use crate::interrupt; use core::future::Future; use core::pin::Pin; use embassy::interrupt::Interrupt; use embassy::traits::qei::WaitForRotate; use embedded_hal::Direction; use embedded_hal::Qei as THQei; use stm32f4xx_hal::pac::TIM2; use stm32f4xx_hal::qei::{Pins, Qei as HalQei}; pub struct Qei { qei: HalQei, int: T::Interrupt, } impl> Qei { pub fn tim2(tim: TIM2, pins: PINS, interrupt: interrupt::TIM2) -> Self { let qei = HalQei::tim2(tim, pins); let tim = unsafe { &mut *(stm32f4xx_hal::stm32::TIM2::ptr() as *mut stm32f4xx_hal::stm32::tim2::RegisterBlock) }; /* enable qei interrupt */ tim.dier.write(|w| w.uie().set_bit()); Qei { qei: qei, int: interrupt, } } } impl + 'static> WaitForRotate for Qei { type RotateFuture<'a> = impl Future + 'a; fn wait_for_rotate<'a>( self: Pin<&'a mut Self>, count_down: u16, count_up: u16, ) -> Self::RotateFuture<'a> { let s = unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut() }; let tim = unsafe { &mut *(stm32f4xx_hal::stm32::TIM2::ptr() as *mut stm32f4xx_hal::stm32::tim2::RegisterBlock) }; /* the interrupt will be reached at zero or the max count write the total range to the qei. */ tim.arr .write(|w| unsafe { w.bits((count_down + count_up) as u32) }); /* set timer to the correct value in the range */ tim.cnt.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(count_down as u32) }); /* clear interrupt flag */|w| w.uif().clear_bit()); async move { embassy::util::InterruptFuture::new(&mut; if == 0 { Direction::Downcounting } else if == count_down + count_up { Direction::Upcounting } else { panic!("unexpected value") } } } } mod sealed { pub trait Sealed {} } pub trait Instance: sealed::Sealed { type Interrupt: interrupt::Interrupt; } #[cfg(feature = "stm32f405")] impl sealed::Sealed for TIM2 {} #[cfg(feature = "stm32f405")] impl Instance for TIM2 { type Interrupt = interrupt::TIM2; }