//! Example of using USB without a pre-defined class, but instead using raw USB bulk transfers. //! //! Example code to send/receive data using `nusb`: //! //! ```ignore //! use futures_lite::future::block_on; //! use nusb::transfer::RequestBuffer; //! //! const BULK_OUT_EP: u8 = 0x01; //! const BULK_IN_EP: u8 = 0x81; //! //! fn main() { //! let di = nusb::list_devices() //! .unwrap() //! .find(|d| d.vendor_id() == 0xc0de && d.product_id() == 0xcafe) //! .expect("no device found"); //! let device = di.open().expect("error opening device"); //! let interface = device.claim_interface(0).expect("error claiming interface"); //! //! let result = block_on(interface.bulk_out(BULK_OUT_EP, b"hello world".into())); //! println!("{result:?}"); //! let result = block_on(interface.bulk_in(BULK_IN_EP, RequestBuffer::new(64))); //! println!("{result:?}"); //! } //! ``` #![no_std] #![no_main] #![feature(type_alias_impl_trait)] use defmt::info; use embassy_executor::Spawner; use embassy_futures::join::join; use embassy_rp::bind_interrupts; use embassy_rp::peripherals::USB; use embassy_rp::usb::{Driver, InterruptHandler}; use embassy_usb::driver::{Endpoint, EndpointIn, EndpointOut}; use embassy_usb::msos::{self, windows_version}; use embassy_usb::{Builder, Config}; use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _}; // This is a randomly generated GUID to allow clients on Windows to find our device const DEVICE_INTERFACE_GUIDS: &[&str] = &["{AFB9A6FB-30BA-44BC-9232-806CFC875321}"]; bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs { USBCTRL_IRQ => InterruptHandler; }); #[embassy_executor::main] async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) { info!("Hello there!"); let p = embassy_rp::init(Default::default()); // Create the driver, from the HAL. let driver = Driver::new(p.USB, Irqs); // Create embassy-usb Config let mut config = Config::new(0xc0de, 0xcafe); config.manufacturer = Some("Embassy"); config.product = Some("USB raw example"); config.serial_number = Some("12345678"); config.max_power = 100; config.max_packet_size_0 = 64; // // Required for windows compatibility. // // https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/1.9.1/kconfig/CONFIG_CDC_ACM_IAD.html#help config.device_class = 0xEF; config.device_sub_class = 0x02; config.device_protocol = 0x01; config.composite_with_iads = true; // Create embassy-usb DeviceBuilder using the driver and config. // It needs some buffers for building the descriptors. let mut device_descriptor = [0; 256]; let mut config_descriptor = [0; 256]; let mut bos_descriptor = [0; 256]; let mut msos_descriptor = [0; 256]; let mut control_buf = [0; 64]; let mut builder = Builder::new( driver, config, &mut device_descriptor, &mut config_descriptor, &mut bos_descriptor, &mut msos_descriptor, &mut control_buf, ); // Add the Microsoft OS Descriptor (MSOS/MOD) descriptor. // We tell Windows that this entire device is compatible with the "WINUSB" feature, // which causes it to use the built-in WinUSB driver automatically, which in turn // can be used by libusb/rusb software without needing a custom driver or INF file. // In principle you might want to call msos_feature() just on a specific function, // if your device also has other functions that still use standard class drivers. builder.msos_descriptor(windows_version::WIN8_1, 0); builder.msos_feature(msos::CompatibleIdFeatureDescriptor::new("WINUSB", "")); builder.msos_feature(msos::RegistryPropertyFeatureDescriptor::new( "DeviceInterfaceGUIDs", msos::PropertyData::RegMultiSz(DEVICE_INTERFACE_GUIDS), )); // Add a vendor-specific function (class 0xFF), and corresponding interface, // that uses our custom handler. let mut function = builder.function(0xFF, 0, 0); let mut interface = function.interface(); let mut alt = interface.alt_setting(0xFF, 0, 0, None); let mut read_ep = alt.endpoint_bulk_out(64); let mut write_ep = alt.endpoint_bulk_in(64); drop(function); // Build the builder. let mut usb = builder.build(); // Run the USB device. let usb_fut = usb.run(); // Do stuff with the class! let echo_fut = async { loop { read_ep.wait_enabled().await; info!("Connected"); loop { let mut data = [0; 64]; match read_ep.read(&mut data).await { Ok(n) => { info!("Got bulk: {:a}", data[..n]); // Echo back to the host: write_ep.write(&data[..n]).await.ok(); } Err(_) => break, } } info!("Disconnected"); } }; // Run everything concurrently. // If we had made everything `'static` above instead, we could do this using separate tasks instead. join(usb_fut, echo_fut).await; }