use stm32_metapac::rtc::vals::{Calp, Calw16, Calw8, Fmt, Init, Key, Osel, Pol, TampalrmPu, TampalrmType}; use super::{sealed, Instance, RtcCalibrationCyclePeriod, RtcConfig}; use crate::pac::rtc::Rtc; impl<'d, T: Instance> super::Rtc<'d, T> { /// Applies the RTC config /// It this changes the RTC clock source the time will be reset pub(super) fn apply_config(&mut self, rtc_config: RtcConfig) { // Unlock the backup domain #[cfg(not(any(rtc_v3u5, rcc_wl5, rcc_wle)))] { crate::pac::PWR.cr1().modify(|w| w.set_dbp(true)); while !crate::pac::PWR.cr1().read().dbp() {} } #[cfg(any(rcc_wl5, rcc_wle))] { use crate::pac::pwr::vals::Dbp; crate::pac::PWR.cr1().modify(|w| w.set_dbp(Dbp::ENABLED)); while crate::pac::PWR.cr1().read().dbp() != Dbp::ENABLED {} } let reg = crate::pac::RCC.bdcr().read(); assert!(!reg.lsecsson(), "RTC is not compatible with LSE CSS, yet."); let config_rtcsel = rtc_config.clock_config as u8; #[cfg(not(any(rcc_wl5, rcc_wle)))] let config_rtcsel = crate::pac::rcc::vals::Rtcsel::from_bits(config_rtcsel); if !reg.rtcen() || reg.rtcsel() != config_rtcsel { crate::pac::RCC.bdcr().modify(|w| w.set_bdrst(true)); crate::pac::RCC.bdcr().modify(|w| { // Reset w.set_bdrst(false); // Select RTC source w.set_rtcsel(config_rtcsel); w.set_rtcen(true); // Restore bcdr w.set_lscosel(reg.lscosel()); w.set_lscoen(reg.lscoen()); w.set_lseon(reg.lseon()); w.set_lsedrv(reg.lsedrv()); w.set_lsebyp(reg.lsebyp()); }); } self.write(true, |rtc| {|w| { w.set_fmt(Fmt::TWENTYFOURHOUR); w.set_osel(Osel::DISABLED); w.set_pol(Pol::HIGH); }); rtc.prer().modify(|w| { w.set_prediv_s(rtc_config.sync_prescaler); w.set_prediv_a(rtc_config.async_prescaler); }); // TODO: configuration for output pins|w| { w.set_out2en(false); w.set_tampalrm_type(TampalrmType::PUSHPULL); w.set_tampalrm_pu(TampalrmPu::NOPULLUP); }); }); self.rtc_config = rtc_config; } const RTC_CALR_MIN_PPM: f32 = -487.1; const RTC_CALR_MAX_PPM: f32 = 488.5; const RTC_CALR_RESOLUTION_PPM: f32 = 0.9537; /// Calibrate the clock drift. /// /// `clock_drift` can be adjusted from -487.1 ppm to 488.5 ppm and is clamped to this range. /// /// ### Note /// /// To perform a calibration when `async_prescaler` is less then 3, `sync_prescaler` /// has to be reduced accordingly (see RM0351 Rev 9, sec 38.3.12). pub fn calibrate(&mut self, mut clock_drift: f32, period: RtcCalibrationCyclePeriod) { if clock_drift < Self::RTC_CALR_MIN_PPM { clock_drift = Self::RTC_CALR_MIN_PPM; } else if clock_drift > Self::RTC_CALR_MAX_PPM { clock_drift = Self::RTC_CALR_MAX_PPM; } clock_drift = clock_drift / Self::RTC_CALR_RESOLUTION_PPM; self.write(false, |rtc| { rtc.calr().write(|w| { match period { RtcCalibrationCyclePeriod::Seconds8 => { w.set_calw8(Calw8::EIGHTSECONDS); } RtcCalibrationCyclePeriod::Seconds16 => { w.set_calw16(Calw16::SIXTEENSECONDS); } RtcCalibrationCyclePeriod::Seconds32 => { // Set neither `calw8` nor `calw16` to use 32 seconds } } // Extra pulses during calibration cycle period: CALP * 512 - CALM // // CALP sets whether pulses are added or omitted. // // CALM contains how many pulses (out of 512) are masked in a // given calibration cycle period. if clock_drift > 0.0 { // Maximum (about 512.2) rounds to 512. clock_drift += 0.5; // When the offset is positive (0 to 512), the opposite of // the offset (512 - offset) is masked, i.e. for the // maximum offset (512), 0 pulses are masked. w.set_calp(Calp::INCREASEFREQ); w.set_calm(512 - clock_drift as u16); } else { // Minimum (about -510.7) rounds to -511. clock_drift -= 0.5; // When the offset is negative or zero (-511 to 0), // the absolute offset is masked, i.e. for the minimum // offset (-511), 511 pulses are masked. w.set_calp(Calp::NOCHANGE); w.set_calm((clock_drift * -1.0) as u16); } }); }) } pub(super) fn write(&mut self, init_mode: bool, f: F) -> R where F: FnOnce(&crate::pac::rtc::Rtc) -> R, { let r = T::regs(); // Disable write protection. // This is safe, as we're only writin the correct and expected values. r.wpr().write(|w| w.set_key(Key::DEACTIVATE1)); r.wpr().write(|w| w.set_key(Key::DEACTIVATE2)); if init_mode && !r.icsr().read().initf() { r.icsr().modify(|w| w.set_init(Init::INITMODE)); // wait till init state entered // ~2 RTCCLK cycles while !r.icsr().read().initf() {} } let result = f(&r); if init_mode { r.icsr().modify(|w| w.set_init(Init::FREERUNNINGMODE)); // Exits init mode } // Re-enable write protection. // This is safe, as the field accepts the full range of 8-bit values. r.wpr().write(|w| w.set_key(Key::ACTIVATE)); result } } impl sealed::Instance for crate::peripherals::RTC { const BACKUP_REGISTER_COUNT: usize = 32; fn read_backup_register(_rtc: &Rtc, register: usize) -> Option { #[allow(clippy::if_same_then_else)] if register < Self::BACKUP_REGISTER_COUNT { //Some(rtc.bkpr()[register].read().bits()) None // RTC3 backup registers come from the TAMP peripe=heral, not RTC. Not() even in the L412 PAC } else { None } } fn write_backup_register(_rtc: &Rtc, register: usize, _value: u32) { if register < Self::BACKUP_REGISTER_COUNT { // RTC3 backup registers come from the TAMP peripe=heral, not RTC. Not() even in the L412 PAC //self.rtc.bkpr()[register].write(|w| w.bits(value)) } } } impl Instance for crate::peripherals::RTC {}