It currently contains whoever was first to write some code for the crate, even if many more people have contributed to it later. The field is "sort of" deprecated, it was made optional recently: Due the the reasons listed there I believe removing it is better than setting it to generic fluff like "The Embassy contributors".
Examples using bootloader
Example for nRF52 demonstrating the bootloader. The example consists of application binaries, 'a' which allows you to press a button to start the DFU process, and 'b' which is the updated application.
# Use bare metal linker script
cp memory-bl.x ../../../embassy-boot/nrf/memory.x
# Flash bootloader
cargo flash --manifest-path ../../../embassy-boot/nrf/Cargo.toml --features embassy-nrf/nrf52840 --release --chip nRF52840_xxAA
# Build 'b'
cargo build --release --bin b
# Generate binary for 'b'
cargo objcopy --release --bin b -- -O binary b.bin
Flash a
(which includes b.bin)
cargo flash --release --bin a --chip nRF52840_xxAA