use core::future::poll_fn; use core::mem; use core::sync::atomic::{compiler_fence, Ordering}; use core::task::Poll; use embassy_embedded_hal::SetConfig; use embassy_hal_internal::PeripheralRef; use futures::future::{select, Either}; use super::{clear_interrupt_flags, rdr, reconfigure, sr, BasicInstance, Config, ConfigError, Error, RxDma, UartRx}; use crate::dma::ReadableRingBuffer; use crate::usart::{Regs, Sr}; pub struct RingBufferedUartRx<'d, T: BasicInstance, RxDma: super::RxDma> { _peri: PeripheralRef<'d, T>, ring_buf: ReadableRingBuffer<'d, RxDma, u8>, } impl<'d, T: BasicInstance, RxDma: super::RxDma> SetConfig for RingBufferedUartRx<'d, T, RxDma> { type Config = Config; type ConfigError = ConfigError; fn set_config(&mut self, config: &Self::Config) -> Result<(), Self::ConfigError> { self.set_config(config) } } impl<'d, T: BasicInstance, RxDma: super::RxDma> UartRx<'d, T, RxDma> { /// Turn the `UartRx` into a buffered uart which can continously receive in the background /// without the possibility of loosing bytes. The `dma_buf` is a buffer registered to the /// DMA controller, and must be sufficiently large, such that it will not overflow. pub fn into_ring_buffered(self, dma_buf: &'d mut [u8]) -> RingBufferedUartRx<'d, T, RxDma> { assert!(!dma_buf.is_empty() && dma_buf.len() <= 0xFFFF); let request = self.rx_dma.request(); let opts = Default::default(); // Safety: we forget the struct before this function returns. let rx_dma = unsafe { self.rx_dma.clone_unchecked() }; let _peri = unsafe { self._peri.clone_unchecked() }; let ring_buf = unsafe { ReadableRingBuffer::new_read(rx_dma, request, rdr(T::regs()), dma_buf, opts) }; // Don't disable the clock mem::forget(self); RingBufferedUartRx { _peri, ring_buf } } } impl<'d, T: BasicInstance, RxDma: super::RxDma> RingBufferedUartRx<'d, T, RxDma> { pub fn start(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { // Clear the ring buffer so that it is ready to receive data self.ring_buf.clear(); self.setup_uart(); Ok(()) } fn stop(&mut self, err: Error) -> Result { self.teardown_uart(); Err(err) } pub fn set_config(&mut self, config: &Config) -> Result<(), ConfigError> { self.teardown_uart(); reconfigure::(config) } /// Start uart background receive fn setup_uart(&mut self) { // fence before starting DMA. compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst); // start the dma controller self.ring_buf.start(); let r = T::regs(); // clear all interrupts and DMA Rx Request r.cr1().modify(|w| { // disable RXNE interrupt w.set_rxneie(false); // enable parity interrupt if not ParityNone w.set_peie(w.pce()); // enable idle line interrupt w.set_idleie(true); }); r.cr3().modify(|w| { // enable Error Interrupt: (Frame error, Noise error, Overrun error) w.set_eie(true); // enable DMA Rx Request w.set_dmar(true); }); } /// Stop uart background receive fn teardown_uart(&mut self) { self.ring_buf.request_stop(); let r = T::regs(); // clear all interrupts and DMA Rx Request r.cr1().modify(|w| { // disable RXNE interrupt w.set_rxneie(false); // disable parity interrupt w.set_peie(false); // disable idle line interrupt w.set_idleie(false); }); r.cr3().modify(|w| { // disable Error Interrupt: (Frame error, Noise error, Overrun error) w.set_eie(false); // disable DMA Rx Request w.set_dmar(false); }); compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst); } /// Read bytes that are readily available in the ring buffer. /// If no bytes are currently available in the buffer the call waits until the some /// bytes are available (at least one byte and at most half the buffer size) /// /// Background receive is started if `start()` has not been previously called. /// /// Receive in the background is terminated if an error is returned. /// It must then manually be started again by calling `start()` or by re-calling `read()`. pub async fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result { let r = T::regs(); // Start background receive if it was not already started if !r.cr3().read().dmar() { self.start()?; } check_for_errors(clear_idle_flag(T::regs()))?; loop { match { Ok((0, _)) => {} Ok((len, _)) => { return Ok(len); } Err(_) => { return self.stop(Error::Overrun); } } match self.wait_for_data_or_idle().await { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { return self.stop(err); } } } } /// Wait for uart idle or dma half-full or full async fn wait_for_data_or_idle(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst); let mut dma_init = false; // Future which completes when there is dma is half full or full let dma = poll_fn(|cx| { self.ring_buf.set_waker(cx.waker()); let status = match dma_init { false => Poll::Pending, true => Poll::Ready(()), }; dma_init = true; status }); // Future which completes when idle line is detected let uart = poll_fn(|cx| { let s = T::state(); s.rx_waker.register(cx.waker()); compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst); // Critical section is needed so that IDLE isn't set after // our read but before we clear it. let sr = critical_section::with(|_| clear_idle_flag(T::regs())); check_for_errors(sr)?; if sr.idle() { // Idle line is detected Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } else { Poll::Pending } }); match select(dma, uart).await { Either::Left(((), _)) => Ok(()), Either::Right((result, _)) => result, } } } impl> Drop for RingBufferedUartRx<'_, T, RxDma> { fn drop(&mut self) { self.teardown_uart(); T::disable(); } } /// Return an error result if the Sr register has errors fn check_for_errors(s: Sr) -> Result<(), Error> { if { Err(Error::Parity) } else if s.fe() { Err(Error::Framing) } else if { Err(Error::Noise) } else if s.ore() { Err(Error::Overrun) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Clear IDLE and return the Sr register fn clear_idle_flag(r: Regs) -> Sr { // SAFETY: read only and we only use Rx related flags let sr = sr(r).read(); // This read also clears the error and idle interrupt flags on v1. unsafe { rdr(r).read_volatile() }; clear_interrupt_flags(r, sr); r.cr1().modify(|w| w.set_idleie(true)); sr } impl embedded_io_async::ErrorType for RingBufferedUartRx<'_, T, Rx> where T: BasicInstance, Rx: RxDma, { type Error = Error; } impl embedded_io_async::Read for RingBufferedUartRx<'_, T, Rx> where T: BasicInstance, Rx: RxDma, { async fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result { } }