use core::arch::asm; use core::sync::atomic::{compiler_fence, AtomicBool, AtomicU32, Ordering}; // Must be kept in sync with the layout of `State`! pub(crate) const STATE_SPAWNED: u32 = 1 << 0; pub(crate) const STATE_RUN_QUEUED: u32 = 1 << 8; #[repr(C, align(4))] pub(crate) struct State { /// Task is spawned (has a future) spawned: AtomicBool, /// Task is in the executor run queue run_queued: AtomicBool, /// Task is in the executor timer queue timer_queued: AtomicBool, pad: AtomicBool, } impl State { pub const fn new() -> State { Self { spawned: AtomicBool::new(false), run_queued: AtomicBool::new(false), timer_queued: AtomicBool::new(false), pad: AtomicBool::new(false), } } fn as_u32(&self) -> &AtomicU32 { unsafe { &*(self as *const _ as *const AtomicU32) } } /// If task is idle, mark it as spawned + run_queued and return true. #[inline(always)] pub fn spawn(&self) -> bool { compiler_fence(Ordering::Release); let r = self .as_u32() .compare_exchange( 0, STATE_SPAWNED | STATE_RUN_QUEUED, Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Relaxed, ) .is_ok(); compiler_fence(Ordering::Acquire); r } /// Unmark the task as spawned. #[inline(always)] pub fn despawn(&self) { compiler_fence(Ordering::Release);, Ordering::Relaxed); } /// Mark the task as run-queued if it's spawned and isn't already run-queued. Return true on success. #[inline(always)] pub fn run_enqueue(&self) -> bool { unsafe { loop { let state: u32; asm!("ldrex {}, [{}]", out(reg) state, in(reg) self, options(nostack)); if (state & STATE_RUN_QUEUED != 0) || (state & STATE_SPAWNED == 0) { asm!("clrex", options(nomem, nostack)); return false; } let outcome: usize; let new_state = state | STATE_RUN_QUEUED; asm!("strex {}, {}, [{}]", out(reg) outcome, in(reg) new_state, in(reg) self, options(nostack)); if outcome == 0 { return true; } } } } /// Unmark the task as run-queued. Return whether the task is spawned. #[inline(always)] pub fn run_dequeue(&self) -> bool { compiler_fence(Ordering::Release); let r = self.spawned.load(Ordering::Relaxed);, Ordering::Relaxed); r } /// Mark the task as timer-queued. Return whether it was newly queued (i.e. not queued before) #[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")] #[inline(always)] pub fn timer_enqueue(&self) -> bool { !self.timer_queued.swap(true, Ordering::Relaxed) } /// Unmark the task as timer-queued. #[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")] #[inline(always)] pub fn timer_dequeue(&self) {, Ordering::Relaxed); } }