import xmltodict import yaml import re import json import os import toml from collections import OrderedDict from glob import glob abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__) dname = os.path.dirname(abspath) os.chdir(dname) # ======= load chips chips = {} for f in sorted(glob('stm32-data/data/chips/*.yaml')): if 'STM32F4' not in f and 'STM32L4' not in f: continue with open(f, 'r') as f: chip = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) chip['name'] = chip['name'].lower() print(chip['name']) chips[chip['name']] = chip # ======= load GPIO AF gpio_afs = {} for f in sorted(glob('stm32-data/data/gpio_af/*.yaml')): name = f.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] with open(f, 'r') as f: af = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) gpio_afs[name] = af # ========= Update chip/ with open('src/chip/', 'w') as f: for chip in chips.values(): f.write( f'#[cfg_attr(feature="{chip["name"]}", path="{chip["name"]}.rs")]\n') f.write('mod chip;\n') f.write('pub use chip::*;\n') # ========= Update Cargo features features = {name: [] for name, chip in chips.items()} SEPARATOR_START = '# BEGIN GENERATED FEATURES\n' SEPARATOR_END = '# END GENERATED FEATURES\n' with open('Cargo.toml', 'r') as f: cargo = before, cargo = cargo.split(SEPARATOR_START, maxsplit=1) _, after = cargo.split(SEPARATOR_END, maxsplit=1) cargo = before + SEPARATOR_START + toml.dumps(features) + SEPARATOR_END + after with open('Cargo.toml', 'w') as f: f.write(cargo) # ========= Generate per-chip mod for chip in chips.values(): print(f'generating {chip["name"]}') af = gpio_afs[chip['gpio_af']] peripherals = [] impls = [] pins = set() # TODO this should probably come from the yamls? # We don't want to hardcode the EXTI peripheral addr peripherals.extend((f'EXTI{x}' for x in range(16))) gpio_base = chip['peripherals']['GPIOA']['address'] gpio_stride = 0x400 for (name, peri) in chip['peripherals'].items(): if name.startswith('GPIO'): port = name[4:] port_num = ord(port) - ord('A') assert peri['address'] == gpio_base + gpio_stride*port_num for pin_num in range(16): pin = f'P{port}{pin_num}' pins.add(pin) peripherals.append(pin) impls.append(f'impl_gpio_pin!({pin}, {port_num}, {pin_num}, EXTI{pin_num});') continue # TODO maybe we should only autogenerate the known ones...?? peripherals.append(name) if 'block' not in peri: continue if peri['block'] in ('usart_v1/USART', 'usart_v1/UART'): impls.append(f'impl_usart!({name}, 0x{peri["address"]:x});') for pin, funcs in af.items(): if pin in pins: if func := funcs.get(f'{name}_RX'): impls.append(f'impl_usart_pin!({name}, RxPin, {pin}, {func});') if func := funcs.get(f'{name}_TX'): impls.append(f'impl_usart_pin!({name}, TxPin, {pin}, {func});') if func := funcs.get(f'{name}_CTS'): impls.append(f'impl_usart_pin!({name}, CtsPin, {pin}, {func});') if func := funcs.get(f'{name}_RTS'): impls.append(f'impl_usart_pin!({name}, RtsPin, {pin}, {func});') if func := funcs.get(f'{name}_CK'): impls.append(f'impl_usart_pin!({name}, CkPin, {pin}, {func});') if peri['block'] == 'rng_v1/RNG': impls.append(f'impl_rng!(0x{peri["address"]:x});') irq_variants = [] irq_vectors = [] irq_fns = [] irq_declares = [] irqs = {num: name for name, num in chip['interrupts'].items()} irq_count = max(irqs.keys()) + 1 for num, name in irqs.items(): irq_variants.append(f'{name} = {num},') irq_fns.append(f'fn {name}();') irq_declares.append(f'declare!({name});') for num in range(irq_count): if name := irqs.get(num): irq_vectors.append(f'Vector {{ _handler: {name} }},') else: irq_vectors.append(f'Vector {{ _reserved: 0 }},') with open(f'src/chip/{chip["name"]}.rs', 'w') as f: f.write(f""" use embassy_extras::peripherals; peripherals!({','.join(peripherals)}); pub const GPIO_BASE: usize = 0x{gpio_base:x}; pub const GPIO_STRIDE: usize = 0x{gpio_stride:x}; pub mod interrupt {{ pub use cortex_m::interrupt::{{CriticalSection, Mutex}}; pub use embassy::interrupt::{{declare, take, Interrupt}}; pub use embassy_extras::interrupt::Priority4 as Priority; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] enum InterruptEnum {{ {''.join(irq_variants)} }} unsafe impl cortex_m::interrupt::InterruptNumber for InterruptEnum {{ #[inline(always)] fn number(self) -> u16 {{ self as u16 }} }} {''.join(irq_declares)} }} mod interrupt_vector {{ extern "C" {{ {''.join(irq_fns)} }} pub union Vector {{ _handler: unsafe extern "C" fn(), _reserved: u32, }} #[link_section = ".vector_table.interrupts"] #[no_mangle] pub static __INTERRUPTS: [Vector; {irq_count}] = [ {''.join(irq_vectors)} ]; }} """) for i in impls: f.write(i) # format os.system('rustfmt src/chip/*')