pennae a10850a6da rp/pio: handle all pio irqs in one handler
dma does this too, also with 12 bits to check. this decreases code size
significantly (increasing speed when the cache is cold), frees up an
interrupt handler, and avoids read-modify-write cycles (which makes each
processed flag cheaper). due to more iterations per handler invocation
the actual runtime of the handler body remains roughly the
same (slightly faster at O2, slightly slower at Oz).

notably wakers are now kept in one large array indexed by the irq
register bit number instead of three different arrays, this allows for
machine code-level optimizations of waker lookups.
2023-05-01 12:53:32 +02:00

1217 lines
34 KiB

use core::future::Future;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::pin::Pin as FuturePin;
use core::sync::atomic::{compiler_fence, Ordering};
use core::task::{Context, Poll};
use embassy_cortex_m::interrupt::{Interrupt, InterruptExt};
use embassy_hal_common::PeripheralRef;
use embassy_sync::waitqueue::AtomicWaker;
use crate::dma::{self, Channel, Transfer};
use crate::gpio::sealed::Pin as SealedPin;
use crate::gpio::{Drive, Pin, Pull, SlewRate};
use crate::pac::dma::vals::{DataSize, TreqSel};
use crate::{interrupt, pac, peripherals, RegExt};
struct Wakers([AtomicWaker; 12]);
impl Wakers {
fn fifo_in(&self) -> &[AtomicWaker] {
fn fifo_out(&self) -> &[AtomicWaker] {
fn irq(&self) -> &[AtomicWaker] {
const PIOS: [&pac::pio::Pio; 2] = [&pac::PIO0, &pac::PIO1];
const NEW_AW: AtomicWaker = AtomicWaker::new();
const PIO_WAKERS_INIT: Wakers = Wakers([NEW_AW; 12]);
static WAKERS: [Wakers; 2] = [PIO_WAKERS_INIT; 2];
pub enum FifoJoin {
/// Both TX and RX fifo is enabled
/// Rx fifo twice as deep. TX fifo disabled
/// Tx fifo twice as deep. RX fifo disabled
pub enum ShiftDirection {
Right = 1,
Left = 0,
const RXNEMPTY_MASK: u32 = 1 << 0;
const TXNFULL_MASK: u32 = 1 << 4;
const SMIRQ_MASK: u32 = 1 << 8;
unsafe fn PIO0_IRQ_0() {
use crate::pac;
let ints = pac::PIO0.irqs(0).ints().read().0;
for bit in 0..12 {
if ints & (1 << bit) != 0 {
pac::PIO0.irqs(0).inte().write_clear(|m| m.0 = ints);
unsafe fn PIO1_IRQ_0() {
use crate::pac;
let ints = pac::PIO1.irqs(0).ints().read().0;
for bit in 0..12 {
if ints & (1 << bit) != 0 {
pac::PIO1.irqs(0).inte().write_clear(|m| m.0 = ints);
/// Future that waits for TX-FIFO to become writable
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
pub struct FifoOutFuture<'a, PIO: PioInstance, SM: PioStateMachine + Unpin> {
sm: &'a mut SM,
pio: PhantomData<PIO>,
value: u32,
impl<'a, PIO: PioInstance, SM: PioStateMachine + Unpin> FifoOutFuture<'a, PIO, SM> {
pub fn new(sm: &'a mut SM, value: u32) -> Self {
unsafe {
critical_section::with(|_| {
let irq = PIO::Irq::steal();
FifoOutFuture {
pio: PhantomData::default(),
impl<'d, PIO: PioInstance, SM: PioStateMachine + Unpin> Future for FifoOutFuture<'d, PIO, SM> {
type Output = ();
fn poll(self: FuturePin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
//debug!("Poll {},{}", PIO::PIO_NO, SM);
let value = self.value;
if self.get_mut().sm.try_push_tx(value) {
} else {
WAKERS[PIO::PIO_NO as usize].fifo_out()[SM::Sm::SM_NO as usize].register(cx.waker());
unsafe {
let irq = PIO::Irq::steal();
critical_section::with(|_| {
PIOS[PIO::PIO_NO as usize].irqs(0).inte().modify(|m| {
m.0 |= TXNFULL_MASK << SM::Sm::SM_NO;
// debug!("Pending");
impl<'d, PIO: PioInstance, SM: PioStateMachine + Unpin> Drop for FifoOutFuture<'d, PIO, SM> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
critical_section::with(|_| {
PIOS[PIO::PIO_NO as usize].irqs(0).inte().modify(|m| {
m.0 &= !(TXNFULL_MASK << SM::Sm::SM_NO);
/// Future that waits for RX-FIFO to become readable
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
pub struct FifoInFuture<'a, PIO: PioInstance, SM: PioStateMachine> {
sm: &'a mut SM,
pio: PhantomData<PIO>,
impl<'a, PIO: PioInstance, SM: PioStateMachine> FifoInFuture<'a, PIO, SM> {
pub fn new(sm: &'a mut SM) -> Self {
unsafe {
critical_section::with(|_| {
let irq = PIO::Irq::steal();
FifoInFuture {
pio: PhantomData::default(),
impl<'d, PIO: PioInstance, SM: PioStateMachine> Future for FifoInFuture<'d, PIO, SM> {
type Output = u32;
fn poll(mut self: FuturePin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
//debug!("Poll {},{}", PIO::PIO_NO, SM);
if let Some(v) = self.sm.try_pull_rx() {
} else {
WAKERS[PIO::PIO_NO as usize].fifo_in()[SM::Sm::SM_NO as usize].register(cx.waker());
unsafe {
let irq = PIO::Irq::steal();
critical_section::with(|_| {
PIOS[PIO::PIO_NO as usize].irqs(0).inte().modify(|m| {
m.0 |= RXNEMPTY_MASK << SM::Sm::SM_NO;
impl<'d, PIO: PioInstance, SM: PioStateMachine> Drop for FifoInFuture<'d, PIO, SM> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
critical_section::with(|_| {
PIOS[PIO::PIO_NO as usize].irqs(0).inte().modify(|m| {
m.0 &= !(RXNEMPTY_MASK << SM::Sm::SM_NO);
/// Future that waits for IRQ
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
pub struct IrqFuture<PIO: PioInstance> {
pio: PhantomData<PIO>,
irq_no: u8,
impl<'a, PIO: PioInstance> IrqFuture<PIO> {
pub fn new(irq_no: u8) -> Self {
unsafe {
critical_section::with(|_| {
let irq = PIO::Irq::steal();
IrqFuture {
pio: PhantomData::default(),
impl<'d, PIO: PioInstance> Future for IrqFuture<PIO> {
type Output = ();
fn poll(self: FuturePin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
//debug!("Poll {},{}", PIO::PIO_NO, SM);
// Check if IRQ flag is already set
if critical_section::with(|_| unsafe {
let irq_flags = PIOS[PIO::PIO_NO as usize].irq();
if irq_flags.read().0 & (1 << self.irq_no) != 0 {
irq_flags.write(|m| {
m.0 = 1 << self.irq_no;
} else {
}) {
return Poll::Ready(());
WAKERS[PIO::PIO_NO as usize].irq()[self.irq_no as usize].register(cx.waker());
unsafe {
let irq = PIO::Irq::steal();
critical_section::with(|_| {
PIOS[PIO::PIO_NO as usize].irqs(0).inte().modify(|m| {
m.0 |= SMIRQ_MASK << self.irq_no;
impl<'d, PIO: PioInstance> Drop for IrqFuture<PIO> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
critical_section::with(|_| {
PIOS[PIO::PIO_NO as usize].irqs(0).inte().modify(|m| {
m.0 &= !(SMIRQ_MASK << self.irq_no);
pub struct PioPin<PIO: PioInstance> {
pin_bank: u8,
pio: PhantomData<PIO>,
impl<PIO: PioInstance> PioPin<PIO> {
/// Set the pin's drive strength.
pub fn set_drive_strength(&mut self, strength: Drive) {
unsafe {
self.pad_ctrl().modify(|w| {
w.set_drive(match strength {
Drive::_2mA => pac::pads::vals::Drive::_2MA,
Drive::_4mA => pac::pads::vals::Drive::_4MA,
Drive::_8mA => pac::pads::vals::Drive::_8MA,
Drive::_12mA => pac::pads::vals::Drive::_12MA,
// Set the pin's slew rate.
pub fn set_slew_rate(&mut self, slew_rate: SlewRate) {
unsafe {
self.pad_ctrl().modify(|w| {
w.set_slewfast(slew_rate == SlewRate::Fast);
/// Set the pin's pull.
pub fn set_pull(&mut self, pull: Pull) {
unsafe {
self.pad_ctrl().modify(|w| match pull {
Pull::Up => w.set_pue(true),
Pull::Down => w.set_pde(true),
Pull::None => {}
/// Set the pin's pull.
pub fn set_schmitt(&mut self, enable: bool) {
unsafe {
self.pad_ctrl().modify(|w| {
pub fn set_input_sync_bypass<'a>(&mut self, bypass: bool) {
let mask = 1 << self.pin();
unsafe {
PIOS[PIO::PIO_NO as usize]
.modify(|w| *w = if bypass { *w & !mask } else { *w | mask });
pub fn pin(&self) -> u8 {
impl<PIO: PioInstance> SealedPin for PioPin<PIO> {
fn pin_bank(&self) -> u8 {
pub struct PioStateMachineInstance<PIO: PioInstance, SM: SmInstance> {
pio: PhantomData<PIO>,
sm: PhantomData<SM>,
impl<PIO: PioInstance, SM: SmInstance> PioStateMachine for PioStateMachineInstance<PIO, SM> {
type Pio = PIO;
type Sm = SM;
pub trait PioStateMachine: Sized + Unpin {
type Pio: PioInstance;
type Sm: SmInstance;
fn pio_no(&self) -> u8 {
let _ = self;
fn sm_no(&self) -> u8 {
fn restart(&mut self) {
let _ = self;
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.modify(|w| w.set_sm_restart(1u8 << Self::Sm::SM_NO));
fn set_enable(&mut self, enable: bool) {
let _ = self;
let mask = 1u8 << Self::Sm::SM_NO;
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.modify(|w| w.set_sm_enable((w.sm_enable() & !mask) | (if enable { mask } else { 0 })));
fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool {
let _ = self;
unsafe { PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].ctrl().read().sm_enable() & (1u8 << Self::Sm::SM_NO) != 0 }
fn is_tx_empty(&self) -> bool {
let _ = self;
unsafe { PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].fstat().read().txempty() & (1u8 << Self::Sm::SM_NO) != 0 }
fn is_tx_full(&self) -> bool {
let _ = self;
unsafe { PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].fstat().read().txfull() & (1u8 << Self::Sm::SM_NO) != 0 }
fn is_rx_empty(&self) -> bool {
let _ = self;
unsafe { PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].fstat().read().rxempty() & (1u8 << Self::Sm::SM_NO) != 0 }
fn is_rx_full(&self) -> bool {
let _ = self;
unsafe { PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].fstat().read().rxfull() & (1u8 << Self::Sm::SM_NO) != 0 }
fn tx_level(&self) -> u8 {
unsafe {
let flevel = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].flevel().read().0;
(flevel >> (Self::Sm::SM_NO * 8)) as u8 & 0x0f
fn rx_level(&self) -> u8 {
unsafe {
let flevel = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].flevel().read().0;
(flevel >> (Self::Sm::SM_NO * 8 + 4)) as u8 & 0x0f
fn push_tx(&mut self, v: u32) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.txf(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
fn try_push_tx(&mut self, v: u32) -> bool {
if self.is_tx_full() {
return false;
fn pull_rx(&mut self) -> u32 {
unsafe { PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].rxf(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize).read() }
fn try_pull_rx(&mut self) -> Option<u32> {
if self.is_rx_empty() {
return None;
fn set_clkdiv(&mut self, div_x_256: u32) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.write(|w| w.0 = div_x_256 << 8);
fn get_clkdiv(&self) -> u32 {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
>> 8
fn clkdiv_restart(&mut self) {
let _ = self;
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.modify(|w| w.set_clkdiv_restart(1u8 << Self::Sm::SM_NO));
fn set_side_enable(&self, enable: bool) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| w.set_side_en(enable));
fn is_side_enabled(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
fn set_side_pindir(&mut self, pindir: bool) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| w.set_side_pindir(pindir));
fn is_side_pindir(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
fn set_jmp_pin(&mut self, pin: u8) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| w.set_jmp_pin(pin));
fn get_jmp_pin(&mut self) -> u8 {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
fn set_wrap(&self, source: u8, target: u8) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| {
/// Get wrapping addresses. Returns (source, target).
fn get_wrap(&self) -> (u8, u8) {
unsafe {
let r = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
(r.wrap_top(), r.wrap_bottom())
fn set_fifo_join(&mut self, join: FifoJoin) {
let (rx, tx) = match join {
FifoJoin::Duplex => (false, false),
FifoJoin::RxOnly => (true, false),
FifoJoin::TxOnly => (false, true),
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| {
fn get_fifo_join(&self) -> FifoJoin {
unsafe {
let r = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
// Ignores the invalid state when both bits are set
if r.fjoin_rx() {
} else if r.fjoin_tx() {
} else {
fn clear_fifos(&mut self) {
// Toggle FJOIN_RX to flush FIFOs
unsafe {
let shiftctrl = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
shiftctrl.modify(|w| {
shiftctrl.modify(|w| {
fn set_pull_threshold(&mut self, threshold: u8) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| w.set_pull_thresh(threshold));
fn get_pull_threshold(&self) -> u8 {
unsafe {
let r = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
fn set_push_threshold(&mut self, threshold: u8) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| w.set_push_thresh(threshold));
fn get_push_threshold(&self) -> u8 {
unsafe {
let r = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
fn set_out_shift_dir(&mut self, dir: ShiftDirection) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| w.set_out_shiftdir(dir == ShiftDirection::Right));
fn get_out_shiftdir(&self) -> ShiftDirection {
unsafe {
if PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
} else {
fn set_in_shift_dir(&mut self, dir: ShiftDirection) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| w.set_in_shiftdir(dir == ShiftDirection::Right));
fn get_in_shiftdir(&self) -> ShiftDirection {
unsafe {
if PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
} else {
fn set_autopull(&mut self, auto: bool) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| w.set_autopull(auto));
fn is_autopull(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
fn set_autopush(&mut self, auto: bool) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| w.set_autopush(auto));
fn is_autopush(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
fn get_addr(&self) -> u8 {
unsafe {
let r = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
fn set_sideset_count(&mut self, count: u8) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| w.set_sideset_count(count));
fn get_sideset_count(&self) -> u8 {
unsafe {
let r = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
fn make_pio_pin(&self, pin: impl Pin) -> PioPin<Self::Pio> {
unsafe {
pin.io().ctrl().write(|w| {
if Self::Pio::PIO_NO == 1 {
} else {
// PIO == 0
PioPin {
pin_bank: pin.pin_bank(),
pio: PhantomData::default(),
fn set_sideset_base_pin(&mut self, base_pin: &PioPin<Self::Pio>) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| w.set_sideset_base(base_pin.pin()));
fn get_sideset_base(&self) -> u8 {
unsafe {
let r = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
/// Set the range of out pins affected by a set instruction.
fn set_set_range(&mut self, base: u8, count: u8) {
assert!(base + count < 32);
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| {
/// Get the range of out pins affected by a set instruction. Returns (base, count).
fn get_set_range(&self) -> (u8, u8) {
unsafe {
let r = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
(r.set_base(), r.set_count())
fn set_in_base_pin(&mut self, base: &PioPin<Self::Pio>) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| w.set_in_base(base.pin()));
fn get_in_base(&self) -> u8 {
unsafe {
let r = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
fn set_out_range(&mut self, base: u8, count: u8) {
assert!(base + count < 32);
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.modify(|w| {
/// Get the range of out pins affected by a set instruction. Returns (base, count).
fn get_out_range(&self) -> (u8, u8) {
unsafe {
let r = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
(r.out_base(), r.out_count())
fn set_out_pins<'a, 'b: 'a>(&'a mut self, pins: &'b [&PioPin<Self::Pio>]) {
let count = pins.len();
assert!(count >= 1);
let start = pins[0].pin() as usize;
assert!(start + pins.len() <= 32);
for i in 0..count {
assert!(pins[i].pin() as usize == start + i, "Pins must be sequential");
self.set_out_range(start as u8, count as u8);
fn set_set_pins<'a, 'b: 'a>(&'a mut self, pins: &'b [&PioPin<Self::Pio>]) {
let count = pins.len();
assert!(count >= 1);
let start = pins[0].pin() as usize;
assert!(start + pins.len() <= 32);
for i in 0..count {
assert!(pins[i].pin() as usize == start + i, "Pins must be sequential");
self.set_set_range(start as u8, count as u8);
fn get_current_instr() -> u32 {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
fn exec_instr(&mut self, instr: u16) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.sm(Self::Sm::SM_NO as usize)
.write(|w| w.set_instr(instr));
fn write_instr<I>(&mut self, start: usize, instrs: I)
I: Iterator<Item = u16>,
let _ = self;
fn is_irq_set(&self, irq_no: u8) -> bool {
assert!(irq_no < 8);
unsafe {
let irq_flags = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].irq();
irq_flags.read().0 & (1 << irq_no) != 0
fn clear_irq(&mut self, irq_no: usize) {
assert!(irq_no < 8);
unsafe { PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].irq().write(|w| w.set_irq(1 << irq_no)) }
fn wait_push<'a>(&'a mut self, value: u32) -> FifoOutFuture<'a, Self::Pio, Self> {
FifoOutFuture::new(self, value)
fn wait_pull<'a>(&'a mut self) -> FifoInFuture<'a, Self::Pio, Self> {
fn wait_irq(&self, irq_no: u8) -> IrqFuture<Self::Pio> {
fn has_tx_stalled(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
let fdebug = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].fdebug();
let ret = fdebug.read().txstall() & (1 << Self::Sm::SM_NO) != 0;
fdebug.write(|w| w.set_txstall(1 << Self::Sm::SM_NO));
fn has_tx_overflowed(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
let fdebug = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].fdebug();
let ret = fdebug.read().txover() & (1 << Self::Sm::SM_NO) != 0;
fdebug.write(|w| w.set_txover(1 << Self::Sm::SM_NO));
fn has_rx_stalled(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
let fdebug = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].fdebug();
let ret = fdebug.read().rxstall() & (1 << Self::Sm::SM_NO) != 0;
fdebug.write(|w| w.set_rxstall(1 << Self::Sm::SM_NO));
fn has_rx_underflowed(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
let fdebug = PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].fdebug();
let ret = fdebug.read().rxunder() & (1 << Self::Sm::SM_NO) != 0;
fdebug.write(|w| w.set_rxunder(1 << Self::Sm::SM_NO));
fn dma_push<'a, C: Channel>(&'a self, ch: PeripheralRef<'a, C>, data: &'a [u32]) -> Transfer<'a, C> {
unsafe {
let pio_no = Self::Pio::PIO_NO;
let sm_no = Self::Sm::SM_NO;
let p = ch.regs();
p.read_addr().write_value(data.as_ptr() as u32);
.write_value(PIOS[pio_no as usize].txf(sm_no as usize).ptr() as u32);
p.trans_count().write_value(data.len() as u32);
p.ctrl_trig().write(|w| {
// Set TX DREQ for this statemachine
w.set_treq_sel(TreqSel(pio_no * 8 + sm_no));
fn dma_pull<'a, C: Channel>(&'a self, ch: PeripheralRef<'a, C>, data: &'a mut [u32]) -> Transfer<'a, C> {
unsafe {
let pio_no = Self::Pio::PIO_NO;
let sm_no = Self::Sm::SM_NO;
let p = ch.regs();
p.write_addr().write_value(data.as_ptr() as u32);
.write_value(PIOS[pio_no as usize].rxf(sm_no as usize).ptr() as u32);
p.trans_count().write_value(data.len() as u32);
p.ctrl_trig().write(|w| {
// Set TX DREQ for this statemachine
w.set_treq_sel(TreqSel(pio_no * 8 + sm_no + 4));
This is a bit array containing 4 bits for every word in the PIO instruction memory.
// Bit 3-2
//const MEM_USE_MASK: u32 = 0b1100;
const MEM_NOT_USED: u32 = 0b0000;
const MEM_USED_BY_STATEMACHINE: u32 = 0b0100;
const MEM_USED_BY_COMMON: u32 = 0b1000;
// Bit 1-0 is the number of the state machine
//const MEM_STATE_MASK: u32 = 0b0011;
// Should use mutex if running on multiple cores
static mut INSTR_MEM_STATUS: &'static mut [[u32; 4]; 2] = &mut [[0; 4]; 2];
fn instr_mem_get_status(pio_no: u8, addr: u8) -> u32 {
((unsafe { INSTR_MEM_STATUS[pio_no as usize][(addr >> 3) as usize] }) >> ((addr & 0x07) * 4)) & 0xf
fn instr_mem_set_status(pio_no: u8, addr: u8, status: u32) {
let w = unsafe { &mut INSTR_MEM_STATUS[pio_no as usize][(addr >> 3) as usize] };
let shift = (addr & 0x07) * 4;
*w = (*w & !(0xf << shift)) | (status << shift);
fn instr_mem_is_free(pio_no: u8, addr: u8) -> bool {
instr_mem_get_status(pio_no, addr) == MEM_NOT_USED
pub struct PioCommonInstance<PIO: PioInstance> {
pio: PhantomData<PIO>,
impl<PIO: PioInstance> PioCommon for PioCommonInstance<PIO> {
type Pio = PIO;
fn write_instr<I>(pio_no: u8, start: usize, instrs: I, mem_user: u32)
I: Iterator<Item = u16>,
for (i, instr) in instrs.enumerate() {
let addr = (i + start) as u8;
instr_mem_is_free(pio_no, addr),
"Trying to write already used PIO instruction memory at {}",
unsafe {
PIOS[pio_no as usize].instr_mem(addr as usize).write(|w| {
instr_mem_set_status(pio_no, addr, mem_user);
pub trait PioCommon: Sized {
type Pio: PioInstance;
fn write_instr<I>(&mut self, start: usize, instrs: I)
I: Iterator<Item = u16>,
let _ = self;
write_instr(Self::Pio::PIO_NO, start, instrs, MEM_USED_BY_COMMON);
fn clear_irq(&mut self, irq_no: usize) {
assert!(irq_no < 8);
unsafe { PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].irq().write(|w| w.set_irq(1 << irq_no)) }
fn clear_irqs(&mut self, mask: u8) {
unsafe { PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].irq().write(|w| w.set_irq(mask)) }
fn force_irq(&mut self, irq_no: usize) {
assert!(irq_no < 8);
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.write(|w| w.set_irq_force(1 << irq_no))
fn set_input_sync_bypass<'a>(&'a mut self, bypass: u32, mask: u32) {
unsafe {
PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize]
.modify(|w| *w = (*w & !mask) | (bypass & mask));
fn get_input_sync_bypass(&self) -> u32 {
unsafe { PIOS[Self::Pio::PIO_NO as usize].input_sync_bypass().read() }
// Identifies a specific state machine inside a PIO device
pub struct SmInstanceBase<const SM_NO: u8> {}
pub trait SmInstance: Unpin {
const SM_NO: u8;
impl<const SM_NO: u8> SmInstance for SmInstanceBase<SM_NO> {
const SM_NO: u8 = SM_NO;
pub trait PioPeripheral: Sized {
type Pio: PioInstance;
fn pio(&self) -> u8 {
let _ = self;
fn split(
) -> (
PioStateMachineInstance<Self::Pio, SmInstanceBase<0>>,
PioStateMachineInstance<Self::Pio, SmInstanceBase<1>>,
PioStateMachineInstance<Self::Pio, SmInstanceBase<2>>,
PioStateMachineInstance<Self::Pio, SmInstanceBase<3>>,
) {
let _ = self;
PioCommonInstance {
pio: PhantomData::default(),
PioStateMachineInstance {
sm: PhantomData::default(),
pio: PhantomData::default(),
PioStateMachineInstance {
sm: PhantomData::default(),
pio: PhantomData::default(),
PioStateMachineInstance {
sm: PhantomData::default(),
pio: PhantomData::default(),
PioStateMachineInstance {
sm: PhantomData::default(),
pio: PhantomData::default(),
// Identifies a specific PIO device
pub struct PioInstanceBase<const PIO_NO: u8> {}
pub trait PioInstance: Unpin {
const PIO_NO: u8;
type Irq: Interrupt;
impl PioInstance for PioInstanceBase<0> {
const PIO_NO: u8 = 0;
type Irq = interrupt::PIO0_IRQ_0;
impl PioInstance for PioInstanceBase<1> {
const PIO_NO: u8 = 1;
type Irq = interrupt::PIO1_IRQ_0;
pub type Pio0 = PioInstanceBase<0>;
pub type Pio1 = PioInstanceBase<1>;
pub type Sm0 = SmInstanceBase<0>;
pub type Sm1 = SmInstanceBase<1>;
pub type Sm2 = SmInstanceBase<2>;
pub type Sm3 = SmInstanceBase<3>;
macro_rules! impl_pio_sm {
($name:ident, $pio:expr) => {
impl PioPeripheral for peripherals::$name {
type Pio = PioInstanceBase<$pio>;
impl_pio_sm!(PIO0, 0);
impl_pio_sm!(PIO1, 1);