#![no_std] #![no_main] #![feature(type_alias_impl_trait)] use defmt::{panic, *}; use embassy_executor::Spawner; use embassy_futures::join::join; use embassy_stm32::gpio::{Level, Output, Speed}; use embassy_stm32::time::Hertz; use embassy_stm32::usb::{Driver, Instance}; use embassy_stm32::{bind_interrupts, peripherals, usb, Config}; use embassy_time::Timer; use embassy_usb::class::cdc_acm::{CdcAcmClass, State}; use embassy_usb::driver::EndpointError; use embassy_usb::Builder; use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _}; bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs { USB_LP_CAN1_RX0 => usb::InterruptHandler; }); #[embassy_executor::main] async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) { let mut config = Config::default(); config.rcc.hse = Some(Hertz(8_000_000)); config.rcc.sys_ck = Some(Hertz(48_000_000)); config.rcc.pclk1 = Some(Hertz(24_000_000)); let mut p = embassy_stm32::init(config); info!("Hello World!"); { // BluePill board has a pull-up resistor on the D+ line. // Pull the D+ pin down to send a RESET condition to the USB bus. // This forced reset is needed only for development, without it host // will not reset your device when you upload new firmware. let _dp = Output::new(&mut p.PA12, Level::Low, Speed::Low); Timer::after_millis(10).await; } // Create the driver, from the HAL. let driver = Driver::new(p.USB, Irqs, p.PA12, p.PA11); // Create embassy-usb Config let config = embassy_usb::Config::new(0xc0de, 0xcafe); //config.max_packet_size_0 = 64; // Create embassy-usb DeviceBuilder using the driver and config. // It needs some buffers for building the descriptors. let mut device_descriptor = [0; 256]; let mut config_descriptor = [0; 256]; let mut bos_descriptor = [0; 256]; let mut control_buf = [0; 7]; let mut state = State::new(); let mut builder = Builder::new( driver, config, &mut device_descriptor, &mut config_descriptor, &mut bos_descriptor, &mut control_buf, ); // Create classes on the builder. let mut class = CdcAcmClass::new(&mut builder, &mut state, 64); // Build the builder. let mut usb = builder.build(); // Run the USB device. let usb_fut = usb.run(); // Do stuff with the class! let echo_fut = async { loop { class.wait_connection().await; info!("Connected"); let _ = echo(&mut class).await; info!("Disconnected"); } }; // Run everything concurrently. // If we had made everything `'static` above instead, we could do this using separate tasks instead. join(usb_fut, echo_fut).await; } struct Disconnected {} impl From for Disconnected { fn from(val: EndpointError) -> Self { match val { EndpointError::BufferOverflow => panic!("Buffer overflow"), EndpointError::Disabled => Disconnected {}, } } } async fn echo<'d, T: Instance + 'd>(class: &mut CdcAcmClass<'d, Driver<'d, T>>) -> Result<(), Disconnected> { let mut buf = [0; 64]; loop { let n = class.read_packet(&mut buf).await?; let data = &buf[..n]; info!("data: {:x}", data); class.write_packet(data).await?; } }