Dion Dokter 11655af034 Another redo using the feedback.
PPI is now split up into PPI and DPPI under the name 'interconnect'.
The tasks and events are tracked and reset in the drop function.
2021-10-26 14:47:12 +02:00

201 lines
5.8 KiB

feature = "nrf51",
feature = "nrf52805",
feature = "nrf52810",
feature = "nrf52811",
feature = "nrf52820",
feature = "nrf52832",
feature = "nrf52833",
feature = "nrf52840",
feature = "nrf5340-app",
feature = "nrf5340-net",
feature = "nrf9160",
compile_error!("No chip feature activated. You must activate exactly one of the following features: nrf52810, nrf52811, nrf52832, nrf52833, nrf52840");
// This mod MUST go first, so that the others see its macros.
pub(crate) mod fmt;
pub(crate) mod util;
#[cfg(feature = "_time-driver")]
mod time_driver;
pub mod buffered_uarte;
pub mod gpio;
#[cfg(feature = "gpiote")]
pub mod gpiote;
#[cfg(not(feature = "nrf9160"))]
pub mod nvmc;
pub mod interconnect;
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "nrf52805", feature = "nrf52820")))]
pub mod pwm;
#[cfg(feature = "nrf52840")]
pub mod qspi;
#[cfg(not(feature = "nrf9160"))]
pub mod rng;
#[cfg(not(feature = "nrf52820"))]
pub mod saadc;
pub mod spim;
#[cfg(not(feature = "nrf9160"))]
pub mod temp;
pub mod timer;
pub mod twim;
pub mod uarte;
pub mod wdt;
// This mod MUST go last, so that it sees all the `impl_foo!` macros
#[cfg(feature = "nrf52805")]
#[path = "chips/nrf52805.rs"]
mod chip;
#[cfg(feature = "nrf52810")]
#[path = "chips/nrf52810.rs"]
mod chip;
#[cfg(feature = "nrf52811")]
#[path = "chips/nrf52811.rs"]
mod chip;
#[cfg(feature = "nrf52820")]
#[path = "chips/nrf52820.rs"]
mod chip;
#[cfg(feature = "nrf52832")]
#[path = "chips/nrf52832.rs"]
mod chip;
#[cfg(feature = "nrf52833")]
#[path = "chips/nrf52833.rs"]
mod chip;
#[cfg(feature = "nrf52840")]
#[path = "chips/nrf52840.rs"]
mod chip;
#[cfg(feature = "nrf9160")]
#[path = "chips/nrf9160.rs"]
mod chip;
pub use chip::EASY_DMA_SIZE;
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-pac")]
pub use chip::pac;
#[cfg(not(feature = "unstable-pac"))]
pub(crate) use chip::pac;
use crate::pac::CLOCK;
pub use chip::{peripherals, Peripherals};
pub mod interrupt {
pub use crate::chip::irqs::*;
pub use cortex_m::interrupt::{CriticalSection, Mutex};
pub use embassy::interrupt::{declare, take, Interrupt};
pub use embassy_hal_common::interrupt::Priority3 as Priority;
pub use embassy_macros::interrupt;
pub mod config {
pub enum HfclkSource {
pub enum LfclkSource {
#[cfg(not(feature = "nrf9160"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "nrf9160"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "nrf9160"))]
pub struct Config {
pub hfclk_source: HfclkSource,
pub lfclk_source: LfclkSource,
#[cfg(feature = "gpiote")]
pub gpiote_interrupt_priority: crate::interrupt::Priority,
#[cfg(feature = "_time-driver")]
pub time_interrupt_priority: crate::interrupt::Priority,
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
// There are hobby nrf52 boards out there without external XTALs...
// Default everything to internal so it Just Works. User can enable external
// xtals if they know they have them.
hfclk_source: HfclkSource::Internal,
lfclk_source: LfclkSource::InternalRC,
#[cfg(feature = "gpiote")]
gpiote_interrupt_priority: crate::interrupt::Priority::P0,
#[cfg(feature = "_time-driver")]
time_interrupt_priority: crate::interrupt::Priority::P0,
pub fn init(config: config::Config) -> Peripherals {
// Do this first, so that it panics if user is calling `init` a second time
// before doing anything important.
let peripherals = Peripherals::take();
let r = unsafe { &*CLOCK::ptr() };
// Start HFCLK.
match config.hfclk_source {
config::HfclkSource::Internal => {}
config::HfclkSource::ExternalXtal => {
// Datasheet says this is likely to take 0.36ms
r.events_hfclkstarted.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(0) });
r.tasks_hfclkstart.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1) });
while r.events_hfclkstarted.read().bits() == 0 {}
// Configure LFCLK.
#[cfg(not(feature = "nrf9160"))]
match config.lfclk_source {
config::LfclkSource::InternalRC => r.lfclksrc.write(|w| w.src().rc()),
config::LfclkSource::Synthesized => r.lfclksrc.write(|w| w.src().synth()),
config::LfclkSource::ExternalXtal => r.lfclksrc.write(|w| w.src().xtal()),
config::LfclkSource::ExternalLowSwing => r.lfclksrc.write(|w| {
config::LfclkSource::ExternalFullSwing => r.lfclksrc.write(|w| {
#[cfg(feature = "nrf9160")]
match config.lfclk_source {
config::LfclkSource::InternalRC => r.lfclksrc.write(|w| w.src().lfrc()),
config::LfclkSource::ExternalXtal => r.lfclksrc.write(|w| w.src().lfxo()),
// Start LFCLK.
// Datasheet says this could take 100us from synth source
// 600us from rc source, 0.25s from an external source.
r.events_lfclkstarted.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(0) });
r.tasks_lfclkstart.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1) });
while r.events_lfclkstarted.read().bits() == 0 {}
// Init GPIOTE
#[cfg(feature = "gpiote")]
// init RTC time driver
#[cfg(feature = "_time-driver")]