use core::future::poll_fn; use core::marker::PhantomData; use core::task::Poll; use embassy_futures::yield_now; use embassy_hal_internal::into_ref; use embassy_time::Instant; use super::Resolution; use crate::adc::{Adc, AdcPin, Instance, SampleTime}; use crate::interrupt::typelevel::Interrupt; use crate::time::Hertz; use crate::{interrupt, Peripheral}; const ADC_FREQ: Hertz = crate::rcc::HSI_FREQ; pub const VDDA_CALIB_MV: u32 = 3300; pub const ADC_MAX: u32 = (1 << 12) - 1; pub const VREF_INT: u32 = 1230; pub enum AdcPowerMode { AlwaysOn, DelayOff, IdleOff, DelayIdleOff, } pub enum Prescaler { Div1, Div2, Div3, Div4, } /// Interrupt handler. pub struct InterruptHandler { _phantom: PhantomData, } impl interrupt::typelevel::Handler for InterruptHandler { unsafe fn on_interrupt() { if T::regs().sr().read().eoc() { T::regs().cr1().modify(|w| w.set_eocie(false)); } else { return; } T::state().waker.wake(); } } fn update_vref(op: i8) { static VREF_STATUS: core::sync::atomic::AtomicU8 = core::sync::atomic::AtomicU8::new(0); if op > 0 { if VREF_STATUS.fetch_add(1, core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst) == 0 { T::regs().ccr().modify(|w| w.set_tsvrefe(true)); } } else { if VREF_STATUS.fetch_sub(1, core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst) == 1 { T::regs().ccr().modify(|w| w.set_tsvrefe(false)); } } } pub struct Vref(core::marker::PhantomData); impl AdcPin for Vref {} impl super::sealed::AdcPin for Vref { fn channel(&self) -> u8 { 17 } } impl Vref { /// The value that vref would be if vdda was at 3000mv pub fn calibrated_value(&self) -> u16 { } pub async fn calibrate(&mut self, adc: &mut Adc<'_, T>) -> Calibration { let vref_val =; Calibration { vref_cal: self.calibrated_value(), vref_val, } } } pub struct Calibration { vref_cal: u16, vref_val: u16, } impl Calibration { /// The millivolts that the calibration value was measured at pub const CALIBRATION_UV: u32 = 3_000_000; /// Returns the measured VddA in microvolts (uV) pub fn vdda_uv(&self) -> u32 { (Self::CALIBRATION_UV * self.vref_cal as u32) / self.vref_val as u32 } /// Returns the measured VddA as an f32 pub fn vdda_f32(&self) -> f32 { (Self::CALIBRATION_UV as f32 / 1_000.0) * (self.vref_cal as f32 / self.vref_val as f32) } /// Returns a calibrated voltage value as in microvolts (uV) pub fn cal_uv(&self, raw: u16, resolution: super::Resolution) -> u32 { (self.vdda_uv() / resolution.to_max_count()) * raw as u32 } /// Returns a calibrated voltage value as an f32 pub fn cal_f32(&self, raw: u16, resolution: super::Resolution) -> f32 { raw as f32 * self.vdda_f32() / resolution.to_max_count() as f32 } } impl Drop for Vref { fn drop(&mut self) { update_vref::(-1) } } pub struct Temperature(core::marker::PhantomData); impl AdcPin for Temperature {} impl super::sealed::AdcPin for Temperature { fn channel(&self) -> u8 { 16 } } impl Drop for Temperature { fn drop(&mut self) { update_vref::(-1) } } impl<'d, T: Instance> Adc<'d, T> { pub fn new( adc: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, _irq: impl interrupt::typelevel::Binding> + 'd, ) -> Self { into_ref!(adc); T::enable_and_reset(); //let r = T::regs(); //r.cr2().write(|w| w.set_align(true)); T::Interrupt::unpend(); unsafe { T::Interrupt::enable(); } Self { adc } } fn freq() -> Hertz { let div = T::regs().ccr().read().adcpre() + 1; ADC_FREQ / div as u32 } pub async fn set_resolution(&mut self, res: Resolution) { let was_on = Self::is_on(); if was_on { self.stop_adc().await; } T::regs().cr1().modify(|w| w.set_res(res.into())); if was_on { self.start_adc().await; } } pub fn resolution(&self) -> Resolution { match T::regs().cr1().read().res() { crate::pac::adc::vals::Res::TWELVEBIT => Resolution::TwelveBit, crate::pac::adc::vals::Res::TENBIT => Resolution::TenBit, crate::pac::adc::vals::Res::EIGHTBIT => Resolution::EightBit, crate::pac::adc::vals::Res::SIXBIT => Resolution::SixBit, } } pub fn enable_vref(&self) -> Vref { update_vref::(1); Vref(core::marker::PhantomData) } pub fn enable_temperature(&self) -> Temperature { T::regs().ccr().modify(|w| w.set_tsvrefe(true)); Temperature::(core::marker::PhantomData) } /// Perform a single conversion. async fn convert(&mut self) -> u16 { let was_on = Self::is_on(); if !was_on { self.start_adc().await; } self.wait_sample_ready().await; T::regs().sr().write(|_| {}); T::regs().cr1().modify(|w| { w.set_eocie(true); w.set_scan(false); }); T::regs().cr2().modify(|w| { w.set_swstart(true); w.set_cont(false); }); // swstart cleared by HW let res = poll_fn(|cx| { T::state().waker.register(cx.waker()); if T::regs().sr().read().eoc() { let res = T::regs().dr().read().rdata(); Poll::Ready(res) } else { Poll::Pending } }) .await; if !was_on { self.stop_adc().await; } res } #[inline(always)] fn is_on() -> bool { T::regs().sr().read().adons() || T::regs().cr2().read().adon() } pub async fn start_adc(&self) { //defmt::trace!("Turn ADC on"); T::regs().cr2().modify(|w| w.set_adon(true)); //defmt::trace!("Waiting for ADC to turn on"); let mut t = Instant::now(); while !T::regs().sr().read().adons() { yield_now().await; if t.elapsed() > embassy_time::Duration::from_millis(1000) { t = Instant::now(); //defmt::trace!("ADC still not on"); } } //defmt::trace!("ADC on"); } pub async fn stop_adc(&self) { if T::regs().cr2().read().adon() { //defmt::trace!("ADC should be on, wait for it to start"); while !T::regs().csr().read().adons1() { yield_now().await; } } //defmt::trace!("Turn ADC off"); T::regs().cr2().modify(|w| w.set_adon(false)); //defmt::trace!("Waiting for ADC to turn off"); while T::regs().csr().read().adons1() { yield_now().await; } } pub async fn read(&mut self, pin: &mut impl AdcPin) -> u16 { self.set_sample_sequence(&[]).await; self.convert().await } async fn wait_sample_ready(&self) { //trace!("Waiting for sample channel to be ready"); while T::regs().sr().read().rcnr() { yield_now().await; } } pub async fn set_sample_time(&mut self, pin: &mut impl AdcPin, sample_time: SampleTime) { if Self::get_channel_sample_time( != sample_time { self.stop_adc().await; unsafe { Self::set_channel_sample_time(, sample_time); } self.start_adc().await; } } pub fn get_sample_time(&self, pin: &impl AdcPin) -> SampleTime { Self::get_channel_sample_time( } /// Sets the channel sample time /// /// ## SAFETY: /// - ADON == 0 i.e ADC must not be enabled when this is called. unsafe fn set_channel_sample_time(ch: u8, sample_time: SampleTime) { let sample_time = sample_time.into(); match ch { 0..=9 => T::regs().smpr3().modify(|reg| reg.set_smp(ch as _, sample_time)), 10..=19 => T::regs() .smpr2() .modify(|reg| reg.set_smp(ch as usize - 10, sample_time)), 20..=29 => T::regs() .smpr1() .modify(|reg| reg.set_smp(ch as usize - 20, sample_time)), 30..=31 => T::regs() .smpr0() .modify(|reg| reg.set_smp(ch as usize - 30, sample_time)), _ => panic!("Invalid channel to sample"), } } fn get_channel_sample_time(ch: u8) -> SampleTime { match ch { 0..=9 => T::regs().smpr3().read().smp(ch as _), 10..=19 => T::regs().smpr2().read().smp(ch as usize - 10), 20..=29 => T::regs().smpr1().read().smp(ch as usize - 20), 30..=31 => T::regs().smpr0().read().smp(ch as usize - 30), _ => panic!("Invalid channel to sample"), } .into() } /// Sets the sequence to sample the ADC. Must be less than 28 elements. async fn set_sample_sequence(&self, sequence: &[u8]) { assert!(sequence.len() <= 28); let mut iter = sequence.iter(); T::regs().sqr1().modify(|w| w.set_l((sequence.len() - 1) as _)); for (idx, ch) in iter.by_ref().take(6).enumerate() { T::regs().sqr5().modify(|w| w.set_sq(idx, *ch)); } for (idx, ch) in iter.by_ref().take(6).enumerate() { T::regs().sqr4().modify(|w| w.set_sq(idx, *ch)); } for (idx, ch) in iter.by_ref().take(6).enumerate() { T::regs().sqr3().modify(|w| w.set_sq(idx, *ch)); } for (idx, ch) in iter.by_ref().take(6).enumerate() { T::regs().sqr2().modify(|w| w.set_sq(idx, *ch)); } for (idx, ch) in iter.by_ref().take(4).enumerate() { T::regs().sqr1().modify(|w| w.set_sq(idx, *ch)); } } fn get_res_clks(res: Resolution) -> u32 { match res { Resolution::TwelveBit => 12, Resolution::TenBit => 11, Resolution::EightBit => 9, Resolution::SixBit => 7, } } fn get_sample_time_clks(sample_time: SampleTime) -> u32 { match sample_time { SampleTime::Cycles4 => 4, SampleTime::Cycles9 => 9, SampleTime::Cycles16 => 16, SampleTime::Cycles24 => 24, SampleTime::Cycles48 => 48, SampleTime::Cycles96 => 96, SampleTime::Cycles192 => 192, SampleTime::Cycles384 => 384, } } pub fn sample_time_for_us(&self, us: u32) -> SampleTime { let res_clks = Self::get_res_clks(self.resolution()); let us_clks = us * Self::freq().0 / 1_000_000; let clks = us_clks.saturating_sub(res_clks); match clks { 0..=4 => SampleTime::Cycles4, 5..=9 => SampleTime::Cycles9, 10..=16 => SampleTime::Cycles16, 17..=24 => SampleTime::Cycles24, 25..=48 => SampleTime::Cycles48, 49..=96 => SampleTime::Cycles96, 97..=192 => SampleTime::Cycles192, 193.. => SampleTime::Cycles384, } } pub fn us_for_cfg(&self, res: Resolution, sample_time: SampleTime) -> u32 { let res_clks = Self::get_res_clks(res); let sample_clks = Self::get_sample_time_clks(sample_time); (res_clks + sample_clks) * 1_000_000 / Self::freq().0 } } impl<'d, T: Instance> Drop for Adc<'d, T> { fn drop(&mut self) { while !T::regs().sr().read().adons() {} T::regs().cr2().modify(|w| w.set_adon(false)); T::disable(); } }