Examples for the rp2040 WIZnet W5500-EVB-Pico
Examples are written for the WIZnet W5500-EVB-Pico
cargo install probe-rs-cli
TCP server example
cargo run --bin tcp-server --release
This example implements a TCP echo server on port 1234 and using DHCP. Send it some data, you should see it echoed back and printed in the console.
Multi-socket example
cargo run --bin multisocket --release
This example shows how you can allow multiple simultaneous TCP connections, by having multiple sockets listening on the same port.
TCP client example
cargo run --bin tcp-client --release
This example implements a TCP client that attempts to connect to a host on port 1234 and send it some data once per second.
UDP server example
cargo run --bin udp --release
This example implements a UDP server listening on port 1234 and echoing back the data.