = impl Future> + 'a where Self: 'a; fn remote_wakeup(&mut self) -> Self::RemoteWakeupFuture<'_> { async move { Err(Unsupported) } } } trait Dir { fn dir() -> UsbDirection; fn waker(i: usize) -> &'static AtomicWaker; } pub enum In {} impl Dir for In { fn dir() -> UsbDirection { UsbDirection::In } #[inline] fn waker(i: usize) -> &'static AtomicWaker { &EP_IN_WAKERS[i] } } pub enum Out {} impl Dir for Out { fn dir() -> UsbDirection { UsbDirection::Out } #[inline] fn waker(i: usize) -> &'static AtomicWaker { &EP_OUT_WAKERS[i] } } pub struct Endpoint<'d, T: Instance, D> { _phantom: PhantomData<(&'d mut T, D)>, info: EndpointInfo, buf: EndpointBuffer, } impl<'d, T: Instance, D> Endpoint<'d, T, D> { fn write_data(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) { let index = self.info.addr.index(); self.buf.write(buf); unsafe { ep_in_len::(index).write_value(buf.len() as _) }; } fn read_data(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result { let index = self.info.addr.index(); let rx_len = unsafe { ep_out_len::(index).read() as usize } & 0x3FF; trace!("READ DONE, rx_len = {}", rx_len); if rx_len > buf.len() { return Err(EndpointError::BufferOverflow); } self.buf.read(&mut buf[..rx_len]); Ok(rx_len) } } impl<'d, T: Instance> driver::Endpoint for Endpoint<'d, T, In> { fn info(&self) -> &EndpointInfo { &self.info } type WaitEnabledFuture<'a> = impl Future + 'a where Self: 'a; fn wait_enabled(&mut self) -> Self::WaitEnabledFuture<'_> { async move { trace!("wait_enabled OUT WAITING"); let index = self.info.addr.index(); poll_fn(|cx| { EP_OUT_WAKERS[index].register(cx.waker()); let regs = T::regs(); if unsafe { regs.epr(index).read() }.stat_tx() == Stat::DISABLED { Poll::Pending } else { Poll::Ready(()) } }) .await; trace!("wait_enabled OUT OK"); } } } impl<'d, T: Instance> driver::Endpoint for Endpoint<'d, T, Out> { fn info(&self) -> &EndpointInfo { &self.info } type WaitEnabledFuture<'a> = impl Future + 'a where Self: 'a; fn wait_enabled(&mut self) -> Self::WaitEnabledFuture<'_> { async move { trace!("wait_enabled OUT WAITING"); let index = self.info.addr.index(); poll_fn(|cx| { EP_OUT_WAKERS[index].register(cx.waker()); let regs = T::regs(); if unsafe { regs.epr(index).read() }.stat_rx() == Stat::DISABLED { Poll::Pending } else { Poll::Ready(()) } }) .await; trace!("wait_enabled OUT OK"); } } } impl<'d, T: Instance> driver::EndpointOut for Endpoint<'d, T, Out> { type ReadFuture<'a> = impl Future> + 'a where Self: 'a; fn read<'a>(&'a mut self, buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self::ReadFuture<'a> { async move { trace!("READ WAITING, buf.len() = {}", buf.len()); let index = self.info.addr.index(); let stat = poll_fn(|cx| { EP_OUT_WAKERS[index].register(cx.waker()); let regs = T::regs(); let stat = unsafe { regs.epr(index).read() }.stat_rx(); if matches!(stat, Stat::NAK | Stat::DISABLED) { Poll::Ready(stat) } else { Poll::Pending } }) .await; if stat == Stat::DISABLED { return Err(EndpointError::Disabled); } let rx_len = self.read_data(buf)?; let regs = T::regs(); unsafe { regs.epr(index).write(|w| { w.set_ep_type(convert_type(self.info.ep_type)); w.set_ea(self.info.addr.index() as _); w.set_stat_rx(Stat(Stat::NAK.0 ^ Stat::VALID.0)); w.set_stat_tx(Stat(0)); w.set_ctr_rx(true); // don't clear w.set_ctr_tx(true); // don't clear }) }; trace!("READ OK, rx_len = {}", rx_len); Ok(rx_len) } } } impl<'d, T: Instance> driver::EndpointIn for Endpoint<'d, T, In> { type WriteFuture<'a> = impl Future> + 'a where Self: 'a; fn write<'a>(&'a mut self, buf: &'a [u8]) -> Self::WriteFuture<'a> { async move { if buf.len() > self.info.max_packet_size as usize { return Err(EndpointError::BufferOverflow); } let index = self.info.addr.index(); trace!("WRITE WAITING"); let stat = poll_fn(|cx| { EP_IN_WAKERS[index].register(cx.waker()); let regs = T::regs(); let stat = unsafe { regs.epr(index).read() }.stat_tx(); if matches!(stat, Stat::NAK | Stat::DISABLED) { Poll::Ready(stat) } else { Poll::Pending } }) .await; if stat == Stat::DISABLED { return Err(EndpointError::Disabled); } self.write_data(buf); let regs = T::regs(); unsafe { regs.epr(index).write(|w| { w.set_ep_type(convert_type(self.info.ep_type)); w.set_ea(self.info.addr.index() as _); w.set_stat_tx(Stat(Stat::NAK.0 ^ Stat::VALID.0)); w.set_stat_rx(Stat(0)); w.set_ctr_rx(true); // don't clear w.set_ctr_tx(true); // don't clear }) }; trace!("WRITE OK"); Ok(()) } } } pub struct ControlPipe<'d, T: Instance> { _phantom: PhantomData<&'d mut T>, max_packet_size: u16, ep_in: Endpoint<'d, T, In>, ep_out: Endpoint<'d, T, Out>, } impl<'d, T: Instance> driver::ControlPipe for ControlPipe<'d, T> { type SetupFuture<'a> = impl Future + 'a where Self: 'a; type DataOutFuture<'a> = impl Future> + 'a where Self: 'a; type DataInFuture<'a> = impl Future> + 'a where Self: 'a; type AcceptFuture<'a> = impl Future + 'a where Self: 'a; type RejectFuture<'a> = impl Future + 'a where Self: 'a; fn max_packet_size(&self) -> usize { usize::from(self.max_packet_size) } fn setup<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Self::SetupFuture<'a> { async move { loop { trace!("SETUP read waiting"); poll_fn(|cx| { EP_OUT_WAKERS[0].register(cx.waker()); if EP0_SETUP.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { Poll::Ready(()) } else { Poll::Pending } }) .await; let mut buf = [0; 8]; let rx_len = self.ep_out.read_data(&mut buf); if rx_len != Ok(8) { trace!("SETUP read failed: {:?}", rx_len); continue; } EP0_SETUP.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed); trace!("SETUP read ok"); return buf; } } } fn data_out<'a>( &'a mut self, buf: &'a mut [u8], first: bool, last: bool, ) -> Self::DataOutFuture<'a> { async move { let regs = T::regs(); // When a SETUP is received, Stat/Stat is set to NAK. // On first transfer, we must set Stat=VALID, to get the OUT data stage. // We want Stat=STALL so that the host gets a STALL if it switches to the status // stage too soon, except in the last transfer we set Stat=NAK so that it waits // for the status stage, which we will ACK or STALL later. if first || last { let mut stat_rx = 0; let mut stat_tx = 0; if first { // change NAK -> VALID stat_rx ^= Stat::NAK.0 ^ Stat::VALID.0; stat_tx ^= Stat::NAK.0 ^ Stat::STALL.0; } if last { // change STALL -> VALID stat_tx ^= Stat::STALL.0 ^ Stat::NAK.0; } // Note: if this is the first AND last transfer, the above effectively // changes stat_tx like NAK -> NAK, so noop. unsafe { regs.epr(0).write(|w| { w.set_ep_type(EpType::CONTROL); w.set_stat_rx(Stat(stat_rx)); w.set_stat_tx(Stat(stat_tx)); w.set_ctr_rx(true); // don't clear w.set_ctr_tx(true); // don't clear }) } } trace!("data_out WAITING, buf.len() = {}", buf.len()); poll_fn(|cx| { EP_OUT_WAKERS[0].register(cx.waker()); let regs = T::regs(); if unsafe { regs.epr(0).read() }.stat_rx() == Stat::NAK { Poll::Ready(()) } else { Poll::Pending } }) .await; if EP0_SETUP.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { trace!("received another SETUP, aborting data_out."); return Err(EndpointError::Disabled); } let rx_len = self.ep_out.read_data(buf)?; unsafe { regs.epr(0).write(|w| { w.set_ep_type(EpType::CONTROL); w.set_stat_rx(Stat(match last { // If last, set STAT_RX=STALL. true => Stat::NAK.0 ^ Stat::STALL.0, // Otherwise, set STAT_RX=VALID, to allow the host to send the next packet. false => Stat::NAK.0 ^ Stat::VALID.0, })); w.set_ctr_rx(true); // don't clear w.set_ctr_tx(true); // don't clear }) }; Ok(rx_len) } } fn data_in<'a>(&'a mut self, buf: &'a [u8], first: bool, last: bool) -> Self::DataInFuture<'a> { async move { trace!("control: data_in"); if buf.len() > self.ep_in.info.max_packet_size as usize { return Err(EndpointError::BufferOverflow); } let regs = T::regs(); // When a SETUP is received, Stat is set to NAK. // We want it to be STALL in non-last transfers. // We want it to be VALID in last transfer, so the HW does the status stage. if first || last { let mut stat_rx = 0; if first { // change NAK -> STALL stat_rx ^= Stat::NAK.0 ^ Stat::STALL.0; } if last { // change STALL -> VALID stat_rx ^= Stat::STALL.0 ^ Stat::VALID.0; } // Note: if this is the first AND last transfer, the above effectively // does a change of NAK -> VALID. unsafe { regs.epr(0).write(|w| { w.set_ep_type(EpType::CONTROL); w.set_stat_rx(Stat(stat_rx)); w.set_ep_kind(last); // set OUT_STATUS if last. w.set_ctr_rx(true); // don't clear w.set_ctr_tx(true); // don't clear }) } } trace!("WRITE WAITING"); poll_fn(|cx| { EP_IN_WAKERS[0].register(cx.waker()); EP_OUT_WAKERS[0].register(cx.waker()); let regs = T::regs(); if unsafe { regs.epr(0).read() }.stat_tx() == Stat::NAK { Poll::Ready(()) } else { Poll::Pending } }) .await; if EP0_SETUP.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { trace!("received another SETUP, aborting data_in."); return Err(EndpointError::Disabled); } self.ep_in.write_data(buf); let regs = T::regs(); unsafe { regs.epr(0).write(|w| { w.set_ep_type(EpType::CONTROL); w.set_stat_tx(Stat(Stat::NAK.0 ^ Stat::VALID.0)); w.set_ep_kind(last); // set OUT_STATUS if last. w.set_ctr_rx(true); // don't clear w.set_ctr_tx(true); // don't clear }) }; trace!("WRITE OK"); Ok(()) } } fn accept<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Self::AcceptFuture<'a> { async move { let regs = T::regs(); trace!("control: accept"); self.ep_in.write_data(&[]); // Set OUT=stall, IN=accept unsafe { let epr = regs.epr(0).read(); regs.epr(0).write(|w| { w.set_ep_type(EpType::CONTROL); w.set_stat_rx(Stat(epr.stat_rx().0 ^ Stat::STALL.0)); w.set_stat_tx(Stat(epr.stat_tx().0 ^ Stat::VALID.0)); w.set_ctr_rx(true); // don't clear w.set_ctr_tx(true); // don't clear }); } trace!("control: accept WAITING"); // Wait is needed, so that we don't set the address too soon, breaking the status stage. // (embassy-usb sets the address after accept() returns) poll_fn(|cx| { EP_IN_WAKERS[0].register(cx.waker()); let regs = T::regs(); if unsafe { regs.epr(0).read() }.stat_tx() == Stat::NAK { Poll::Ready(()) } else { Poll::Pending } }) .await; trace!("control: accept OK"); } } fn reject<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Self::RejectFuture<'a> { async move { let regs = T::regs(); trace!("control: reject"); // Set IN+OUT to stall unsafe { let epr = regs.epr(0).read(); regs.epr(0).write(|w| { w.set_ep_type(EpType::CONTROL); w.set_stat_rx(Stat(epr.stat_rx().0 ^ Stat::STALL.0)); w.set_stat_tx(Stat(epr.stat_tx().0 ^ Stat::STALL.0)); w.set_ctr_rx(true); // don't clear w.set_ctr_tx(true); // don't clear }); } } } }