//! Non-Volatile Memory Controller (NVMC) module. use core::{ptr, slice}; use embassy_hal_common::{into_ref, PeripheralRef}; use embedded_storage::nor_flash::{ ErrorType, MultiwriteNorFlash, NorFlash, NorFlashError, NorFlashErrorKind, ReadNorFlash, }; use crate::peripherals::NVMC; use crate::{pac, Peripheral}; /// Erase size of NVMC flash in bytes. pub const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 4096; /// Size of NVMC flash in bytes. pub const FLASH_SIZE: usize = crate::chip::FLASH_SIZE; /// Error type for NVMC operations. #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub enum Error { /// Opration using a location not in flash. OutOfBounds, /// Unaligned operation or using unaligned buffers. Unaligned, } impl NorFlashError for Error { fn kind(&self) -> NorFlashErrorKind { match self { Self::OutOfBounds => NorFlashErrorKind::OutOfBounds, Self::Unaligned => NorFlashErrorKind::NotAligned, } } } /// Non-Volatile Memory Controller (NVMC) that implements the `embedded-storage` traits. pub struct Nvmc<'d> { _p: PeripheralRef<'d, NVMC>, } impl<'d> Nvmc<'d> { /// Create Nvmc driver. pub fn new(_p: impl Peripheral
+ 'd) -> Self { into_ref!(_p); Self { _p } } fn regs() -> &'static pac::nvmc::RegisterBlock { unsafe { &*pac::NVMC::ptr() } } fn wait_ready(&mut self) { let p = Self::regs(); while p.ready.read().ready().is_busy() {} } } impl<'d> MultiwriteNorFlash for Nvmc<'d> {} impl<'d> ErrorType for Nvmc<'d> { type Error = Error; } impl<'d> ReadNorFlash for Nvmc<'d> { const READ_SIZE: usize = 1; fn read(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { if offset as usize >= FLASH_SIZE || offset as usize + bytes.len() > FLASH_SIZE { return Err(Error::OutOfBounds); } let flash_data = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(offset as *const u8, bytes.len()) }; bytes.copy_from_slice(flash_data); Ok(()) } fn capacity(&self) -> usize { FLASH_SIZE } } impl<'d> NorFlash for Nvmc<'d> { const WRITE_SIZE: usize = 4; const ERASE_SIZE: usize = PAGE_SIZE; fn erase(&mut self, from: u32, to: u32) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { if to < from || to as usize > FLASH_SIZE { return Err(Error::OutOfBounds); } if from as usize % PAGE_SIZE != 0 || to as usize % PAGE_SIZE != 0 { return Err(Error::Unaligned); } let p = Self::regs(); p.config.write(|w| w.wen().een()); self.wait_ready(); for page in (from..to).step_by(PAGE_SIZE) { p.erasepage().write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(page) }); self.wait_ready(); } p.config.reset(); self.wait_ready(); Ok(()) } fn write(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { if offset as usize + bytes.len() > FLASH_SIZE { return Err(Error::OutOfBounds); } if offset as usize % 4 != 0 || bytes.len() as usize % 4 != 0 { return Err(Error::Unaligned); } let p = Self::regs(); p.config.write(|w| w.wen().wen()); self.wait_ready(); unsafe { let p_src = bytes.as_ptr() as *const u32; let p_dst = offset as *mut u32; let words = bytes.len() / 4; for i in 0..words { let w = ptr::read_unaligned(p_src.add(i)); ptr::write_volatile(p_dst.add(i), w); self.wait_ready(); } } p.config.reset(); self.wait_ready(); Ok(()) } }