use core::convert::TryFrom; use crate::evt::CsEvt; use crate::PacketHeader; #[derive(Debug)] #[repr(C)] pub enum TlPacketType { MacCmd = 0x00, BleCmd = 0x01, AclData = 0x02, BleEvt = 0x04, OtCmd = 0x08, OtRsp = 0x09, CliCmd = 0x0A, OtNot = 0x0C, OtAck = 0x0D, CliNot = 0x0E, CliAck = 0x0F, SysCmd = 0x10, SysRsp = 0x11, SysEvt = 0x12, LocCmd = 0x20, LocRsp = 0x21, TracesApp = 0x40, TracesWl = 0x41, } impl TryFrom<u8> for TlPacketType { type Error = (); fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> { match value { 0x01 => Ok(TlPacketType::BleCmd), 0x02 => Ok(TlPacketType::AclData), 0x04 => Ok(TlPacketType::BleEvt), 0x08 => Ok(TlPacketType::OtCmd), 0x09 => Ok(TlPacketType::OtRsp), 0x0A => Ok(TlPacketType::CliCmd), 0x0C => Ok(TlPacketType::OtNot), 0x0D => Ok(TlPacketType::OtAck), 0x0E => Ok(TlPacketType::CliNot), 0x0F => Ok(TlPacketType::CliAck), 0x10 => Ok(TlPacketType::SysCmd), 0x11 => Ok(TlPacketType::SysRsp), 0x12 => Ok(TlPacketType::SysEvt), 0x20 => Ok(TlPacketType::LocCmd), 0x21 => Ok(TlPacketType::LocRsp), 0x40 => Ok(TlPacketType::TracesApp), 0x41 => Ok(TlPacketType::TracesWl), _ => Err(()), } } } pub const TL_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE: usize = core::mem::size_of::<PacketHeader>(); pub const TL_EVT_HEADER_SIZE: usize = 3; pub const TL_CS_EVT_SIZE: usize = core::mem::size_of::<CsEvt>(); /** * Queue length of BLE Event * This parameter defines the number of asynchronous events that can be stored in the HCI layer before * being reported to the application. When a command is sent to the BLE core coprocessor, the HCI layer * is waiting for the event with the Num_HCI_Command_Packets set to 1. The receive queue shall be large * enough to store all asynchronous events received in between. * When CFG_TLBLE_MOST_EVENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE is set to 27, this allow to store three 255 bytes long asynchronous events * between the HCI command and its event. * This parameter depends on the value given to CFG_TLBLE_MOST_EVENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE. When the queue size is to small, * the system may hang if the queue is full with asynchronous events and the HCI layer is still waiting * for a CC/CS event, In that case, the notification TL_BLE_HCI_ToNot() is called to indicate * to the application a HCI command did not receive its command event within 30s (Default HCI Timeout). */ pub const CFG_TL_BLE_EVT_QUEUE_LENGTH: usize = 5; pub const CFG_TL_BLE_MOST_EVENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE: usize = 255; pub const TL_BLE_EVENT_FRAME_SIZE: usize = TL_EVT_HEADER_SIZE + CFG_TL_BLE_MOST_EVENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE; pub const POOL_SIZE: usize = CFG_TL_BLE_EVT_QUEUE_LENGTH * 4 * divc(TL_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + TL_BLE_EVENT_FRAME_SIZE, 4); pub const C_SIZE_CMD_STRING: usize = 256; pub const fn divc(x: usize, y: usize) -> usize { (x + y - 1) / y } pub const TL_BLE_EVT_CS_PACKET_SIZE: usize = TL_EVT_HEADER_SIZE + TL_CS_EVT_SIZE; #[allow(dead_code)] pub const TL_BLE_EVT_CS_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = TL_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + TL_BLE_EVT_CS_PACKET_SIZE; pub const TL_BLEEVT_CC_OPCODE: u8 = 0x0E; pub const TL_BLEEVT_CS_OPCODE: u8 = 0x0F; pub const TL_BLEEVT_VS_OPCODE: u8 = 0xFF;