2023-12-19 00:06:30 +01:00

72 lines
2.6 KiB

macro_rules! pin_trait {
($signal:ident, $instance:path $(, $mode:path)?) => {
#[doc = concat!(stringify!($signal), " pin trait")]
pub trait $signal<T: $instance $(, M: $mode)?>: crate::gpio::Pin {
#[doc = concat!("Get the AF number needed to use this pin as ", stringify!($signal))]
fn af_num(&self) -> u8;
macro_rules! pin_trait_impl {
(crate::$mod:ident::$trait:ident$(<$mode:ident>)?, $instance:ident, $pin:ident, $af:expr) => {
impl crate::$mod::$trait<crate::peripherals::$instance $(, crate::$mod::$mode)?> for crate::peripherals::$pin {
fn af_num(&self) -> u8 {
// ====================
macro_rules! dma_trait {
($signal:ident, $instance:path$(, $mode:path)?) => {
#[doc = concat!(stringify!($signal), " DMA request trait")]
pub trait $signal<T: $instance $(, M: $mode)?>: crate::dma::Channel {
#[doc = concat!("Get the DMA request number needed to use this channel as", stringify!($signal))]
/// Note: in some chips, ST calls this the "channel", and calls channels "streams".
/// `embassy-stm32` always uses the "channel" and "request number" names.
fn request(&self) -> crate::dma::Request;
macro_rules! dma_trait_impl {
(crate::$mod:ident::$trait:ident$(<$mode:ident>)?, $instance:ident, {dmamux: $dmamux:ident}, $request:expr) => {
impl<T> crate::$mod::$trait<crate::peripherals::$instance $(, crate::$mod::$mode)?> for T
T: crate::dma::Channel + crate::dma::MuxChannel<Mux = crate::dma::$dmamux>,
fn request(&self) -> crate::dma::Request {
(crate::$mod:ident::$trait:ident$(<$mode:ident>)?, $instance:ident, {dma: $dma:ident}, $request:expr) => {
impl<T> crate::$mod::$trait<crate::peripherals::$instance $(, crate::$mod::$mode)?> for T
T: crate::dma::Channel,
fn request(&self) -> crate::dma::Request {
// DMA/GPDMA, without DMAMUX
(crate::$mod:ident::$trait:ident$(<$mode:ident>)?, $instance:ident, {channel: $channel:ident}, $request:expr) => {
impl crate::$mod::$trait<crate::peripherals::$instance $(, crate::$mod::$mode)?> for crate::peripherals::$channel {
fn request(&self) -> crate::dma::Request {