#![macro_use] use embassy_embedded_hal::SetConfig; use embassy_hal_internal::{into_ref, PeripheralRef}; pub use crate::dma::word; use crate::dma::{ringbuffer, Channel, ReadableRingBuffer, Request, TransferOptions, WritableRingBuffer}; use crate::gpio::sealed::{AFType, Pin as _}; use crate::gpio::AnyPin; use crate::pac::sai::{vals, Sai as Regs}; use crate::rcc::RccPeripheral; use crate::{peripherals, Peripheral}; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub enum Error { NotATransmitter, NotAReceiver, OverrunError, } impl From for Error { fn from(_: ringbuffer::OverrunError) -> Self { Self::OverrunError } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum SyncBlock { None, Sai1BlockA, Sai1BlockB, Sai2BlockA, Sai2BlockB, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum SyncIn { None, ChannelZero, ChannelOne, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum Mode { Master, Slave, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum TxRx { Transmitter, Receiver, } impl Mode { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] const fn mode(&self, tx_rx: TxRx) -> vals::Mode { match tx_rx { TxRx::Transmitter => match self { Mode::Master => vals::Mode::MASTERTX, Mode::Slave => vals::Mode::SLAVETX, }, TxRx::Receiver => match self { Mode::Master => vals::Mode::MASTERRX, Mode::Slave => vals::Mode::SLAVERX, }, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum SlotSize { DataSize, /// 16 bit data length on 16 bit wide channel Channel16, /// 16 bit data length on 32 bit wide channel Channel32, } impl SlotSize { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn slotsz(&self) -> vals::Slotsz { match self { SlotSize::DataSize => vals::Slotsz::DATASIZE, SlotSize::Channel16 => vals::Slotsz::BIT16, SlotSize::Channel32 => vals::Slotsz::BIT32, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum DataSize { Data8, Data10, Data16, Data20, Data24, Data32, } impl DataSize { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn ds(&self) -> vals::Ds { match self { DataSize::Data8 => vals::Ds::BIT8, DataSize::Data10 => vals::Ds::BIT10, DataSize::Data16 => vals::Ds::BIT16, DataSize::Data20 => vals::Ds::BIT20, DataSize::Data24 => vals::Ds::BIT24, DataSize::Data32 => vals::Ds::BIT32, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum FifoThreshold { Empty, Quarter, Half, ThreeQuarters, Full, } impl FifoThreshold { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn fth(&self) -> vals::Fth { match self { FifoThreshold::Empty => vals::Fth::EMPTY, FifoThreshold::Quarter => vals::Fth::QUARTER1, FifoThreshold::Half => vals::Fth::QUARTER2, FifoThreshold::ThreeQuarters => vals::Fth::QUARTER3, FifoThreshold::Full => vals::Fth::FULL, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum FifoLevel { Empty, FirstQuarter, SecondQuarter, ThirdQuarter, FourthQuarter, Full, } #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] impl From for FifoLevel { fn from(flvl: vals::Flvl) -> Self { match flvl { vals::Flvl::EMPTY => FifoLevel::Empty, vals::Flvl::QUARTER1 => FifoLevel::FirstQuarter, vals::Flvl::QUARTER2 => FifoLevel::SecondQuarter, vals::Flvl::QUARTER3 => FifoLevel::ThirdQuarter, vals::Flvl::QUARTER4 => FifoLevel::FourthQuarter, vals::Flvl::FULL => FifoLevel::Full, _ => FifoLevel::Empty, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum MuteDetection { NoMute, Mute, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum MuteValue { Zero, LastValue, } impl MuteValue { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn muteval(&self) -> vals::Muteval { match self { MuteValue::Zero => vals::Muteval::SENDZERO, MuteValue::LastValue => vals::Muteval::SENDLAST, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum OverUnderStatus { NoError, OverUnderRunDetected, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum Protocol { Free, Spdif, Ac97, } impl Protocol { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn prtcfg(&self) -> vals::Prtcfg { match self { Protocol::Free => vals::Prtcfg::FREE, Protocol::Spdif => vals::Prtcfg::SPDIF, Protocol::Ac97 => vals::Prtcfg::AC97, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum SyncInput { /// Not synced to any other SAI unit. None, /// Syncs with the other A/B sub-block within the SAI unit Internal, /// Syncs with a sub-block in the other SAI unit #[cfg(sai_v4)] External(SyncInputInstance), } impl SyncInput { pub const fn syncen(&self) -> vals::Syncen { match self { SyncInput::None => vals::Syncen::ASYNCHRONOUS, SyncInput::Internal => vals::Syncen::INTERNAL, #[cfg(any(sai_v4))] SyncInput::External(_) => vals::Syncen::EXTERNAL, } } } #[cfg(sai_v4)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum SyncInputInstance { #[cfg(peri_sai1)] Sai1 = 0, #[cfg(peri_sai2)] Sai2 = 1, #[cfg(peri_sai3)] Sai3 = 2, #[cfg(peri_sai4)] Sai4 = 3, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum StereoMono { Stereo, Mono, } impl StereoMono { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn mono(&self) -> vals::Mono { match self { StereoMono::Stereo => vals::Mono::STEREO, StereoMono::Mono => vals::Mono::MONO, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum BitOrder { LsbFirst, MsbFirst, } impl BitOrder { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn lsbfirst(&self) -> vals::Lsbfirst { match self { BitOrder::LsbFirst => vals::Lsbfirst::LSBFIRST, BitOrder::MsbFirst => vals::Lsbfirst::MSBFIRST, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum FrameSyncOffset { /// This is used in modes other than standard I2S phillips mode OnFirstBit, /// This is used in standard I2S phillips mode BeforeFirstBit, } impl FrameSyncOffset { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn fsoff(&self) -> vals::Fsoff { match self { FrameSyncOffset::OnFirstBit => vals::Fsoff::ONFIRST, FrameSyncOffset::BeforeFirstBit => vals::Fsoff::BEFOREFIRST, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum FrameSyncPolarity { ActiveLow, ActiveHigh, } impl FrameSyncPolarity { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn fspol(&self) -> vals::Fspol { match self { FrameSyncPolarity::ActiveLow => vals::Fspol::FALLINGEDGE, FrameSyncPolarity::ActiveHigh => vals::Fspol::RISINGEDGE, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum FrameSyncDefinition { StartOfFrame, ChannelIdentification, } impl FrameSyncDefinition { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn fsdef(&self) -> bool { match self { FrameSyncDefinition::StartOfFrame => false, FrameSyncDefinition::ChannelIdentification => true, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum ClockStrobe { Falling, Rising, } impl ClockStrobe { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn ckstr(&self) -> vals::Ckstr { match self { ClockStrobe::Falling => vals::Ckstr::FALLINGEDGE, ClockStrobe::Rising => vals::Ckstr::RISINGEDGE, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum ComplementFormat { OnesComplement, TwosComplement, } impl ComplementFormat { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn cpl(&self) -> vals::Cpl { match self { ComplementFormat::OnesComplement => vals::Cpl::ONESCOMPLEMENT, ComplementFormat::TwosComplement => vals::Cpl::TWOSCOMPLEMENT, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum Companding { None, MuLaw, ALaw, } impl Companding { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn comp(&self) -> vals::Comp { match self { Companding::None => vals::Comp::NOCOMPANDING, Companding::MuLaw => vals::Comp::MULAW, Companding::ALaw => vals::Comp::ALAW, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum OutputDrive { OnStart, Immediately, } impl OutputDrive { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn outdriv(&self) -> vals::Outdriv { match self { OutputDrive::OnStart => vals::Outdriv::ONSTART, OutputDrive::Immediately => vals::Outdriv::IMMEDIATELY, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum MasterClockDivider { MasterClockDisabled, Div1, Div2, Div4, Div6, Div8, Div10, Div12, Div14, Div16, Div18, Div20, Div22, Div24, Div26, Div28, Div30, } impl MasterClockDivider { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] pub const fn mckdiv(&self) -> u8 { match self { MasterClockDivider::MasterClockDisabled => 0, MasterClockDivider::Div1 => 0, MasterClockDivider::Div2 => 1, MasterClockDivider::Div4 => 2, MasterClockDivider::Div6 => 3, MasterClockDivider::Div8 => 4, MasterClockDivider::Div10 => 5, MasterClockDivider::Div12 => 6, MasterClockDivider::Div14 => 7, MasterClockDivider::Div16 => 8, MasterClockDivider::Div18 => 9, MasterClockDivider::Div20 => 10, MasterClockDivider::Div22 => 11, MasterClockDivider::Div24 => 12, MasterClockDivider::Div26 => 13, MasterClockDivider::Div28 => 14, MasterClockDivider::Div30 => 15, } } } /// [`SAI`] configuration. #[non_exhaustive] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct Config { pub mode: Mode, pub tx_rx: TxRx, pub sync_input: SyncInput, pub sync_output: bool, pub protocol: Protocol, pub slot_size: SlotSize, pub slot_count: word::U4, pub slot_enable: u16, pub first_bit_offset: word::U5, pub data_size: DataSize, pub stereo_mono: StereoMono, pub bit_order: BitOrder, pub frame_sync_offset: FrameSyncOffset, pub frame_sync_polarity: FrameSyncPolarity, pub frame_sync_active_level_length: word::U7, pub frame_sync_definition: FrameSyncDefinition, pub frame_length: u8, pub clock_strobe: ClockStrobe, pub output_drive: OutputDrive, pub master_clock_divider: MasterClockDivider, pub is_high_impedenane_on_inactive_slot: bool, pub fifo_threshold: FifoThreshold, pub companding: Companding, pub complement_format: ComplementFormat, pub mute_value: MuteValue, pub mute_detection_counter: word::U5, } impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Self { Self { mode: Mode::Master, tx_rx: TxRx::Transmitter, sync_output: false, sync_input: SyncInput::None, protocol: Protocol::Free, slot_size: SlotSize::DataSize, slot_count: word::U4(2), first_bit_offset: word::U5(0), slot_enable: 0b11, data_size: DataSize::Data16, stereo_mono: StereoMono::Stereo, bit_order: BitOrder::LsbFirst, frame_sync_offset: FrameSyncOffset::BeforeFirstBit, frame_sync_polarity: FrameSyncPolarity::ActiveLow, frame_sync_active_level_length: word::U7(16), frame_sync_definition: FrameSyncDefinition::ChannelIdentification, frame_length: 32, master_clock_divider: MasterClockDivider::MasterClockDisabled, clock_strobe: ClockStrobe::Rising, output_drive: OutputDrive::Immediately, is_high_impedenane_on_inactive_slot: false, fifo_threshold: FifoThreshold::ThreeQuarters, companding: Companding::None, complement_format: ComplementFormat::TwosComplement, mute_value: MuteValue::Zero, mute_detection_counter: word::U5(4), } } } impl Config { pub fn new_i2s() -> Self { return Default::default(); } pub fn new_msb_first() -> Self { Self { bit_order: BitOrder::MsbFirst, frame_sync_offset: FrameSyncOffset::OnFirstBit, ..Default::default() } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] enum WhichSubBlock { A = 0, B = 1, } enum RingBuffer<'d, C: Channel, W: word::Word> { Writable(WritableRingBuffer<'d, C, W>), Readable(ReadableRingBuffer<'d, C, W>), } #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] fn dr(w: crate::pac::sai::Sai, sub_block: WhichSubBlock) -> *mut W { let ch = w.ch(sub_block as usize); ch.dr().as_ptr() as _ } pub struct SubBlock<'d, T: Instance, C: Channel, W: word::Word> { _peri: PeripheralRef<'d, T>, sd: Option>, fs: Option>, sck: Option>, mclk: Option>, ring_buffer: RingBuffer<'d, C, W>, sub_block: WhichSubBlock, } pub struct SubBlockA {} pub struct SubBlockB {} pub struct SubBlockAPeripheral<'d, T>(PeripheralRef<'d, T>); pub struct SubBlockBPeripheral<'d, T>(PeripheralRef<'d, T>); pub struct Sai<'d, T: Instance> { _peri: PeripheralRef<'d, T>, sub_block_a_peri: Option>, sub_block_b_peri: Option>, } // return the type for (sd, sck) fn get_af_types(mode: Mode, tx_rx: TxRx) -> (AFType, AFType) { ( //sd is defined by tx/rx mode match tx_rx { TxRx::Transmitter => AFType::OutputPushPull, TxRx::Receiver => AFType::Input, }, //clocks (mclk, sck and fs) are defined by master/slave match mode { Mode::Master => AFType::OutputPushPull, Mode::Slave => AFType::Input, }, ) } fn get_ring_buffer<'d, T: Instance, C: Channel, W: word::Word>( dma: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, dma_buf: &'d mut [W], request: Request, sub_block: WhichSubBlock, tx_rx: TxRx, ) -> RingBuffer<'d, C, W> { let opts = TransferOptions { half_transfer_ir: true, //the new_write() and new_read() always use circular mode ..Default::default() }; match tx_rx { TxRx::Transmitter => RingBuffer::Writable(unsafe { WritableRingBuffer::new_write(dma, request, dr(T::REGS, sub_block), dma_buf, opts) }), TxRx::Receiver => RingBuffer::Readable(unsafe { ReadableRingBuffer::new_read(dma, request, dr(T::REGS, sub_block), dma_buf, opts) }), } } impl<'d, T: Instance> Sai<'d, T> { pub fn new(peri: impl Peripheral

+ 'd) -> Self { T::enable_and_reset(); Self { _peri: unsafe { peri.clone_unchecked().into_ref() }, sub_block_a_peri: Some(SubBlockAPeripheral(unsafe { peri.clone_unchecked().into_ref() })), sub_block_b_peri: Some(SubBlockBPeripheral(peri.into_ref())), } } pub fn take_sub_block_a(self: &mut Self) -> Option> { if self.sub_block_a_peri.is_some() { self.sub_block_a_peri.take() } else { None } } pub fn take_sub_block_b(self: &mut Self) -> Option> { if self.sub_block_b_peri.is_some() { self.sub_block_b_peri.take() } else { None } } } fn update_synchronous_config(config: &mut Config) { config.mode = Mode::Slave; config.sync_output = false; #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3))] { config.sync_input = SyncInput::Internal; } #[cfg(any(sai_v4))] { //this must either be Internal or External //The asynchronous sub-block on the same SAI needs to enable sync_output assert!(config.sync_input != SyncInput::None); } } impl SubBlockA { pub fn new_asynchronous_with_mclk<'d, T: Instance, C: Channel, W: word::Word>( peri: SubBlockAPeripheral<'d, T>, sck: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, sd: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, fs: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, mclk: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, dma: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, dma_buf: &'d mut [W], mut config: Config, ) -> SubBlock<'d, T, C, W> where C: Channel + DmaA, { into_ref!(mclk); let (_sd_af_type, ck_af_type) = get_af_types(config.mode, config.tx_rx); mclk.set_as_af(mclk.af_num(), ck_af_type); mclk.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); if config.master_clock_divider == MasterClockDivider::MasterClockDisabled { config.master_clock_divider = MasterClockDivider::Div1; } Self::new_asynchronous(peri, sck, sd, fs, dma, dma_buf, config) } pub fn new_asynchronous<'d, T: Instance, C: Channel, W: word::Word>( peri: SubBlockAPeripheral<'d, T>, sck: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, sd: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, fs: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, dma: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, dma_buf: &'d mut [W], config: Config, ) -> SubBlock<'d, T, C, W> where C: Channel + DmaA, { let peri = peri.0; into_ref!(peri, dma, sck, sd, fs); let (sd_af_type, ck_af_type) = get_af_types(config.mode, config.tx_rx); sd.set_as_af(sd.af_num(), sd_af_type); sd.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); sck.set_as_af(sck.af_num(), ck_af_type); sck.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); fs.set_as_af(fs.af_num(), ck_af_type); fs.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let sub_block = WhichSubBlock::A; let request = dma.request(); SubBlock::new_inner( peri, sub_block, Some(sck.map_into()), None, Some(sd.map_into()), Some(fs.map_into()), get_ring_buffer::(dma, dma_buf, request, sub_block, config.tx_rx), config, ) } pub fn new_synchronous<'d, T: Instance, C: Channel, W: word::Word>( peri: SubBlockAPeripheral<'d, T>, sd: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, dma: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, dma_buf: &'d mut [W], mut config: Config, ) -> SubBlock<'d, T, C, W> where C: Channel + DmaA, { update_synchronous_config(&mut config); let peri = peri.0; into_ref!(dma, peri, sd); let (sd_af_type, _ck_af_type) = get_af_types(config.mode, config.tx_rx); sd.set_as_af(sd.af_num(), sd_af_type); sd.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let sub_block = WhichSubBlock::A; let request = dma.request(); SubBlock::new_inner( peri, sub_block, None, None, Some(sd.map_into()), None, get_ring_buffer::(dma, dma_buf, request, sub_block, config.tx_rx), config, ) } } impl SubBlockB { pub fn new_asynchronous_with_mclk<'d, T: Instance, C: Channel, W: word::Word>( peri: SubBlockBPeripheral<'d, T>, sck: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, sd: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, fs: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, mclk: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, dma: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, dma_buf: &'d mut [W], mut config: Config, ) -> SubBlock<'d, T, C, W> where C: Channel + DmaB, { into_ref!(mclk); let (_sd_af_type, ck_af_type) = get_af_types(config.mode, config.tx_rx); mclk.set_as_af(mclk.af_num(), ck_af_type); mclk.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); if config.master_clock_divider == MasterClockDivider::MasterClockDisabled { config.master_clock_divider = MasterClockDivider::Div1; } Self::new_asynchronous(peri, sck, sd, fs, dma, dma_buf, config) } pub fn new_asynchronous<'d, T: Instance, C: Channel, W: word::Word>( peri: SubBlockBPeripheral<'d, T>, sck: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, sd: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, fs: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, dma: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, dma_buf: &'d mut [W], config: Config, ) -> SubBlock<'d, T, C, W> where C: Channel + DmaB, { let peri = peri.0; into_ref!(dma, peri, sck, sd, fs); let (sd_af_type, ck_af_type) = get_af_types(config.mode, config.tx_rx); sd.set_as_af(sd.af_num(), sd_af_type); sd.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); sck.set_as_af(sck.af_num(), ck_af_type); sck.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); fs.set_as_af(fs.af_num(), ck_af_type); fs.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let sub_block = WhichSubBlock::B; let request = dma.request(); SubBlock::new_inner( peri, sub_block, Some(sck.map_into()), None, Some(sd.map_into()), Some(fs.map_into()), get_ring_buffer::(dma, dma_buf, request, sub_block, config.tx_rx), config, ) } pub fn new_synchronous<'d, T: Instance, C: Channel, W: word::Word>( peri: SubBlockBPeripheral<'d, T>, sd: impl Peripheral

> + 'd, dma: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, dma_buf: &'d mut [W], mut config: Config, ) -> SubBlock<'d, T, C, W> where C: Channel + DmaB, { update_synchronous_config(&mut config); let peri = peri.0; into_ref!(dma, peri, sd); let (sd_af_type, _ck_af_type) = get_af_types(config.mode, config.tx_rx); sd.set_as_af(sd.af_num(), sd_af_type); sd.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let sub_block = WhichSubBlock::B; let request = dma.request(); SubBlock::new_inner( peri, sub_block, None, None, Some(sd.map_into()), None, get_ring_buffer::(dma, dma_buf, request, sub_block, config.tx_rx), config, ) } } impl<'d, T: Instance, C: Channel, W: word::Word> SubBlock<'d, T, C, W> { pub fn start(self: &mut Self) { match self.ring_buffer { RingBuffer::Writable(ref mut rb) => { rb.start(); } RingBuffer::Readable(ref mut rb) => { rb.start(); } } } fn is_transmitter(ring_buffer: &RingBuffer) -> bool { match ring_buffer { RingBuffer::Writable(_) => true, _ => false, } } fn new_inner( peri: impl Peripheral

+ 'd, sub_block: WhichSubBlock, sck: Option>, mclk: Option>, sd: Option>, fs: Option>, ring_buffer: RingBuffer<'d, C, W>, config: Config, ) -> Self { #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] { let ch = T::REGS.ch(sub_block as usize); ch.cr1().modify(|w| w.set_saien(false)); } #[cfg(any(sai_v4))] { if let SyncInput::External(i) = config.sync_input { T::REGS.gcr().modify(|w| { w.set_syncin(i as u8); }); } if config.sync_output { let syncout: u8 = match sub_block { WhichSubBlock::A => 0b01, WhichSubBlock::B => 0b10, }; T::REGS.gcr().modify(|w| { w.set_syncout(syncout); }); } } #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2, sai_v3, sai_v4))] { let ch = T::REGS.ch(sub_block as usize); ch.cr1().modify(|w| { w.set_mode(config.mode.mode(if Self::is_transmitter(&ring_buffer) { TxRx::Transmitter } else { TxRx::Receiver })); w.set_prtcfg(config.protocol.prtcfg()); w.set_ds(config.data_size.ds()); w.set_lsbfirst(config.bit_order.lsbfirst()); w.set_ckstr(config.clock_strobe.ckstr()); w.set_syncen(config.sync_input.syncen()); w.set_mono(config.stereo_mono.mono()); w.set_outdriv(config.output_drive.outdriv()); w.set_mckdiv(config.master_clock_divider.mckdiv()); w.set_nodiv( if config.master_clock_divider == MasterClockDivider::MasterClockDisabled { vals::Nodiv::NODIV } else { vals::Nodiv::MASTERCLOCK }, ); w.set_dmaen(true); }); ch.cr2().modify(|w| { w.set_fth(config.fifo_threshold.fth()); w.set_comp(config.companding.comp()); w.set_cpl(config.complement_format.cpl()); w.set_muteval(config.mute_value.muteval()); w.set_mutecnt(config.mute_detection_counter.0 as u8); w.set_tris(config.is_high_impedenane_on_inactive_slot); }); ch.frcr().modify(|w| { w.set_fsoff(config.frame_sync_offset.fsoff()); w.set_fspol(config.frame_sync_polarity.fspol()); w.set_fsdef(config.frame_sync_definition.fsdef()); w.set_fsall(config.frame_sync_active_level_length.0 as u8 - 1); w.set_frl(config.frame_length - 1); }); ch.slotr().modify(|w| { w.set_nbslot(config.slot_count.0 as u8 - 1); w.set_slotsz(config.slot_size.slotsz()); w.set_fboff(config.first_bit_offset.0 as u8); w.set_sloten(vals::Sloten(config.slot_enable as u16)); }); ch.cr1().modify(|w| w.set_saien(true)); if ch.cr1().read().saien() == false { panic!("SAI failed to enable. Check that config is valid (frame length, slot count, etc)"); } } Self { _peri: peri.into_ref(), sub_block, sck, mclk, sd, fs, ring_buffer, } } pub fn reset() { T::enable_and_reset(); } pub fn flush(&mut self) { let ch = T::REGS.ch(self.sub_block as usize); ch.cr1().modify(|w| w.set_saien(false)); #[cfg(any(sai_v1, sai_v2))] { ch.cr2().modify(|w| w.set_fflush(vals::Fflush::FLUSH)); } #[cfg(any(sai_v3, sai_v4))] { ch.cr2().modify(|w| w.set_fflush(true)); } ch.cr1().modify(|w| w.set_saien(true)); } pub fn set_mute(&mut self, value: bool) { let ch = T::REGS.ch(self.sub_block as usize); ch.cr2().modify(|w| w.set_mute(value)); } #[allow(dead_code)] /// Reconfigures it with the supplied config. fn reconfigure(&mut self, _config: Config) {} pub fn get_current_config(&self) -> Config { Config::default() } pub async fn write(&mut self, data: &[W]) -> Result<(), Error> { match &mut self.ring_buffer { RingBuffer::Writable(buffer) => { buffer.write_exact(data).await?; Ok(()) } _ => return Err(Error::NotATransmitter), } } pub async fn read(&mut self, data: &mut [W]) -> Result<(), Error> { match &mut self.ring_buffer { RingBuffer::Readable(buffer) => { buffer.read_exact(data).await?; Ok(()) } _ => Err(Error::NotAReceiver), } } } impl<'d, T: Instance, C: Channel, W: word::Word> Drop for SubBlock<'d, T, C, W> { fn drop(&mut self) { let ch = T::REGS.ch(self.sub_block as usize); ch.cr1().modify(|w| w.set_saien(false)); self.fs.as_ref().map(|x| x.set_as_disconnected()); self.sd.as_ref().map(|x| x.set_as_disconnected()); self.sck.as_ref().map(|x| x.set_as_disconnected()); self.mclk.as_ref().map(|x| x.set_as_disconnected()); } } pub(crate) mod sealed { use super::*; pub trait Instance { const REGS: Regs; } } pub trait Word: word::Word {} pub trait Instance: Peripheral

+ sealed::Instance + RccPeripheral {} pin_trait!(SckAPin, Instance); pin_trait!(SckBPin, Instance); pin_trait!(FsAPin, Instance); pin_trait!(FsBPin, Instance); pin_trait!(SdAPin, Instance); pin_trait!(SdBPin, Instance); pin_trait!(MclkAPin, Instance); pin_trait!(MclkBPin, Instance); dma_trait!(DmaA, Instance); dma_trait!(DmaB, Instance); foreach_peripheral!( (sai, $inst:ident) => { impl sealed::Instance for peripherals::$inst { const REGS: Regs = crate::pac::$inst; } impl Instance for peripherals::$inst {} }; ); impl<'d, T: Instance> SetConfig for Sai<'d, T> { type Config = Config; type ConfigError = (); fn set_config(&mut self, _config: &Self::Config) -> Result<(), ()> { // self.reconfigure(*config); Ok(()) } }