use core::marker::PhantomData; use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut}; use embassy::util::Unborrow; use embassy_hal_common::unborrow; use crate::gpio::{ sealed::OutputType::{OpenDrain, PushPull}, Pin, }; use crate::{peripherals, rcc::RccPeripheral}; pub use bxcan::*; pub struct Can<'d, T: Instance + bxcan::Instance> { phantom: PhantomData<&'d mut T>, can: bxcan::Can, } impl<'d, T: Instance + bxcan::Instance> Can<'d, T> { pub fn new( peri: impl Unborrow + 'd, rx: impl Unborrow> + 'd, tx: impl Unborrow> + 'd, ) -> Self { unborrow!(peri, rx, tx); unsafe { rx.set_as_af(rx.af_num(), OpenDrain); tx.set_as_af(tx.af_num(), PushPull); } T::enable(); T::reset(); Self { phantom: PhantomData, can: bxcan::Can::new(peri), } } } impl<'d, T: Instance + bxcan::Instance> Drop for Can<'d, T> { fn drop(&mut self) { // Cannot call `free()` because it moves the instance. // Manually reset the peripheral. unsafe { T::regs().mcr().write(|w| w.set_reset(true)); } T::disable(); } } impl<'d, T: Instance + bxcan::Instance> Deref for Can<'d, T> { type Target = bxcan::Can; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.can } } impl<'d, T: Instance + bxcan::Instance> DerefMut for Can<'d, T> { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.can } } pub(crate) mod sealed { use super::*; pub trait Instance { fn regs() -> &'static crate::pac::can::Can; } pub trait RxPin: Pin { fn af_num(&self) -> u8; } pub trait TxPin: Pin { fn af_num(&self) -> u8; } } pub trait Instance: sealed::Instance + RccPeripheral {} pub trait RxPin: sealed::RxPin {} pub trait TxPin: sealed::TxPin {} crate::pac::peripherals!( (can, $inst:ident) => { impl sealed::Instance for peripherals::$inst { fn regs() -> &'static crate::pac::can::Can { &crate::pac::$inst } } impl Instance for peripherals::$inst {} unsafe impl bxcan::Instance for peripherals::$inst { const REGISTERS: *mut bxcan::RegisterBlock = crate::pac::$inst.0 as *mut _; } }; ); crate::pac::peripherals!( (can, CAN) => { unsafe impl bxcan::FilterOwner for peripherals::$inst { const NUM_FILTER_BANKS: u8 = 14; } }; // Only correct when CAN2 also exists… Fix on yaml level? // There are only 14 filter banks when CAN2 is not available. (can, CAN1) => { unsafe impl bxcan::FilterOwner for peripherals::CAN1 { const NUM_FILTER_BANKS: u8 = 28; } }; (can, CAN2) => { // CAN2 is always a slave instance where CAN1 is the master instance unsafe impl bxcan::MasterInstance for peripherals::CAN1 {} }; (can, CAN3) => { unsafe impl bxcan::FilterOwner for peripherals::$inst { const NUM_FILTER_BANKS: u8 = 14; } }; ); macro_rules! impl_pin { ($inst:ident, $pin:ident, $signal:ident, $af:expr) => { impl $signal for peripherals::$pin {} impl sealed::$signal for peripherals::$pin { fn af_num(&self) -> u8 { $af } } }; } crate::pac::peripheral_pins!( ($inst:ident, can, CAN, $pin:ident, TX, $af:expr) => { impl_pin!($inst, $pin, TxPin, $af); }; ($inst:ident, can, CAN, $pin:ident, RX, $af:expr) => { impl_pin!($inst, $pin, RxPin, $af); }; );