477 lines
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477 lines
16 KiB
use core::{mem, slice};
use super::opcodes::OpcodeM4ToM0;
use super::typedefs::{
AddressMode, Capabilities, DisassociationReason, GtsCharacteristics, KeyIdMode, MacAddress, MacChannel, MacStatus,
PanId, PibId, ScanType, SecurityLevel,
pub trait MacCommand: Sized {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0;
fn payload<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8] {
unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(self as *const _ as *const u8, mem::size_of::<Self>()) }
/// MLME ASSOCIATE Request used to request an association
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct AssociateRequest {
/// the logical channel on which to attempt association
pub channel_number: MacChannel,
/// the channel page on which to attempt association
pub channel_page: u8,
/// coordinator addressing mode
pub coord_addr_mode: AddressMode,
/// operational capabilities of the associating device
pub capability_information: Capabilities,
/// the identifier of the PAN with which to associate
pub coord_pan_id: PanId,
/// the security level to be used
pub security_level: SecurityLevel,
/// the mode used to identify the key to be used
pub key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
/// the originator of the key to be used
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
/// Coordinator address
pub coord_address: MacAddress,
/// the index of the key to be used
pub key_index: u8,
impl MacCommand for AssociateRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeAssociateReq;
/// MLME DISASSOCIATE Request sed to request a disassociation
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct DisassociateRequest {
/// device addressing mode used
pub device_addr_mode: AddressMode,
/// the identifier of the PAN of the device
pub device_pan_id: PanId,
/// the reason for the disassociation
pub disassociation_reason: DisassociationReason,
/// device address
pub device_address: MacAddress,
/// `true` if the disassociation notification command is to be sent indirectly
pub tx_indirect: bool,
/// the security level to be used
pub security_level: SecurityLevel,
/// the mode to be used to indetify the key to be used
pub key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
/// the index of the key to be used
pub key_index: u8,
/// the originator of the key to be used
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
impl MacCommand for DisassociateRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeDisassociateReq;
/// MLME GET Request used to request a PIB value
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct GetRequest {
/// the name of the PIB attribute to read
pub pib_attribute: PibId,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
pub a_stuffing: [u8; 3],
impl MacCommand for GetRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeGetReq;
/// MLME GTS Request used to request and maintain GTSs
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct GtsRequest {
/// the characteristics of the GTS
pub characteristics: GtsCharacteristics,
/// the security level to be used
pub security_level: SecurityLevel,
/// the mode used to identify the key to be used
pub key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
/// the index of the key to be used
pub key_index: u8,
/// the originator of the key to be used
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
impl MacCommand for GtsRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeGetReq;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct ResetRequest {
/// MAC PIB attributes are set to their default values or not during reset
pub set_default_pib: bool,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
pub a_stuffing: [u8; 3],
impl MacCommand for ResetRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeResetReq;
/// MLME RX ENABLE Request used to request that the receiver is either enabled
/// for a finite period of time or disabled
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct RxEnableRequest {
/// the request operation can be deferred or not
pub defer_permit: bool,
/// configure the transceiver to RX with ranging for a value of
/// RANGING_ON or to not enable ranging for RANGING_OFF
pub ranging_rx_control: u8,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
pub a_stuffing: [u8; 2],
/// number of symbols measured before the receiver is to be enabled or disabled
pub rx_on_time: [u8; 4],
/// number of symbols for which the receiver is to be enabled
pub rx_on_duration: [u8; 4],
impl MacCommand for RxEnableRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeRxEnableReq;
/// MLME SCAN Request used to initiate a channel scan over a given list of channels
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct ScanRequest {
/// the type of scan to be performed
pub scan_type: ScanType,
/// the time spent on scanning each channel
pub scan_duration: u8,
/// channel page on which to perform the scan
pub channel_page: u8,
/// security level to be used
pub security_level: SecurityLevel,
/// indicate which channels are to be scanned
pub scan_channels: [u8; 4],
/// originator the key to be used
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
/// mode used to identify the key to be used
pub key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
/// index of the key to be used
pub key_index: u8,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
pub a_stuffing: [u8; 2],
impl MacCommand for ScanRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeScanReq;
/// MLME SET Request used to attempt to write the given value to the indicated PIB attribute
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct SetRequest {
/// the pointer to the value of the PIB attribute to set
pub pib_attribute_ptr: *const u8,
/// the name of the PIB attribute to set
pub pib_attribute: PibId,
impl MacCommand for SetRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeSetReq;
/// MLME START Request used by the FFDs to intiate a new PAN or to begin using a new superframe
/// configuration
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct StartRequest {
/// PAN indentifier to used by the device
pub pan_id: PanId,
/// logical channel on which to begin
pub channel_number: MacChannel,
/// channel page on which to begin
pub channel_page: u8,
/// time at which to begin transmitting beacons
pub start_time: [u8; 4],
/// indicated how often the beacon is to be transmitted
pub beacon_order: u8,
/// length of the active portion of the superframe
pub superframe_order: u8,
/// indicated wheter the device is a PAN coordinator or not
pub pan_coordinator: bool,
/// indicates if the receiver of the beaconing device is disabled or not
pub battery_life_extension: bool,
/// indicated if the coordinator realignment command is to be trasmitted
pub coord_realignment: u8,
/// indicated if the coordinator realignment command is to be trasmitted
pub coord_realign_security_level: SecurityLevel,
/// index of the key to be used
pub coord_realign_key_id_index: u8,
/// originator of the key to be used
pub coord_realign_key_source: [u8; 8],
/// security level to be used for beacon frames
pub beacon_security_level: SecurityLevel,
/// mode used to identify the key to be used
pub beacon_key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
/// index of the key to be used
pub beacon_key_index: u8,
/// originator of the key to be used
pub beacon_key_source: [u8; 8],
impl MacCommand for StartRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeStartReq;
/// MLME SYNC Request used to synchronize with the coordinator by acquiring and, if
/// specified, tracking its beacons
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct SyncRequest {
/// the channel number on which to attempt coordinator synchronization
pub channel_number: MacChannel,
/// the channel page on which to attempt coordinator synchronization
pub channel_page: u8,
/// `true` if the MLME is to synchronize with the next beacon and attempts
/// to track all future beacons.
/// `false` if the MLME is to synchronize with only the next beacon
pub track_beacon: bool,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
pub a_stuffing: [u8; 1],
impl MacCommand for SyncRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeSyncReq;
/// MLME POLL Request propmts the device to request data from the coordinator
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct PollRequest {
/// addressing mode of the coordinator
pub coord_addr_mode: AddressMode,
/// security level to be used
pub security_level: SecurityLevel,
/// mode used to identify the key to be used
pub key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
/// index of the key to be used
pub key_index: u8,
/// coordinator address
pub coord_address: MacAddress,
/// originator of the key to be used
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
/// PAN identifier of the coordinator
pub coord_pan_id: PanId,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
pub a_stuffing: [u8; 2],
impl MacCommand for PollRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmePollReq;
/// MLME DPS Request allows the next higher layer to request that the PHY utilize a
/// given pair of preamble codes for a single use pending expiration of the DPSIndexDuration
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct DpsRequest {
/// the index value for the transmitter
tx_dps_index: u8,
/// the index value of the receiver
rx_dps_index: u8,
/// the number of symbols for which the transmitter and receiver will utilize the
/// respective DPS indices
dps_index_duration: u8,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
pub a_stuffing: [u8; 1],
impl MacCommand for DpsRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeDpsReq;
/// MLME SOUNDING request primitive which is used by the next higher layer to request that
/// the PHY respond with channel sounding information
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct SoundingRequest {
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
pub a_stuffing: [u8; 4],
impl MacCommand for SoundingRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeSoundingReq;
/// MLME CALIBRATE request primitive which used to obtain the results of a ranging
/// calibration request from an RDEV
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct CalibrateRequest {
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
pub a_stuffing: [u8; 4],
impl MacCommand for CalibrateRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeCalibrateReq;
/// MCPS DATA Request used for MAC data related requests from the application
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct DataRequest {
/// the handle assocated with the MSDU to be transmitted
pub msdu_ptr: *const u8,
/// source addressing mode used
pub src_addr_mode: AddressMode,
/// destination addressing mode used
pub dst_addr_mode: AddressMode,
/// destination PAN Id
pub dst_pan_id: PanId,
/// destination address
pub dst_address: MacAddress,
/// the number of octets contained in the MSDU
pub msdu_length: u8,
/// the handle assocated with the MSDU to be transmitted
pub msdu_handle: u8,
/// the ACK transmittion options for the MSDU
pub ack_tx: u8,
/// `true` if a GTS is to be used for transmission
/// `false` indicates that the CAP will be used
pub gts_tx: bool,
/// the pending bit transmission options for the MSDU
pub indirect_tx: u8,
/// the security level to be used
pub security_level: SecurityLevel,
/// the mode used to indentify the key to be used
pub key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
/// the index of the key to be used
pub key_index: u8,
/// the originator of the key to be used
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
/// 2011 - the pulse repitition value
pub uwbprf: u8,
/// 2011 - the ranging configuration
pub ranging: u8,
/// 2011 - the preamble symbol repititions
pub uwb_preamble_symbol_repetitions: u8,
/// 2011 - indicates the data rate
pub datrate: u8,
impl DataRequest {
pub fn set_buffer<'a>(&'a mut self, buf: &'a [u8]) -> &mut Self {
self.msdu_ptr = buf as *const _ as *const u8;
self.msdu_length = buf.len() as u8;
impl Default for DataRequest {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
msdu_ptr: 0 as *const u8,
src_addr_mode: AddressMode::NoAddress,
dst_addr_mode: AddressMode::NoAddress,
dst_pan_id: PanId([0, 0]),
dst_address: MacAddress { short: [0, 0] },
msdu_length: 0,
msdu_handle: 0,
ack_tx: 0,
gts_tx: false,
indirect_tx: 0,
security_level: SecurityLevel::Unsecure,
key_id_mode: KeyIdMode::Implicite,
key_index: 0,
key_source: [0u8; 8],
uwbprf: 0,
ranging: 0,
uwb_preamble_symbol_repetitions: 0,
datrate: 0,
impl MacCommand for DataRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::McpsDataReq;
/// for MCPS PURGE Request used to purge an MSDU from the transaction queue
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct PurgeRequest {
/// the handle associated with the MSDU to be purged from the transaction
/// queue
pub msdu_handle: u8,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
pub a_stuffing: [u8; 3],
impl MacCommand for PurgeRequest {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::McpsPurgeReq;
/// MLME ASSOCIATE Response used to initiate a response to an MLME-ASSOCIATE.indication
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct AssociateResponse {
/// extended address of the device requesting association
pub device_address: [u8; 8],
/// 16-bitshort device address allocated by the coordinator on successful
/// association
pub assoc_short_address: [u8; 2],
/// status of the association attempt
pub status: MacStatus,
/// security level to be used
pub security_level: SecurityLevel,
/// the originator of the key to be used
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
/// the mode used to identify the key to be used
pub key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
/// the index of the key to be used
pub key_index: u8,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
pub a_stuffing: [u8; 2],
impl MacCommand for AssociateResponse {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeAssociateRes;
/// MLME ORPHAN Response used to respond to the MLME ORPHAN Indication
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct OrphanResponse {
/// extended address of the orphaned device
pub orphan_address: [u8; 8],
/// short address allocated to the orphaned device
pub short_address: [u8; 2],
/// if the orphaned device is associated with coordinator or not
pub associated_member: bool,
/// security level to be used
pub security_level: SecurityLevel,
/// the originator of the key to be used
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
/// the mode used to identify the key to be used
pub key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
/// the index of the key to be used
pub key_index: u8,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
pub a_stuffing: [u8; 2],
impl MacCommand for OrphanResponse {
const OPCODE: OpcodeM4ToM0 = OpcodeM4ToM0::MlmeOrphanRes;