This refactoring of the chip specific bootloader creates the internal boot instance and aligned buffer in the prepare stage, so that they are automatically dropped after. This unlocks a use case where peripherals owning the flash need to be Drop'ed before load() happens.
43 lines
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43 lines
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#![doc = include_str!("../")]
mod fmt;
pub use embassy_boot::{
AlignedBuffer, BlockingFirmwareState, BlockingFirmwareUpdater, BootLoaderConfig, FirmwareUpdaterConfig, State,
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
pub use embassy_boot::{FirmwareState, FirmwareUpdater};
use embedded_storage::nor_flash::NorFlash;
/// A bootloader for STM32 devices.
pub struct BootLoader;
impl BootLoader {
/// Inspect the bootloader state and perform actions required before booting, such as swapping firmware
pub fn prepare<ACTIVE: NorFlash, DFU: NorFlash, STATE: NorFlash, const BUFFER_SIZE: usize>(
config: BootLoaderConfig<ACTIVE, DFU, STATE>,
) -> Self {
let mut aligned_buf = AlignedBuffer([0; BUFFER_SIZE]);
let mut boot = embassy_boot::BootLoader::new(config);
boot.prepare_boot(aligned_buf.as_mut()).expect("Boot prepare error");
/// Boots the application.
/// # Safety
/// This modifies the stack pointer and reset vector and will run code placed in the active partition.
pub unsafe fn load(self, start: u32) -> ! {
trace!("Loading app at 0x{:x}", start);
let mut p = cortex_m::Peripherals::steal();
cortex_m::asm::bootload(start as *const u32)