Dario Nieuwenhuis 97ca0e77bf stm32: avoid creating many tiny critical sections in init.
Saves 292 bytes on stm32f0 bilnky with max optimizations (from 3132 to 2840).
2023-10-12 16:20:34 +02:00

131 lines
3.6 KiB

macro_rules! peripherals_definition {
($($(#[$cfg:meta])? $name:ident),*$(,)?) => {
/// Types for the peripheral singletons.
pub mod peripherals {
#[doc = concat!(stringify!($name), " peripheral")]
pub struct $name { _private: () }
impl $name {
/// Unsafely create an instance of this peripheral out of thin air.
/// # Safety
/// You must ensure that you're only using one instance of this type at a time.
pub unsafe fn steal() -> Self {
Self{ _private: ()}
macro_rules! peripherals_struct {
($($(#[$cfg:meta])? $name:ident),*$(,)?) => {
/// Struct containing all the peripheral singletons.
/// To obtain the peripherals, you must initialize the HAL, by calling [`crate::init`].
pub struct Peripherals {
#[doc = concat!(stringify!($name), " peripheral")]
pub $name: peripherals::$name,
impl Peripherals {
///Returns all the peripherals *once*
pub(crate) fn take() -> Self {
///Returns all the peripherals *once*
pub(crate) fn take_with_cs(_cs: critical_section::CriticalSection) -> Self {
static mut _EMBASSY_DEVICE_PERIPHERALS: bool = false;
// safety: OK because we're inside a CS.
unsafe {
panic!("init called more than once!")
impl Peripherals {
/// Unsafely create an instance of this peripheral out of thin air.
/// # Safety
/// You must ensure that you're only using one instance of this type at a time.
pub unsafe fn steal() -> Self {
Self {
$name: peripherals::$name::steal(),
macro_rules! peripherals {
($($(#[$cfg:meta])? $name:ident),*$(,)?) => {
macro_rules! into_ref {
($($name:ident),*) => {
let mut $name = $name.into_ref();
macro_rules! impl_peripheral {
($type:ident) => {
impl $crate::Peripheral for $type {
type P = $type;
unsafe fn clone_unchecked(&self) -> Self::P {
$type { ..*self }