#![no_std] #![feature(generic_associated_types)] #![feature(type_alias_impl_trait)] // This mod MUST go first, so that the others see its macros. pub(crate) mod fmt; use core::cell::Cell; use core::mem::{self, MaybeUninit}; use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use embassy::blocking_mutex::CriticalSectionMutex; use embassy_usb::control::{self, ControlHandler, InResponse, OutResponse, Request}; use embassy_usb::driver::{Endpoint, EndpointIn, EndpointOut, ReadError, WriteError}; use embassy_usb::{driver::Driver, types::*, UsbDeviceBuilder}; /// This should be used as `device_class` when building the `UsbDevice`. pub const USB_CLASS_CDC: u8 = 0x02; const USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA: u8 = 0x0a; const CDC_SUBCLASS_ACM: u8 = 0x02; const CDC_PROTOCOL_NONE: u8 = 0x00; const CS_INTERFACE: u8 = 0x24; const CDC_TYPE_HEADER: u8 = 0x00; const CDC_TYPE_CALL_MANAGEMENT: u8 = 0x01; const CDC_TYPE_ACM: u8 = 0x02; const CDC_TYPE_UNION: u8 = 0x06; const REQ_SEND_ENCAPSULATED_COMMAND: u8 = 0x00; #[allow(unused)] const REQ_GET_ENCAPSULATED_COMMAND: u8 = 0x01; const REQ_SET_LINE_CODING: u8 = 0x20; const REQ_GET_LINE_CODING: u8 = 0x21; const REQ_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE: u8 = 0x22; pub struct State<'a> { control: MaybeUninit>, shared: ControlShared, } impl<'a> State<'a> { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { control: MaybeUninit::uninit(), shared: Default::default(), } } } /// Packet level implementation of a CDC-ACM serial port. /// /// This class can be used directly and it has the least overhead due to directly reading and /// writing USB packets with no intermediate buffers, but it will not act like a stream-like serial /// port. The following constraints must be followed if you use this class directly: /// /// - `read_packet` must be called with a buffer large enough to hold max_packet_size bytes, and the /// method will return a `WouldBlock` error if there is no packet to be read. /// - `write_packet` must not be called with a buffer larger than max_packet_size bytes, and the /// method will return a `WouldBlock` error if the previous packet has not been sent yet. /// - If you write a packet that is exactly max_packet_size bytes long, it won't be processed by the /// host operating system until a subsequent shorter packet is sent. A zero-length packet (ZLP) /// can be sent if there is no other data to send. This is because USB bulk transactions must be /// terminated with a short packet, even if the bulk endpoint is used for stream-like data. pub struct CdcAcmClass<'d, D: Driver<'d>> { // TODO not pub pub comm_ep: D::EndpointIn, pub data_if: InterfaceNumber, pub read_ep: D::EndpointOut, pub write_ep: D::EndpointIn, control: &'d ControlShared, } struct Control<'a> { shared: &'a ControlShared, } /// Shared data between Control and CdcAcmClass struct ControlShared { line_coding: CriticalSectionMutex>, dtr: AtomicBool, rts: AtomicBool, } impl Default for ControlShared { fn default() -> Self { ControlShared { dtr: AtomicBool::new(false), rts: AtomicBool::new(false), line_coding: CriticalSectionMutex::new(Cell::new(LineCoding { stop_bits: StopBits::One, data_bits: 8, parity_type: ParityType::None, data_rate: 8_000, })), } } } impl<'a> Control<'a> { fn shared(&mut self) -> &'a ControlShared { self.shared } } impl<'d> ControlHandler for Control<'d> { fn reset(&mut self) { let shared = self.shared(); shared.line_coding.lock(|x| x.set(LineCoding::default())); shared.dtr.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed); shared.rts.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed); } fn control_out(&mut self, req: control::Request, data: &[u8]) -> OutResponse { match req.request { REQ_SEND_ENCAPSULATED_COMMAND => { // We don't actually support encapsulated commands but pretend we do for standards // compatibility. OutResponse::Accepted } REQ_SET_LINE_CODING if data.len() >= 7 => { let coding = LineCoding { data_rate: u32::from_le_bytes(data[0..4].try_into().unwrap()), stop_bits: data[4].into(), parity_type: data[5].into(), data_bits: data[6], }; self.shared().line_coding.lock(|x| x.set(coding)); debug!("Set line coding to: {:?}", coding); OutResponse::Accepted } REQ_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE => { let dtr = (req.value & 0x0001) != 0; let rts = (req.value & 0x0002) != 0; let shared = self.shared(); shared.dtr.store(dtr, Ordering::Relaxed); shared.rts.store(rts, Ordering::Relaxed); debug!("Set dtr {}, rts {}", dtr, rts); OutResponse::Accepted } _ => OutResponse::Rejected, } } fn control_in<'a>(&'a mut self, req: Request, buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> InResponse<'a> { match req.request { // REQ_GET_ENCAPSULATED_COMMAND is not really supported - it will be rejected below. REQ_GET_LINE_CODING if req.length == 7 => { debug!("Sending line coding"); let coding = self.shared().line_coding.lock(|x| x.get()); assert!(buf.len() >= 7); buf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&coding.data_rate.to_le_bytes()); buf[4] = coding.stop_bits as u8; buf[5] = coding.parity_type as u8; buf[6] = coding.data_bits; InResponse::Accepted(&buf[0..7]) } _ => InResponse::Rejected, } } } impl<'d, D: Driver<'d>> CdcAcmClass<'d, D> { /// Creates a new CdcAcmClass with the provided UsbBus and max_packet_size in bytes. For /// full-speed devices, max_packet_size has to be one of 8, 16, 32 or 64. pub fn new( builder: &mut UsbDeviceBuilder<'d, D>, state: &'d mut State<'d>, max_packet_size: u16, ) -> Self { let control = state.control.write(Control { shared: &state.shared, }); let control_shared = &state.shared; assert!(builder.control_buf_len() >= 7); let comm_if = builder.alloc_interface_with_handler(control); let comm_ep = builder.alloc_interrupt_endpoint_in(8, 255); let data_if = builder.alloc_interface(); let read_ep = builder.alloc_bulk_endpoint_out(max_packet_size); let write_ep = builder.alloc_bulk_endpoint_in(max_packet_size); builder .config_descriptor .iad( comm_if, 2, USB_CLASS_CDC, CDC_SUBCLASS_ACM, CDC_PROTOCOL_NONE, ) .unwrap(); builder .config_descriptor .interface(comm_if, USB_CLASS_CDC, CDC_SUBCLASS_ACM, CDC_PROTOCOL_NONE) .unwrap(); builder .config_descriptor .write( CS_INTERFACE, &[ CDC_TYPE_HEADER, // bDescriptorSubtype 0x10, 0x01, // bcdCDC (1.10) ], ) .unwrap(); builder .config_descriptor .write( CS_INTERFACE, &[ CDC_TYPE_ACM, // bDescriptorSubtype 0x00, // bmCapabilities ], ) .unwrap(); builder .config_descriptor .write( CS_INTERFACE, &[ CDC_TYPE_UNION, // bDescriptorSubtype comm_if.into(), // bControlInterface data_if.into(), // bSubordinateInterface ], ) .unwrap(); builder .config_descriptor .write( CS_INTERFACE, &[ CDC_TYPE_CALL_MANAGEMENT, // bDescriptorSubtype 0x00, // bmCapabilities data_if.into(), // bDataInterface ], ) .unwrap(); builder.config_descriptor.endpoint(comm_ep.info()).unwrap(); builder .config_descriptor .interface(data_if, USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA, 0x00, 0x00) .unwrap(); builder.config_descriptor.endpoint(write_ep.info()).unwrap(); builder.config_descriptor.endpoint(read_ep.info()).unwrap(); CdcAcmClass { comm_ep, data_if, read_ep, write_ep, control: control_shared, } } /// Gets the maximum packet size in bytes. pub fn max_packet_size(&self) -> u16 { // The size is the same for both endpoints. self.read_ep.info().max_packet_size } /// Gets the current line coding. The line coding contains information that's mainly relevant /// for USB to UART serial port emulators, and can be ignored if not relevant. pub fn line_coding(&self) -> LineCoding { self.control.line_coding.lock(|x| x.get()) } /// Gets the DTR (data terminal ready) state pub fn dtr(&self) -> bool { self.control.dtr.load(Ordering::Relaxed) } /// Gets the RTS (request to send) state pub fn rts(&self) -> bool { self.control.rts.load(Ordering::Relaxed) } /// Writes a single packet into the IN endpoint. pub async fn write_packet(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), WriteError> { self.write_ep.write(data).await } /// Reads a single packet from the OUT endpoint. pub async fn read_packet(&mut self, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result { self.read_ep.read(data).await } } /// Number of stop bits for LineCoding #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, defmt::Format)] pub enum StopBits { /// 1 stop bit One = 0, /// 1.5 stop bits OnePointFive = 1, /// 2 stop bits Two = 2, } impl From for StopBits { fn from(value: u8) -> Self { if value <= 2 { unsafe { mem::transmute(value) } } else { StopBits::One } } } /// Parity for LineCoding #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, defmt::Format)] pub enum ParityType { None = 0, Odd = 1, Event = 2, Mark = 3, Space = 4, } impl From for ParityType { fn from(value: u8) -> Self { if value <= 4 { unsafe { mem::transmute(value) } } else { ParityType::None } } } /// Line coding parameters /// /// This is provided by the host for specifying the standard UART parameters such as baud rate. Can /// be ignored if you don't plan to interface with a physical UART. #[derive(Clone, Copy, defmt::Format)] pub struct LineCoding { stop_bits: StopBits, data_bits: u8, parity_type: ParityType, data_rate: u32, } impl LineCoding { /// Gets the number of stop bits for UART communication. pub fn stop_bits(&self) -> StopBits { self.stop_bits } /// Gets the number of data bits for UART communication. pub fn data_bits(&self) -> u8 { self.data_bits } /// Gets the parity type for UART communication. pub fn parity_type(&self) -> ParityType { self.parity_type } /// Gets the data rate in bits per second for UART communication. pub fn data_rate(&self) -> u32 { self.data_rate } } impl Default for LineCoding { fn default() -> Self { LineCoding { stop_bits: StopBits::One, data_bits: 8, parity_type: ParityType::None, data_rate: 8_000, } } }