use regex::Regex; use serde::Deserialize; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::env; use std::fmt::Write as _; use std::fs; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use chiptool::{generate, ir, transform}; #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct Chip { pub name: String, pub family: String, pub line: String, pub core: String, pub flash: u32, pub ram: u32, pub gpio_af: String, pub packages: Vec, pub peripherals: HashMap, pub interrupts: HashMap, } #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct Package { pub name: String, pub package: String, } #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct Peripheral { pub address: u32, #[serde(default)] pub kind: Option, #[serde(default)] pub block: Option, #[serde(default)] pub clock: Option, #[serde(default)] pub pins: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct Pin { pub pin: String, pub signal: String, pub af: Option, } struct BlockInfo { /// usart_v1/USART -> usart module: String, /// usart_v1/USART -> v1 version: String, /// usart_v1/USART -> USART block: String, } impl BlockInfo { fn parse(s: &str) -> Self { let mut s = s.split("/"); let module =; let block =; assert!(; let mut s = module.split("_"); let module =; let version =; assert!(; Self { module: module.to_string(), version: version.to_string(), block: block.to_string(), } } } fn make_table(out: &mut String, name: &str, data: &Vec>) { write!( out, "#[macro_export] macro_rules! {} {{ ($($pat:tt => $code:tt;)*) => {{ macro_rules! __{}_inner {{ $(($pat) => $code;)* ($_:tt) => {{}} }} ", name, name ) .unwrap(); for row in data { write!(out, " __{}_inner!(({}));\n", name, row.join(",")).unwrap(); } write!( out, " }}; }}" ) .unwrap(); } fn find_reg_for_field<'c>( rcc: &'c ir::IR, reg_prefix: &str, field_name: &str, ) -> Option<(&'c str, &'c str)> { rcc.fieldsets.iter().find_map(|(name, fieldset)| { if name.starts_with(reg_prefix) { fieldset .fields .iter() .find_map(|field| { if field_name == { return Some(; } else { None } }) .map(|n| (name.as_str(), n)) } else { None } }) } fn main() { let dir = "../stm32-data/data"; println!("cwd: {:?}", env::current_dir()); let chip_name = env::vars_os() .map(|(a, _)| a.to_string_lossy().to_string()) .find(|x| x.starts_with("CARGO_FEATURE_STM32")) .expect("No stm32xx Cargo feature enabled") .strip_prefix("CARGO_FEATURE_") .unwrap() .to_ascii_uppercase(); let chip_path = Path::new(&dir) .join("chips") .join(&format!("{}.yaml", chip_name)); let chip = fs::read(chip_path).unwrap(); let chip: Chip = serde_yaml::from_slice(&chip).unwrap(); let mut ir = ir::IR::new(); let mut dev = ir::Device { interrupts: Vec::new(), peripherals: Vec::new(), }; // Load RCC register for chip let chip_family =; let rcc_family = chip_family.strip_prefix("stm32").unwrap(); let rcc_reg_path = Path::new(&dir) .join("registers") .join(&format!("rcc_{}.yaml", &rcc_family[0..2])); let rcc: ir::IR = serde_yaml::from_reader(File::open(rcc_reg_path).unwrap()).unwrap(); let mut peripheral_versions: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let mut pin_table: Vec> = Vec::new(); let mut interrupt_table: Vec> = Vec::new(); let mut peripherals_table: Vec> = Vec::new(); let mut peripheral_pins_table: Vec> = Vec::new(); let mut peripheral_rcc_table: Vec> = Vec::new(); let dma_base = chip .peripherals .get(&"DMA".to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| chip.peripherals.get(&"DMA1".to_string()).unwrap()) .address; let dma_stride = 0x400; let gpio_base = chip.peripherals.get(&"GPIOA".to_string()).unwrap().address; let gpio_stride = 0x400; for (name, p) in &chip.peripherals { let mut ir_peri = ir::Peripheral { name: name.clone(), array: None, base_address: p.address, block: None, description: None, interrupts: HashMap::new(), }; if let Some(block) = &p.block { let bi = BlockInfo::parse(block); for pin in &p.pins { let mut row = Vec::new(); row.push(name.clone()); row.push(bi.module.clone()); row.push(bi.block.clone()); row.push(; row.push(pin.signal.clone()); if let Some(ref af) = { row.push(af.clone()); } peripheral_pins_table.push(row); } let mut peripheral_row = Vec::new(); peripheral_row.push(bi.module.clone()); peripheral_row.push(name.clone()); peripherals_table.push(peripheral_row); if let Some(old_version) = peripheral_versions.insert(bi.module.clone(), bi.version.clone()) { if old_version != bi.version { panic!( "Peripheral {} has multiple versions: {} and {}", bi.module, old_version, bi.version ); } } ir_peri.block = Some(format!("{}::{}", bi.module, bi.block)); match bi.module.as_str() { "gpio" => { let port_letter = name.chars().skip(4).next().unwrap(); let port_num = port_letter as u32 - 'A' as u32; assert_eq!(p.address, gpio_base + gpio_stride * port_num); for pin_num in 0..16 { let pin_name = format!("P{}{}", port_letter, pin_num); pin_table.push(vec![ pin_name.clone(), name.clone(), port_num.to_string(), pin_num.to_string(), format!("EXTI{}", pin_num), ]); } } "dma" => { let dma_num = if name == "DMA" { 0 } else { let dma_letter = name.chars().skip(3).next().unwrap(); dma_letter as u32 - '1' as u32 }; assert_eq!(p.address, dma_base + dma_stride * dma_num); } _ => {} } if let Some(clock) = &p.clock { // Workaround for clock registers being split on some chip families. Assume fields are // named after peripheral and look for first field matching and use that register. let en = find_reg_for_field(&rcc, clock, &format!("{}EN", name)); let rst = find_reg_for_field(&rcc, clock, &format!("{}RST", name)); match (en, rst) { (Some((enable_reg, enable_field)), Some((reset_reg, reset_field))) => { peripheral_rcc_table.push(vec![ name.clone(), enable_reg.to_ascii_lowercase(), reset_reg.to_ascii_lowercase(), format!("set_{}", enable_field.to_ascii_lowercase()), format!("set_{}", reset_field.to_ascii_lowercase()), ]); } (None, Some(_)) => { println!("Unable to find enable register for {}", name) } (Some(_), None) => { println!("Unable to find reset register for {}", name) } (None, None) => { println!("Unable to find enable and reset register for {}", name) } } } } dev.peripherals.push(ir_peri); } for (name, &num) in &chip.interrupts { dev.interrupts.push(ir::Interrupt { name: name.clone(), description: None, value: num, }); interrupt_table.push(vec![name.to_ascii_uppercase()]); } ir.devices.insert("".to_string(), dev); let mut extra = format!( "pub fn GPIO(n: usize) -> gpio::Gpio {{ gpio::Gpio(({} + {}*n) as _) }} pub fn DMA(n: usize) -> dma::Dma {{ dma::Dma(({} + {}*n) as _) }}", gpio_base, gpio_stride, dma_base, dma_stride, ); let peripheral_version_table = peripheral_versions .iter() .map(|(kind, version)| vec![kind.clone(), version.clone()]) .collect(); make_table(&mut extra, "pins", &pin_table); make_table(&mut extra, "interrupts", &interrupt_table); make_table(&mut extra, "peripherals", &peripherals_table); make_table(&mut extra, "peripheral_versions", &peripheral_version_table); make_table(&mut extra, "peripheral_pins", &peripheral_pins_table); make_table(&mut extra, "peripheral_rcc", &peripheral_rcc_table); for (module, version) in peripheral_versions { println!("loading {} {}", module, version); let regs_path = Path::new(&dir) .join("registers") .join(&format!("{}_{}.yaml", module, version)); let mut peri: ir::IR = serde_yaml::from_reader(File::open(regs_path).unwrap()).unwrap(); transform::expand_extends::ExpandExtends {} .run(&mut peri) .unwrap(); let prefix = module; transform::map_names(&mut peri, |s, k| match k { transform::NameKind::Block => format!("{}::{}", prefix, s), transform::NameKind::Fieldset => format!("{}::regs::{}", prefix, s), transform::NameKind::Enum => format!("{}::vals::{}", prefix, s), _ => s.to_string(), }) .unwrap(); ir.merge(peri); } // Cleanups! transform::sort::Sort {}.run(&mut ir).unwrap(); transform::Sanitize {}.run(&mut ir).unwrap(); let out = &PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); let items = generate::render(&ir).unwrap(); let mut file = File::create(out.join("")).unwrap(); let data = items.to_string().replace("] ", "]\n"); // Remove inner attributes like #![no_std] let re = Regex::new("# *! *\\[.*\\]").unwrap(); let data = re.replace_all(&data, ""); file.write_all(data.as_bytes()).unwrap(); file.write_all(extra.as_bytes()).unwrap(); let mut device_x = String::new(); for (name, _) in &chip.interrupts { write!( &mut device_x, "PROVIDE({} = DefaultHandler);\n", name.to_ascii_uppercase() ) .unwrap(); } File::create(out.join("device.x")) .unwrap() .write_all(device_x.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", out.display()); println!(""); }