//! This example runs on the Raspberry Pi Pico with a Waveshare board containing a Semtech Sx1262 radio. //! It demonstrates LORA P2P receive functionality in conjunction with the lora_p2p_send example. #![no_std] #![no_main] #![macro_use] #![feature(type_alias_impl_trait)] use defmt::*; use embassy_executor::Spawner; use embassy_lora::iv::GenericSx126xInterfaceVariant; use embassy_rp::gpio::{Input, Level, Output, Pin, Pull}; use embassy_rp::spi::{Config, Spi}; use embassy_time::{Delay, Timer}; use lora_phy::mod_params::*; use lora_phy::sx1261_2::SX1261_2; use lora_phy::LoRa; use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _}; const LORA_FREQUENCY_IN_HZ: u32 = 903_900_000; // warning: set this appropriately for the region #[embassy_executor::main] async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) { let p = embassy_rp::init(Default::default()); let miso = p.PIN_12; let mosi = p.PIN_11; let clk = p.PIN_10; let spi = Spi::new(p.SPI1, clk, mosi, miso, p.DMA_CH0, p.DMA_CH1, Config::default()); let nss = Output::new(p.PIN_3.degrade(), Level::High); let reset = Output::new(p.PIN_15.degrade(), Level::High); let dio1 = Input::new(p.PIN_20.degrade(), Pull::None); let busy = Input::new(p.PIN_2.degrade(), Pull::None); let iv = GenericSx126xInterfaceVariant::new(nss, reset, dio1, busy, None, None).unwrap(); let mut lora = { match LoRa::new(SX1261_2::new(BoardType::RpPicoWaveshareSx1262, spi, iv), false, Delay).await { Ok(l) => l, Err(err) => { info!("Radio error = {}", err); return; } } }; let mut debug_indicator = Output::new(p.PIN_25, Level::Low); let mut receiving_buffer = [00u8; 100]; let mdltn_params = { match lora.create_modulation_params( SpreadingFactor::_10, Bandwidth::_250KHz, CodingRate::_4_8, LORA_FREQUENCY_IN_HZ, ) { Ok(mp) => mp, Err(err) => { info!("Radio error = {}", err); return; } } }; let rx_pkt_params = { match lora.create_rx_packet_params(4, false, receiving_buffer.len() as u8, true, false, &mdltn_params) { Ok(pp) => pp, Err(err) => { info!("Radio error = {}", err); return; } } }; match lora .prepare_for_rx(&mdltn_params, &rx_pkt_params, None, None, false) .await { Ok(()) => {} Err(err) => { info!("Radio error = {}", err); return; } }; loop { receiving_buffer = [00u8; 100]; match lora.rx(&rx_pkt_params, &mut receiving_buffer).await { Ok((received_len, _rx_pkt_status)) => { if (received_len == 3) && (receiving_buffer[0] == 0x01u8) && (receiving_buffer[1] == 0x02u8) && (receiving_buffer[2] == 0x03u8) { info!("rx successful"); debug_indicator.set_high(); Timer::after_secs(5).await; debug_indicator.set_low(); } else { info!("rx unknown packet"); } } Err(err) => info!("rx unsuccessful = {}", err), } } }