use core::convert::TryInto; use core::ptr::write_volatile; use core::sync::atomic::{fence, Ordering}; #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] use embassy_sync::waitqueue::AtomicWaker; use super::{FlashRegion, FlashSector, FLASH_REGIONS, WRITE_SIZE}; use crate::flash::Error; use crate::pac; #[cfg(any(stm32f427, stm32f429, stm32f437, stm32f439, stm32f469, stm32f479))] mod alt_regions { use core::marker::PhantomData; use embassy_hal_common::PeripheralRef; use stm32_metapac::FLASH_SIZE; use crate::_generated::flash_regions::{OTPRegion, BANK1_REGION1, BANK1_REGION2, BANK1_REGION3, OTP_REGION}; #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] use crate::flash::asynch; use crate::flash::{ common, Async, Bank1Region1, Bank1Region2, Blocking, Error, Flash, FlashBank, FlashRegion, READ_SIZE, }; use crate::peripherals::FLASH; pub const ALT_BANK1_REGION3: FlashRegion = FlashRegion { size: 3 * BANK1_REGION3.erase_size, ..BANK1_REGION3 }; pub const ALT_BANK2_REGION1: FlashRegion = FlashRegion { bank: FlashBank::Bank2, base: BANK1_REGION1.base + FLASH_SIZE as u32 / 2, ..BANK1_REGION1 }; pub const ALT_BANK2_REGION2: FlashRegion = FlashRegion { bank: FlashBank::Bank2, base: BANK1_REGION2.base + FLASH_SIZE as u32 / 2, ..BANK1_REGION2 }; pub const ALT_BANK2_REGION3: FlashRegion = FlashRegion { bank: FlashBank::Bank2, base: BANK1_REGION3.base + FLASH_SIZE as u32 / 2, size: 3 * BANK1_REGION3.erase_size, ..BANK1_REGION3 }; pub const ALT_FLASH_REGIONS: [&FlashRegion; 6] = [ &BANK1_REGION1, &BANK1_REGION2, &ALT_BANK1_REGION3, &ALT_BANK2_REGION1, &ALT_BANK2_REGION2, &ALT_BANK2_REGION3, ]; pub struct AltBank1Region3<'d, MODE = Async>(pub &'static FlashRegion, PeripheralRef<'d, FLASH>, PhantomData); pub struct AltBank2Region1<'d, MODE = Async>(pub &'static FlashRegion, PeripheralRef<'d, FLASH>, PhantomData); pub struct AltBank2Region2<'d, MODE = Async>(pub &'static FlashRegion, PeripheralRef<'d, FLASH>, PhantomData); pub struct AltBank2Region3<'d, MODE = Async>(pub &'static FlashRegion, PeripheralRef<'d, FLASH>, PhantomData); pub struct AltFlashLayout<'d, MODE = Async> { pub bank1_region1: Bank1Region1<'d, MODE>, pub bank1_region2: Bank1Region2<'d, MODE>, pub bank1_region3: AltBank1Region3<'d, MODE>, pub bank2_region1: AltBank2Region1<'d, MODE>, pub bank2_region2: AltBank2Region2<'d, MODE>, pub bank2_region3: AltBank2Region3<'d, MODE>, pub otp_region: OTPRegion<'d, MODE>, } impl<'d> Flash<'d> { pub fn into_alt_regions(self) -> AltFlashLayout<'d, Async> { super::set_alt_layout(); // SAFETY: We never expose the cloned peripheral references, and their instance is not public. // Also, all async flash region operations are protected with a mutex. let p = self.inner; AltFlashLayout { bank1_region1: Bank1Region1(&BANK1_REGION1, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked() }, PhantomData), bank1_region2: Bank1Region2(&BANK1_REGION2, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked() }, PhantomData), bank1_region3: AltBank1Region3(&ALT_BANK1_REGION3, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked() }, PhantomData), bank2_region1: AltBank2Region1(&ALT_BANK2_REGION1, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked() }, PhantomData), bank2_region2: AltBank2Region2(&ALT_BANK2_REGION2, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked() }, PhantomData), bank2_region3: AltBank2Region3(&ALT_BANK2_REGION3, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked() }, PhantomData), otp_region: OTPRegion(&OTP_REGION, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked() }, PhantomData), } } pub fn into_alt_blocking_regions(self) -> AltFlashLayout<'d, Blocking> { super::set_alt_layout(); // SAFETY: We never expose the cloned peripheral references, and their instance is not public. // Also, all blocking flash region operations are protected with a cs. let p = self.inner; AltFlashLayout { bank1_region1: Bank1Region1(&BANK1_REGION1, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked() }, PhantomData), bank1_region2: Bank1Region2(&BANK1_REGION2, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked() }, PhantomData), bank1_region3: AltBank1Region3(&ALT_BANK1_REGION3, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked() }, PhantomData), bank2_region1: AltBank2Region1(&ALT_BANK2_REGION1, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked() }, PhantomData), bank2_region2: AltBank2Region2(&ALT_BANK2_REGION2, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked() }, PhantomData), bank2_region3: AltBank2Region3(&ALT_BANK2_REGION3, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked() }, PhantomData), otp_region: OTPRegion(&OTP_REGION, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked() }, PhantomData), } } } macro_rules! foreach_altflash_region { ($type_name:ident, $region:ident) => { #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] impl $type_name<'_, Async> { pub async fn read(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { common::read_blocking(self.0.base, self.0.size, offset, bytes) } pub async fn write(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { let _guard = asynch::REGION_ACCESS.lock().await; unsafe { asynch::write_chunked(self.0.base, self.0.size, offset, bytes).await } } pub async fn erase(&mut self, from: u32, to: u32) -> Result<(), Error> { let _guard = asynch::REGION_ACCESS.lock().await; unsafe { asynch::erase_sectored(self.0.base, from, to).await } } } impl embedded_storage::nor_flash::ErrorType for $type_name<'_, Async> { type Error = Error; } #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] impl embedded_storage_async::nor_flash::ReadNorFlash for $type_name<'_, Async> { const READ_SIZE: usize = READ_SIZE; async fn read(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {, bytes).await } fn capacity(&self) -> usize { self.0.size as usize } } #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] impl embedded_storage_async::nor_flash::NorFlash for $type_name<'_, Async> { const WRITE_SIZE: usize = $region.write_size as usize; const ERASE_SIZE: usize = $region.erase_size as usize; async fn write(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.write(offset, bytes).await } async fn erase(&mut self, from: u32, to: u32) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.erase(from, to).await } } }; } foreach_altflash_region!(AltBank1Region3, ALT_BANK1_REGION3); foreach_altflash_region!(AltBank2Region1, ALT_BANK2_REGION1); foreach_altflash_region!(AltBank2Region2, ALT_BANK2_REGION2); foreach_altflash_region!(AltBank2Region3, ALT_BANK2_REGION3); } #[cfg(any(stm32f427, stm32f429, stm32f437, stm32f439, stm32f469, stm32f479))] pub use alt_regions::*; #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] static WAKER: AtomicWaker = AtomicWaker::new(); #[cfg(any(stm32f427, stm32f429, stm32f437, stm32f439, stm32f469, stm32f479))] pub fn set_default_layout() { unsafe { pac::FLASH.optkeyr().write(|w| w.set_optkey(0x08192A3B)); pac::FLASH.optkeyr().write(|w| w.set_optkey(0x4C5D6E7F)); pac::FLASH.optcr().modify(|r| { r.set_db1m(false); r.set_optlock(true) }); }; } #[cfg(not(any(stm32f427, stm32f429, stm32f437, stm32f439, stm32f469, stm32f479)))] pub const fn set_default_layout() {} #[cfg(any(stm32f427, stm32f429, stm32f437, stm32f439, stm32f469, stm32f479))] fn set_alt_layout() { unsafe { pac::FLASH.optkeyr().write(|w| w.set_optkey(0x08192A3B)); pac::FLASH.optkeyr().write(|w| w.set_optkey(0x4C5D6E7F)); pac::FLASH.optcr().modify(|r| { r.set_db1m(true); r.set_optlock(true) }); }; } #[cfg(any(stm32f427, stm32f429, stm32f437, stm32f439, stm32f469, stm32f479))] pub fn get_flash_regions() -> &'static [&'static FlashRegion] { if unsafe { pac::FLASH.optcr().read().db1m() } { &ALT_FLASH_REGIONS } else { &FLASH_REGIONS } } #[cfg(not(any(stm32f427, stm32f429, stm32f437, stm32f439, stm32f469, stm32f479)))] pub const fn get_flash_regions() -> &'static [&'static FlashRegion] { &FLASH_REGIONS } pub(crate) unsafe fn on_interrupt() { // Clear IRQ flags|w| { w.set_operr(true); w.set_eop(true); }); #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] WAKER.wake(); } pub(crate) unsafe fn lock() {|w| w.set_lock(true)); } pub(crate) unsafe fn unlock() { pac::FLASH.keyr().write(|w| w.set_key(0x45670123)); pac::FLASH.keyr().write(|w| w.set_key(0xCDEF89AB)); } #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] pub(crate) unsafe fn enable_write() { assert_eq!(0, WRITE_SIZE % 4);|w| { w.set_pg(true); w.set_psize(pac::flash::vals::Psize::PSIZE32); w.set_eopie(true); w.set_errie(true); }); } #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] pub(crate) unsafe fn disable_write() {|w| { w.set_pg(false); w.set_eopie(false); w.set_errie(false); }); } pub(crate) unsafe fn enable_blocking_write() { assert_eq!(0, WRITE_SIZE % 4);|w| { w.set_pg(true); w.set_psize(pac::flash::vals::Psize::PSIZE32); }); } pub(crate) unsafe fn disable_blocking_write() {|w| w.set_pg(false)); } #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] pub(crate) async unsafe fn write(start_address: u32, buf: &[u8; WRITE_SIZE]) -> Result<(), Error> { write_start(start_address, buf); wait_ready().await } pub(crate) unsafe fn write_blocking(start_address: u32, buf: &[u8; WRITE_SIZE]) -> Result<(), Error> { write_start(start_address, buf); wait_ready_blocking() } unsafe fn write_start(start_address: u32, buf: &[u8; WRITE_SIZE]) { let mut address = start_address; for val in buf.chunks(4) { write_volatile(address as *mut u32, u32::from_le_bytes(val.try_into().unwrap())); address += val.len() as u32; // prevents parallelism errors fence(Ordering::SeqCst); } } #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] pub(crate) async unsafe fn erase_sector(sector: &FlashSector) -> Result<(), Error> { let snb = (( as u8) << 4) + sector.index_in_bank;|w| { w.set_ser(true); w.set_snb(snb); w.set_eopie(true); w.set_errie(true); });|w| { w.set_strt(true); }); let ret: Result<(), Error> = wait_ready().await;|w| { w.set_eopie(false); w.set_errie(false); }); clear_all_err(); ret } pub(crate) unsafe fn erase_sector_blocking(sector: &FlashSector) -> Result<(), Error> { let snb = (( as u8) << 4) + sector.index_in_bank;|w| { w.set_ser(true); w.set_snb(snb) });|w| { w.set_strt(true); }); let ret: Result<(), Error> = wait_ready_blocking(); clear_all_err(); ret } pub(crate) unsafe fn clear_all_err() {|w| { w.set_pgserr(true); w.set_pgperr(true); w.set_pgaerr(true); w.set_wrperr(true); }); } #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] pub(crate) async unsafe fn wait_ready() -> Result<(), Error> { use core::task::Poll; use futures::future::poll_fn; poll_fn(|cx| { WAKER.register(cx.waker()); let sr =; if !sr.bsy() { Poll::Ready(if sr.pgserr() { Err(Error::Seq) } else if sr.pgperr() { Err(Error::Parallelism) } else if sr.pgaerr() { Err(Error::Unaligned) } else if sr.wrperr() { Err(Error::Protected) } else { Ok(()) }) } else { return Poll::Pending; } }) .await } unsafe fn wait_ready_blocking() -> Result<(), Error> { loop { let sr =; if !sr.bsy() { if sr.pgserr() { return Err(Error::Seq); } if sr.pgperr() { return Err(Error::Parallelism); } if sr.pgaerr() { return Err(Error::Unaligned); } if sr.wrperr() { return Err(Error::Protected); } return Ok(()); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::flash::{get_sector, FlashBank}; #[test] #[cfg(stm32f429)] fn can_get_sector_single_bank() { const SMALL_SECTOR_SIZE: u32 = 16 * 1024; const MEDIUM_SECTOR_SIZE: u32 = 64 * 1024; const LARGE_SECTOR_SIZE: u32 = 128 * 1024; let assert_sector = |index_in_bank: u8, start: u32, size: u32, address: u32| { assert_eq!( FlashSector { bank: FlashBank::Bank1, index_in_bank, start, size }, get_sector(address, &FLASH_REGIONS) ) }; assert_sector(0, 0x0800_0000, SMALL_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0800_0000); assert_sector(0, 0x0800_0000, SMALL_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0800_3FFF); assert_sector(3, 0x0800_C000, SMALL_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0800_C000); assert_sector(3, 0x0800_C000, SMALL_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0800_FFFF); assert_sector(4, 0x0801_0000, MEDIUM_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0801_0000); assert_sector(4, 0x0801_0000, MEDIUM_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0801_FFFF); assert_sector(5, 0x0802_0000, LARGE_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0802_0000); assert_sector(5, 0x0802_0000, LARGE_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0803_FFFF); assert_sector(11, 0x080E_0000, LARGE_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x080E_0000); assert_sector(11, 0x080E_0000, LARGE_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x080F_FFFF); let assert_sector = |bank: FlashBank, index_in_bank: u8, start: u32, size: u32, address: u32| { assert_eq!( FlashSector { bank, index_in_bank, start, size }, get_sector(address, &ALT_FLASH_REGIONS) ) }; assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank1, 0, 0x0800_0000, SMALL_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0800_0000); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank1, 0, 0x0800_0000, SMALL_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0800_3FFF); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank1, 3, 0x0800_C000, SMALL_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0800_C000); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank1, 3, 0x0800_C000, SMALL_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0800_FFFF); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank1, 4, 0x0801_0000, MEDIUM_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0801_0000); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank1, 4, 0x0801_0000, MEDIUM_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0801_FFFF); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank1, 5, 0x0802_0000, LARGE_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0802_0000); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank1, 5, 0x0802_0000, LARGE_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0803_FFFF); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank1, 7, 0x0806_0000, LARGE_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0806_0000); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank1, 7, 0x0806_0000, LARGE_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0807_FFFF); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank2, 0, 0x0808_0000, SMALL_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0808_0000); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank2, 0, 0x0808_0000, SMALL_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0808_3FFF); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank2, 3, 0x0808_C000, SMALL_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0808_C000); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank2, 3, 0x0808_C000, SMALL_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0808_FFFF); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank2, 4, 0x0809_0000, MEDIUM_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0809_0000); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank2, 4, 0x0809_0000, MEDIUM_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x0809_FFFF); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank2, 5, 0x080A_0000, LARGE_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x080A_0000); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank2, 5, 0x080A_0000, LARGE_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x080B_FFFF); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank2, 7, 0x080E_0000, LARGE_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x080E_0000); assert_sector(FlashBank::Bank2, 7, 0x080E_0000, LARGE_SECTOR_SIZE, 0x080F_FFFF); } }