use crate::evt::{EvtPacket, EvtSerial}; use crate::{PacketHeader, TL_EVT_HEADER_SIZE}; #[derive(Copy, Clone)] #[repr(C, packed)] pub struct Cmd { pub cmd_code: u16, pub payload_len: u8, pub payload: [u8; 255], } impl Default for Cmd { fn default() -> Self { Self { cmd_code: 0, payload_len: 0, payload: [0u8; 255], } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)] #[repr(C, packed)] pub struct CmdSerial { pub ty: u8, pub cmd: Cmd, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)] #[repr(C, packed)] pub struct CmdPacket { pub header: PacketHeader, pub cmdserial: CmdSerial, } impl CmdPacket { /// Writes an underlying CmdPacket into the provided buffer. /// Returns a number of bytes that were written. /// Returns an error if event kind is unknown or if provided buffer size is not enough. #[allow(clippy::result_unit_err)] pub fn write(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result { unsafe { let cmd_ptr: *const CmdPacket = self; let self_as_evt_ptr: *const EvtPacket = cmd_ptr.cast(); let evt_serial: *const EvtSerial = &(*self_as_evt_ptr).evt_serial; let acl_data: *const AclDataPacket = cmd_ptr.cast(); let acl_serial: *const AclDataSerial = &(*acl_data).acl_data_serial; let acl_serial_buf: *const u8 = acl_serial.cast(); let len = (*evt_serial).evt.payload_len as usize + TL_EVT_HEADER_SIZE; if len > buf.len() { return Err(()); } core::ptr::copy(acl_serial_buf, buf.as_mut_ptr(), len); Ok(len) } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] #[repr(C, packed)] pub struct AclDataSerial { pub ty: u8, pub handle: u16, pub length: u16, pub acl_data: [u8; 1], } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] #[repr(C, packed)] pub struct AclDataPacket { pub header: PacketHeader, pub acl_data_serial: AclDataSerial, }