#![no_std] #![no_main] #![feature(type_alias_impl_trait)] #![feature(array_from_fn)] #[path = "../example_common.rs"] mod example_common; use core::future::pending; use defmt::*; use embassy::executor::Spawner; use embassy_nrf::gpio::{Input, NoPin, Pull}; use embassy_nrf::gpiote::{InputChannel, InputChannelPolarity}; use embassy_nrf::ppi::Ppi; use embassy_nrf::pwm::{Prescaler, SequenceConfig, SequenceMode, SequencePwm}; use embassy_nrf::Peripherals; #[embassy::main] async fn main(_spawner: Spawner, p: Peripherals) { let seq_values: [u16; 5] = [1000, 250, 100, 50, 0]; let mut config = SequenceConfig::default(); config.prescaler = Prescaler::Div128; // 1 period is 1000 * (128/16mhz = 0.000008s = 0.008ms) = 8ms // but say we want to hold the value for 250ms 250ms/8 = 31.25 periods // so round to 31 - 1 (we get the one period for free remember) // thus our sequence takes 5 * 250ms or 1.25 seconds config.refresh = 30; let pwm = unwrap!(SequencePwm::new( p.PWM0, p.P0_13, NoPin, NoPin, NoPin, config, )); let _ = pwm.start(&seq_values, SequenceMode::Times(1)); // pwm.stop() deconfigures pins, and then the task_start_seq0 task cant work // so its going to have to start running in order load the configuration let button1 = InputChannel::new( p.GPIOTE_CH0, Input::new(p.P0_11, Pull::Up), InputChannelPolarity::HiToLo, ); let button2 = InputChannel::new( p.GPIOTE_CH1, Input::new(p.P0_12, Pull::Up), InputChannelPolarity::HiToLo, ); // messing with the pwm tasks is ill advised // Times::Ininite and Times even are seq0, Times odd is seq1 let start = unsafe { pwm.task_start_seq0() }; let stop = unsafe { pwm.task_stop() }; let mut ppi = Ppi::new_one_to_one(p.PPI_CH1, button1.event_in(), start); ppi.enable(); let mut ppi2 = Ppi::new_one_to_one(p.PPI_CH0, button2.event_in(), stop); ppi2.enable(); info!("PPI setup!"); info!("Press button 1 to start LED 1"); info!("Press button 2 to stop LED 1"); info!("Note! task_stop stops the sequence, but not the pin output"); // Block forever so the above drivers don't get dropped pending::<()>().await; }