use embassy_hal_internal::into_ref; use crate::gpio::sealed::{AFType, Pin as _}; use crate::gpio::AnyPin; use crate::pac::spi::vals; use crate::rcc::get_freqs; use crate::spi::{Config as SpiConfig, *}; use crate::time::Hertz; use crate::{Peripheral, PeripheralRef}; #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum Mode { Master, Slave, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum Function { Transmit, Receive, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum Standard { Philips, MsbFirst, LsbFirst, PcmLongSync, PcmShortSync, } impl Standard { #[cfg(any(spi_v1, spi_f1))] pub const fn i2sstd(&self) -> vals::I2sstd { match self { Standard::Philips => vals::I2sstd::PHILIPS, Standard::MsbFirst => vals::I2sstd::MSB, Standard::LsbFirst => vals::I2sstd::LSB, Standard::PcmLongSync => vals::I2sstd::PCM, Standard::PcmShortSync => vals::I2sstd::PCM, } } #[cfg(any(spi_v1, spi_f1))] pub const fn pcmsync(&self) -> vals::Pcmsync { match self { Standard::PcmLongSync => vals::Pcmsync::LONG, _ => vals::Pcmsync::SHORT, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum Format { /// 16 bit data length on 16 bit wide channel Data16Channel16, /// 16 bit data length on 32 bit wide channel Data16Channel32, /// 24 bit data length on 32 bit wide channel Data24Channel32, /// 32 bit data length on 32 bit wide channel Data32Channel32, } impl Format { #[cfg(any(spi_v1, spi_f1))] pub const fn datlen(&self) -> vals::Datlen { match self { Format::Data16Channel16 => vals::Datlen::SIXTEENBIT, Format::Data16Channel32 => vals::Datlen::SIXTEENBIT, Format::Data24Channel32 => vals::Datlen::TWENTYFOURBIT, Format::Data32Channel32 => vals::Datlen::THIRTYTWOBIT, } } #[cfg(any(spi_v1, spi_f1))] pub const fn chlen(&self) -> vals::Chlen { match self { Format::Data16Channel16 => vals::Chlen::SIXTEENBIT, Format::Data16Channel32 => vals::Chlen::THIRTYTWOBIT, Format::Data24Channel32 => vals::Chlen::THIRTYTWOBIT, Format::Data32Channel32 => vals::Chlen::THIRTYTWOBIT, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum ClockPolarity { IdleLow, IdleHigh, } impl ClockPolarity { #[cfg(any(spi_v1, spi_f1))] pub const fn ckpol(&self) -> vals::Ckpol { match self { ClockPolarity::IdleHigh => vals::Ckpol::IDLEHIGH, ClockPolarity::IdleLow => vals::Ckpol::IDLELOW, } } } /// [`I2S`] configuration. /// /// - `MS`: `Master` or `Slave` /// - `TR`: `Transmit` or `Receive` /// - `STD`: I2S standard, eg `Philips` /// - `FMT`: Frame Format marker, eg `Data16Channel16` #[non_exhaustive] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct Config { pub mode: Mode, pub function: Function, pub standard: Standard, pub format: Format, pub clock_polarity: ClockPolarity, pub master_clock: bool, } impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Self { Self { mode: Mode::Master, function: Function::Transmit, standard: Standard::Philips, format: Format::Data16Channel16, clock_polarity: ClockPolarity::IdleLow, master_clock: true, } } } pub struct I2S<'d, T: Instance, Tx, Rx> { _peri: Spi<'d, T, Tx, Rx>, sd: Option<PeripheralRef<'d, AnyPin>>, ws: Option<PeripheralRef<'d, AnyPin>>, ck: Option<PeripheralRef<'d, AnyPin>>, mck: Option<PeripheralRef<'d, AnyPin>>, } impl<'d, T: Instance, Tx, Rx> I2S<'d, T, Tx, Rx> { /// Note: Full-Duplex modes are not supported at this time pub fn new( peri: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd, sd: impl Peripheral<P = impl MosiPin<T>> + 'd, ws: impl Peripheral<P = impl WsPin<T>> + 'd, ck: impl Peripheral<P = impl CkPin<T>> + 'd, mck: impl Peripheral<P = impl MckPin<T>> + 'd, txdma: impl Peripheral<P = Tx> + 'd, rxdma: impl Peripheral<P = Rx> + 'd, freq: Hertz, config: Config, ) -> Self { into_ref!(sd, ws, ck, mck); sd.set_as_af(sd.af_num(), AFType::OutputPushPull); sd.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); ws.set_as_af(ws.af_num(), AFType::OutputPushPull); ws.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); ck.set_as_af(ck.af_num(), AFType::OutputPushPull); ck.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); mck.set_as_af(mck.af_num(), AFType::OutputPushPull); mck.set_speed(crate::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh); let mut spi_cfg = SpiConfig::default(); spi_cfg.frequency = freq; let spi = Spi::new_internal(peri, txdma, rxdma, spi_cfg); #[cfg(all(rcc_f4, not(stm32f410)))] let pclk = unsafe { get_freqs() }.plli2s.unwrap(); #[cfg(stm32f410)] let pclk = T::frequency(); let (odd, div) = compute_baud_rate(pclk, freq, config.master_clock, config.format); #[cfg(any(spi_v1, spi_f1))] { use stm32_metapac::spi::vals::{I2scfg, Odd}; // 1. Select the I2SDIV[7:0] bits in the SPI_I2SPR register to define the serial clock baud // rate to reach the proper audio sample frequency. The ODD bit in the SPI_I2SPR // register also has to be defined. T::REGS.i2spr().modify(|w| { w.set_i2sdiv(div); w.set_odd(match odd { true => Odd::ODD, false => Odd::EVEN, }); w.set_mckoe(config.master_clock); }); // 2. Select the CKPOL bit to define the steady level for the communication clock. Set the // MCKOE bit in the SPI_I2SPR register if the master clock MCK needs to be provided to // the external DAC/ADC audio component (the I2SDIV and ODD values should be // computed depending on the state of the MCK output, for more details refer to // Section 28.4.4: Clock generator). // 3. Set the I2SMOD bit in SPI_I2SCFGR to activate the I2S functionalities and choose the // I2S standard through the I2SSTD[1:0] and PCMSYNC bits, the data length through the // DATLEN[1:0] bits and the number of bits per channel by configuring the CHLEN bit. // Select also the I2S master mode and direction (Transmitter or Receiver) through the // I2SCFG[1:0] bits in the SPI_I2SCFGR register. // 4. If needed, select all the potential interruption sources and the DMA capabilities by // writing the SPI_CR2 register. // 5. The I2SE bit in SPI_I2SCFGR register must be set. T::REGS.i2scfgr().modify(|w| { w.set_ckpol(config.clock_polarity.ckpol()); w.set_i2smod(true); w.set_i2sstd(config.standard.i2sstd()); w.set_pcmsync(config.standard.pcmsync()); w.set_datlen(config.format.datlen()); w.set_chlen(config.format.chlen()); w.set_i2scfg(match (config.mode, config.function) { (Mode::Master, Function::Transmit) => I2scfg::MASTERTX, (Mode::Master, Function::Receive) => I2scfg::MASTERRX, (Mode::Slave, Function::Transmit) => I2scfg::SLAVETX, (Mode::Slave, Function::Receive) => I2scfg::SLAVERX, }); w.set_i2se(true) }); } Self { _peri: spi, sd: Some(sd.map_into()), ws: Some(ws.map_into()), ck: Some(ck.map_into()), mck: Some(mck.map_into()), } } pub async fn write<W: Word>(&mut self, data: &[W]) -> Result<(), Error> where Tx: TxDma<T>, { self._peri.write(data).await } pub async fn read<W: Word>(&mut self, data: &mut [W]) -> Result<(), Error> where Tx: TxDma<T>, Rx: RxDma<T>, { } } impl<'d, T: Instance, Tx, Rx> Drop for I2S<'d, T, Tx, Rx> { fn drop(&mut self) {|x| x.set_as_disconnected());|x| x.set_as_disconnected());|x| x.set_as_disconnected()); self.mck.as_ref().map(|x| x.set_as_disconnected()); } } // Note, calculation details: // Fs = i2s_clock / [256 * ((2 * div) + odd)] when master clock is enabled // Fs = i2s_clock / [(channel_length * 2) * ((2 * div) + odd)]` when master clock is disabled // channel_length is 16 or 32 // // can be rewritten as // Fs = i2s_clock / (coef * division) // where coef is a constant equal to 256, 64 or 32 depending channel length and master clock // and where division = (2 * div) + odd // // Equation can be rewritten as // division = i2s_clock/ (coef * Fs) // // note: division = (2 * div) + odd = (div << 1) + odd // in other word, from bits point of view, division[8:1] = div[7:0] and division[0] = odd fn compute_baud_rate(i2s_clock: Hertz, request_freq: Hertz, mclk: bool, data_format: Format) -> (bool, u8) { let coef = if mclk { 256 } else if let Format::Data16Channel16 = data_format { 32 } else { 64 }; let (n, d) = (i2s_clock.0, coef * request_freq.0); let division = (n + (d >> 1)) / d; if division < 4 { (false, 2) } else if division > 511 { (true, 255) } else { ((division & 1) == 1, (division >> 1) as u8) } }