doing this setup work repeatedly, on every wait, is unnecessary. with nothing ever disabling the interrupt it is sufficient to enable it once during device init and never touch it again.
308 lines
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308 lines
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//! Multicore support
//! This module handles setup of the 2nd cpu core on the rp2040, which we refer to as core1.
//! It provides functionality for setting up the stack, and starting core1.
//! The entrypoint for core1 can be any function that never returns, including closures.
//! Enable the `critical-section-impl` feature in embassy-rp when sharing data across cores using
//! the `embassy-sync` primitives and `CriticalSectionRawMutex`.
//! # Usage
//! ```no_run
//! static mut CORE1_STACK: Stack<4096> = Stack::new();
//! static EXECUTOR0: StaticCell<Executor> = StaticCell::new();
//! static EXECUTOR1: StaticCell<Executor> = StaticCell::new();
//! #[cortex_m_rt::entry]
//! fn main() -> ! {
//! let p = embassy_rp::init(Default::default());
//! spawn_core1(p.CORE1, unsafe { &mut CORE1_STACK }, move || {
//! let executor1 = EXECUTOR1.init(Executor::new());
//! executor1.run(|spawner| unwrap!(spawner.spawn(core1_task())));
//! });
//! let executor0 = EXECUTOR0.init(Executor::new());
//! executor0.run(|spawner| unwrap!(spawner.spawn(core0_task())));
//! }
//! ```
use core::mem::ManuallyDrop;
use core::sync::atomic::{compiler_fence, AtomicBool, Ordering};
use crate::interrupt::{Interrupt, InterruptExt};
use crate::peripherals::CORE1;
use crate::{gpio, interrupt, pac};
const PAUSE_TOKEN: u32 = 0xDEADBEEF;
const RESUME_TOKEN: u32 = !0xDEADBEEF;
static IS_CORE1_INIT: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
fn install_stack_guard(stack_bottom: *mut usize) {
let core = unsafe { cortex_m::Peripherals::steal() };
// Trap if MPU is already configured
if core.MPU.ctrl.read() != 0 {
// The minimum we can protect is 32 bytes on a 32 byte boundary, so round up which will
// just shorten the valid stack range a tad.
let addr = (stack_bottom as u32 + 31) & !31;
// Mask is 1 bit per 32 bytes of the 256 byte range... clear the bit for the segment we want
let subregion_select = 0xff ^ (1 << ((addr >> 5) & 7));
unsafe {
core.MPU.ctrl.write(5); // enable mpu with background default map
core.MPU.rbar.write((addr & !0xff) | 0x8);
1 // enable region
| (0x7 << 1) // size 2^(7 + 1) = 256
| (subregion_select << 8)
| 0x10000000, // XN = disable instruction fetch; no other bits means no permissions
fn core1_setup(stack_bottom: *mut usize) {
unsafe {
/// Data type for a properly aligned stack of N bytes
#[repr(C, align(32))]
pub struct Stack<const SIZE: usize> {
/// Memory to be used for the stack
pub mem: [u8; SIZE],
impl<const SIZE: usize> Stack<SIZE> {
/// Construct a stack of length SIZE, initialized to 0
pub const fn new() -> Stack<SIZE> {
Stack { mem: [0_u8; SIZE] }
#[link_section = ".data.ram_func"]
unsafe fn SIO_IRQ_PROC1() {
let sio = pac::SIO;
// Clear IRQ
sio.fifo().st().write(|w| w.set_wof(false));
while sio.fifo().st().read().vld() {
// Pause CORE1 execution and disable interrupts
if fifo_read_wfe() == PAUSE_TOKEN {
// Signal to CORE0 that execution is paused
// Wait for `resume` signal from CORE0
while fifo_read_wfe() != RESUME_TOKEN {
// Signal to CORE0 that execution is resumed
/// Spawn a function on this core
pub fn spawn_core1<F, const SIZE: usize>(_core1: CORE1, stack: &'static mut Stack<SIZE>, entry: F)
F: FnOnce() -> bad::Never + Send + 'static,
// The first two ignored `u64` parameters are there to take up all of the registers,
// which means that the rest of the arguments are taken from the stack,
// where we're able to put them from core 0.
extern "C" fn core1_startup<F: FnOnce() -> bad::Never>(
_: u64,
_: u64,
entry: &mut ManuallyDrop<F>,
stack_bottom: *mut usize,
) -> ! {
let entry = unsafe { ManuallyDrop::take(entry) };
// Signal that it's safe for core 0 to get rid of the original value now.
IS_CORE1_INIT.store(true, Ordering::Release);
// Enable fifo interrupt on CORE1 for `pause` functionality.
let irq = unsafe { interrupt::SIO_IRQ_PROC1::steal() };
// Reset the core
unsafe {
let psm = pac::PSM;
psm.frce_off().modify(|w| w.set_proc1(true));
while !psm.frce_off().read().proc1() {
psm.frce_off().modify(|w| w.set_proc1(false));
let mem = unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(stack.mem.as_mut_ptr() as *mut usize, stack.mem.len() / 4) };
// Set up the stack
let mut stack_ptr = unsafe { mem.as_mut_ptr().add(mem.len()) };
// We don't want to drop this, since it's getting moved to the other core.
let mut entry = ManuallyDrop::new(entry);
// Push the arguments to `core1_startup` onto the stack.
unsafe {
// Push `stack_bottom`.
stack_ptr = stack_ptr.sub(1);
stack_ptr.cast::<*mut usize>().write(mem.as_mut_ptr());
// Push `entry`.
stack_ptr = stack_ptr.sub(1);
stack_ptr.cast::<&mut ManuallyDrop<F>>().write(&mut entry);
// Make sure the compiler does not reorder the stack writes after to after the
// below FIFO writes, which would result in them not being seen by the second
// core.
// From the compiler perspective, this doesn't guarantee that the second core
// actually sees those writes. However, we know that the RP2040 doesn't have
// memory caches, and writes happen in-order.
let p = unsafe { cortex_m::Peripherals::steal() };
let vector_table = p.SCB.vtor.read();
// After reset, core 1 is waiting to receive commands over FIFO.
// This is the sequence to have it jump to some code.
let cmd_seq = [
vector_table as usize,
stack_ptr as usize,
core1_startup::<F> as usize,
let mut seq = 0;
let mut fails = 0;
loop {
let cmd = cmd_seq[seq] as u32;
if cmd == 0 {
let response = fifo_read();
if cmd == response {
seq += 1;
} else {
seq = 0;
fails += 1;
if fails > 16 {
// The second core isn't responding, and isn't going to take the entrypoint
panic!("CORE1 not responding");
if seq >= cmd_seq.len() {
// Wait until the other core has copied `entry` before returning.
/// Pause execution on CORE1.
pub fn pause_core1() {
if IS_CORE1_INIT.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
// Wait for CORE1 to signal it has paused execution.
while fifo_read() != PAUSE_TOKEN {}
/// Resume CORE1 execution.
pub fn resume_core1() {
if IS_CORE1_INIT.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
// Wait for CORE1 to signal it has resumed execution.
while fifo_read() != RESUME_TOKEN {}
// Push a value to the inter-core FIFO, block until space is available
fn fifo_write(value: u32) {
unsafe {
let sio = pac::SIO;
// Wait for the FIFO to have enough space
while !sio.fifo().st().read().rdy() {
// Fire off an event to the other core.
// This is required as the other core may be `wfe` (waiting for event)
// Pop a value from inter-core FIFO, block until available
fn fifo_read() -> u32 {
unsafe {
let sio = pac::SIO;
// Wait until FIFO has data
while !sio.fifo().st().read().vld() {
// Pop a value from inter-core FIFO, `wfe` until available
fn fifo_read_wfe() -> u32 {
unsafe {
let sio = pac::SIO;
// Wait until FIFO has data
while !sio.fifo().st().read().vld() {
// Drain inter-core FIFO
fn fifo_drain() {
unsafe {
let sio = pac::SIO;
while sio.fifo().st().read().vld() {
let _ = sio.fifo().rd().read();
// https://github.com/nvzqz/bad-rs/blob/master/src/never.rs
mod bad {
pub(crate) type Never = <F as HasOutput>::Output;
pub trait HasOutput {
type Output;
impl<O> HasOutput for fn() -> O {
type Output = O;
type F = fn() -> !;