#![macro_use] use core::future::Future; use core::sync::atomic::{fence, Ordering}; use core::task::{Poll, Waker}; use embassy::interrupt::{Interrupt, InterruptExt}; use embassy::waitqueue::AtomicWaker; use embassy_hal_common::drop::OnDrop; use futures::future::poll_fn; use crate::dma::{Channel, Request}; use crate::interrupt; use crate::pac; use crate::pac::bdma::vals; use crate::rcc::sealed::RccPeripheral; const CH_COUNT: usize = pac::peripheral_count!(bdma) * 8; struct State { ch_wakers: [AtomicWaker; CH_COUNT], } impl State { const fn new() -> Self { const AW: AtomicWaker = AtomicWaker::new(); Self { ch_wakers: [AW; CH_COUNT], } } } static STATE: State = State::new(); #[allow(unused)] pub(crate) unsafe fn do_transfer( dma: pac::bdma::Dma, channel_number: u8, state_number: u8, request: Request, dir: vals::Dir, peri_addr: *const u8, mem_addr: *mut u8, mem_len: usize, incr_mem: bool, #[cfg(dmamux)] dmamux_regs: pac::dmamux::Dmamux, #[cfg(dmamux)] dmamux_ch_num: u8, ) -> impl Future { // ndtr is max 16 bits. assert!(mem_len <= 0xFFFF); let ch = dma.ch(channel_number as _); // Reset status dma.ifcr().write(|w| { w.set_tcif(channel_number as _, true); w.set_teif(channel_number as _, true); }); let on_drop = OnDrop::new(move || unsafe { _stop(dma, channel_number); }); #[cfg(dmamux)] super::dmamux::configure_dmamux(dmamux_regs, dmamux_ch_num, request); #[cfg(bdma_v2)] critical_section::with(|_| { dma.cselr() .modify(|w| w.set_cs(channel_number as _, request)) }); // "Preceding reads and writes cannot be moved past subsequent writes." fence(Ordering::Release); ch.par().write_value(peri_addr as u32); ch.mar().write_value(mem_addr as u32); ch.ndtr().write(|w| w.set_ndt(mem_len as u16)); ch.cr().write(|w| { w.set_psize(vals::Size::BITS8); w.set_msize(vals::Size::BITS8); if incr_mem { w.set_minc(vals::Inc::ENABLED); } else { w.set_minc(vals::Inc::DISABLED); } w.set_dir(dir); w.set_teie(true); w.set_tcie(true); w.set_en(true); }); async move { let res = poll_fn(|cx| { STATE.ch_wakers[state_number as usize].register(cx.waker()); let isr = dma.isr().read(); // TODO handle error assert!(!isr.teif(channel_number as _)); if isr.tcif(channel_number as _) { Poll::Ready(()) } else { Poll::Pending } }) .await; drop(on_drop) } } unsafe fn _stop(dma: pac::bdma::Dma, ch: u8) { let ch = dma.ch(ch as _); // Disable the channel and interrupts with the default value. ch.cr().write(|_| ()); // Wait for the transfer to complete when it was ongoing. while ch.cr().read().en() {} // "Subsequent reads and writes cannot be moved ahead of preceding reads." fence(Ordering::Acquire); } unsafe fn _is_stopped(dma: pac::bdma::Dma, ch: u8) -> bool { let ch = dma.ch(ch as _); ch.cr().read().en() } /// Gets the total remaining transfers for the channel /// Note: this will be zero for transfers that completed without cancellation. unsafe fn _get_remaining_transfers(dma: pac::bdma::Dma, ch: u8) -> u16 { // get a handle on the channel itself let ch = dma.ch(ch as _); // read the remaining transfer count. If this is zero, the transfer completed fully. ch.ndtr().read().ndt() } /// Sets the waker for the specified DMA channel unsafe fn _set_waker(dma: pac::bdma::Dma, state_number: u8, waker: &Waker) { let n = state_number as usize; STATE.ch_wakers[n].register(waker); } macro_rules! dma_num { (DMA1) => { 0 }; (DMA2) => { 1 }; (BDMA) => { 0 }; } unsafe fn on_irq() { pac::peripherals! { (bdma, $dma:ident) => { let isr = pac::$dma.isr().read(); let dman = dma_num!($dma); for chn in 0..crate::pac::dma_channels_count!($dma) { let cr = pac::$dma.ch(chn).cr(); if isr.tcif(chn) && cr.read().tcie() { cr.write(|_| ()); // Disable channel interrupts with the default value. let n = dma_num!($dma) * 8 + chn; STATE.ch_wakers[n].wake(); } } }; } } /// safety: must be called only once pub(crate) unsafe fn init() { pac::interrupts! { ($peri:ident, bdma, $block:ident, $signal_name:ident, $irq:ident) => { crate::interrupt::$irq::steal().enable(); }; } pac::peripherals! { (bdma, $peri:ident) => { crate::peripherals::$peri::enable(); }; } } pac::dma_channels! { ($channel_peri:ident, $dma_peri:ident, bdma, $channel_num:expr, $dmamux:tt) => { impl crate::dma::sealed::Channel for crate::peripherals::$channel_peri {} impl Channel for crate::peripherals::$channel_peri { type ReadFuture<'a> = impl Future + 'a; type WriteFuture<'a> = impl Future + 'a; fn read<'a>( &'a mut self, request: Request, src: *mut u8, buf: &'a mut [u8], ) -> Self::ReadFuture<'a> { unsafe { do_transfer( crate::pac::$dma_peri, $channel_num, (dma_num!($dma_peri) * 8) + $channel_num, request, vals::Dir::FROMPERIPHERAL, src, buf.as_mut_ptr(), buf.len(), true, #[cfg(dmamux)] ::DMAMUX_REGS, #[cfg(dmamux)] ::DMAMUX_CH_NUM, ) } } fn write<'a>( &'a mut self, request: Request, buf: &'a [u8], dst: *mut u8, ) -> Self::WriteFuture<'a> { unsafe { do_transfer( crate::pac::$dma_peri, $channel_num, (dma_num!($dma_peri) * 8) + $channel_num, request, vals::Dir::FROMMEMORY, dst, buf.as_ptr() as *mut u8, buf.len(), true, #[cfg(dmamux)] ::DMAMUX_REGS, #[cfg(dmamux)] ::DMAMUX_CH_NUM, ) } } fn write_x<'a>( &'a mut self, request: Request, word: &u8, count: usize, dst: *mut u8, ) -> Self::WriteFuture<'a> { unsafe { do_transfer( crate::pac::$dma_peri, $channel_num, (dma_num!($dma_peri) * 8) + $channel_num, request, vals::Dir::FROMMEMORY, dst, word as *const u8 as *mut u8, count, false, #[cfg(dmamux)] ::DMAMUX_REGS, #[cfg(dmamux)] ::DMAMUX_CH_NUM, ) } } fn stop <'a>(&'a mut self){ unsafe {_stop(crate::pac::$dma_peri, $channel_num);} } fn is_stopped<'a>(&'a self) -> bool { unsafe {_is_stopped(crate::pac::$dma_peri, $channel_num)} } fn remaining_transfers<'a>(&'a mut self) -> u16 { unsafe {_get_remaining_transfers(crate::pac::$dma_peri, $channel_num)} } fn set_waker<'a>(&'a mut self, waker: &'a Waker) { unsafe {_set_waker(crate::pac::$dma_peri, $channel_num, waker )} } } }; } pac::interrupts! { ($peri:ident, bdma, $block:ident, $signal_name:ident, $irq:ident) => { #[crate::interrupt] unsafe fn $irq () { on_irq() } }; }